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Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:15 pm
The question brought up an obvious discomfort and what seemed to Snow, a slight haunting feeling. This scar was certainly a tender topic and his face as he thought about his scar reminded him of his own haunting thoughts. The scars on his waist that he had given himself to try and escape his own past. He knew there was plenty more to this scar, but he would have to wait to get any information on that topic.

Saizou handled the introductions, Snow was always pretty bad at remembering that the small talk was important when it came to having conversations with people. He had strong tendencies to delve into deep topics without actually knowing the individuals in the first place. Asahi did accept Snow's offer for the cream that he offered and gave Snow some hope that he would have a companion to pick ingredients out in the forests too.

Snow smiled as he handed Asahi amber container. He seemed appreciative and then asked about their specialties. Snow would answer, "I am a Yuki, so we use Ice release. My specialties are mainly Ninjutsu." Snow would smile after answering his question. Looking forward to Sai answering next. Then hopefully he would hear Asahi answer his own question.

Saizou Uchiha
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Thu Feb 13, 2020 7:39 pm
Sai felt slightly bad for Asahi, after he explained how he got the scare on his face. Sai wasent sure if Asahi was going to tell them the whole truth about how he got the scar, in all honestly Sai didnt care. Sai wasnet one to get stuck on past action and consequences, he had his eyes set on the future. He knew there was nothing in the past that he could go back and change, so he felt no need to dwell over it. He knew everyone wasent like him tho, some people were sensitive and had to be dealt with gently.

Sai was happy that Asahi wanted to train with them both, Sai knew that him and Snow could use some live training. Sai listen as Snow told Asahi a little bit about himself. He didnt want to speak first, cause he honestly didnt know where to start. Sai thought he would just follow behind Sai footsteps in that instance. "Im an Uchiha, I have fire and lightning release and i also specialist in ninjutsu", Sai said with a smile. He hoped there was some kind of way he could help teach Asahi and still learn something himself.

"Tell us a little bit about yourself, lets see if there anyway me and Snow can help teach ya something:, Sai said with a smile waiting for Asahi to respond. Hoping Snow wouldnt mind teaching Asahi.
Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Fri Feb 14, 2020 9:31 am
It seemed Asahi had guessed correct as Snow confirmed he was indeed a Yuki, the clan well known for their Ice Release. With such a kekkei genkai, a combination of water and wind, it only made sense for the young shinobi to have ninjusu as a specialty. Which is exactly what he told. They both possessed different chakra natures but at least they shared the same specialty. Up next was Sai, who similar to Snow was part of a famous clan, the Uchiha. Famed for their dōjutsu kekkei genkai, the Sharingan. The young Uchiha explained he had both fire and lightning release with ninjutsu as his specialty. So far it seemed that the three boys shared the same specialty with Asahi and Sai also having the same element. This could potentially turn into a great training for the young Meijin, at least that was what he thought himself.

Now that both Snow and Sai had given Asahi a bit of information about themselves it was time for the Meijin to answer his own question. "I have affinity for the fire nature transformation and I specialize in ninjutsu as well." Similar with the story about his scar Asahi decided to remain silent about being cursed by the Meijin Disease which only allowed him to master a single element. He wasn't sure how other people would react once they found out about his bloodline. So for now he would keep his bloodline a secret until he was able to come and trust the two shinobi. "It looks like we have a bit in common, if you guys don't mind I would love to learn a thing or two from both of you." Asahi was hoping for a positive reply, but he would understand if Snow and Sai had something else to do. 

(WC: 300, TWC: 2041)
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:46 pm
The newcomer to the group, Asahi, seemed very interested in training with the two members from Team Zero. Sai would be much better equipped to teach him things that coincided with his own element of fire. But Snow would be able to spar with him whenever, or teach him the non-elemental techniques that he knew, like Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu, Shuriken Giant Body, and Shadow clone! He could also teach him En, the chakra sensing technique that helped those with Ninjutsu as their main specialty. 

Snow then grinned at his newfound training partner while performing the hand seal for the shadow clones. Two copies of Snow then appeared from puffs of smoke, "Before we decide to train you. I want to see how handle pressure." The moment he was done talking, one of the clones went straight for Asahi. The clone would go for a left cross for his chin. 

Snow would hold Sai back, giving him a look of "Trust me, I know what I'm doing." Snow wanted to start changing the culture of all of the Genin to become true warriors, he wanted to be ready to protect their village and actually be something of use. So this was how he was going to begin his training from now on. 

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 15, 2020 8:00 am
With his and Snow introduction of themselfs done, it was Asahi turn. Sai was very curious to see what type of elements and specialty did he have. Sai kind of figure that he and Asahi had the same type of element, due to his earlier statement of playing in fire. Sai had hoped he was right, he wanted to know how it felt training someone. He had never done something like that before and he didnt want to be a bad teacher. Moments after Sai and Snow introduced themselfs Asahi did the same. Asahi had told them that he too posses the fire element, Sai guess was right. 

Hearing that bought a smile on Sai face, it was a good feeling knowing he was about to actually train someone. Sai wasent big on just helping people for no reason but when it came to training and getting stronger Sai was always ready. Moment after Asahi was done explaining himself Snow started to speak, saying he wanted to see how Asahi handled pressure. Sai was curious to see how Snow would test him on that, untill Sai seen Snow summon a clone. Sai could guess that he would have the clone spar Asahi. Sai didnt like the idea, knowing that Asahi was alot weaker than them. Sai wasent mad that snow had decided to attack, Sai just wanted to be the first person to make a move. To have Snow beat him to the punch sucked for Sai. He was about to speak up, until Snow gave him this "I know what im doing look". That look was enough for Sai to let Snow finish what he started.
Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:53 am
With the introductions out of the way, all three of the young shinobi now knew each other's elements and specialties. Of course the other two, Snow and Sai, were already aware of their own friend's skills since they had been training longer than Asahi had. It only made sense for people who would train together to know about what the other could or could not do. Even more important when you would get involved in something dangerous, so you could come up with the best plan possible. If you know the strengths and weaknesses of your teammates it would prove to be easier to handle difficult things together.

Asahi was waiting on the other's their reaction to find out if they would be willing to train together with him. Judging by the way Snow started grinning the Meijin knew something was going to happen. Not knowing what to expect just yet he prepared himself to react to whatever would be coming his way. When he witnessed the Yuki's following actions he was certain that something was bound to happen. As Snow formed a hand seal and created two Shadow Clones, both copies of him appeared out of smoke as he was telling Asahi he wanted to see how he would handle pressure.

The moment Snow was done talking one of his clones went straight for Asahi. At this point it was clear that there was a huge gap between the Meijin and his two training partners so he had to give it his all. If your opponent is much faster than you it is important to anticipate and predict his movements. Going by Snow's body posture, or rather his shadow clone's posture, Asahi figured he would be using his left hand to go for a punch. Before the Clone was able to throw his punch and connect with Asahi's chin, he would dodge to his right to avoid getting hit with a left cross. Barely avoiding the hit, Asahi would then use all of his might to push the Clone's extended arm to bring him out of balance, followed up by creating some distance between them.

(WC: 356, TWC: 2397)
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 15, 2020 1:29 pm
The moment Snow's clone went in for the attack, Snow was concerned that Asahi would take offense to the move, or cower at the chance to a spar. Snow saw a lot of potential in Asahi's eyes when they spoke, a tortured soul, much like his own. But the one thing that he knew this soul needed was to forged in the fire that he wielded, whether or not his integrity and soul could survive the fire was going to be another answer soon to be given based on the response that Asahi would have to Snow's training method. 

Snow was pleased with the decision that Asahi made, instead of taking the hit or just cowering. He jumped at the chance to have his spar with the clone. The clone's cross was dodged by Asahi weaving to the right, ducking low under the clone's fist. A good move, if he would also be ready for the follow up attack. Asahi went to push the clone's arm to get him off his center of balance, "Wrong move." Snow would think to himself as he saw the clone beginning his follow up attack. Just as Asahi went for the arm of the clone, the clone's following knee would be coming directly for his ribs. This knee would still be under the same momentum from the punch that he was throwing.

Snow was constantly observing Asahi's movements, knowing that the clone would be doing the same each and every attack that Asahi would try to counter with. Snow was very curious to see what this individual will be capable of, and this was going to be the best way to find out. Ninjutsu is all well and good, but if a warrior doesn't have the quick wit to counter, then they will never be able to take on a worth combatant.

Snow looked over to Sai and said, "I also want you to watch both the clone and Asahi. He seems to have quick feet and a quicker mind. This is a good way for your to learn how to fight as well." Snow continued to pay attention to the spar at hand. Hoping Asahi would come up with a way to counter, or at least block the attack with both of his hands pushing towards the clone's arm, leaving his ribs completely exposed. 

Saizou Uchiha
Saizou Uchiha
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 15, 2020 2:23 pm
Sai look onward as the two shinobi sparred, watching every aspect of the fight. He like the courage Asahi had showed, not to many newer people were a quick thinker like Asahi was. Sai was happy to see that newer leaf ninja havent lost their will of fire and still wanted to get stronger, even in semi peaceful times like these. As Sai was watching the fight he head hear Snow began to speak to him, slightly insulting him. Sai knew Snow didnt mean anything by it, but Sai couldnt help but feel some kind of way by the slight diss towards him. 

"Dont have your clone get its ass kick by a newbie", Sai said back to snow with a slight smirk. Hoping this spar would get a little more interesting. Sai took a seat next to Snow as he watched waiting to see what was going to happen next.
Asahi Meijin
Asahi Meijin
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:02 pm
The tone had been set with the start of their little spar. With his quick thinking and anticipating Asahi was successful in avoiding the Shadow Clone's left cross punch. Reacting fast enough to dodge the first attack the young Meijin had to make sure to remain focussed as this was only the beginning. Using the same momentum as the punch Snow's clone would continue with his following up attack. This one was aimed for Asahi's ribs and hard to dodge since it happened at the same time that the Meijin had left his guard wide open, even if only for a moment.

Just like with the first attack Asahi had to think fast. He figured this one was impossible to dodge so he came up with some kind of countermove. If it was going to work he would have to see once, and more importantly, how well it was executed. He would shift his body the best he could so the blow would be softened as much as possible. The moment the clone's knee would connect with Asahi's ribs he would raise his own knee while simultaneously lowering his elbow. By doing so he would lock his opponent's knee between his own and his elbow, making him unable to move freely. Enduring the pain and pushing through it, Asahi would then kick his opponent's standing leg, trying to sweep him off his feet and possibly dropping him on the ground.

(WC: 240, TWC: 2637)
Snjor Yuki
Snjor Yuki
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One's True Potential (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: One's True Potential (Open)

Sat Feb 15, 2020 5:15 pm
Snow was pleased that this newcomer, Asahi, had a quick mind about him. But this quick mind had one issue, one issue that Snow was going to exploit until he understood what the issue was, he leaves his guard far to open. It was interesting to see this person fought very similar to the female member of his group, Akira. While it was commendable that he took the hit, much like she did when he slammed his heel directly into her sternum, he then tried to trap the clone's knee within his own knee and arm. While it was a perfectly good move by itself, it needed something to follow up with much quicker than a sweep to the legs. 

Snow's clone was anticipating the sweep to the legs based on the leaning of his body. The transition of the weight signified a defensive to offensive switch and Snow's clone saw his hips beginning to sweep. But the sweep would ultimately fail due to the clone already leaving the ground, using the momentum still from the first move, and due to Asahi already shifting his weight backwards and only having one foot on the ground. Snow's clone would swing his right leg up, using Asahi's extended arm as a way to gain enough leverage to get his leg up. He would hold onto Asahi's arm and have his right leg wrap around the front of Asahi's neck, using his own weight to knock the due to the ground. 

With Asahi's arm in hand, going up his abdomen from between Snow's clone's legs with the elbow being directly above his scarred waistline, Snow would push his hips up with his leg going across Asahi's throat to put enough stress on the elbow to cause significant pain, but he would not break the arm, only cause enough stress to put Asahi in a position of excruciating pain. Snow's clone would then continue the stress until the hold was broken some how, or until Asahi tapped out. 

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