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Mikina Viperis
Mikina Viperis
Stat Page : The Copperhead
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Clan Focus : Bukijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Watch iiiiit, I'm inna gang 'ere! Empty Watch iiiiit, I'm inna gang 'ere!

Fri Apr 01, 2022 8:02 pm

Tanbogakure, known for many things. Rice, rice, and ah yes. Even more. You guessed it. Rice. Wherever you went, there was a rice field, or rice being sold. But, there was a separate, less known on an, above ground or legal stand point. There was a rather nasty gang, primarily a few different clans with the same goal, money, starting to grow in ranks within the village.

This reason, was the real reason why Hiko Shimada found himself within the village after days of travel. He needed money, and wherever gangs were, work was. Also, making connections didn't hurt either, but in the end, it still wasn't the primary goal. Due to the illicit nature to the jobs in which the 16 year old Tau had tended to take on, there was a frequent need to move around. Always having the weight of consistently needing to relocate was beginning to become tiresome and lonely, albeit necessary for survival. He's been wanting to find a base where he can settle, but one has yet to be stumbled upon within his travels. Anyways, there was business to get to.

The muted green and brown patchwork garb that he wore helped to act as a cover, the hood blocking partial view from his face. One of the last things in which he wanted was his face being seen with gang members; that would've been a call to get him kicked out the village most likely. At the very least, it would raise a few eyebrows in his direction, and when eyebrows were raised, curiosities tended to get the best of people.

The exchange with the representative of the gang was relatively simple, they met in one of the alleys at the outskirts of the village where they had a very brief exchange of words. It was brought to Hiko's attention that a certain villager had begun to go stiff on their payments. So it was his job, to go and collect. "Like taking candy from a baby." The missing nin would comment to the informant, basking in his cockiness and pride that this was going to be a cake walk. An address was also shared, as well as a time that this person who didn't pay was expected to be leaving to head to the bar like they normally do. With all that said and out of the way, the two men had quickly parted ways and wouldn't see each other until later that night after the task had been completed.

Now, onto the actual mission, Hiko was moving his way calmly through the village hidden in the rice paddies. Each stride taken with an enormous amount of confidence, but also not outwardly displaying it to the point of arrogance. On the inside was a different story. The thoughts in his head already knew the outcome of this, and he would be victorious. A simple citizen was no match for the might of the Emerald Scorpion. The walk there was relatively quick, but in order to do this subtly, the assumed dead brother would have to wait until when they would be leaving in order to make his move.

As the local mobster said, the person was spotted exiting the address around that particular time. A few seconds after taking notice to this, the boy would follow the man until they reached a dark alley were the two were alone. Then, the confrontation began. After making sure the coast was clear, he caught up to the guy, stopping him within his tracks. "I believe you owe us something." His hushed, course voice would rumble beneath the hood. "Huh? Do I know you? Listen punk, I have places to be, now go find your parents or something."

And the man would try to step around young Hiko, but he intervened, stepping in the way once more. "You don't know me, but I know you. And you, well. You haven't been paying your debts. Now I'm here to collect." All that the shinobi would offer, was an outstretched hand, awaiting for the joyous sound of bag of Ryo jingling in it. To no avail though, all that was received was a smack to it. "I guess you didn't understand the nature of this warning." The Shimadans hand would remain outstretched, numb to the stinging sensation of the smack, and he would raise his head up so that way his face was now visible from beneath the hood. Then, out of nowhere, the scar which went down his right cheek begun to shake and tear open, 10 individual black threads emerging from the newly formed crevice. "AHHHHHH! MOOOONSTEERRRR! PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!!!" The unnamed villager had promptly said in response to this chain of unfortunate events occurring, before immediately dropping a pouch full of coins within Hiko's hand and bolting the opposite direction.

Laughing maniacally at the site of this, the kids head would lower while mumbling to himself as his face melded back together, "Too easy." Thus, he then made his getaway, securing the coin for the local gang without any blood being spilt.

WC: 843

1000 Ryo
5 AP
Thread Exit
500 words to Tsuri Goshi, completing it
343 words to Leaf Whirlwind (343/500)
Total stats, 8
5 to Strength
3 to Vigor
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

Watch iiiiit, I'm inna gang 'ere! Empty Re: Watch iiiiit, I'm inna gang 'ere!

Fri Apr 01, 2022 8:32 pm
Exit claims approved. Please don't forget to add these claims to your stat page
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