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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Wed Dec 04, 2019 2:39 pm
He was giving very contrasting body language - leaning against the wall was showing relaxation in the situation, while sliding his hands in his pockets remained to show reservations and these two only conflicted further with the wolfish grin spreading across his face; meaning interest in her further than she expected.  He made it even more confusing with his words, admitting out right to gathering information on her by being straightforward about it - anyone who openly voiced their straightforwardness was simply hiding something - though Mizu was at a disadvantage, her usual signs of behavior weren’t reliable anymore and she knew he knew it. The tone he used was also reminiscent of flirtatious playful banter before getting cut by a sharp indifference. 

“ the time this storm ends I’ll either have found you trustworthy enough to stay in the village, in which case there’s no point in not being open, or you’ll be dead and I won’t have to worry about anything I’ve said to you.”

Somehow his words washed over her a feeling of relief - there was always something refreshing about hearing outright where you stand in someone’s world - friend or foe that was on her wasn’t it? Her hand relaxed on the bottle neck, now caressing it in thoughtful contemplation of his words. The message was obviously clear - he was only making it clear that he could and would end her life if she didn’t live up to his standards. She tilted her head to the side slightly, her long black hair flowing off her shoulder as she did so - his next question was something she was honestly anxious to answer. There were two ways he could take it, and hopefully since he was in this village as well, he didn’t have a serious righteous streak in him. 

“Well that’s an easier answer, but I guess the question is hard far back do you want me to go?”, she pursued her lips in thought, her eyes slightly out of focus as she decided on when in her past to start. “Before coming to this village,” her eyes refocused on his own bright pair, I was what you could call a hired hand. Information collection, tailing of targets…. Killing of targets. Back alley dealings for a living… the best I could do at the time.” She wasn’t ashamed of who she was and what she had done, but she wondered if he could understand. “I was very good at it… but once you get good at the basics it's time to walk paths closer to yours.” she waved her hand in his direction - she was being completely honest and open, having nothing to hide in this information since her experience was in the very way she moved and spoke if the person knew what to look for.

“What is someone like you… doing in a place like this? You don’t seem as gone as some of the people I’ve met here.” she was including herself in this assessment as well of course.

[WC 501]

[TWC 3097]
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Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Mon Dec 09, 2019 12:33 pm
Surprisingly honest. That’s how Kai would have described Mizuki’s response to his indifference about killing her. In fact she seemed almost......relieved. He supposed that could be because maybe it was having a clear goal, a way to survive the threat of death. Regardless of the reason, he had to admit that her apparent laid back and go-with-the-flow attitude was a little refreshing compared to everyone else in this damned village. Apparently she felt the same way.

”Not as far gone. I suppose that’s true,” the false Uchiha would agree, smiling slightly as he did so. ”As for what I’m doing here, that’s a bit of a long story. Which I suppose doesn’t much matter since we’re stuck here anyway. Alright listen up cuz I don’t like repeating myself. I was a Chuunin in the Hidden Leaf village. I was happy and on the fast track to becoming one of their Jounin. I was loyal and believed my village was worthy of that loyalty. I was very very wrong.” The real Kai, using the genjutsu version of himself as a puppet, made the image clench his fists and furrow it’s brow as it appeared to become angry over the words flowing over its fake lips.

”When the Leviathan attacked with his forces my family and I stood ready to defend it, and we did. For a time, at least. During the struggle my mother, father, and sister all fought their own battles and all were killed before the fighting stops. I would have given my life to defend them, to defend the entire village. Yet the fighting was called to a halt, and Risako just surrendered the village. She let them murder one of our own in cold blood to prove a point and just rolled over like a damn dog. Yensung Aburame is even worse. He actually attacked her before she complied in some stupid treacherous maneuver. He was the first to comply with the Leviathan’s orders to murder one of our own. I wouldn’t stand for it, so I left. I left with the intention of growing stronger to kill the ones on my new hit list. Risako Akara. Yensung Aburame. Xyxer, the Leviathan of the Bloody Mist. I had planned on assassinating them all and reclaiming the village.” The shade paused, a fiery hate in its eyes, before speaking again. At least that’s how Mizuki would see it, anyway.

”When I heard that their two forces were coming to Suna I headed this way as well in the hopes that I could take at least one of my targets down. Unfortunately I was too late. Or fortunately, I suppose, considering what happened next. I took shelter from a sandstorm in a cave, ironically much like our current situation, and accidentally ran into the Demon. He showed me the truth of my village, the truth that they aren’t worthy of my loyalty. He promised to train me and I swore my allegiance to him. And now I’m here, protecting his interests by examining your potential.” The false Kai smiled, slowly allowing his features and demeanor to return to its relaxed position against the wall. ”I answered your question. That makes it my turn I think. Tell me what you’ve learned since being allowed into the village.”
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 330650

Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Tue Dec 10, 2019 3:38 pm
Impatient, direct and brewing with passion - that seems to be the common social markings of Konoha Nin - ex or not. Not a particularly bad thing just something that makes her nod in approval, passion is something she respected above all else as her own passion was what brought her here really. Perhaps a touch dramatic she noted as Kai would clench his fist and furrow his brow - the anger only seeming to grow as he fully explained the surrender of the village as a whole and the loss of life for compliance’s sake. Mizu hated people who followed orders like that so willingly - loyalty being something most ninja struggled to keep.

Crossing her ankles politely she would listen to his backstory - which was one formed for revenge - it was a pity really to have a history like that, where you are latched to individuals - it can make someone one track minded. Laughing a little at the part about how his first meeting with Kenshin and his first meeting of Mizuki was in the same manner. The two of them being being so similar it was still alarming to her even after she had had time to process their own first meeting. Though she could imagine the context of their meetings were vastly different. 

Pressing her lips together as she furrowed her eyebrows curiously at his statement - And now I’m here, protecting his interests by examining your potential - examining her potential was an interesting expression, since potential is relative to the observer. He asked his own question again and it took her a few moments of thought before deciding how to answer - hopping off the counter she would take another swig from the bottle before setting it down on the counter top she was previously perched on. That would indeed make it your turn.” ,she began, leaning now against the counter across from the doorway - their height difference laughable. “I’ve learned the fire element from Amaterasu, been on a mission to recover unapproved weaponry, and a few things from The Demon himself…” - she chose to use the same moniker that Kai had used when referring to Kenshin to show she was on the same page as Kai. “I’m curious… you must have a good idea of my potential by now… what are your thoughts so far?”
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Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Wed Dec 11, 2019 3:42 pm
The genjutsu version of the not-so-young Uchiha smiled slightly. That wasn’t exactly what he had meant when he asked her what she had learned, but at least it was worth mentioning. ’A few things from The Demon himself...’. That particular statement was interesting indeed, both because of her use of Kai’s own reference to Kenshin, and the fact that she was learning directly from the monster himself.

”My thoughts about your potential?” he asked, still smiling slightly. ”Well,” he began to say as he would appear to take his hands out of his pockets and casually saunter over to the counter next to the woman and lean against it. ”I think having you around will prove to be a rather........entertaining way to pass the time. I think you can definitely be useful to Him and his interests in the future. But what I think above all, is that you still have a lot to learn.”

Meanwhile, having already made his decision about what to do with the young woman, the real Kai would have moved over to Mizuki completely unseen and undetected. He had three targets to aim for: the weapon pouch strapped to her upper right thigh, the one that looked to be sewn into her clothes on her hip, and the rusty looking metal ring with a strange orange gem on her finger. None of which should be difficult to get, considering he still had near absolute over her senses thanks to the subtly placed genjutsu she was under. He smirked as he thought about what her reaction might be when he handed her back her own possessions.

It took a few moments, he had to move cautiously and alter the genjutsu in time with his movements so that she wouldn’t feel any pressure and notice any subtle differences as he removed the ring from her finger and rummaged through the pouch sewn to her side. She didn’t have much on her. Besides the visible ring, the Uchiha found only five shuriken and a measly five hundred ryo. Stuffing the items into his own weapons pouch, he moved over to stand directly across from the woman with excited anticipation.

”For example,” the doppelgänger would continue saying without missing a beat. He would appear to casually move to stand across from her, adopting the exact same position as the real Kai. The former Konohagakure shinobi made sure the illusion melded seamlessly with his own true self before finally releasing the genjutsu so as to keep Mizuki blissfully ignorant of the truth that had transpired.

”You should really keep better track of your possessions,” he said with a playful smile on his face as he slowly reached into the weapon pouch at his side and retrieved the items he had stolen from her. ”I would keep them if they were worth anything. The ring seems interesting, but the money and weapons are fairly standard and low value. Here.” Kai would hold out the items for her to take, waiting for what was sure to be an entertaining reaction.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:13 pm
A lot to learn indeed. Was her first thought as she watched him, the playful smile he wore slide down a little as he reached into his side weapons pouch and retrieved her own possessions. She was struck with a couple threads of thought at once - and in this order; That was a very impressive display of power which she had honestly not seen coming - She felt foolish for being so sure of herself - and finally irritation at herself for being played and stolen from. How had she let herself get so cocky that she was stolen from? It just didn’t make sense, she had kept her distance the entire time, the drink was definitely not laced with anything and she was still in her right mind - albeit very stunned at the moment. It took her several moments of concerned thought before she was willing to move past her lapse.

Reaching out with careful fingers she would grab her belongings back, first taking the ring from his palm and sliding it back over her right middle finger where a searing feeling - identically too cold and too hot - melded it to her securely. Nodding in approval she would grab her money- counting it in dramatic fashion and giving him a raised eyebrow to indicate she was only doing it for a funny display. Finally grabbing the bundle of kunai and twirling one on her index finger thoughtfully before sliding them in her hip pouch. Knowing where she kept all of her things was one thing, but grabbing them from her without her noticing… no without even a clue how he had stepped more than a few paces from her - so what was it then? Shaking her head in thought she finally leaned back - staring at him with a mixture of confusion and respect that not many got from her, “Say… what did you say your last name was?” Mizu knew full well the ex-Konoha ninja turned loyal revenge hit man had never given his last name - but she was following a hunch and her fingertips were giving off a slight tingle which usually presented itself when she was on the verge of discovering something intriguing…

Even before he answered, given he actually chose to, she would shake her head more vigorously as earnest laughter erupted from her, shaking her shoulders for a moment before taking a few deep breaths and leaning back against the counter-top to gather herself again - a smile on her face and a playful fire in her eyes. “I have a lot to learn about you -” and pointing at his weapons pouch, “-especially how you managed that.”

[WC 438]

[TWC 3920]
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Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Mon Dec 16, 2019 4:29 pm
Kai had wanted to make a point with this little display and was expecting a rather specific response from the target of his little prank. Mizuki did not disappoint. The look on her face was all the validation he needed, really. ”My last name,” he asked, feigning a slight absentmindedness as he did so. ”I don’t bel-” The Uchiha’s sentence was suddenly cut off by the woman’s laughter, causing him to actually just stop and grin at her until she was finished. The raven-haired male actually was enjoying himself despite the circumstances they were currently in. After she had caught her breath he would speak again.

”Well when you think you’ve figured it out let me know. Until then, it’s my secret,” he said with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he spoke. ”As for my last name, that’s not something you need to know.” With all the excitement that had been happening in this little deserted three bedroom home Kai almost hadn’t noticed the wind dying down outside. It seemed the sandstorm was finally about ready to give up its ferocious assault on those foolish or brave enough to call this desert their home. Which meant they would be able to get out of here soon. ”I think the storm is finally dying down. I won’t be killing you today,” he said as he grinned at her again. ”As for how I took your possessions without you noticing, well if I told you then you wouldn’t have learned anything, would you? Regardless, I have a gift for you before I go. I don’t really need your permission, but I suppose it would be rude if I didn’t ask you. I’ll need to place my hand on you to give you this gift, if I may?” Kai had already begun weaving seals and walking toward her as he spoke, further emphasizing that his question was more of polite formality than an actual request. It should be clear enough that he would go through with whatever he was going to do whether she agreed or not.

Regardless, he would wait a brief moment for her response before moving forward at all. Judging from their interactions thus far, the Uchiha suspected the woman would most likely agree to receive a boon from him in the end, even if she made a crude remark about his hands on her body or something along those lines first.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Tue Dec 17, 2019 8:15 pm
In between her shallow gasps to maintain her composure after being bested and laughing so heartily about it she too had noticed the howling wind was dying down fast - seems as though the storm was passing once more outside, making their departure from this long abandoned home very soon, its own form of relief. She had caught his smile at her while she was laughing, it was a nice smile, it suited his face more than a scowl or serious expression ever did. She grinned back at him, his words piercing her pride a little more as he claimed that if she was paying attention more she would have gotten it - How curious you are… playing the fine line of friend and foe, even now by saying you wont kill me today. Gonna kill me another day Kai? She ruffled her nose in contemplation, dwelling on whether or not he would kill her another day. 

A gift? What gift could you give me that requires you to touch me…. Again?  Tilting her head slightly to the side she watched him begin weaving hand signs, approaching her with silent steps, displaying once more that while he may be formally asking for permission he would and could continue with whatever he was planning to do. Narrowing her eyes she stared for a moment at his hands, considering what he could be attempting, but as unwilling as she was to admit it, she had no clue what was coming - and that unknown was enough to make her jump head first into her decision to allow it to happen. Pulling her hair to the right side she would expose her neck and part of her left collar bone, if whatever it was was going to leave a mark, it was going to be in the spot she preferred, and wearing scars was something she was proud of. “It’s a pity the storm is dying down, I was enjoying my sandy imprisonment with you…. Even though you had to sour our ending with another veiled threat, I mean ‘I won’t be killing you today’, you don’t have to be so forward with a woman.”, she eyed him playfully from the edge of her sight, her hair still pulled over to one side. There was a lot to unpack about her newest Sungakure companion, their first meeting was a power of wills, and something was telling her that she had lost yet another first encounter. How far behind was she… and how far was she willing to go to reach - if not exceed - the people around her.  

[WC 431]

[TWC 4351]
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Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:04 pm
There was a clear skepticism on the woman's face for a brief instant before she pulled her hair out of the way to clear the left side of her neck and collar bone. Kai couldn't help but smile as he finished performing his hand seals and placed his hand on the location Mizuki clearly wanted her gift. "Hold still for a second, this might hurt," was the only thing he said. Once he placed his hand on her exposed skin, the woman would feel an intense burning, itching sensation for the briefest of seconds before fading away.

When the Uchiha removed his hand, it would reveal an intricate network of swirling, black lines etched into her skin like a fresh tattoo. It was a fuinjutsu seal. Specifically, a seal containing a portion of Kai's own chakra that he had attuned to Mizuki's for her to access later. "There we go. I've given you a seal with a portion of my chakra. Don't worry, I attuned it to yours so it won't have any effects. I'd judge it to hold roughly a little over half of what seems to be your current maximum." His tone was light, playful even as he spoke. He knew what he had just done was nothing to take lightly, and to have given her such an immense amount of chakra while simultaneously attuning it to her own almost instantly was probably quite impressive.

"A few things you should note about this seal. First, it wont release any chakra unless your body has enough room to take the entirety of its contents. Call it a fail-safe, if you will, so that you don't overload yourself and cause irreparable damage to your body. Second, in order to activate the seal you just need to send a quick pulse of chakra to it. If you're going to be sticking around this might help keep you alive at some point. You're welcome, by the way." As he finished speaking, Kai could hear the storm finally subsiding to the point he judged it safe to leave. "And now I think that's my cue to leave. Until next time, Mizuki." With that parting gift and those final words, he made his way out of the abandoned home and disappeared into the village.

WC: 380
TWC: 3,989
chakra storage seal placed on Mizuki, granting her a sealed 130AP for later use at her leisure
19 stats +19 Speed
1,000wc to Demonic Illusion: Mirage Crow
2,500wc to Great Fire Annihilation
489wc to 2 tomoe sharingan

Last edited by Kai on Mon Dec 23, 2019 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Sun Dec 22, 2019 4:40 pm
His skin was warm in contrast to her usually cold skin, so as he placed his hand on her neck she felt the warmth spread immediately, to be replaced with an intense burning and searing feeling- as if she was being burned and immediately dunked in ice water in the fraction of the time to have it vanish as quickly as it appeared. Removing his hand her own would reach up to touch the skin gingerly with her fingertips, tracing the pattern it formed with the gentlest of touches. Her eyes were distant for a second as she absorbed what he had just bestowed upon her - what would Kenshin think of it, there was no hiding it its placement was pretty prominent. Her eyes flew up to his as she pulled her hair off her shoulders allowing it to hang freely again, “Trying to keep me around huh.”, her eyes dropped back down to the hand that had bestowed the seal, which now connected her with Kai in an irrepressible way. This was a serious thing to give, not only was it a fail safe for her life, he trusted her enough o give her a separate store of chakra that one day she might be strong enough to use in ways he might not want. 

The storm had indeed died down at last, she raised her hand in farewell, watching him with searching eyes; a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. He had fully gone when she finally whispered an unheard, “Thank you.” Allowing a few moments to pass she too would exit the building, looking back at it from a distance and wondering about what was to come, before slipping back into the desecrated village. 

[WC 286]

[TWC 4637]

Claims: 23 stats. +21 Speed +2 Chakra
592 WC towards Exploding Shock Wave [1750/1750]
1500 WC towards Fire Release: Fox Fire [1500/1500]
2500 WC towards Hiding in the Ash and Dust [2500/2500]
45 WC towards Hōsenka no Jutsu (Phoenix Fire) [45/1000]
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Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai) - Page 2 Empty Re: Darude Sandstorm (P, Kai)

Thu Dec 26, 2019 11:56 am
Approved at both ya nerds.
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