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Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryo : 223500

Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Family Time (Fang Gang)

Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:04 pm
Akane had settled in well. The girl had been initially worried about being unable to contribute but such was the nature of the restaurant that everyone's talents came in handy. the Terumi girl had a quick hand and a sharp mind and was wasted on waiting tables but she was more than up to the task until they figured out something more permanent for her. Akihana was hoping to introduce her to Mar that evening so the two could talk shop. An engineer and a forger could definitely utilize their economies of scope to build something, and Akane would be so much happier practicing her true talent.

The blonde also formally wanted to introduce Arashi to the whole group. In the past few days, the realization that her son had returned was settling down well. The impulse to check on the young man every few minutes just to make sure he didn't disappear was starting to wear off though it didn't keep the kunoichi from worrying. Her only solace was that despite his long journey, the cloud ninja had retained his life and health. He was considerably weaker than he had once been but with the support of a newfound family, he would grow strong again.

She had full faith in him.

And Arashi wasn't the only one growing strong. Both Hiroaki and Mar were making progress in their ninja careers, through hard training and missions Akihana supposed. Their indomitable spirit had launched them into progress that showed in both their physiques and jutsu prowess. Mar was now the infamous metal suit of armor that hung around the Chortling Chunin, scaring any ill doers away while Hiroaki had made his new post by Akihana's side every time she stepped out for anything. He was by her side on trips to the market, on her walks to the clinic, even when she strode down the streets to greet patients and friends. The boy was almost constantly by her side, like a silent but surly shadow. It reminded Akihana of a certain young knight though she doubted Hiroaki would appreciate the comparison.

Today, Hiro's job was to be the bouncer. the restaurant had closed a little earlier than usual because Akihana and Akane were preparing it for a big family dinner. Three entire pigs roasted in the kitchen that resembled a barbecue pitmroe than anything else now and sides of steaks took up the rest of the space. Side dishes had already been prepared early on and dessert was chilling in the freezers. After what seemed like weeks, everyone was in town and the medic did not plan to squander theoportunity for a grand dinner.

Akane would finally meet the rest of the group, Arashi would be introduced and perhaps... perhaps it was time to face the fact that their family was outgrowing the restaurant? Perhaps she could show everyone the home Maku had prepared for such a time when the team grew too large to live in a small building?

"Akane, sweetheart, could you please smoke out those sausages with smoke veil, and maybe turn them over with the fire lash jutsu. It saves us using spatulas and tongs. When you're done, you can just disperse the veil with airwaves."

Having left the sausages to the girl, Akihana exited the kitchen, brushing a strand of gold back into her otherwise neatly plaited hair. As always, the medic was dressed modestly in a deep green dress but for once, the Akatsuki apron did not adorn her slender frame. Simple green heels completed her look, giving her the aura of a much younger woman than she actually was. Ignoring the mirrors had become a common habit by now, the blonde not wishing to see her ageless, heart shaped face reflected in a looking glass that lied.

"Everyone will be here soon," she called out as she saw Hiro turn another customer away, pointing to the polite sign that announced the eatery closed. Sometimes, people needed more reinforcement than a mere sign. "I can't wait for you to meet everyone, they'll love you, and you them."
Terumi Akane
Terumi Akane
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Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Re: Family Time (Fang Gang)

Sun Dec 22, 2019 8:23 pm
It had been a strange few days, adjusting to a new life and a new family. Akihana had been nothing but kind to her. In fact, she was still having a bit of a time accepting how easily she’d been accepted by her. And waitressing wasn’t as bad as she feared at first. After a lifetime as a mercenary and occasional bandit raider, it was refreshing and interesting to simply serve food. She knew that some customers were there specifically to watch her as she swayed and moved about the tables. She just put a smile on her face, as she’d learned to do with those who mistook her outer beauty for being all there was to her. It made them so much easier to manipulate, like in this case, where it got her more tips.

Aki’s instructions were responded to with a cheerful “Sure thing.” It was another thing that felt strange, using shinobi techniques for something other than immediate survival. But she felt that it was something she could get used to in time. She’d make the hand signs and conjure the smoke veil to give the sausages a good smoking out, before unleashing the fire lash to make sure the sausages were thoroughly cooked. Then she’d disperse the smoke with the airwaves. 

She smiled at Aki’s words. “I’m looking forward to it! From what you’ve told me, it seems like I’ve got an interesting new family! I want to make a good impression on them! And I hope they like our cooking.” She was a little nervous, truth be told, but also excited. She supposed it was like meeting any new group. You never knew what you were going to get, but at the same time you hoped for the best. She hoped they were looking forward to meeting her as well.
Hiroaki Gekko
Hiroaki Gekko
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Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Re: Family Time (Fang Gang)

Mon Dec 23, 2019 1:05 am
Hiroaki pointed to the sign that read "CLOSED". Hiroaki could tell the customer was clearly disheartened to see that he would not be able to eat at such fine dining. He put his hands up in a manner that would be known to many as "What can you do?". The customer sighed in defeat and carried on his way down the road. Hiroaki watched him depart, keeping a close eye on the customer's pocket. It was Hiroaki's turn to sigh as he knew that the money that was jingling in the customer's pocket would not be in his hand. 

'Aki, Aki..', thought Hiroaki. He didn't understand why Akihana would close down her restaurant on what would be a peculiarly busy day. Hiroaki glanced inside and locked eyes with Akihana for a second. The wind blew his hair back from his face revealing his tightly clenched jawline. It was as if he was fighting a monster inside of him. He never got to embrace the feeling of love or ever got the chance to get close to anyone for that matter. He suppressed his emotions, forcing them down the abyss that was the back of his head. 

Hiroaki looked down to the ground in front of him. 'Maybe it's time for me to move on from this crush of mine', he contemplated in his head. Deep down inside of him, it was the last thing he wanted to do. He wanted to explore his feelings further, to be able to connect with someone with just once in his life. This wasn't Hiroaki's way though. He instead, deceived himself. 'I'm cool as steel. I don't need anyone', he reassured himself. He removed his katana from it's sheathe ever so slightly, peering at the detailed clouds that were designed on its blade. 'This blade...I made a pledge and I will keep it. I will help Aki and the Akatsuki. I will protect this group, even at my own life', he thought to himself. With that he re-sheathed his katana. 

His gaze returned to the street that was before him. It seemed no one else was coming along which gave him excuse enough to leave his post. He walked inside the restaurant closing the door behind him. His eyes did a once over the fresh blood that Akihana had let stay in the restaurant to help out. Lifting his arm, he coughed into it. He took a seat at one of the tables that were devoid of food. He didn't want to get in the way of their preparation for the feast. He looked again the the new blood. Hiroaki thought that the woman gave off a hearty look with definite toning in her muscles. 'She was used to working on her hands', speculated Hiroaki in his head. 

He smelled the food that was coming from the kitchen. The new member went to make sausages, passing by Akihana to get to the kitchen. Akihana had stepped out briefly. Hiroaki flinched at seeing her again. Getting flustered he tried to pass it as one of his coughs. It was a sight to behold, Akihana with her dress on and no apron. Hiroaki slammed the table and started to give off a laugh that resonated from his stomach. "Ah, I'm such a fool. New blood, give me some sake!", he shouted. He shifted his eyes towards the woman and Aki before he realized his error. "Ah!...Please", he corrected himself. He coughed hard into his hand.

A knocking came from the door. "Damn it", said Hiroaki. He got up and stomped over to open the door. It was another customer. "Get lost", is what Hiroaki was going to say. He knew that Akihana did not like his ill manners and he didn't want to become detestable to the point she would flee from him or at the very least have his sake get taken away. "Closed", he grunted. The customer started asking questions like when they would be open and a bunch of small talk that followed with it until Hiroaki cut off their conversation with him closing the door in the customers face. "When will everyone else be here?", he shouted to no one in particular.

Hiroaki looked back at the red head expectantly.

Okabe Shukai
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Re: Family Time (Fang Gang)

Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:15 am
Eliwood was in a hurry, running at this point, to make it to the restaurant in a timely fashion. He had stopped along his way at a little flower shop and gotten a little too distracted. Realizing he might end up late he started running. Akihana had invited him to a family dinner. It was not unusual for Eliwood to eat at the chunnin, but this invitation seemed different, more important.

The green haired monk never really had a family to call his own. The Elders at the temple watched over him as he grew up, but there was always a distance between them and the boy. Here in Fang however, a family had found him. A place to stay, food to eat, and plenty of laughs. Eli couldn't thank Aki and Maku enough for bringing him in. As he ran through the streets towards the restaurant he couldn't help but smile. He was a part of something wonderful and he would do his best to repay the kindness he was shown.

Eliwood stopped, panting outside the restaurant door. He caught his breath before opening it up and stepping inside. 'So much for being late' he thought to himself. Inside was only Akihana, Hiroaki, and a waitress Eli had not met before.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought I was late. Aki thank you so much for the invitation. I can hardly wait to eat." He said before turning towards Hiroaki, "Hiro, I see you still have that cough. You know that Aki is serious when she says she could fix that." Eli knew it would take a great deal of trust for the swordsman to actually accept help, but they would win him over eventually.

The bard then turned his attention to the stranger in the room, working with Akihana. "And hello there, I do not believe we've met. My name is Eliwood. I help the restaurant with odds and ends from time to time." He would reach out a hand for Akane to shake, "and you are?"

(WC 338)
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 43000

Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Re: Family Time (Fang Gang)

Thu Jan 02, 2020 9:48 am
It was strange sensation to be back in a more... permanent place.  For the moment, Arashi didn't feel like being inside... at least not yet.  Instead, between drinks of water the young adult was practicing his family arts; sitting in a visible white area of mist that was currently his body.  

He still didn't know exactly what to make of this whole situation; even after talking with Akihana and confirming it was her, he still felt himself in a daze.  And to make it worst, seeing her reminded him of the two reason why he left Hoshi in the first place... her death... and her son.  

The last Arashi had heard about Arata was that he had been sighted on his way to the land of Water, but at that point he had realized that he left himself too lax.  Doing jobs here and there to survive while devoting himself to just learning about his roots left himself somewhat out of practice, and because of that, Arashi had justified to himself that he would leave Arata be for now.  That decision had only ever been made because he believed his mother dead.  Now, she wasn't... or never was.  Either way, seeing her face only reminded him of what he gave up, and what he failed to do.  

The familiar twinge of pain brought Arashi back into the present as he felt himself reach his limit.  The cloud of vapor that was him condense itself into a bright white cloud, before taking the humanoid shape of his body.  Soon the cloud solidified and gave him detailed form and color, leaving the shinobi looking like himself once again.  The smells from the restaurant came to him, and he reluctantly felt the twinge of hunger inside.  Aki closed this place in honor of himself and others, and as he looked around, he could see Akihana had adopted more of a family.  There was a bit of jealousy that he was now not the only adopted son... but then again, it was in her nature to do so.  And she thought him dead just as much as he thought her dead.

Pushing off the wall he leaned on, leaving a wet imprint of a figure there to dry, Arashi adjusted his clothes, and especially his scarf, before walking inside the place and standing off on the wall.  He looked around at the new faces, but honestly did not know what to do yet.  Seeing the others interacting was... comforting at least, and it nearly caused a smile.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Re: Family Time (Fang Gang)

Fri Jan 03, 2020 8:55 am
Akane was certainly quick on her feet, the blonde had to give her that. Over the past week, the young kunoichi had been a great help. As much as Akihana wanted to protect the auburn haired girl from some of the clientele who merely came to ogle her, the medic was nonetheless glad to see that Akane was more than capable of handling such patrons. And if that didn't work, there was always Hiro present somewhere with his sword, a blade Akihana profusely hoped he wasn't actually using in any way.

As the young girl hurried about to follow instructions, Akihana was doing some hurrying of her own. Her usual method of sending shadow clones shunshin-ing through the restaurant was on full display though the clones barely appeared for a split second here and there, the major focus being on Akihana who moved at normal speed to interrupt Hiro in his request for Sake. "Not now, you'll ruin your diner. We worked very ahrd on it, Hiro-kun." While the words were a light chiding, the kunoichi nonetheless smiled at the youngest of their group, showing she wasn't really mad. His coughing fit chose to make an appearance in that moment, reminding her once again to talk to him privately about his health conditions.

"Oh thank goodness, I thought I was late. Aki thank you so much for the invitation. I can hardly wait to eat."

"Not at all, Eliwood. welcome, we're so glad you could make it," the young woman greeted the green haired bard warmly. "We'll be another ten minutes, just getting all the food ready." As she spoke the scent of coking meat wafted their way, denoting that dinner was just about done. Arashi was the next to arrive, making the blonde smile beatifically at her eldest.

"Come on in sweetie, and say hi toe everyone. In fact, I'll just start with introductions straight away so we all know each other." Should everyone agree, Akihana would first gesture towards the only other female in the room. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Akane Terumi. She too is a survivor of old Kumogakure before it's destruction. Some of the refugees from back then banded together, Akane was not fortunate enough to be with us then but she has found her way home." The soft way in which the blonde spoke, it was clear toe veryoen that this was now Akane's home too.

"And then of course, we have my son Arashi. Some relationships are formed by blood, others by chose. As for as I am concerned, he is my sense in both those senses. He hails from the Tekiatsu clan and we are fortunate enough to have him in our midst. "

With the two newcomers introduced, she moved on to the old hands. "Eliwood here is greatly gifted in music, which makes Maku jealous but we don't mention that. He and Seiiichi work at our River Country branch more often than not. Mar, who should be on his way is our resident engineer and Hiro is the guard we all need," the golden eyed kunoichi smiled towards the grumpy ninja, trying to make him at ease. "He's a swordsman in the making, and a very good one from what I hear."

When general introduction and chit chat was done, the blonde spoke up once more. "I won't deceive anyone, we've gathered you here because Maku, Den and I have an announcement to make. But before we do, let's eat!" With that, the clones appeared from the kitchen in a perfect line of six, carrying huge trays of food to be placed on the table. The restaurant had been closed down for this reason, so they could push all the normal tables to the corners and set up a huge, round one for all of them to sit around.

"Come on everyone, dig in," she encouraged, taking her own seat at the head of the table and inviting everyone to join in.
Terumi Akane
Terumi Akane
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Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Re: Family Time (Fang Gang)

Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:10 pm
Akane smiled warmly as Akihana introduced her to the others of her new family. “It’s nice to meet you all.” She concentrated on finishing the food, then watched as the clones carried it out to the tables. She’d follow them out to the tables, removing her apron and setting it neatly aside. “To be honest, you all are the first friendly faces I can recall since Kumogakure. I was separated from those who banded together when the village fell, and had to get by on my own for years. My only advantage was that I had completed the Genin Exam just before the village fell, so I had some skills to fall back on in the lean times.”

She took a seat at the table and began putting together a plate. She smiled to Arashi. “You have a wonderful mother. You’re so lucky to have her.” She smiled at Eliwood and listened to the descriptions of the others. “My own talents tend towards creation. Specifically metal work. I learned it from my father before he...passed. I’ll be glad to forge whatever we need here and I look forward to working with Mar on joint projects..” She started to eat in a strangely delicate manner.
Hiroaki Gekko
Hiroaki Gekko
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Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Re: Family Time (Fang Gang)

Wed Jan 08, 2020 2:01 pm
The second Hiroaki turned away from the door to go sit at one of the many tables that seemingly became more and more booming with food, the door opened up once again. He had hoped to seek out some Sake despite Akihana’s words. Hiroaki balled his fist, but instead of delivering the blow he intended to whoever it may be walking inside their restaurant, an unexpected cough got the better of him. In entered Eliwood, who remarked that Hiroaki should really get his cough looked at by Akihana. Hiroaki glared at the monk who had no business with his body. “I’ll manage”, responded Hiroaki a bit coldly. 

Hiroaki went to take a seat at the table, giving up on his chances at some Sake. The new waitress had failed him in retrieving him any despite Akihana’s scolding. The man that they had met at the farm in the past had now entered the door. Akihana welcomed him and finally began with introductions. Hiroaki had come to realize the waitress’ name was Akane whom he was a little sour at, at the moment and the person they had met at the barn was Arashi, her son. Hiroaki twiddled his thumbs and sighed at that.

Soon the feast was on, Hiroaki let his insatiable appetite out and devoured a good portion of the food in front of him. It was a shame he didn’t have anything good to drink it down with. “What about some Rum?”, he would pipe in. Whether he got any would help his mood if not, he would continue on anyway. Akihana had mentioned that she, Maku, and Denki had an announcement for them to make to the lot of them. ‘Don’t remember much of Maku or Denki, but I know they must be apart of the Akatsuki with Akihana if she is in it and mentions them as a group’, he thought. 

During the feast Hiroaki made some small talk with Eliwood. He complimented his navigational skills for when he lead them to deliver the cooler they needed to deliver. Hiroaki would mention Mar and how he wished the man could be there with them. Other than that Hiroaki was mostly silent during the feast. He still had conflicting feelings about Akihana, but was glad to see that Arashi was her son. If there was no Sake or Rum in Hiroaki’s hand, he would from time to time glare at Akane for the lack of drink in his hand. He would also take note of what Akane had said about her forging capabilities for future reference.

An hour into the feast, Hiroaki bit his thumbs and summoned Yurei and Gurimu. “I figured you both could use some food.”, he grumbled. Hiroaki wanted to make it seem like he didn’t care for Yurei and Gurimu. That he was just feeding them so they would be more willingly helpful in the future. It was clear however, that Hiroaki did care and wanted the company of his Chameleon companions. The two chameleons circled up each of his respected arms and gazed at the feast before them. ‘It’s a surprise there is still food left. That’s Akihana for you’, he thought.

Yurei shrieked in delight. She moved onto the table, picking up food and shoving it into her mouth. “Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!”, she greeted each person individually. Hiroaki hid a smirk from the chameleon. Yurei did a little Chameleon dancing march across the table without knocking over any of the food. “What do you think? Did I do it right? Huh?”, she would ask to everyone. Suddenly, when one of the people at the table moved for some food or anything in their pockets, which someone most likely would at one point, Yurei would scream in terror and run back to Hiroaki. “D-Don’t h-hurt me! Hiro….h-help”, she would say.

Gurimu on the other hand stayed on Hiroaki’s shoulder from the beginning. He eyed Hiroaki at first. “Food? Yes, feed me peasant”, he said. When Hiroaki made no move to feed the devilish Chameleon, Gurimu eyed him hardy. The Chameleon then pretended that never happened to save himself the embarrassment and whipped a tongue out at a piece of the food on the table, bringing it back into his mouth. He munched on it while he eyed everyone enquizically. “So..these are our minions?”, he asked Hiroaki. Hiroaki blew some air out of his mouth in a silent laugh. 

When the feast was over, Hiroaki would break the ice and ask Akihana what she wanted to announce. “You said you had an announcement to make, Aki?”, he asked.

(WC: 768 | TWC: 1477)
Okabe Shukai
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Clan Focus : Weaponry
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Re: Family Time (Fang Gang)

Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:52 pm
The feast was laid out for them in an instant thanks to Akihana. Her clones could make a top bill restaurant staff look like amateurs. So many dishes were made it was making Eliwood's head spin. Though he ate at the Chuunin as often as he could, he never grew tired of the food Aki made. Before they dug in, introductions were in order. The waitress helping set up was Akane, a metal smith and a former citizen of Kumogakure. The man Eliwood had met before at the farm was finally identified as Arashi, Akihana's son.

Eliwood was surprised to hear that Aki had a child, especially one as old as Arashi. She looked so young, but the monk was fast learning that people in this world were full of surprises.

"Its nice to finally have names to the faces. I look forward to getting to know you both." He said raising his glass to toast, "Welcome to the family. Cheers!" He would say before chugging his sake and promptly refilling up his glass.

With smiling faces and happy animals around Eliwood was almost teary eyed. When he agreed to work for some interesting guy he met by a river, he never expected to find people like this. People he could call family, let alone friends. It was comforting to have people by your side. The feelings welling up inside him needed to be channeled into something and so he decided to lay down in one of the booths along the wall to play a song. A lively one to match his current buzz. He was eager to know what Aki had gathered them all.

(WC 275)
(TWC 613)
Arashi Tekiatsu
Arashi Tekiatsu
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 43000

Family Time (Fang Gang) Empty Re: Family Time (Fang Gang)

Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:07 pm
It was interesting, the sight he saw when he walked in.  It reminded him of two different, yet same, kitchen scenes he remembered from Akihana.  One of which was cooking in Sanctuary.  The memory of him being taught to hone his jutsu using what were very unorthodox methods: cooking.  He was the chill box; it was the best way to learn how to master his temperature cloud arts.  Before the young adult knew it, that memory cause him to smile warmly at the scene in front of him of people moving around and a feast being prepped.  

The second was a found memory of their time in Hoshi, and the royal kitchens.  The time that the castle's residents learned that they don't stop Aki from doing what she loves.  It wasn't as personable a memory as the smaller home in sanctuary, but it proved that when his mother decided on something, it would be done for the benefit of her guests.  Just like now.  A meal seemingly prepared in his, as well as other's honors.  Arashi ended up having to close his eyes and turn away.  The memories, and the realization that it really was Akihana... it really was his mother.  The cloud ninja barely had time to mourn, and seeing her here reminded him of that fact.  He lost his family twice... but now regained a family twice.  He wouldn't be able to leave so easily now.

Arashi regained control of his emotions and then turned back, moving towards the table.  Looking around at the new faces, there was one that he just couldn't pull his eyes away for some reason.  And it bugged him that the red-headed girl seemed to remind him of something. Or some one.  Thats when Aki introduced the one acting as a server, which only seemed to heightened his interest and curiosity. Survivor of Kumo... words that have long since lost their chill to him were now... making him wonder who it was that he just met.  Survivor meant that she had to have been around the same time he did.  Aki mentioned Akane being with refugees, but Arashi had split off from any survivors almost immediately, going instead to find his family, and subsequently being rescued.

Even as the others were being introduced, Arashi's eyes were still on Akane, out of curiosity, and he had to force himself back to the present.  The young man nodded his head at the others in recognition, until his mother finally stated to begin eating. Akane spoke about finding friendly faces, but it when she stated that she was lucky to make Genin before Kumo fell that Arashi looked back at her.  Genin before Kumo fell?  That would mean.... could it?  He kept silent, his mind racing, trying to remember the faces from his past.  A slight rumble in his gut told him to try focusing on the food, and Arashi looked down at the spread before him, before he sighed with a smile.  Of course she would include some of his favorites.  As he began getting his own plate, he didn't notice at first Akane addressing him.

Hearing her, his head swung back up, and he smiled at her, nodding.  "Yeah... I guess I do..." he stated, looking back at the older shinobi.  She seemed so different without her biological son to care for, but still had that motherly demeanor.  "... and now you do, too." he said, turning back to her.  "Or at least someone you can always return to." he added, before shaking his head.

"Okay... this is bugging me... you said you made Genin before Kumo fell... do you mean before the fall of Raikage Yaju?  Before Kumo was turned into that... hellish landscape?" he asked, lowering his voice slightly.

"Because that would mean.... what is your clan name, again?"
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