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Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 5200

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty "Down with the Raikage!"

Thu Mar 05, 2020 4:01 pm
Mission Details::

Ikari was stretching out his body, readying himself for another full day of training. He had just started delving into the realm of ninjutsu, he had a lot of ground to cover and with the Chuunin exams coming up, he certainly had very little time to cover it. He looked at himself in the mirror, his mind forcing himself to relive memories of his time in the orphanage. A certain memory filled his mind as he remembered the blood coming down his forehead and into his eyes. His anger swelled within him that day, for the first time he couldn't control it. The glass that shattered, scattering shards over the ground. His barely conscious body sitting up leaning against the wall after his collision with the mirror. He could still feel the cut on the back of his skull after that day. The memory was still blurry, but it was  becoming more clear day by day. 

His second foster father was an angry alcoholic, coming home every day from work to beat on Ikari when he was around five, until he was fourteen when he finally ran away successfully. He remembered that was the night he finally got away. The glass shattered, but the punches kept coming. His head would recoil from the old man's large fist pounding against his face, recoiling into the wall only to be met with another fist on his other side. This went on for a few minutes until Ikari felt something completely break within him. Another punch was being delivered towards his face, before he lowered his head slightly to have the man punch Ikari's forehead. The man recoiled his hand screaming and in agony. Ikari began laughing, wiping the blood off of his forehead as he stood before his foster father. 

The old man tried to push Ikari back down so he could resume his punishment, but Ikari denied his advance with a push kick directly to the old man's bad knee. The sickening creak, then crack of the knee cap as it bent the opposite direction was a sound that would make the hardest man cringe, if only a little. Ikari watched as the old man fell to the floor, screeching louder than he had ever heard anyone screech before. The orphan boy then grabbed on to the old man's knee, twisting it back and forth, telling him that he would not be punished by him any more. The old man would scream in pure agony begging for Ikari to stop. 

Ikari's memory was interrupted by the screaming of the village folk down on the street just outside of his apartment. He shook his head violently to bring himself back to this plane of existence before running over to his window to see what the commotion was about. When he peered over the window pane, he saw that there was a small mass of people gathered, protesting the Raikage and his decisions over something. Ikari wasn't sure what, but he did know that this protesting something that needed to be calmed and done away with, so he would do what he could. 

Ikari flew down the steps of the apartment complex and when he exited the building, the mass of people seemed to grow since he had looked out his window. "How should I disband this group?" Ikari would think to himself as he watched the group of protesters begin to grow more and more by the minute.

Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty Re: "Down with the Raikage!"

Sat Mar 07, 2020 11:57 am
Politics were never his cup of tea, nor something he would interest himself in. The first duty of a man is to think for himself and Ichigo needed no village affairs for that. But regardless of the fact that he didn't involve himself in such matters even the Drunk knew about the recent change in Kumogakure's leadership. It hadn't been that long ago that a man came to the Land of Lightning and proclaimed himself as the ninth Raikage after besting Kumogakure and Kirigakure forces. Not much was known about the man in question except for his name, Kutari. 

Ichigo himself didn't care much about the man, as long as it wouldn't affect the village too much. The Drunk liked his peace and quiet. Thinking otherwise was a group of protestors that had gathered on the village streets. It seemed like the mass of people that had formed itself was displeased with their new leader and they weren't particularly afraid of voicing their opinion. “Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it." The Drunk could find himself agreeing to that statement. To him leadership meant duty, honor, country. 

But what he couldn't agree with was the way these people were handling their protest. Things were starting to get out of hand. "Fools" he would utter on his way over getting closer to the masses. If you want to rebel, rebel from inside the system. That's much more powerful than rebelling outside the system. Don't find fault, find a remedy. He much preferred the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses. Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.

No leader sets out to be a leader. People set out to live their lives, expressing themselves fully. When that expression is of value, they become leaders. So the point is not to become a leader. The point is to become yourself, to use yourself completely – all your skills, gifts and energies – in order to make your vision manifest. You must withhold nothing. You must, in sum, become the person you started out to be, and to enjoy the process of becoming. Don’t waste your energy trying to educate or change opinions; go over, under, through, and opinions will change organically when you’re the boss. Or they won’t. Who cares? Do your thing, and don’t care if they like it.

Ichigo would then blend into the crowd, keeping an eye on those who would break any laws or start trouble. 

(WC: 429)
Thor Senju
Thor Senju
Stat Page : Thor
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty Re: "Down with the Raikage!"

Thu Mar 19, 2020 5:51 pm
"This is more like it , i might be able to find a play thing or two today", Thor thought to himself. He had accepted a mission to helpt quell the locals , something he had no problem doing. He did understand where they came from as far as wanting to chose who ruled them , but as most knew or would soon realize is that the strong will always rule over the weak. Unfortunately for the local people there was nothing they could do about it, and now that he was hired they were in for a serious wake up call. Thor knew he couldnt kill anyone or even hurt them to bad , so he would try his hardest not to do anything outrageous. The last thing he and the village would need is more problems than it already has. Thor also knew it would be other shinobi on the scene and even though a fight would be nice , he didnt want to fight a losing battle. He got out of bed and quickly got ready, not wasting time like he normally would with his long showers. Today would require a little more haste out of him than normal, it didnt bother him much though. The excitement he was feeling was more then enough motivation.

It took him around 15 minutes to get out the shower and fully dressed. As he finished getting dressed he could help but think about the whole politics of everything. He personally didnt give a rat's ass who was Kage , as long as he was able to still go out and enjoy himself then he found no problem with it. He did wander how things around the village would be different if he was to become Kage , and all the new rules he would usher in. It all sounded like alot of paper work and no time for anything else, and even though Thor didnt care about it just thinking about it was pretty interesting. As he made his way out of his home and down his steps, he had realized he had forgotten to grab his daily fruit before leaving out. He normally wouldnt waste time going back for something but he never missed his daily fruit and was about to start now. He quickly ran back up the steps and opened his door and snatched an apple of his table , before rushing back out the house. Thor knew he had to put a little bit more pep in his step if he was going to be there on time.

After about 5 minutes Thor was able to make it to the location that was on the mission scroll. To his surprise it wasent as bad as he would of thought. He was expecting alot more violence going on than what it was by now. He sighed , knowing that he was either to late or to early. Either way he would have to wait around and see what would happen. Thor would take his position in the crowd , walking through pretending to be on of the other villagers out protesting for their rights. He was just waiting for someone to make the wrong move , anything to give him a reason to do something other than this. He hated acting like he cared about other people and their interest , but he would do what he had to. He wanted this mission completed and he needed the nice money that it would bring in , and if he would be able to mildly satisfy his blood lust then so be it. His only hope now is for one of the villagers to kick everything of.

Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 5200

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty Re: "Down with the Raikage!"

Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:29 am
The villagers began to grow in numbers. From being a measly ten protesters, to numbering to almost one hundred villagers. Ikari was lost in the massive sea of angry protesters as they began screaming out that they wanted transparency of their government, they wanted to see the Raikage and speak with him directly. Some of the protesters became so riled up that they began to break the windows of the shops along the main road, many of the protesters began tearing apart the streets, screaming at the top of their lungs, screaming for the Raikage to show himself and finally end the lack of communication with his own denizens. Ikari performed the hand seals for the Nativity: World of Trees technique. The moment Ikari finished the final seal, trees would spring up out of the ground, protecting all of the shops that were along the main road of the village. With the shops being protected, Ikari knew that he needed to change his focus to the vandals themselves. The trees began whipping branches directly towards all of the vandals that had just destroyed the store fronts. 

He trapped all of the vandals that he could see, and he hoped that he hadn't missed any others that had tried running off down both ends of the main road.
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
Remove Taijutsu Remove Bukijutsu Remove Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty Re: "Down with the Raikage!"

Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:09 am
Blending in with the people Ichigo had find himself amongst the protestors. With his appearance he could be easily mistaken for one of them, so no one was suspecting him to be a Kumogakure shinobi. Shops were being vandalized and people were getting hurt, so saying things started heating up would be quite the understatement. Honestly the Drunk didn't care about some shops getting vandalized, but the second they would start hurting other people was also the moment he would intervene. Making his way to the mass of protestors Ichigo would first help those who got hurt to safety. Once they were out of danger he would turn back to seize those responsible for those actions.

He wasn't a fan of using his fists but he had no problem to resort to violence if some of them would resist. His main priority was to ensure the safety of innocent bystanders. For now he wouldn't care about the protest against the Raikage or the fact that they were unhappy with his leadership. All that mattered to him was making sure that everyone would get out unscathed and the ones getting violent would be punished. The Drunk wouldn't use anything fancy, those who started making trouble would be met by a stone hard punch to the face, knocking them out cold. A good old fashioned brawl, just what he needed. Ichigo was getting pissed so he would use this to let off some steam. 

(WC: 242, TWC: 671)
Thor Senju
Thor Senju
Stat Page : Thor
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty Re: "Down with the Raikage!"

Wed Apr 08, 2020 10:15 pm
It wasent long before the semi peaceful protesters turned nasty. Just what Thor wanted, he had been on a couple mission proir and hadnt been impressed with the action. Atleast now he gets to chase after people and get a little work out in. As the shops were starting to get vandalized Thor could see that other shinobi were also on the seen , and another senju none the less. He smiled as he knew it was time to get into action. Wasting no time at all he apprehended the two closet to him with ease. Not gaining to much excitement from the first two he decide he would go after each and every person he could get his hands on, in hopes of finding some type of fun out of the mission. To Thor though it wasent a mission at all at that point, it was more about him satisfying his thirst for some violence. It wasent long before most of the evil protesters started to disperse and make their way out of the area. Knowing that their was other ninja there made Thor feel as though his job was done there. He had stopped a decent amount of people and with the presence of other shinobi there he knew this mission was pretty much over. 

Thor tied up what men he could and left them for the authorities to come get them , or the shop owners. Whoever got to them first didnt concern Thor , only thing he was loking forward to was the pay that he would be receiving after this is all over. As he started to walk away he couldnt help but feel the need to stick around just a little bit longer, he wasent sure why but his gut was telling him to do so. So thats what he did, he took a seat down at a near by bench and decided to watch and see what happens.
Ikari Senju
Ikari Senju
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 5200

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty Re: "Down with the Raikage!"

Thu Apr 09, 2020 1:24 am
Ikari had stopped most of the damage that was being done or about to be done to the shops that lined the main road. While the showing of the wood release within the middle of the village did sway a few of the protesters to end their little performance. But for the amount of protesters that had given up, there were still plenty more who were joining in on the fun. Ikari and his comrades, the very Senju that taught him the wood techniques that he knew, and Ichigo, the man who Ikari had become very fond of when he learned the Earth release from that very man. 

He had already had the streets lined with trees, much of which he had rioters wrapped up within the branches of. But he was seeing that this was not enough to stop the more rowdy of the protesters. "What the hell am I going to do? If we don't stop these people they are only going to continue to get worse. Do I go with a hard show of force? Or do I do my best to reason with them? What the hell am I saying? Of course we need to go with the show of force! That is the only way that these people are going to listen at this point. With them already getting to the point of harming the very village that housed them, then they have already gone far enough to drive themselves into a frenzy." With Ikari's mind set, he had a plan in place within his mind. The only option now was for him to put it into action, a plan that could work, but even he wasn't sure of it. 

Ikari wasn't entirely sure what was going to stop the protesters, but he was going to need to do something. Ikari's rage beginning to swell he produced three branches from his sides, then he produced two Earth Shadow Clones to stand beside him and do the same and they would transform and have the form of random villagers that Ikari had seen during his time within the village. Ikari would use the branches that protruded out of his body to lift the protestors slightly, just off of their feet. "That's enough!" Ikari would yell as loud as he could. Ikari would lift the "protesters" above his head as a way to show them all off to the other protesters. For a moment, the screaming would stop, the rioting would cease. They would look to the men that Ikari had picked up above his head. With the protesters attention, he would begin to speak, yelling as loud as he could so that he could have even the people in the very back of the protesting hear him. 

"If you people want to revolt this way, than this is what you have to look forward to! You are to act like the citizens that you are of this fine village and you bring your issues up to the Kage formally. Should he be able to get the time to listen to your beckoning, then he does. If he doesn't, then go about living your lives the best you can and be thankful that you have a roof over your head and clothes on your back! If you value your lives, and your freedom, then I would highly suggest that you all turn tail and get your asses back home now!  If you don't. Then you shall end up similar to these men here! Ikari's clones would begin to act as if they were being strangled to death with the branches that were wrapped around their bodies. 

As soon as their bodies went limp, the people would not react in the way that Ikari had figured they would. In his mind, the people would all begin to run away and head to their homes. When in reality they would stand, part in fear, and the other part in sadness. They would be more in shock then they would be in anything else. He would end the display by laying the two shadow clones down on the ground. "May this prove to be a reminder of what could happen, should you test the leader enough." After he was finished, he would dispel both shadow clones, having them both turn back into the rock and dirt.

With the demonstration finished, he would begin leading the protesters away from the main road and back into the residential districts.

TWC: 1540


+7 AP, 3100 Ryo, +10 stats

+1500 towards Field of thistles (Completed)
Dumping the last 40 words
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
Stat Page : Link
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty Re: "Down with the Raikage!"

Thu Apr 09, 2020 6:58 am
Things had finally started to calm down a bit with most of the protesters being apprehended. Of course there were still some random idiots who used the chaos even more to add fuel to their rage in an attempt to shift the situation to their advantage. Unfortunately for them Ichigo was there to dismantle every single uprising threat before it could burst into flames. It was no big deal for the Drunk to differentiate the innocent bystanders from those creating the uproar and engaging in violence. Grabbing hold of those who had nothing to do with the protest to bring them to safety before he would deal with the ones responsible for this mess.

In the meantime the tattooed shinobi had noticed a couple of others had arrived at the scene, one of them being Ikari, the young teenager who started to become like a little brother to him. As expected the Senju did not hold back when dealing with the matters taking place in the streets of Kumogakure. The Drunk knew he could leave things to his junior while he would handle things down there. Separating the groups of violent participants in a means to stop the protest. On their own they weren't causing any trouble, it was only when they gathered together that they suddenly became courageous. Not worthy being called citizens of Kumogakure.

With the combined forces of the shinobi present the chaos was nearing its end. The protesters understood they were standing no change against the trained ninja of the village and decided to go home. For the ones that got caught by Ichigo and the likes of Ikari and Thor, they would be spending a couple of nights in prison. The Drunk was hoping that the next time someone didn't agree with the village's leadership they would handle it in a more civilized way. There was no point in people getting hurt over something like that. They were all people of Kumogakure after all. 

(Exit, mission complete)

(TWC: 1000)
- 1000/1000 Hiding Like a Mole
- Mission rewards (3100 ryo, 7AP)
- 5 stats
Thor Senju
Thor Senju
Stat Page : Thor
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 10

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty Re: "Down with the Raikage!"

Thu Apr 09, 2020 11:24 am
"Wonderful , just fucking wonderful", Thor thought to himself. Staying around to watch and see what the other shinobi were doing was worth his time indeed. He knew these guys would give Thor some entertainment, even though it was nothing grand. He was just happy to see some violence going on, even though he rather be the one who was causing it. He could help but laugh at the poor fools who were dumb enough to vandalize or hurt others today , if they would have chose any other day to do these things maybe they would of gotten away with it. Unfortunately for them today was the day Thor and the others were there , so their plans were destined to fail from the beginning. Once it was all said and done Thor finally made his leave, still chuckling at the fools who got captured.

Claims:3100 ryo, 7 ap, 5+ stats , 1071 into Mayfly (3617/5000) rest Here
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

"Down with the Raikage!" Empty Re: "Down with the Raikage!"

Thu Apr 09, 2020 8:33 pm
Approved for Appropriate rewards
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