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Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Sat May 30, 2020 3:22 pm
The country of the moon lay sprawled out before Bishop.  it had been a long journey so far but the air smelled crisp and clear and it felt like a relatively significant accomplishment for him.  He didn't know what he was looking for or what to do at this point but he figured Arcanis had sent him here for a reason.  

Bishop had been thinking about some things on his long trek here.  Some memories of Arc from a distant past.  And some thoughts Arc had had on those memories recently.  They revolved around a concept of controlling puppets with chakra threads.  But it was more than just the specialty of the ninja art of puppetry.  Their was a girl that once held some significance to Arc who had been good with her hands.  Developing puppets she had mastered the very essence of controlling a tool with merely her chakra.

Bishop wanted to become the best wielder of puppets like He felt Arc thought of that girl.  It would allow him to bring an arsenal to the table to protect his friends.  

But that was just what Bishop thought as he walked alone in silence.  The sun was beginning to set and he saw a small inn up ahead that he planned to stop at.

wc: 215
Jamie Delamore
Jamie Delamore
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Re: Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:40 pm
The town of Loliet was a nice place. Small, quaint. Weren't very trusting of outsiders, but Jamie had a way with the locals.

And that meant she still had her old mannerisms. Loliet was close enough to Skyscraper that, despite the massively different architecture, the culture of the town was similar to the old city. So, even if the villagers did not really trust her, they distrusted her less than a random outsider, even if they did not fully realize it.

Jamie was eating a sandwich at the small inn she was staying at. It seemed that the entire town was in here (it doubled as the only bar in town), so there weren't many empty seats. Her table happened to be near the stairs to the loft area.
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Re: Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:41 pm
Stepping into the Inn Bishop was met with a pleasant amount of chatter and a home feeling.  Looking around he got a lay of the land and walked over to what seemed like the bartender or at least some kind of employee washing mugs behind the bar.  It struck Bishop as kind of interesting actually finding a bartender washing out mugs.  He wondered if he was in some terribly written novel or something with the clear cliche but he shrugged it off and stepped up to talk with the man. 

“Hi. I’m new around here and I am broke.  So I am looking for work so I can pay for some food and lodging while in town.  Might you have any idea where I could find some?”  

He was greeted with a strained smile and told to talk to some folks around the bar and around the town of, as he found out, Loliet.  Unfortunately the bartender had no work for him and was clear that he didn’t give out charity. Bishop thanked him and before, heading out to ask around town he figured it might be a good idea to get off his feet for a minute.  The walk had been quite brutal.  Turning around he looked a bit lost as there were few empty seats in the place.  

Bishop noticed a distinctly quieter atmosphere and felt even more eyes on him.  Seemed folks in these parts were a bit suspicious.  Bishop noticed a powerful looking woman eating a sandwich off to his right, seemingly near the stairs to what Bishop assumed was living quarters.  Being broke was not optimal.  A connection can be made by buying someone a drink. But with no money he had to be direct with inquiring about work.

wc: 294
Jamie Delamore
Jamie Delamore
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Re: Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Tue Jun 02, 2020 6:44 pm
With not much else to do, Jamie was listening to the people in the bar. She figured they were probably a bit quieter than normal, due to her own presence in the room, but then it got even quieter. Looking around, she noticed a bunch of people were looking at someone that had just walked in. Not super obviously, but the occasional glance while speaking in a near whisper to others at their table.

Whoever he was, apparently he was new in town and looking for work. Awful place to decide to come for some work. Jamie would try to flag the kid over to her table.
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Re: Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:28 pm
Bishop was surprised to see the young lady who he had noticed earlier was waving him over to the table.  From the atmosphere in the room it was subtle but it definitely seemed like just him 
being there had set people on edge.  Seemed odd.  The village was possibly less welcoming to strangers than some other towns.  Bishop supposed it didn’t matter much.  He wasn’t there to cause trouble, and honestly didn’t plan on being there long at all.

Bishop slowly made his way to the table.  “Hi my name is Arcanis.”  This was an issue that he had thought about in great detail.  The code name Bishop that he had taken, was to differentiate between him and his other counterparts when they were together.  And since they weren’t Bishop Decided to go by the name that he was called for his entire remembered existence.  It was confusing to be sure but no one here would have to worry about it.  “I hope it’s not impolite but I’ve been looking for work to pay for some lodging while I am in town.”  Bishop smiled as he stood next to the table she was sitting at.

wc: 195
Twc: 704
Jamie Delamore
Jamie Delamore
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Re: Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:32 pm
Jamie let the guy share his fill. "Look, mate. You picked, like, the WORST possible place to stop at looking for work. I'm a traveler too, and only reasons they're somewhat OK with me is 'cause I lived around here years ago and paid in advance." Jamie sighed. "Take a seat," she said as she got up and walked over to the bar.

In a whisper, she'd speak to the innkeeper. "Cheapest meal you've got, and could I upgrade my room to one with two beds? Haven't gone upstairs yet." The guy looked at her for a moment, and then raised one eyebrow. So, Jamie grabbed out her wallet, and put what she guessed was about right onto the counter. He glanced at it, grunted, and grabbed a key from the back wall, trading it for her previous key. Jamie went back to her seat and sat down. 'There, you'll make it through the night, now. Tomorrow, you can help me on some jobs I'm working on for these folks. They've not got a decent blacksmith anymore, so I'm doing some repairs for them."
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Re: Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:49 pm
So it turns out that this village just wasn’t the place to be but he guess he got lucky to find work so quickly.  “Thanks for offering me the work, I will be as helpful as I can be.  So you are a blacksmith huh?  I know someone who is decent as a blacksmith as well.  Not that I learned anything from him. But maybe I’ll pick up some skills from you.”  Bishop had taken her offer of a seat “So you said you grew up near here?  I don’t know much about the area.  I’m from south of here.”  Bishop hoped that being polite was enough to make a connection of some kind.

Bishop wasn’t familiar with the area, but most places these days weren’t very friendly to people they didn’t know.  It was one problem that Arc had always wanted to fix in this world but that would take a lot of power and coordination with the rest of the world. It was a vicious circle.  Peace through war was counterproductive.  Bishop supposed though that the thought was for the future and not now.

Wc: 186
Jamie Delamore
Jamie Delamore
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Re: Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Mon Jun 08, 2020 7:28 pm
--Time jump to next day, approved by Arc--

"Alright, so. You've met someone that worked as a blacksmith before, you said? But know basically nothing? I think I can still work with this."

Jamie walked to one corner of the rather decrepit building. "They really let this place fall apart. Legit, one of the biggest ways to help right now would be just clearing out more of the junk. I cleaned off what I need frequently, but being able to actually move around would be a major plus."

With this said, Jamie would start heating up the furnace, using a stockpile of coals the villagers had left her. There were a few projects left over from yesterday, a new sign for the inn (which apparently he'd wanted made of metal for years and was just waiting for someone to come in that could), someone was requesting an unsharpened sword, and some other odds and ends. She dug out some tools for the sign, first. It was the hardest task, and she always liked to get some work on it done right away.
Arcanis Hedatari
Arcanis Hedatari
Stat Page : Arcanis
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10667

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Re: Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:09 pm
The corner that Jamie had led him to this morning was pretty run down but seemed to be set up for her use.  It was clear now where she had built her body to such a physique.  Forged in fire as it were.  “Yeah unfortunately I haven’t worked with any of the tools but if you show me how each is used I’m sure I can be an adequate assistant.  But That can wait till I clean up a little more like you said.  Give us a bit more room to have a second body in the work area”  Bishop decided to use the opportunity to train his ability to more large and small objects with his chakra threads.  Becoming a puppet master was one of his dreams and he had to put in the work for that to happen.  

Bishop attached his threads to some rubble, another thread to a pile of cold slag, and the last he snagged a couple discarded tools.  Manipulating the different implements at the same time to different locations helped him temper his ability to move his threads like they were just another arm or leg.  The tools he hung up on racks that they were clearly designed for and the rubble and slag he moved over to another pile out of the work area that was a pile of refuse.  He next task, that he attempted was the precise manipulation of single pieces of paper into a more organized stack.  Je wasn’t sure if that was where they were supposed to be or if akimbo was their natural state but it was good practice nonetheless.  

He was still working on cleaning even when the furnace was up and ready.  “Hey anything else needing tidying or can I be of any assistance to you over here?” Bishop asked once he had cleared away enough of the discarded things that were in the way.

WC: 319
Jamie Delamore
Jamie Delamore
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 500

Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie] Empty Re: Bishop Arrives in Moon Country [Jamie]

Sat Jun 13, 2020 10:08 pm
Jamie knew that today's work would go by a bit slower than normal. But there also was not that much work left to get done, so why not try to help this fellow learn? She would guide him through how to properly tune a furnace, and then how to properly heat up the metal. She let him do those things, because any screw ups would be easy to fix. The actual shaping of items, though, she just showed him the steps. None of her projects were in an early enough state that he could mess with them safely, but she had some scrap metal he could try making some stuff with, if he wanted to, while she was busy hammering some other things.

After a long day of work, she would offer him her thanks. It was a fun day, all things considered, and she had managed to get the work done. Which was important, because she and a few people were heading out today.

"Feel free to say hi if we ever run into each other again, by the way!"

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