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Hallowicked Empty Hallowicked

Today at 11:19 am
Event mission details:

Yushin crouched in the shadow of a towering oak tree, his sharp eyes scanning the serene landscape of the Land of Hot Springs. The area had recently been overtaken by the warm, festive atmosphere of the Halloween season, as even the criminal and outlaws loved such festivities, a time when even the most hardened warriors could be found partaking in Halloween activities. Yushin, however, was no ordinary ninja. Known for his work in the shadows, he rarely took on missions that required any contact with civilians, let alone children. Yet, here he was. Earlier that morning, he had received an unusual request. A client, desperate and short on time, needed him for a task far removed from Yushin’s usual line of work: selecting the perfect pumpkin for a child’s Halloween celebration. The mission's objective seemed so simple on the surface, yet the cryptic warning lingered: The child is particularly picky. The final part of the mission briefing had been less encouraging, suggesting that perhaps Yushin would have to use some creative tactics to convince the child that the chosen pumpkin was indeed the one of their dreams. Yushin never turned down business, no matter how strange, and so, he found himself at the edge of a small little farm, hidden beneath his dark cloak, trying to decipher the meaning of a "perfect pumpkin” and how he could please such a picky spoiled brat.

The farm was bustling with activity. Families from neighboring villages had gathered, children running around with faces painted like ghouls and goblins. The air was filled with laughter and the scent of dumplins an Ramen, but Yushin remained focused. His eyes darted from pumpkin to pumpkin—large ones, small ones, squat, and round. He studied their imperfections with the scrutiny of someone accustomed to seeking out weaknesses in an enemy’s defenses.
Too misshapen. Too pale. Too many spots. Yushin moved swiftly through the rows, his senses sharpened, but nothing seemed to meet the ambiguous standard of perfection. This wasn’t a battlefield—there was no clear enemy, no target to eliminate. Instead, he was facing the unpredictable whim of a child.

Usually, Yushin persuasion skills worked better on adults, as he could exploit his desires and fears. But an innocent child rarely felt for Yushin’s mind games, as their innocence made them impervious to the criminal.

Yushin decided to visit another farm. The Land of Hot Springs was home to many small agricultural settlings, and during this season, nearly all of them boasted a bountiful harvest of pumpkins. Soon, he found himself at a second farm, one renowned for producing crops of the highest quality. This farm was more serene, with fewer visitors, but it also had an impressive array of pumpkins. Yushin studied the selection carefully, turning them over, testing their weight, and inspecting their color. Finally, he spotted a pumpkin that stood out. It was perfectly round, deep orange, with a stem that curved elegantly—almost as though it had been drawn by an artist or was some sort of decorative sculpture. But would this satisfy the child? He had to be sure. He quietly snatched the pumpkin, careful not to alert any curious onlookers, and made his way back to the client's village. The afternoon sun had dipped low, casting an orange hue across the landscape, mirroring the color of the pumpkin he now carried. By the time Yushin arrived, the child was waiting eagerly outside their home, their arms crossed, a skeptical look on their face. They were smaller than Yushin had anticipated, perhaps no more than six or seven years old, but the seriousness of their expression made it clear this was no ordinary pumpkin-picking affair.

The child scrutinized the pumpkin, circling around it as though appraising a rare artifact. Yushin stood silently, his face masked, his eyes hidden beneath the shadow of his hood. After what seemed like an eternity, the child shook their head. “Nope. Not good enough. Too... round.”
Yushin blinked. Too round? You cursed little mothe…. This was no easy mission after all. He needed to act fast. He thought back to his training, the art of deception and persuasion, skills that could be useful in moments like these. He knelt beside the child, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "This pumpkin," he began, "is not just any pumpkin. It was grown under the full moon, in a field blessed by the spirits of the season. Only a few pumpkins each year receive such a blessing, making them perfect for magical occasions like Halloween."
The child’s eyes widened, their skepticism giving way to intrigue. "Really?"
Yushin nodded solemnly. "Why would I lie to you little boy? This pumpkin will bring your Halloween to life. Its shape is perfect for carving the most fearsome face or the most enchanting smile. And once lit from within, its glow will keep away any unwanted spirits."
The child looked at the pumpkin again, this time with a new sense of awe. A slow smile crept across their face. "Okay," they said, finally satisfied. "I guess it is perfect."

Yushin rose to his feet, a small, unseen smile forming behind his fedora hat, which now shadowed his face. Mission accomplished. He handed the pumpkin to the child, who ran off excitedly to show their parents. As Yushin disappeared into the shadows once more, he couldn’t help but think that this mission, as odd as it had been, had tested his skills in a way he hadn't expected. He had found not just a pumpkin, but a solution to a far more complex puzzle: the delicate and unpredictable nature of a child's imagination.

The second day of the Halloween festivities began much like the first, with Yushin once again shrouded in the cool morning mist of the Land of Hot Springs. Having completed his first unusual mission—acquiring the perfect pumpkin for a particularly picky child—he had thought his role in the festivities was over.

But as he escorted the child home, pumpkin in hand, another challenge presented itself. The child's parents, clearly impressed by Yushin's swift handling of their first request and how he was able to appease such a picky brat, approached him with a new task. The mother, wearing an apron dusted with flour, wiped her hands on it and looked at him with pleading eyes. "Thank you for helping with the pumpkin," she began, "but we’re in a bit of a bind with something else." The father chimed in, scratching his head in frustration. "Our kid here still doesn’t have a costume for Halloween night, and it’s been impossible to convince them to choose anything specific. The only costume we had our eyes on is off the market now, sold out at every store."
The child stood nearby, eyes bright but arms crossed stubbornly, as if challenging anyone to suggest something they didn't like. Yushin glanced at the kid, remembering their discerning taste when it came to pumpkins. This would not be easy.
"What do you need from me?" Yushin asked quietly, always direct and efficient.
"We need you to help them choose or make a costume," the father replied. "Just like the pumpkin; they won’t settle for anything less than perfect. The final choice has to be something they approve of completely."

Yushin nodded, already assessing the situation with his privileged brain. The nearby markets would surely have a variety of costumes and materials, but the key challenge was getting the child to agree on something. And there was another detail—one that the father mentioned with a sigh. "One more thing… the market's always crawling with pranksters this time of year. They love to snatch costumes or ruin them before you even get home."Yushin raised an eyebrow beneath his hat. It seemed this mission, like the last, would require more than just selecting an item. He would have to remain vigilant, warding off pranksters and navigating the tricky whims of the child. They set off towards the market, the child walking just ahead of Yushin, who kept his eyes scanning the streets. The village’s black market square had been transformed for the season, with orange and black banners draped between wooden stalls, vendors calling out prices for seasonal goods, and a few early trick-or-treaters already roaming the streets in colorful costumes. Yushin paused at a stall selling costumes, gesturing for the child to browse the selection. There were witch hats, pirate vests, vampire capes, and various animal onesies. The child, however, seemed unimpressed, wrinkling their nose at each suggestion.

"Too boring," the kid muttered, casting aside a glossy superhero cape.
Yushin, ever patient, continued to observe. His training had taught him that there were no lost causes—only challenges that required a shift in strategy. He decided to try a different approach.

“Is there anything you’ve imagined wearing?” he asked softly, crouching down to meet the child’s eyes. “Something you dreamt about?”
The child looked up, thinking for a moment, before answering, "I want to be something cool, but not like the other kids. Something unique… maybe a hero, but not just any hero."

Yushin stood up, deep in thought. The idea was vague, but he now had a direction. He motioned for the child to follow him to another section of the market, where vendors sold not costumes but fabric, paints, and other materials for crafting. If they couldn’t find the perfect costume, they would create it. As they searched through the stalls, Yushin kept a watchful eye on the crowd. It was as the father had warned—groups of older kids, pranksters dressed as ghosts and goblins, roamed the market looking for mischief. Yushin noticed one group, in particular, trailing behind them, snickering as they eyed the items in the child’s arms: rolls of fabric, metallic thread, and a few glimmering accessories for the costume. The pranksters darted forward suddenly, aiming to snatch the materials, but Yushin was quicker. With a swift motion, he extended his arm, blocking their path. His cold gaze silenced the boys with killing intentions on his eyes, who quickly retreated with murmurs of apology. Yushin remained vigilant, knowing that the mischief-makers would likely try again. Once they had gathered enough supplies to build a Custom costume, Yushin led the child to a quieter part of the market. Together, they laid out the materials on a bench and began piecing together the costume. The child’s vision began to take shape—an elegant warrior, a hero unlike any of the usual knights or wizards. They used the metallic thread to create intricate patterns along the edges of a dark cloak, fastened with a shiny brooch they had found at one of the stalls. A belt of leather was strapped around the waist, and a mask, hand-painted by the child, completed the look.

As the final touches were added, the child’s eyes lit up with satisfaction. They turned to Yushin with a grin. "This is… absolutely… just… perfect!"
Yushin nodded in approval. The mission was almost complete, but he remained alert as they made their way back through the market, guarding the costume from any further threats. Sure enough, the same group of pranksters appeared again, but this time, Yushin’s mere presence was enough to deter them. His silent, intimidating presence kept any trouble at bay.

By the time they returned to the child’s home, the sun had begun to set, casting a warm orange glow over the village. The child proudly showed off their new costume to their parents, who smiled with relief and gratitude.
"Thank you," the mother said, clearly amazed at how Yushin had not only managed to find the materials but had worked with the child to create something they truly loved.
Yushin simply nodded, his mission complete. As he melted into the shadows once more, he couldn’t help but reflect on how, for the second time in as many days, this peculiar kid had tested his skills in ways he hadn’t anticipated. Yet, as always, he had succeeded, adapting to the challenges before him. He disappeared into the twilight, heading to his camp as he wondered what the next day of the Halloween season would bring.

The night of Hallow’s Eve had finally arrived. Yushin was once again hired by the rich parents of the spoiled brat named Komeo, this time to accompany and guard him as he would do trick or treats. The village streets of the Land of Hot Springs were alive with activity, and even the shadows seemed to flicker with the soft glow of jack-o'-lanterns that lined the paths. The air was cool and crisp, filled with the excited chatter of children dressed in their costumes, darting from house to house with candy bags in hand. Yushin stood at the edge of the village, once again cloaked in darkness, awaiting the arrival of the child he had now come to know quite well. It had been an unusual few days for Yushin. First, he had been hired to find the perfect pumpkin, then to assist in creating the child’s ideal Halloween costume. Now, the parents, grateful but stretched thin by extra shifts at work, had asked for his help one last time: to escort their child through the chaotic and potentially dangerous night of trick-or-treating. Yushin was not one to shy away from a challenge, and though this mission was far removed from his usual stealthy operations, he treated it with the same seriousness. The child’s safety was paramount. And tonight, there was an additional complication—rumors of a gang of teenagers planning to wreak havoc during the festivities. Yushin’s sharp instincts told him the threat was real, and that they would need to be extra cautious. The child appeared, dressed in the elaborate costume they had created together: something that resembled a famous Space-Time vendor named Buki. The intricate metallic threads glimmered in the fading light, and the child’s masked face gave them the air of a mysterious hero. They grinned up at Yushin, clearly excited for the night ahead, holding a large candy bag in one hand.

“Ready?” Yushin asked quietly, his voice barely audible above the rustle of the wind.

The child nodded enthusiastically. “Let’s go!”

And so, they set off. The first few houses were uneventful, with each door greeting them with smiling faces, bowls of candy, and warm, festive decorations. Yushin kept a steady pace, always remaining slightly behind the child, his eyes constantly scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Despite the festive atmosphere, he knew all too well that chaos often struck when least expected. The child was having the time of their life, dashing up to each door, their voice ringing out with the classic “Trick or treat!” before returning with their loot, giddy with excitement. As they moved deeper into the village, the streets grew more crowded, the decorations more elaborate, and the air heavier with the sounds of laughter and shrieks of playful fear.
But amidst the excitement, Yushin noticed something off. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement—a group of people – perhaps criminals, as the place as filled with them - lurking in the shadows just beyond the main street, their faces partially obscured by masks. They weren’t dressed for Halloween, at least not in the spirit of fun. Or perhaps these were the pranksters he had been warned about. He could see them whispering to each other, pointing at children and their overflowing candy bags. Yushin tensed but didn’t alarm the child. Instead, he guided them to the next house, keeping a close eye on the group. As the child rang the doorbell and received another handful of candy, Yushin subtly adjusted his position, making sure the pranksters knew he was watching. His presence alone was usually enough to deter petty troublemakers, but these teenagers seemed bolder than most. They were waiting for something—for an opportunity. As they continued their journey, Yushin led the child toward a less crowded street, where the houses were spaced farther apart and the festive decorations weren’t as lavish. It was quieter here, almost too quiet. The wind picked up, and the trees above rustled as if whispering secrets to one another. Yushin kept his senses sharp, knowing the quiet often hid danger.

It was then that exact moment they struck. A loud bang echoed from behind them as a firecracker went off, startling both Yushin and the child. Yushin immediately spun around, placing a hand on the child’s shoulder to steady them. The pranksters emerged from the shadows, laughing and hollering, emboldened by the chaos they had created. They were brandishing sticks and slingshots, clearly planning to do more than just frighten the trick-or-treaters.
“Hey, that’s a nice costume you’ve got there!” one of them sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. “Would be a shame if something… happened to it, baka!”
The other teenagers laughed, stepping closer. Yushin’s eyes narrowed beneath his hat. He had no time for this. His priority was the child’s safety, and these teenagers were clearly looking for trouble.
“Go away, you are ruining Halloween!” the child said bravely, but Yushin could sense the fear behind their voice. Yushin stepped forward, his posture calm but imposing. His hand hovered near the hilt of a kunai hidden beneath his cloak. “Leave,” he said, his voice low and dangerous, “before I make you.”

The group hesitated. They clearly weren’t expecting such a direct challenge, especially from someone like Yushin, he didn’t looked quite bulky or physically menacing. But one of the bolder pranksters stepped forward, brandishing a firecracker as if it were a weapon. “Or what? Baka! It’s just a joke, man.” Yushin didn’t respond. Instead, with swift shinobi speed, he disarmed the teenager, flicking the firecracker from his hand before it could even be lit. The move was so fast, the boy didn’t realize what had happened until he was standing empty-handed, like a fool.
The other pranksters fell silent. They weren’t prepared for this level of skill or intimidation. Slowly, they began to back away, muttering curses under their breath as they retreated into the shadows. The leader, though still defiant, gave Yushin a final glare before disappearing into the night with his gang. The threat had passed, but Yushin knew the night wasn’t over. He turned to the child, who was gripping their candy bag tightly, wide-eyed from the encounter.

“You okay?” Yushin asked.

The child nodded, though a bit shaken. “Yeah. They were just… bullies…. I hate them!”

“Stay close,” Yushin instructed, and they continued their journey.

The remainder of the night was tense but relatively peaceful. Yushin stayed close to the child as they made their rounds through the village, his senses always on high alert for any signs of danger. They visited house after house, collecting more candy than the child could possibly carry. Despite the earlier encounter, their excitement soon returned, and their enthusiasm for the night’s festivities grew with every handful of sweets added to their bag. As they approached the final row of houses, the child turned to Yushin, their eyes shining with gratitude. “Thank you for coming with me,” they said, their voice soft. “This has been the best Hallow’s Eve ever.”
Yushin, never one for emotional displays, simply nodded. But there was some warmth in his chest he couldn’t quite deny, a feeling he didn’t felt for a long while now before meeting Komeo. For all the strangeness of the past few days—finding and stealing pumpkins, making costumes from scratch, and now protecting a child during trick-or-treating—he had quite enjoyed and had some fun in doing these simple tasks. They were far from the dangerous, high-stakes criminal activities he was used to undertake, but they were meaningful in their own way. Yushin remembered… he actually used to love Halloween when he was a child... those memories were long gone and suppressed, but all the recent events suddenly unlocked them into Yushin’s brain:

The night sky in the Land of Fire was ablaze with the warm glow of lanterns as young Yushin held tightly to his mother’s hand. He couldn’t have been more than seven or eight, and his small figure was wrapped in a makeshift costume his mother had sewn for him—a simple but detailed ninja garb, much like the real one he would wear in the years to come.
It was Hallow's Eve, and the streets were alive with the sounds of laughter and excitement. Children darted from house to house, their voices ringing out with calls of "Trick or treat!" as they clutched their bags of candy. Yushin’s eyes sparkled with joy, his usual quiet demeanor brightened by the magic of the night. His mother, graceful and kind, walked beside him, her hand warm and comforting in his own.
"Come on, Yushin," she said, her voice soft like a breeze rustling through leaves. She wore a simple cloak, her long hair tied back neatly, and a smile that never left her face. "Let’s see what treats this house has for you."
Yushin looked up at her, his heart swelling with a mix of admiration and pure joy. She was his world. The gentle way she guided him, her laugh as she encouraged him to knock on doors—everything about her made him feel safe. They approached another house, its porch decorated with carved pumpkins glowing with candlelight, and Yushin’s small hand rapped eagerly on the door.
When it opened, the kindly villager smiled down at him, placing a handful of candy into his bag. "A brave little ninja, I see!" they said, and Yushin beamed beneath his cloth mask, looking up at his mother for approval. She smiled down at him, her eyes filled with warmth and pride.
"You’re doing so well, my little shinobi," she whispered, brushing a hand through his dark hair. "Soon, you’ll be stronger than even your father."

As they neared the child’s home, Yushin came back from his flashback moment. The streets had quieted down, and most of the other children had returned home with their candy hauls. The jack-o'-lanterns flickered dimly, their candles nearly spent, and the festive sounds of the evening had faded into a peaceful stillness. When they arrived at the child’s house, the front door opened, and the parents stepped out, their faces lighting up with relief and gratitude as they saw their child safe and sound, with an impressively full candy bag.

“You did it!” the father exclaimed, ruffling the child’s hair. “Looks like you made quite the haul!”
The mother smiled warmly at Yushin. “Thank you again. We don’t know what we would’ve done without you… please, take all this money… actually, I will double your pay for being so nice to Komeo!”
Yushin gave a small bow, acknowledging their thanks without needing to say much in return. His mission was complete. The child, still buzzing with excitement, ran into the house to sort through their candy, already planning out which pieces to eat first. The parents stayed outside a moment longer, turning back to Yushin.
“We don’t know how to repay you,” the father said. “This isn’t exactly the kind of thing you’re usually hired for, but… we’re really grateful. You’ve made our child’s Halloween unforgettable.”

Yushin simply nodded, turning to leave. As he walked away from the house and back into the quiet streets, the wind rustled the trees once more, and the faint sound of laughter echoed in the distance. Halloween night was drawing to a close, and with it, Yushin’s unusual set of missions. But as he disappeared into the shadows, he couldn’t help but feel a small sense of satisfaction. Yes, he was handsomely paid for doing such mundane chores, and the most dangerous opponent he faced that night was a gang of skinny teenagers, but it was nice to sometimes get away from the violence and brutality of the underworld. He was feeling quite peaceful, so he might let the pranksters from before live, as normally he would be chasing them down by this time to end them.

WC: 4013


Mission(s) Completion
2x Mission Rewards with Beloved Presence: 17.000 ryo and 84 AP + regular 35 fall tickets
Training 34 stat points to Speed.
The remaining 6 points to Vigor, thus reaching max stats (300)


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1000 words towards Instant Transmission mastery (handseals) [1000/3000] - 25% discount via max stats.
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