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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Protector (P, Somashin)

Fri May 29, 2020 6:33 pm
Mission Details

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Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Re: Protector (P, Somashin)

Fri May 29, 2020 7:06 pm
Another warm morning in hoshigakure. The sun was yet to show its' bright face and the sky appeared almost cloudless. All of the disturbing activities that could make an environment noisy were yet to commence as the day was still very young.

Sakuragi would be getting ready to head out for the day. He had received a mission yesterday to protect someone in an inn, he would however be tagged with a partner, by the name Somashin. Sakuragi could barely remember his face when he saw the green eyed's name on the mission details. They had  only met once and didn't stay too long together.
It was a good thing that they would be partnering for this mission. To Sakuragi, this  would be more time to know his partner more. The white haired Hyuuga would be dressed in a black turtle neck cloak that reached below his knees, black pant with black shinobi sandals. The hyuuga would not be wearing his village headband nor have bandages wrapped around his arm  or legs. He carried no extra thing on him except for his weapon pouches which was tied to his waist, buried under his cloak. Once ready, he would head out to the inn with the hope that the his partner would also come to the inn to assist him. Of course, the location of the inn was described in the details , so it would be easy for both of them to reach their destination.

In no time time Sakuragi arrived at the inn, but would not go in. He would use the tree climbing tech and sit on the only nearby tree in the area, waiting for his partner.  The inn was fairly big in size with a large compound, beautiful short green grasses  that beautified the environment coupled with flower of different  colours placed at each corner of the inn. There were no  other trees nor fences around except for the one the white eyed was sitting on. All that Sakuragi would do was to wait for  his partner before  they walk into the inn to meet the “Protecte”. They are the protectors and he the protecte.

WC: 358
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Re: Protector (P, Somashin)

Fri May 29, 2020 8:42 pm
stat sheet

Soma Shin woke up this morning he knew that he needed to get going soon. He was supposed to meet up with that Hyuuga guy he met not that long ago. He got up, put on his normal outfit which included his hood and grabbed his headband and went down to get ready for today's mission. All that he really knew was he was going to be protecting someone at the inn. He knew that this person might get attacked today and that he would have to do anything to stop that. He was not given many details but he was excited to get to work with a team. Even though he did not have a lot of experience yet he is working on it training and trying to learn more and more jutsu techniques. He was hoping he could learn some new things from Sakuragi. He was very excited for this mission. It seemed like it was an important mission and he was not sure if he was ready but he does not really have a choice. H was assigned this mission. He gets some food ready for the day and starts to head towards the inn.

Soma Shin wandered throughout the town and tried to show up early. He did not see the Hyuuga at first and wondered where he was. He went and did a perimeter check and then finally saw the shinobi he was supposed to be working with today. ”Hey Sakuragi, long time no see. Do you know who we are supposed to be protecting? I was just told to meet you here and that you would have all the info for this mission.” Soma Shin looked up in the tree at Sakuragi who he had hoped would have a bit more information and brief him on what the goal was for today.

Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Re: Protector (P, Somashin)

Fri May 29, 2020 9:55 pm
It seems his partner would show up quite late than expected, though Sakuragi was the one who choose to arrive here very early since he had nothing to do home. The greenhead finally showed his face in the compound. Sakuragi would remain sited on the tree and would look down at the shinobi who would be approaching him. He had his village headband  on. Once Somashin reached a considerable amount of distance , he would greet the hyuuga and ask about the mission info.

“Heyo, I'm fine and I trust you're doing good too. There's nothing much about the details. There's a wealthy business man  staying in the inn for today. Our job is to protect him and fight off any enemy should they try to show up here. I'm sure we would be able to do that if we stick together” he said while still sitting on the tree. The boy would pause  for a  sec or two before he continued “ I've not met with the man, but I was told he got to the inn yesterday and would be staying till today. I was waiting for you to get here before we walk inside to meet the businessman ” he would finally stop talking with an expectation of  a reply from his partner.

With his byakugan, the hyuuga was sure he would be able to keep the environment in check and the business man from harm. it wouldn't cost him a thing to activate his byakugan throughout today. All the two genins would need is team work.

TWC: 615
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Re: Protector (P, Somashin)

Sat May 30, 2020 1:18 am
As the Hyuuga got down from the tree and replied to what Soma Shin said earlier. He watched as Sakuragi came down and said.“I’ve checked the perimeter already. It seems clear for now”. He tells the shinobi he is working with. He wants to make it seem like he is taking this mission very seriously. He wanted the other shinobi to know that it seemed safe so far. He wanted to see what the more experienced shinobi wanted to do. He wanted to gauge his response and try to figure out what was going on. “So the businessman is already here? I guess we should go and meet him and relieve whoever is watching him over night.” He walks up to the Hyuuga and wonders what was going through his mind. He wanted the Hyuuga to take the lead on the mission and he would support in whatever way that he could.

He was hopeful that this mission and watching Sakuragi work would help him in the future try to be more strategic and help the village in the future. “Have you had the chance to scan the area? I want to make sure that I did not miss anything.” He was hoping this would be true that he did not miss anyone. He was also hoping that this initiative would impress or at least prove to him that he is here to help. “Do you know what room he is in? Do you know if he is staying here or will we be travelling around town or what?”

Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 11500

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Re: Protector (P, Somashin)

Sat May 30, 2020 10:09 am
The hyuuga would be standing inches away from the tree. It was time the two genins get  to  the business of the day.
Sakuragi would activate his byakugan giving him a 360 degree vision up to 100 meters range. “ With these eyes of mine, there's no hiding. You must have heard of the byakugan, it makes me see everything around me. My dojutsu already checked the surrounding, there is no suspicious movement for now” he would say to greenhead with a smirk. 

The Whitehead hyuuga hoped he wasn't giving the masaki too much info about his abilities. Though the byakugan is a popular dojutsu, there are still some people who had never seen it in action , soma may just be one of them. 

“The name of the business man was given in the details, let go meet the receptionist ” Assuming soma would follow, Sakuragi would walk into the inn to meet the receptionist. The receptionist was a blonde haired lady, the hyuuga could tell she was in her  twenties. Slim lady, 5 ft and  and 6 inches tall. 

The young hyuuga would greet her with a smile and made his  request to meet  the business man giving his name to the lady. “Just tell him two shinobis are here to see him”. The spiky haired watched as the blonde hair walked upstairs, she probably went to meet the man and  ask if he wanted to receive them into the room. After about a minute or two, the young lady return, “ you may go and meet him now, go upstairs, Room 58” she said with a warm smile. “Thank you Miss” Sakuragi would reply with a smile too. He would walk upstairs as instructed, hopefully Soma would be following.

The hyuuga finally  reached the door front of room 58. “Get ready soma” he would say to the greenhead assuming he was still following. Courtesy demands that the genins knocked before entering the room and even after knocking , they must wait for the man to tell them to come in. After two consecutive knocks, the man would order them to come in as the door wasn't locked from inside, hopefully because the man knew they were coming. Sakuragi would walk to meet the aged business man. A pale man who Sakuragi estimated to be in his fifty's  . The man would cheerfully  welcome them in and told them to request for anything that they wanted to eat. Sakuragi would sit on a chair in the room and  politely refuse to eat or drink, as he believed he hasn't come here to whine and dine, he does not  have the time to sit around eating when he should be doing his job. His byakuagn was still active, so he was well aware of his surroundings . He would try as much as possible to assure the man that he is safe with them during his stay at the inn. After a minute or two, sakuragi's eyes would catch two men dressed like shinobis, walking towards the compound of the inn. The hyuuga would tell the man to keep calm and would notify the misaki of the threat at hand, assuming he would  still be in the room. 

Sakuragi would dash out of the room and would be heading out to meet the approaching figures , hopefully Soma would follow. The white eyed hyuuga would not let them enter the inn assuming he got to them before they walk in, unless they would tell him why they are here The real show is about to begin

TWC: 1204
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Re: Protector (P, Somashin)

Sun May 31, 2020 2:03 am
He looks at Sakuragi and says “ I know about the Hyuuga’s eyes. Well at least the basics I don’t know everything that they do.” He was not exactly sure what they did but he knew it had something to do with perception and seeing chakra. He had learned a little from his grandfather who had taught him pretty much everything he knew. Soma Shin had never actually seen the byakugan used in combat before he had only heard tales about the crystal that the Misaki use confusing them, other than that he had no idea what the Hyuuga clan could really do.
As Sakuragi went in Soma Shin followed but unlike Sakuragi, who went to find out where the business man was and to let him know that we were here, Soma Shin kept his eyes on the door and the street outside. Sakuragi told him the room and they headed towards the door of his room. They walked in and the businessman offered them food and drink. Sakuragi rufused and Soma Shin politely declined saying “No thank you sir I have some food that I have packed for the day. You know us shinobi, we have to watch what we eat.” Even though he knew that the food the business man had would have been much better he still needed to look professional and he did not want the food that he had bought go to waste. He sat watching the door while Sakuragi was watching the window.
After a few minutes he noticed that Sakuragi's mood had changed. Had he seen something or someone coming towards the hotel. Soma Shin knew he had to be more serious just by the look on the other shinobi’s face. All of a sudden Sakugari turned to the businessman and started telling him to stay calm and not to panic. While Sakuragi was talking to the businessman Soma Shin looked out the window to see what was going on. He saw two men who looked like shinobi, his best guess was these were the assassins but he was not sure. Soma Shin knew he also had to stay calm because if he started to panic so would the person that they were trying to protect. If the businessman started to panic, that would cause him to do irrational and dangerous things that would make out jobs a million times harder and we would have to figure out what was wrong with the situation while trying to calm him. However, Soma Shin was nervous; he never really fought other shinobi in real combat. He was hoping to keep from having to fight but he would if he had to. He put on a brave face as Sakuragi jumped out the window and looked at Soma Shin. Soma Shin got the feeling that he wanted him to follow. So he put on that brave face and jumped out to confront these two shinobi. He landed on the ground and said “Sakuragi you take the lead on this. I will back you up. I think the mission brief said to try to take them alive so they can be questioned. Any ideas on what we should do if these are the assassins?”

Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
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Ryo : 11500

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Re: Protector (P, Somashin)

Sun May 31, 2020 9:37 am
Sakuragi was able to reach the approaching figures before they could get to the entrance of the inn. They were two pale men with goatee. Sakuragi could tell they are in their thirties. Hopefully Somashin would follow too, making it a two versus two fight. The Two figures were a meter apart from each other and would stand still once Sakuragi and his teammate confronted them. They prolly would be wondering why kids like these would confront them. Sakuragi would be standing to the left hand side of somashin, a meter away from him. This is about to get rusty.

“I know this is somehow rude to you guys, but after seeing you dressed like a ninja going to a war i'm gonna need you to state what you're here to do” he would say to the figures in a loud voice with his arms folded.  The hyuuga still had his byakugan active so he was well aware of his surrounding including the business man and everything around him. 

The figures would yell at the two genins telling them to get out of the way or they would be crushed. That was one thing that Sakuragi hates to hear, it seems they would have to settle this with a fight.

“Somashin, you take the one to the right one, I'll take this asshole to the left, kill him if you have to, but don't be beaten” he would say to the greenhead misaki. The genins must ensure the safety of their client. Even though the misaki boy seems to want to take these two as prisoners for questioning, Sakuragi would not buy the idea. They wanted to kill the man, so the only thing they would get from him is death. Sakuragi would dash at his target . The left side asshole would aim a kunai at Sakuragi, the hyuuga would simply side step to his left to dodge once the kunai would be three meters away from him. The dickhead would pull out a sword and charge  at the hyuuga, once within range he would attempt  to slash him with a vertical slash. Sakuragi would not stop charging. The attack was quite easy to dodge. The Whitehead would sidestep to the left to doge the attack then he would thrust his fist into the figure's face with his mountain crusher tech. The raw power of the tech Would blow a hole into his face immediately killing him. The figure's dead body would fall to the ground. Sakuragi would watch as Soma deals with his target. If he needed help , he would be sure to intervene, if he was doing fine, he would simply watch the fight. If he would chicken out like a scary cat and not want to kill his target, the hyuuga would do him the favour by using his vacuum palm tech. The blood of the two targets would spread a considerable distance around the area. Sakuragi would make sure that the man was doing fine with his byakugan. Hopefully, no more assassins would attack for the rest of the day. 

TWC: 1718
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
Survived 2021
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 89906

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Re: Protector (P, Somashin)

Sun May 31, 2020 7:25 pm
Soma Shin saw the two men and Sakuragi start arguing. Soma Shin had a pit in his stomach he knew that this was not to end well. He knew he was going to have to have to fight. He did not have a lot of experience when it came to fighting. He heard Sakuragi yell to take care of the man on the left. He quickly tries to come up with a plan in his head. He quickly runs up and just punches the man. He jumped back when it seemed to have no effect. Soma Shin makes a normal clone then Soma Shin quickly goes underground using and setting up for a headhunter technique. He waited as the guy was running towards him. He lands and punches the clone. And like a surprise attack he grabs the assassins ankle and pulls him underground to where just his head and hands were above the ground. He succeeded and the guy was caught underground. “See there was no need to die. Now you see all the blood over there and your compratraite. That’s my friends doing. Now I can keep him from doing that to you. Now tell us who hired you.”

Sakuragi Yuki
Sakuragi Yuki
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Ryo : 11500

Protector (P, Somashin) Empty Re: Protector (P, Somashin)

Sun May 31, 2020 9:53 pm
Somashin surely put up a good fight. The left ass cheek killed , the right ass cheek captured. The captured figure would be at shoulder level above the ground . Just his head and hands would be  above the ground. Just as Somashin was about  to ask his question, the hyuuga would use his gentle fist front kick jutsu. He would kick the assassin's face like a ball. The raw power of the tech was so great that the figure's head flew off his neck. It would fly out of the compound of the inn and land on the ground several meters away. The hyuuga would then turn to face the Misaki guy, “ no time for dumb ass questions” he would say to the boy  , looking him into the eye. The hyuuga would then walk back  to the business man room, hopefully soma would follow.  The hyuuga would keep his byakugan active to keep the environment in check. Hopefully for them, no more assassins or ninja troubled them for the day. The genins would stay  in the man's room overnight till the next, though Sakuragi would be not sleep as he  would make sure that the environment is safe. 

Very early in the morning, the three would exit in the inn, the genins would escort the business man to safety, to his destination rather.  With the mission being completed, the hyuuga would thank the crystal guy for partnering with him, he would head home to take a long rest. A long rest would be all he needs to recover.

TWC: 1975


Would make  Claims later
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