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Homecoming [Village Entry] Empty Homecoming [Village Entry]

Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:25 pm
While You Read:

And finally the long trek had come to an end. 

It had been over a year since Sakaiza last stepped foot in his frozen homeland. 15 months actually. And the Wretched had felt every minute of it. When he first set out his intentions were to grow stronger, gain a deeper affinity with his heritage, and forge friendships along the way. Although he accomplished each one of those goals, he truly did much more. He learned what the absence of structure could do to a society. He discovered what impure intentions could drive the hungry to seek. He witnessed what evils existed in the world, and most importantly he overcame them. His journeys took him deep into mysterious territory, unearthing the secrets of his clan which empowered him to heights he had never experienced. Throughout all of these experiences he grew as a man, as a companion to Momo, and as a leader. 

His feet effortlessly kicked through the mounds of snow which covered the pathway towards Hyogagakure, a statement of how used to this terrain he was. And although he was confident in Momo's abilities to navigate Jupiter, that wouldn't stop the Shinkou from occasionally turning to check on the pair and even help maneuver the blinded man when he needed to. Nevertheless the trio would push on, prevailing through the climate and the conditions. And even though visibility was somewhat obscured due to the flurry of winds, Sakaiza was able to keenly see through them and make out the illustrious gates of Hyogagakure. As they grew closer, the reality of him being the new Hyogakage sank in.

Now within 10 meters of the gates, its devoted guard Tommy Sinns would make out the trio from his post.  His eyes would widen, as he'd depart from his post and make his way over to Sakaiza. It had been a slow day, as the blizzard rolling in over the next few days dettered travelers. Therefore Tommy's duties had been rather lax. As he approached the trio, he'd extend a closed fist to Sakaiza who would return it with his own. The conversation would mainly be between Sakaiza and Tommy, as Jupiter was still deaf. 

"Sakaiza, it has been awhile since you have returned. Though I am a new member to Hyogagakure's forces, I have been thoroughly briefed of both its and your own status. Tommy Sinns, loyal Gate Guard."

"Hm, thank you for enlisting Tommy. And I am glad you are aware of the situation. This here," Sakaiza would say while motioning his arm towards Jupiter. "Is my friend Jupiter. He is my brother in arms and is in a perilous state. He is rather...different, but he is trustworthy, devoted, capable, and genuine. I trust him with my life, as much as he trusts me with his. And for that, my first order of business is to heal him. Do you know if my friend Travin has made it here yet?"

Tommy would pause, thinking momentarily, before nodding. "Aye, a couple of days ago. I'll send a messenger to retrieve him. As for you two, you're of course clear to enter." 

WC = 521

Last edited by Sakaiza on Tue Sep 17, 2024 5:58 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Removing Exit)

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Homecoming [Village Entry] Empty Re: Homecoming [Village Entry]

Tue Sep 17, 2024 6:23 am
Jupiter's hands were clasped together to ground his center of mass as he walked, now used to placing one foot in front of the other without having to count his steps. The darkness in his vision and hearing would have been a source for much panic, but coupled with Sakaiza's presence it provided him with a calm embrace where he could forget about his responsibilities until the duo reached their destination. As they walked, the air grew colder with every step. Jupiter could feel the cold air on his skin, and the texture of the cold breath coming out of his mouth. His bleeding had been stopped by the winter bat, and the clotting has subsided. His eyes were back in their sockets, having healed physically, yet his pupils were white and he could not see a thing. His ears no longer flooded with blood, but they were swollen as though he had absorbed a hard punch in both his earlobes. His nose had also healed physically, but he could not smell a thing. He decided that he could not keep relying on his brother in arms to take care of him forever. He had to figure out a way to get better. 

"Heavenly Father, the source of all health: So fill my heart with faith in your love, that with calm expectancy I may make room for your grace to heal my eyes, my ears and my nose, and gracefully accept your healing; through the name of our Lord. Amen." Jupiter prayed, then his ear twitched, his brow raised up as he muttered, "Boreas? Why does that sound familiar..." It was a cold whisper in the wind that he wondered if he had only imagined.

When Momo stopped tugging on his hair, the man from old Sunagakure deciphered that the trio had arrived in the tundra. The ice beneath his feet rumbled when the gate guard opened the Gates to Hyogagakure. The feeling was familiar, he remembered how it felt when the archer opened the gates to Sunagakure to allow him to depart over two years ago. It was a jounin who had granted him egress, and a travel token to pair. It felt as though it was only yesterday. Though his ears could not pick up a sound, he could hear the words of the archer as clear as day, “Yeah. Don’t worry about it, enjoy your time while you are out. Here you can have this travel token to help yourself. I have a few extras I did not need. Happy Travels~" He could also hear his own words that preceded the man's gesture of kindness, "I will return in seven days as a stronger man. The strength I will gain will be that of mind, body, and spirit. I will not fail thee, and I will not fail the Hidden Sand. I swear this on my life, and on my death." It haunted him.

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." Jupiter raised his voice, stopping at the foot of the gates. "Sakaiza, let us pray before we embark on this new chapter!"

He bowed his head and felt the warm embrace of the tundra as he began chanting his incantations.

"Our Father, who rules the North Wind, 
hallowed be thy frozen gust. 
Thy winter come, thy frigid will be done, 
across the tundra, as it is in the heavens. 
Grant us this day our shelter from the snow, 
and forgive us our missteps in the frost, 
as we forgive those swept away by the winds. 
Lead us not into the grasp of despair, 
but deliver us through the cold of the night.
In the name of our Lord and Savior, Amen!"

WC: 631

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Tue Sep 17, 2024 7:17 pm
Travin was sitting at the table inside of the Inn. he had been given room and board at the Inn on the village’s dime while he waited to meet the Hyogakage and join the village. With his legs propped up on a log near the fireplace and leaning back in the chair with his glass of whiskey sitting on the table, he could fall asleep at this point. It was the most comfortable he had been in a while, if one considered yesterday at this time when he fell asleep in this exact spot as a while. On the brink of passing out the door to the Inn opened and a rush of cold hair came crawling into the room and aimed directly at Travins exposed neck. With the cold chill running down his back a voice called for him from the door. Looking over at possibly the first murder victim of his life. Travin saw a man in full village armor standing in the doorway, as someone near it shoved him out of it and shut the door. Travin now standing gave the lady a nod in appreciation that she returned before sitting down at her own table. “What is it?” he asked, grabbing his glass of whiskey off the table near his mask.

The man replied telling him that Tommy Sinns sent him with a message to tell you that Sakaiza was back in the village with a desperately hurt man and asked for you. Travin took his glass of whiskey and turned it up, finishing it before grabbing his mask and sliding it back over his face. “Lead the way” Travin would say as he made his way to the door. Walking outside he was hit by the cold once more, but after a few moments or the whiskey kicking in he was fine again. Travin was much faster than the shinobi messenger approaching the man “Where are they” he would ask as the guard told him the gate. Travin picked up the pace and left the man in the snow. Jumping from rooftop to rooftop and leaping entire streets to get to the gate house faster than a normal person navigating the streets.

Arriving at the frozen gates of Hyogagakure. Travin stood in the snow for a moment as he looked and found his friend Kai. “My friend, what took you so long?” he would get out before noticing the deformed man standing beside him, and turning into left field with a “What did you do” rubbing his hands together as he closed the distance. “I mean what happened to this guy, and how is he still alive? He has barely a face. We need to treat him” Travin would almost be in shock before catching himself at the end, and motioning for the duo to enter one of the buildings nearby.


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Homecoming [Village Entry] Empty Re: Homecoming [Village Entry]

Yesterday at 7:31 am
Upon concluding the discussion with Sakaiza, Tommy Sinns returned to his post and sent word for Travin. At the same time he had his hands ready on the control mechanism to unlatch and open the gates for when Sakaiza and Jupiter were ready to proceed inside. In the meanwhile, Jupiter had broken his momentary period of silence by suggesting that the pair of men prey. Momo, who no longer needed to lead the blind man. So the lemur would leap from his shoulder, soar through the short distance between the men, and perch himself coyly upon the Wretched's shoulder. Sakaiza, who had not practiced any religious rituals since prior to Sunagakure's original downfall, was somewhat hesitant. However Momo, who clearly began to grow a connection with Jupiter, nudged Kai on. Sakaiza offered Momo a nod, indicating that he trusted his companion but also that he trusted his friend. He'd bow his head, close his eyes, and reflect upon the governing deities he was aware of within the realm of Hyogagakure.

This prayer, of Jupiter's, seemed to be dedicated to the Lord of the North Wind: Boreas. From Sakaiza's time in Hyogagakure, he was made aware of many aspects of their culture. And Boreas's influence upon it was significant. He was believed to be the entity which governed the winter storms, and represented the duality of the extreme climate of the Land of Snow. He was comforting, yet wrathful. But most importantly, he was almighty and awesome.

What was interesting though, was how well versed Jupiter naturally seemed to be when it came to reciting a prayer on Boreas's behalf. It was almost as if his spirit had been compelled by a driving force, perhaps Boreas himself, which inculcated into him such a divine prayer. It was resonating, meaningful, and concise. Kai listened attentively until its conclusion, silently reflecting upon it even after Jupiter's words came to an end. And when they would, Sakaiza would raise his head and naturally echo an, "Amen."

And it felt good. For once, he did not feel wretched.

When his eyes would reopen, the snow flurry had began to pick up slightly, and the breeze around the men wisped at a noticeably quicker pace. But ironically, it felt warm. Almost as if Boreas' presence had embraced the men for paying him respectable homage. This moment was fleeting though, as the brief period of silence was quickly broken by the footsteps and voice of a familiar friend. His concern was apparent, as it would be difficult to not be alarmed when seeing the state which Jupiter had been in.

"Travin, it is good that you made it here in one piece." Sakaiza would say in a lowered tone, evident that he had been deep in thought. He'd looking over his masked, future compatriot to indeed confirm Travin was in better condition than Jupiter. And then he would continue with a graver tone, which nevertheless conveyed confidence in his words. "This is Jupiter, my brother in arms. Back in Yugakure we were tasked with facing a magnificent beast, and Jupiter made a sacrifice to...neutralize...the beast without killing it. It came at the cost of his eyes, eardrums, and nose. Which is precisely why I had Tommy send for you. Do you think he can be healed to a state where his senses can be restored?"

WC = 558. TWC = 1079
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Yesterday at 5:13 pm
Although Jupiter could neither hear nor see, the vibrant emotions around him painted the empty canvas of his mind with bright and diverse colors. In the silent darkness, he heard rivers flow from different streams, their different hues blending together to form untouched pigments both warm and cold. When he listened, he could faintly make out fragments of the vast depth engraved in the world all around him, and how the different rivers sweeping across its contours coalesced into an endless sea of blue and arctic white. Relief. Happiness. Trust. Curiosity. Awe. Uncertainty. Reverence. Reflection. Urgency. Composure. Will. Empathy. Faith. As he let the waves take him, each emotion struck a different chord, but a deep, resonant arctic blue bass anchored them all. All roads led to Faith. Faith was blue. "An endless road to all possibilities." Jupiter smiled as he ambled towards the open gates and held his chin high towards the light of the Sun. Instantly, he felt the frigid North Wind gale caress his scarred bronze face, brushing his cheekbones with speckles of snow. Whichever way his friend stood, Jupiter turned directly away from him at nobody in particular and spoke in a soft tone, his silver eyes glimmering with light,  "The snow. It's beautiful, Sakaiza. Just like you said."

Jupiter felt the vibrations in the snow as Travin approached him. "Capricorn.. Likes: Snow, People, training, and vacations... Dislikes: Deserts, People, Working all the time" He passively picked up on Travin's quirks with his Sixth Sense skill, and when he stood in front of him Jupiter chuckled. He could feel the Kaguya's body shielding him from the breeze and figured out that he was facing him. If he let him, he would place his hand on Travin's shoulder and give him a warm smile, and a hearty laugh, "Forgive me if I'm a bit disoriented, I can't hear very well. Let's save our introductions for a day when the Lord's grace might heal my ears. Have you ever been to the Desert?"
Travin Kaguya
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Yesterday at 9:08 pm
With the exchange of pleasantries over with Kai, and Kai asking if it was possible to heal his friend Jupiter. Who had apparently made some major sacrifice to some beast to end a mission or something. It was something that he would ask about later. Since the reason it happened was not important right now. He did have a few questions as to what kind of beast it was since several animales did have venom or carried viruses that could take effect days later, and he was not sure how long ago it was that Jupitar made this sacrifice. It was at this time that Jupiter would raise his hand up and place it on Travin’s shoulder and with a smile tell him that he was disorientaed and couldn’t hear well, and that they should save their introductions for when he was better. He also asked if Travin had been to the desert. It was a strange question since he just admitted that he was unable to really hear much, and then asked a question. It was just like patience though to contradict themselves like this. All doctors and nurses play two roles, one part healer and one part detective so that they can learn how to fix what's wrong. 

He doesn't seem to be in shock, and is stable enough to walk around and talk. I think he will be ok. We will need to move him inside so that we can get a good look at him” Travin would say as he softly grabbed Jupiters hand off his shoulder and led him to one of the nearby buildings at the gate. Travin had learned during his research into who Kai was and what rank he carried that the village kept an emergency room at the gate house. It wasn’t much, as it wouldn’t do if you needed major surgeries, but it would help make sure you get to the hospital for it. Leading Jupiter and Kai into the building assuming Kai followed and Jupiter didn’t fight against Travins light pull. He would lead the two of them into a shining white room with a metal table on it and several tools and drawers laying around. Taking Jupiter to the table in the middle Travin would lay Jupiter’s hand on it and let him feel that it was a table while he turned to get stuff ready. Flicking on more lights and the lamps above so that he would be able to get a good view of the man. 

Turning back around to the table and assuming that Jupiter is at least sitting on the table. Travin would take a look at the ears first. Noticing swelling where the ears had been removed as well as some pus flowing out the remaining ear lops. Travin would look over to Kai assuming that he was in the room as well. “Open the top drawer and hand me the bottle of liquid out of it called Cortisporin. Should be near the front, a small bottle with a lid could be plastic or glass. Don’t know what the village keeps on hand.” With his hand out for the bottle Travin would wait for it to be placed in his hand. Once he had it he would gently turn Jupiters head to the side and take the cap off the bottle and lay it on the table nearby. Putting a few drops into Jupiter's ear before turning his head the other way and putting a few more in the other ear. “That should help take the swelling down and fight the infection." Reaching over to the needle that was on the table Travin would pick it up and make sure that the dose was right. Before taking it in one hand and pulling what was left of Jupiter’s ear forward and giving him the shot behind his ear. He would then refill the needle and repeat the process on the man's other ear. 

That should help take the swelling down in the next couple minutes, and if we are lucky he will have his earring back, if not then the damage was more severe than I thought and he will have to take him to the hospital for a more indepth diagnosis.” Travin would look over to Kai before adding “I want to make sure he can hear or not before we move on with anything further, as well as make sure that he does not have any adverse effects to the meds I gave him. Since I don’t have a medical background on him to pull from I'm playing loose and it can be dangerous. Best we wait and hope that he will be able to hear at least better than before, before we continue” Travin would take a step back from the table. Turning to the drawers that are now in front of him and sliding the small lift tray on wheels over with him. He would start to pull out some meds and a few more needles as well as some gauze and tape to set on the table. He would turn back around and slide the table over near the table that Jupitar was sitting on. 

Assuming that Jupitar’s ears recovered enough for him to hear properly “I have been to the desert once, I didn’t like the sand and heat, but the people were nice” he would tell the man.

WC-902 TWC-1,378
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