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Umeko Ametsuchi
Umeko Ametsuchi
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Return of the Rokage - Page 2 Empty Re: Return of the Rokage

Wed Aug 28, 2019 7:49 pm
She didn't hold the hug long and quickly let go once she heard the snarky little statement made by Yaju. Her eyes shot over to him, a frown forming on her face. A child has two parents. There is always a chance that it will look nothing like one and more like the other. But because you have no idea who I am, why I look the way I do, or what I've been through to hide my identity, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and forgive your ignorance. Because the fact is the blood that runs through my veins is that of an Ametsuchi, regardless of what I look like at the end of the day I'm this man's daughter. She was done with the likes of this Yaju and she heard it in his voice that he wasn't too fond of her either. It was what it was and her attention went right back to her father. I don't drink. You wouldn't know that though. Now that iv'e found you I have to get strong enough never to lose you again... You two can celebrate, I have to train. I suppose I'll settle down here in this area for awhile. But if you decide to leave this area, take me with you... Take me with you wherever you go, until there is a way where I'll never lose track of you again.. Her voice was stern and unwavering, her tears were long gone and she was filled with determination. She couldn't stand by her father's side in this state and she damn sure couldn't let Yaju keep upstaging her like he was doing. She felt small compared to two of them, maybe she deserved to be forgotten...

wc: 291/1848
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Return of the Rokage - Page 2 Empty Re: Return of the Rokage

Thu Aug 29, 2019 4:07 pm
"My Ignorance. Forgive me for not seeing the bigger picture, but if one is hiding their identity they don't come in blasting their surname and asking for someone of that name. That puts you on the spot and if anyone except us had been here and they were hunting for you? You'd be dead. So let's not get snippy. You hear that Kurisu? This little one of yours wants to get stronger so you'll never go away again," there was a light chuckle from him as he finished the bottle, reaching for a few bottles of water to down to finish quenching his thirst. The man had been under supposedly for a few years so his body was still catching up. Thankfully the nature chakra he had been taking in during his nap helped rehabilitate his muscles, though his skills were probably still lacking and that was a problem.

Speaking of his eyes slowly turned to Kurisu as he swiveled in the barstool he had been sitting in ever curious about his situation since it seems he had just disappeared," So Kurisu? Have you been keeping yourself in shape with your training or have you let yourself get rusty? If so mind sparring with me? I have yet to actually see how much of my skills have been retained so i'm looking to see if I can get back into the swing of things. That is if you are up for it right now," the question an act of challenge in fact it was more a question of cooperation to get him back into the swing of things. Should the male, or if she was brazen enough the daughter would step up, then Yaju would of course oblige them. If not he would remain in his seat idly drinking the water while trying to get a feel for his body once more.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Return of the Rokage - Page 2 Empty Re: Return of the Rokage

Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:20 pm
When it came to parenting, he didn't always use a hands on approach, this was the case when it came to mediating siblings interactions with each other. He probably wasn't insane enough anymore to allow his kids to ever get to the point of killing each other, of course he didn't feel like this was something he'd likely be faced with anyways. He'd just drink through the comments the kids made to each other, right up to the point where they started to include him. He was proud to hear Umeko speak of wanting to be stronger and it wasn't because of her not wanting to lose track of him again it was because getting stronger would help her survive the harshness of the world he knew was out there. "Training sounds like a great idea, I'm confident you'll get strong enough to do anything." he'd say to Umeko, finishing off the current bottle.

While he may have ignored Yaju seeming to laugh at Umeko's comments of getting stronger, Yaju did bring up a very valid and concerning point about Kurisu. He couldn't even try to lie it off, "I'm rusty as hell, guess age is getting to me." normally it would have been something he'd consider 'play time' since his children should start off weaker than him but father time was starting to catch up with him so it was much different now. 'Yup you're getting old, definitely got nothing to do with your constant drinking.' the voice of Viper sarcastically remarked. That was certainly true, his rust was mainly a byproduct of him just wasting away and drinking away the past but he didn't quite go so far as to openly admit that. He was reluctant to openly spar with Yaju given the rust but it did appear that Yaju himself might also be suffering for rust. Certainly meant things could be more even among the three of them, obviously as dad he had to at least consider making them team up on him but that was also probably stupid. "No" He said indecisively drinking some more, likely leading to Yaju drinking water sparking a response from the alcohol in Kurisu's hand to cry out "He hates us! Avenge us!".

"Okay I'm in, Umeko you want to join in?" he asked, walking back through the gap he'd made previously made in the bar and make his way into the center of the large room and wait for a response from his kids, assuming they weren't going to backdown.

WC: 420 TWC: 2264
Umeko Ametsuchi
Umeko Ametsuchi
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Return of the Rokage - Page 2 Empty Re: Return of the Rokage

Mon Sep 02, 2019 7:16 pm
She would ignore Yaju because he was truly insufferable at this point and she couldn't very well do anything about it. Pulling her hood back over her head she walked to the door of the bar and turned to look at her father. " No...I'll be around the area doing my own training..When you decide to vanish again, find a way to let me know.." One would think she would want to spend the most time as she possibly could around her father seeing as he was the only family she had. A part of her did want to, but a spar with them would probably mean death for her. She had to her own thing in order to match up, besides she didn't really wanna be around Yaju and longer than needed.

- exit -
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Return of the Rokage - Page 2 Empty Re: Return of the Rokage

Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:51 pm
When Kurisu had agreed to the training or sparring to get them both back up to snuff, Yaju slowly sat down the glass that had contained the water quite content with the mixed feeling of alcohol and water in his system. It would seem that all he had needed to fully bring back his body was those two things and food was only a hare's breath away. Following after Kurisu he began to step into the large room and immediately looked around. It was plain enough to him at least so that he could move without being hampered, but there was one thing he needed to do before he had begun this spar. Taking off the cloak he would begin to stretch and as he did the sound of joints that were not used in ages began to spin to life. Loud cracks and pops echoed through the room as he let out a rather content and almost euphoric sigh of relief as he slowly worked everything out.

After a moment or two he would stand at his full height, everything had been in working order and for a moment he felt like himself of old. The male at the moment looked to be about in his late teens, the last thing he had done was mess with a certain jutsu of his that made him look a little younger than he should. He had thought about dispelling it since there was no longer any need to do that, but the guise could be held for a little longer. Looking over to Kurisu providing he was stretching or getting ready he would crouch down for a moment and forcibly pop his back and shoulders," So will we be setting any rules to this or are we just going to go at it until we pass out or someone concedes?," the question was a little odd considering the both of them had been in the same boat. He had remembered the last time the two had fought in the mountains of Kumo and Kurisu had definitely taken that win. This time would definitely be different as he has grown stronger since then. Maybe even this time he could put the other Kage on the ropes. Maybe
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Return of the Rokage - Page 2 Empty Re: Return of the Rokage

Thu Sep 12, 2019 11:18 pm
"Don't worry, I won't leave without you. Try not to stray too far away yourself." it was probably best that Umeko had left to do her own catch up training. For now it was time for a second match with Yaju, so very long from the first time. He couldn't believe just how long ago that was, but that was he first became impressed with Yaju's skill. Back then he was in his prime, a level of strength that he was doubtful about reaching again; however, he could still try to get close and hopefully that would be enough. His eyes locked on Yaju, the hue of his eyes shifting into their eternal form, the voice of his inner retard perking up "Good idea, destroy your new bar." with Viper adding "Good business plan."

"We should probably take this outside." assuming that Yaju hadn't started attacking then Kurisu would lead the young man outside, roughly fifty meters from the bar to make sure there wouldn't be any accidental damage to his brand new bar. Once to the chosen spot, it was time to try and shake off the rust. The environment being similiar to that of Kumogakure no Sato, in that there were mountains and everything but the mountains were more spiked and not set up for buildings to be built upon. The light coverage of clouds began to drop a very light sprinkle of raindrops upon the ground surrounding the two high level shinobi. His hands formed a few handseals, feathers beginning to fall from the sky with the rain, he simply waited to see how quickly Yaju would react and what actions he'd take.

WC: 276 TWC: 2540

AP: 345/400
Temple of Nirvana -45 AP (Power is 60+25 from Uchiha stuff so 75)
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Return of the Rokage - Page 2 Empty Re: Return of the Rokage

Sun Sep 22, 2019 11:40 am
After the male had went outside with Kurisu and finished his stretching, he simply waited for Kurisu to be limber or whatever they would be doing to get ready for the fight. The two hadn't fought since that day on the mountains, however since then Yaju had been training to fight titans on their own ground. It was because of this once he felt Kurisu's chakra spiking the fight was going to begin. As the male's eyes took on their eternal red hue, Yaju's own would begin to shift into the form of the Byakugan. With his own unique nature no veins would pop out however his eyes would begin to lightly glow signifying something would happen. As the feathers began to fall from the heavens between the falling of the raindrops he simply looked up for a moment at them. Something like this didn't happen and reminded him of the pure place. Looking at them more intensely with his Byakugan he realized this wasn't a normal occurrence.

This lead him to believe this was a ploy made by Kurisu to test Yaju's mental fortitude. Making the seal of confrontation he would flare his own chakra in a manner that would release a wide berth of chakra, pushing the feathers back as he took back his own mind. As the feathers began to slowly whither from reality he would look at Kurisu, not directly in his eyes as he smiled and waved at the male to come at him," This will not be like last time where you won from a Genjutsu, I have since learned from that moment. Now let us do this with our fists," upon which he would slide one of his feet back, and hold an open palm out toward his father figure, allowing him the first move.

TWC: 2,298
AP costs:

Genjutsu Release: 40 AP
AP: 200/240
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Return of the Rokage - Page 2 Empty Re: Return of the Rokage

Sun Oct 20, 2019 12:03 pm
The genjutsu fell into pieces as Yaju looked onward toward Kurisu and smirked," Genjutsu again huh? This won't go like the last time where you won off of that. No this time we shall settle this with our fists," the male pushing his fists together as he took a single step before running toward the elder Kage. Something had been off about this exchange since Kurisu made his first attack. He couldn't place his fingers on it, yet it felt like the father figure went stagnant in his advance.

As he came closer he found that the male had fell asleep, a result of all of his drinking most likely. Stopping to look at the male whose eyes were now closed he sighed lightly before chuckling," Damn old man...Why did you fall asleep on me now?," feeling bad for him, he picked the taller male up and hoisted him on his shoulders. The bar was no place to leave him to sleep so his eyes turned toward the horizon. To where home once was for the both of them.

Turning fully he would first go to lock up the males bar, using some basic Earth release to fix the holes in the bar and from there? He would begin his trek back to the Land of Lightning, and to his home.

[Exit w/ Kurisu to Lightning country]

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