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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Getting the Gang Together Empty Getting the Gang Together

Thu Jan 05, 2023 6:56 pm
Mission Details:
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Getting the Gang Together Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:17 pm
As the night slowly turned to dawn, The silver haired male sat atop the roof that been over the apartments he had been staying in. It had been a few months since the demon slayer had moved to the Village Hidden in the Leaves and became a shinobi in its fighting force. To be called a such a thing instead of a knight or a hunter still perplexed the male as he held the metallic headband of the village within the clutches of his right hand. As the nighttime air blew through his hair and revealed the horns that had been filed to be hidden, he thought about the journey that lead up to his destination now. The memories constantly played within his mind as he remembered the hunt. The battle. His capture and transformation. Then being released or rather exiled into the world. So much had happened to the old knight that he honestly tended to forget about his old existence and embraced what he was now. A subtle shake of his head brought him to reality as he stood up. Dawn would soon arrive to grace the land. With a graceful leap, he would grab onto the banister that lead to his apartment, pulling himself up with ease and walking into the abode slowly. He first stopped to look at the shattered and fragmented weapon that had been draped over his mantle, a reminder of his failure upon himself and his clan. Bringing his hands together he would offer a small prayer to the blade before heading into his room. Currently he had been wearing a simple yukata which offered some warmth during the cold nights, but as he walked into his room he would disrobe, hanging the Yukata up and grabbing his traditional attire.

Putting on his black vest first it would soon follow his white kimono and then his pants and boots. He would take his time tying up the Kimono as he normally wore it. The right side being up on his shoulder while the left hung loose, showing the black vest. Dressed for the day he would continue his normal duties of his meditation and prayer before seeing the sun arise in the sky. Not knowing how much he had spent on his usual routine, the Ushitora would leave his residence and head to the administration building to receive a few missions before going to complete them. His travel there had been met with silence since he liked to keep to himself, but the silver haired male had always attracted people by his appearance. Different village members greeted the old dragon with either a way or a small bow to which he would respond in kind. Most in the district he lived in knew he was one who lived in solitude and didn't mingle, but was respectful and helped when it was required. Not because he was a shinobi of Konoha but because of his code. The journey was not long but he had finally arrived at the administration building and waited in line like many of the other shinobi. Arriving to the front, there had been a myriad of requests to be done, but today there were a multitude that required teams. Interesting. He could have done some solo, but something had egged the Dragon to work with a group for once. Taking four scrolls, he would read over the requests and head out. Before he left he would have been notified that others would be assigned to it.

Not really caring, the silver haired Ushitora left the building to head to the location of the first mission. He did not mean for it to happen, but he would be the first to arrive which was not uncommon for him. Leaning onto one of the buildings he would wait for any other shinobi or all of them to arrive. Once someone had shown up, Iscarot would lean off the side of the building he had been leaning on and gave a small bow," Greetings. My name is Iscarot. I will be one of the ones assisting you on the missions to stop someone from causing further harm to the denizens of our home. How would you like to proceed?," the question of course was asked in a rather formal tone, something he could never truly shake. He would of course wait for a plan to be made before they left to go and find this supposed superhero.

745 WC
Total needed: 2,666
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Getting the Gang Together Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:56 pm
What was the plan for the day? What could Jecht do to make this day feel like it had been successfully used and experienced? More missions but of a higher rank. A simple but honest train of thought for the bare chested older man. He had rested after the last grouping of missions and now needed something to do, so why not attempt the next rank up from what he had just done prior? Jecht had completed a slew of D-rank Missions and E-rank missions the beginner level tasks and requests given to those starting out on their Shinobi Career. It was time to start heading up into the C-rank grouping of tasks, ones meant for those who have some experience under their belt and could possibly be dangerous with run ins with bandits, thieves and criminals depending on the task given.

This was Jecht’s thoughts as he entered the building that held all the requests and task and mission that people could undertake within the village, there was a board you could pull slips from or scrolls you could look over in depth. Jecht just simply grabbed four random slips and took them to the front desk, that was where he got his more in depth instructions like meeting place because it seemed there was a group being formed for these tasks right now. “Oh that’s a change of pace that I’ll accept.” Jecht mentioned to the worker dealing with the requests, He hadn’t really worked with anyone in the village on these missions mainly due to the older man’s desire to simply do things himself. He also was much older than most people of the same rank so he didn’t want to deal with kids as he went around doing this, that weird disconnect was what he was trying to avoid. Though this meant he still needed to work together with others at some point and he had gone this long so it was time to do so.

Taking the slips as needed he read the meeting place and made his way there tucking the slips into his clothes. It didn’t take to long to make it to the meeting place, plenty of buildings around of various heights Jecht looked around he wasn’t sure who was going to be working on these tasks with him or how many there would be. He heard that most teams where simply of two to four people and they could honestly be anyone of any rank, Jecht chuckled to himself at the thought of the Hokage himself showing up and doing missions with some Genin of the village out of no where. “That would be insane if you really think about it.” Jecht thought to himself as the picture played in his head, though he had heard some rumors about a change in leadership. That a new Hokage had been appointed and Jecht wasn’t sure how he felt about the change, he hadn’t ever interacted with the prior Hokage and barely knew of this new one. All he knew is at some point he would need to speak with them to get permission to freely leave the village when he wanted. Though that was a far into the future once he proved himself of worth of the privilege.

Once he came closer to a building a young man with silver hair removed himself from the wall they were leaning on and approached Jecht introducing himself as Iscarot in a very formal tone and even with one of those fancy bows you see those of higher upbringing dish out from time to time. “Well shit I ain’t anyone of import to be using all this fancy stuff.” Jecht said to the younger shinobi, “My name is Jecht, I’ll be helping with the tasks we were assigned and if you could just speak casually to me.” He finished with a smile on his face. He knew some people really lived for the formalities of things but when it came to Jecht being the subject of that it felt weird and off putting since he was at most the lowest ranked person in the village and at the least just some country bumpkin who decided to become a shinobi in his 30s. “Lets wait for any others to show up and then we can make a plan for these missions.” He offered to his silver haired companion.
WC: 732
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
Stat Page : Stats Link

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Getting the Gang Together Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Thu Jan 05, 2023 9:30 pm
The crisp night air quickly faded as beams of light peered over the horizon signifying the start of the day. Once more the boy had found himself wandering the village at night, nightmares keeping him awake and eliminating any possibility of sleep returning this night. The nightmares weren't normal frights that would keep the common youth up at night. Shin was a shinobi after all. No, these horrid dreams felt almost real and somehow felt familiar. It was almost as if they weren't simply fabrications of an overactive imagination, but instead the recollections of monstrous events of the past. 

Now that day was upon him, the tired boy knew that there was work to be done. This village was kind enough to shelter the boy, so the very least he could do was ensure that missions and assignments were done in a timely manner. The whole economy and financial well being of the village hinged on these simple but mandatory tasks. The shinobi of various ranks flocked to the administration building, aiming to do their part and act as a cog in the machine that was Konoha. The pale boy considered first gathering his strength with a meal and maybe a nice hot cup of tea, but something deep within him would drive the boy to the point where he simply felt need to make his way to gather his tasks for the day first. 

The building was busy, the hustle and bustle of those early risers in the streets and more notably in the administration office. The boy would slowly make his way to the boards, finding a handful of scrolls. His rank as a village genin only allowed him to take tasks limited by his estimated experience level, though the boy felt confident that he was more than capable of these more advanced assignments. With a quick scan of the tasks, Shin would find himself picking up four of them and quickly leaving the crowded room. As he was about to leave, the lady behind the desk would mention that these chosen tasks were all to be done in a group. Shin would scratch his head, unease painting his face. He didn't really have any issue with working in a team, but his experience trying to complete missions with others had always proved... less than ideal. His assignments with Goto had always gone smoothly, but that felt like it wasn't quite the norm. He would simply have to shrug, knowing that such decisions were outside of his control. He would simply have to suck it up and hope for the best. 

The boy would walk as he scanned the objectives on each scroll, making his way to the meeting place he was instructed to go to. It would seem as though he was far from the first one there, though the boy's lack of sleep and general fatigue probably slowed his pace more than he had expected it to. Two men stood there greeting one another right before the young boy would approach, a bow being seen and making this the most likely explanation. 

Shin would walk up to the pair, making himself known to the two. He was a small boy, not even reaching a height within a foot of the two giants that stood before him. He was very pale, almost to an unusual degree and had dark rings around his eyes. He was adorned with his usual garb, a pale blue kimono with white pants and a pair of black boots and armguards. A grey sash was wrapped around his waist, satchels for his ninja tools secured to it. 

The man closest to him was the dark haired giant that stated his name as Jecht, chest bear and with an incredibly muscular build. Very clearly a martial specialist, the odds suggesting a practitioner of taijustu. Very few specialties required a particularly muscular build, and this man probably had more muscle mass than Shin had total body mass. Language and posture suggested an unrefined upbringing, possibly born to commoners or other simple laborers. The other man that introduced himself as Iscarot was a bit harder to read. Clothing hid the man's musculature far better than the other, though it was hard to completely hide their mass. Build wasn't quite as large and bulky as that of Jecht. Likely also a martial specialist. Harder to determine if taijutsu or bukijutsu without more information. Stance and formal tone and bow suggested highborn, possibly noble. 

"It is my pleasure to meet you both. I am Shin." The boy would offer, not wanting to be seen as rude by his elders. "It would seem as though we are on assignment together, the first of which is to stop a civilian that has the tendency to make matters worse for everyone around them." Shin would look to the two elders, expecting them to take the lead here due to their seniority. "If I may speak freely?" He would ask. If allowed, he would state his thoughts. "This supposed hero is causing a lot of grief, and the task simply mentions to stop him. Should we simply find him and force him to stop?" The word force held emphasis, but Shin would continue, "It might be the most efficient use of our time, though in the long term it may make things worse should he seek retribution." The boy would look to the others, "Though I am here in a supporting role. I will do whatever it is that you instruct me to." And with this said, the boy would listen to whatever it was that the others would say. His words held truth, for he would simply follow their orders to the best of his ability. 

wc: 955
twc: 955/2666
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Getting the Gang Together Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Fri Jan 06, 2023 12:33 pm
The Demon did not have to wait long for someone to appear it seems. Shortly after introducing himself he would be met by the first comer, Ject. The male had been roughly two inches taller than Iscarot which wasn't too off-putting, since all he had to do was straighten up a bit. He didn't have to look up to him which was also a plus but it seemed this one might have been a little older than he...interesting. His request to speak with him freely and not formerly was taken into consideration but it would be something he would have to work on after all. It was something he had been conditioned to all his life and even if he was not a knight anymore, it was still apart of him. The silver haired male would look toward Ject for a moment before speaking," I can make no promises but I can try. Decades of speaking like this are a little hard to break like other habits, but I agree that we should wait on whoever else is coming so that we can begin," he did not know how long the two would be waiting for the other but as time passed a third would show up and Iscarot would have to find himself looking down to get a full view of them. This one seemed to be a child but looks could easily be deceiving. Upon introducing themselves, Iscarot would start to bow but remembered and simply nodded instead," Well met and yes you are correct. Whether or not he is doing good, he is causing more harm than his intended result which is not good overall. One can be a champion of good and justice but when you implement it incorrectly you simply become a nuisance," he still did not understand why this individual would not simply listen, but Shin had a good plan going on and it additionally brought a good question to Iscarot's mind.

Tapping his right index finger on his left wrist he would think on it for a moment before speaking," Stopping him would be a good first step, if we were to use force to stop him and explain in a way his helping is causing harm and he needs to take a different approach might be more helpful. If all else fails then Ject here can persuade him...nicely," nicely was putting it mildly but he was sure Ject would get the idea. If all three of them agreed to the plan, Iscarot would begin to head out toward the direction of where the supposed superhero was likely to be seen. As the trio walked, Iscarot would take the helm looking around as he did but would still interact with the others as he did," How long have you two been in the village? I've only been here honestly maybe a year or less than that. Its hard to keep count after so long," which wasn't a complete lie. With everything that had been going on with him, the time he had spent in the village wasn't completely paramount to him. Maybe he should invest in a calendar or something to help with it.

532 WC
TWC: 1,277
WC Needed: 2,666
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Getting the Gang Together Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Fri Jan 06, 2023 5:59 pm
Iscarot was definitely someone who was brought up in a family of much higher standing then Jecht was just by his mannerisms, which was fine Jecht understood that people can’t easily let go of their habits sometimes and he wasn’t ever going to force someone to constantly do so when they are around him. “Well at least you are willing to try but don’t put yourself out just cause of me. Do what makes you feel comfortable and I’ll just work with that.” He offered. Now the third person of their group had shown up and Jecht was pretty sure that this was the last of the people coming along, though he was surprised more by the person’s looks then stature as the last person to show up looked like a walking piece of chalk, they were pure white in almost everything about them. White pale skin, wide eyes with a black ring around them kind of reminded Jecht of a raccoon, Cyan hair and the clothing chosen by their third member didn’t help the lack of pigment but seemed to boost it.

“Hello there Shin, I’ve heard of the younger generation being more into indoor activities but you seem to have taken the cake on that one huh.” Jecht jested with the smaller Shinobi in good faith. Shin seemed more in line with Iscarot when it comes to personality, a bigger focus on simply wanting to hop right into making the plans needed and what the tasks held for them which wasn’t a bad thing but Jecht was much more a person who liked to banter when possible and then work if it’s a group. Though he decided it would probably be best to simply go with the flow of the others and listened to their discussion on what the first mission held, which seemed to be a person going around trying to play hero but being more a pain in the neck than an actual help.

“Yeah good deeds are only good if it helps those it involves,” Jecht said while nodding along, “Good initiative, bad judgment as my old man would always say.”
Jecht’s brow raised at the implication that both Iscarot and Shin thought that Jecht would be the willing muscle if it came to that and he wasn’t sure if to be offended by the stereotype or to laugh so he just shrugged and flexed some muscles when it was brought up. “If push comes to shove I don’t think we will have an issue with getting the individual to listen to our requests.” Now they were starting to head to where the last known place was of the person causing the trouble when Iscarot asked a question of the group, how long had they been in the village. Iscarot themselves had been there for maybe a year, Jecht had to think about this one, “Well its been about 4 or 5 years now that I’ve been here in the village, use to live out in the woods a distance away from here growing up.” He explained thinking back to his decision to give up that lifestyle and join Konohagakure.

WC: 525
TWC: 1257
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
Stat Page : Stats Link

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Getting the Gang Together Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:38 pm
The giant of a man would poke fun at Shin, though the boy took no real offense to such a thing, instead offering the faintest signs of a grin at the jest of Jecht. If the boy was more accustomed to banter between comrades and making jokes he might have tossed one of his own out there in order to help build comradery, but alas the young man was far from accustomed to such. His mind was quick and very sharp, but usually it was used to analyze his surroundings and people themselves. One could learn a great deal just from taking in all available information in their environments. 

Judging by the words spoken by Jecht and Iscarot, they were all of a like mind on how to move forward in this task. They would make effort to stop this supposed 'hero' by force and either make him listen to reason or end his efforts in another way. A quick scan of Jecht when he flexed only cemented the image of a taijutsu expert in Shin's mind. No clear weapons at his side, no armor to speak of, more muscle mass than was needed or efficient for a body to have. Plus, when it was hinted at the need for physicality the man flexed, suggesting that his body was the weapon. Shin would keep a mental note of this for future reference. 

They would begin to walk towards the last known location of the nuisance 'hero', the silence between the trio almost deafening. Shin wasn't sure if he should say something to break the ice or if he should remain quiet. Perhaps it was better to be quiet when hunting to avoid spooking their target? It was right after Shin had this thought when the noble spoke up with a question regarding how long each of them had been in the village. The pale boy would listen to how the others answered, noting that none of them were truly Konohagakure locals, born and bred here. Iscarot mentioned having only been here for maybe a year, and Jecht only a few more than that. "I have been in the village for as long as I can remember, thought that timeframe is only about a year. I've been a Konoha shinobi only slightly less time than that, approximately ten months time." The boy figured that the others, far older than Shin, likely have held the title of shinobi far longer. Whether this was true or not was unclear, but would be assumed unless otherwise specified. In an effort to better learn about his temporary comrades, he would offer to continue the conversation. "I specialize in Ninjutsu, though I have a long way to go before I can truly call myself a proper specialist. More of a specialist in training." Turning to Jecht, "I imagine you are a practitioner of Taijutsu, Jecht. And..." Turning to Iscarot, "Your size but slightly leaner build suggests possibly Bukijutsu or a Taijutsu emphasizing speed over raw power." He would look at the two with a look suggesting he was hoping for confirmation of his assessments, "Was I close?"

It wasn't long before the trio heard the cries for help from nearby. The voice was that of a woman, the sound painted in grief and sorrow. When they got to the woman she was shedding tears as a fully grown man wearing clothes that were torn at seams and looked to be far too small for him had a big, goofy grin on his face. Upon her seeing the trio of shinobi, she would shout out, "Look what he did to my little boy! What kind of person gives aging pills to a child?" She would point in the direction this 'hero' had gone and shout for them to stop him. 

A quick scan of the area would allow them to easily locate a man wearing nothing more than a pair of underpants and a cape running with his hands dangling behind him and a forward lean. It was... a sight to behold, that was for certain. Shin offered a puzzled look before speaking up to the others, "I almost feel bad for him. Perhaps he is simply very stupid." 

"You there with the... eh.. cape! Halt, else I will have to make you stop!" Shin would begin running towards the fleeing culprit. If the man stopped, all would be good. Otherwise, Shin would execute a tripping maneuver that looked to be like a makeshift Leaf Whirlwind sweep. Should it connect the man would tumble, crashing and sliding along the ground until friction forced his momentum to stop. 

WC: 770
TWC: 1725/2666
Iscarot Ushitora
Iscarot Ushitora
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 119700

Getting the Gang Together Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Sat Jan 07, 2023 12:13 am
The conversation proved to be quite fruitful. From what he had gathered from Ject, the male had been a nomad of sorts who had stayed within the land of Fire prior to joining the village proper itself. So he had some similarities to himself at some capacity but not by much. Seeing as Iscarot had been an ally of Suna through his clan...well prior clan's leader, he was a nomad by nature since he spent great leaps of time outside of the village traveling. It made him miss it quite a bit, but the life of a shinobi was not bad by any means. His head swiveled slightly as he looked to Shin as they explained how long they had been in the village as well. Something was off with his timeline of how long he had been in the village. Since he could not remember but only a year at best maybe he had some form of acute memory loss. Either that or his memories literally only started back at about a year which would have been another conversation for another time. Though it would seem that perhaps he may have been a shinobi of this village a little longer than himself. The young man had an air of intelligence about him, that was apparent by the way he had spoke and his analytical skills were something you would not find in the typical child. His assessment of Ject based on his body build as well as other factors as a Taijutsu practitioner was spot-on which warranted a clap from the Ushitora. Though what caught Iscarot off guard however was the assessment for himself. Given he no longer carried a weapon around anymore, just based off what he could see he could call his skill set so accurately. A small chuckle escaped the males lips as he gave yet another clap to the young Shin," You were, as they say, right on the ryo. Though my primary weapon is...indisposed i guess you could say, Yes i am a weapons specialist. My... family used to be great swordsmen of some renown from where we are from, and after they migrated to Suna that was still the case. Though I would say my case is more so strength over speed. Maybe once i don a blade again i can give you a demonstration?," he'd offer the demonstration to the both of them as he was curious to see the capabilities of the other two as well.

As they were conversing the sounds of the lamented filled the ears of Iscarot and as the others moved so too would he move with them. Once they had arrived on the scene he would look to the mother and the male? She had been holding. What threw him off track was the fact that she had said that the supposed hero had did this to her child, a curious notion as how could one force a child into a grown man? What were aging pills? It was in the name but he had never heard of them until now which only perplexed him as to why this person would give them to a child. As he was about to ask the important question they were asked, demanded rather, that they go after the culprit and pointed in the direction he went. Accepting her request, he would begin to move with the others to intercept the alleged superhero. Looking at their attire he would face palm and sigh as he had to disagree with Shin.

"I do not unfortunately."

The chase was on. The three would attempt to stop the person from running off after calling to him. While Shin had tried to sweep him from below, Iscarot would flank his left and with one swift motion bring his arm forward catching the man in the nook of his arm clotheslining him. Between the two the effort would bring them on their ass and allow them to surround them. Now that they had the male cornered, to get eye level with them Iscarot would lean down and stare into their eyes," So you are the supposed superhero huh? You don't look like a shinobi yet you are championing around as someone who helps? Have you ever looked back to see that the antics you are pulling are doing more harm than good? You apparently just turned a small child into a grown man and for what? We are going to ask you, nicely, to end the charade you are pulling upon the citizens of the village. If you want to do good by them then you will stop this," he would try the route that would end this peacefully, but if he had pushed or persisted then maybe force would be needed. Only time would truly tell what needed to happen.

WC: 806
TWC: 2,083
WC Needed: 2,666
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Log
Remove Remove Remove Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 0

Getting the Gang Together Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:16 am
It seems that everyone had been here only for short amount of times even the youngest one didn’t seem to have grown up here in the village and seemed to be one of those genius types or was just one of those kids who always noticed more than people expected. It wasn’t much of a surprise what Jecht was good at when it came to some of the things Shinobi specialize in, his clan was one that focused on strength and using your body to do the work you needed so like his father before him Jecht had trained his body as it was going to be his main weapon. This didn’t mean that he didn’t have the capability to use other styles it just came more natural for him to swing his fist than others. “What? A Taijutsu practitioner? I don’t think my muscles are big enough for that though.” Jecht feigned innocence with a smile, “Oh would you look at that, kid says you got some muscles on that body of yours.” He mentioned as Shin continued his assessment of the two older Shinobis, Jecht figured their silver haired companion either focused on Ninjutsu like the majority or Bukijutsu based on his size but since Jecht didn’t see a weapon he couldn’t solidify that judgement. So with the confirmation from Iscarot Jecht nodded along.
Noises of distress drew Jecht’s attention away from the current conversation and it seemed like the others had heard it too as they all made their way to the cause of the noise, lo and behold it was the supposed hero having “helped” another victim this time it seemed that they had fed aging pills to a child who sat in very tight and ripped clothing with a man’s body. “You messed with a child.” Jecht muttered to himself as he watched the culprit flee the scene wearing some underwear and a cape. His companions were already on the move with Shin sweeping his legs and Iscarot clothslining him to the ground, knocking the wind out of the culprit. Jecht slowly walked up to the out of breath culprit who seemed to be confused on what happened to him, “I was only helping the child, he wished to be older so he could stay up later.” The crazed man spouted, Jecht socked the man in the gut as he laid on the ground with enough force to cause the man to throw up. “You have stolen years of that child’s life due to your misguided efforts. That child will now be a freak to his friends and have to miss out on his youth. You have quickened his time in this world. You have taken something that cannot be returned.” Jecht said with a quiet and calm demeanor though his voice was gentle his face and body spoke of a rage that wished to be released. “You will repent for these actions, if you chose not too I will take something from you that can not be returned.” The dark-skinned man said to this crazed loon with his face about an inch away from the others.
Only once the “hero” nodded his head with a look of fear in his eyes did Jecht move away from him and went back to the woman with her now fully grown man-child. “I am sorry we were not faster to stop this, I can only promise that we will make sure this never happens to another family or another child.” Jecht said with a somber tone, he had one rule when it came to the things he wouldn't do or wouldn’t accept from others and that was messing with kids. The woman was not satisfied but she accepted the promise and simply focused on trying to think of what to do with her child. Jecht returned to the group, “With this fool captured where do we go next.” He asked keeping his eyes on the “hero” some part of him hoping to see any kind of attempt to escape or resist from the man.
WC: 677
TWC: 1934
Shin of the Wind
Shin of the Wind
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Getting the Gang Together Empty Re: Getting the Gang Together

Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:30 pm
It would seem that his assessments of the two were fairly close, Iscarot clarifying that he was a weaponry expert, though emphasis was put into strength on that front. Shin would keep this in mind, as it was far different than what he had come to expect from those that focus on the art of swordplay. It was most interesting, indeed. The silver haired knight would then offer up a demonstration at a later date once he was able to secure a weapon suitable to his needs. "I would like that very much." Shin would offer in reply, gladly taking any chances to witness and possibly learn from the styles of others. All such demonstrations could be a learning opportunity for the boy. Jecht would pretend like he was not a Taijutsu specialist, but the playful tone in his voice suggested that he was messing around once again. 

The screams would signal them all to quickly shift focus and spring into action. Catching up to the 'hero' was an easy task and the pair quickly planted him on his backside. Shin would watch silently as the older shinobi attempted to talk some sense into the fool masquerading as a helpful and heroic figure. Jecht's words were particularly forceful it would seem, as a swift hit to the man's gut would cause his breakfast to come spilling forth to the ground beside him. There was a rather... intimidating aura spilling forth from the large man, a simmering rage just beneath the surface. He wasn't wrong, though. That kid had years of his life taken from him, and for what? The ability to stay up a little later at night? This 'help' that he offered was far too much, like burning down a building to kill a single mouse. Intelligence was not this strange man's strongest feature, and it was hard to see if he understood what they were saying to him. Was he able to fathom just what it was that he had done? Did he recognize that his actions were wrong, or was he just a simpleton acting off of fear for his life? Shin would keep silent as they returned to the panicked woman, though Jecht made it seem like there was no hope to return him. "I am not the most well versed in the arts, but could a space and time ninjutsu practitioner reverse this?" This was an honest question, for the boy knew there were techniques to manipulate such forces but didn't know the scope of what they could and couldn't do. Perhaps the elder shinobi knew a bit more, even if they weren't specialists in the field. The woman's eyes would light up, a glimmer of hope sparked in them.

Once they had all wrapped up that interaction, Jecht would ask what was next. Shin would pull out the scrolls and take a look, noting that a nearby science laboratory was the next mission location. "A lab not far from here it would seem, maybe a ten minute walk if we hustle. It says something here about testing out a new sort of food pill." Shin was hungry, but he hated those food pills. They always made him feel a bit weird, like he had eaten far more than he should have all in one sitting. The lab was a bit bigger than most of the buildings around it, a fairly large amount of space required to accommodate their needs.

Standing out front was a man in a lab coat, tapping his foot on the ground rapidly. Arms crossed, stance and demeanor suggest that he is annoyed with something... or someone. The trio's paperwork made no mention of a specific time that they had to be on site. They must be in the clear, and something else must be bothering him. Despite best efforts, without talking to the man unlikely to determine much more. "Paperwork doesn't mention our point of contact. Perhaps we should ask him... and see why he is upset."

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