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The Assessment

Gin Mojiretsu
Guren Chinoike
Yuurei Uchiha
Mizuki Ohta
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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The Assessment  Empty The Assessment

Tue Aug 18, 2020 11:58 pm
Mizuki sat at the desk at the front of one of the rooms in the New Academy - the room was large enough to house 30 people comfortably with rows of counters and benches that stretched back like stadium seating while surrounded by unique stained glass windows - next to her on the desk was a healthy stack of papers. This was the Assessment the Kazekage had approved to be administered to the shinobi of the village. This Assessment would be the starting point to properly pair up those who wanted training to strengthen their weakness. Mizuki was simply there to collect the Assessments as each member finished - the results would be posted at a later date once they had time to analyze the answers. 

Assessment Form:
Yuurei Uchiha
Yuurei Uchiha
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The Assessment  Empty Re: The Assessment

Wed Aug 19, 2020 1:22 am
It had been a few days that had past, and Yuurei had gotten an invitation that he was supposed to go to the New Academy to fill out an assessment form. He wasn’t sure what it was about, but today was the day that he had to go in and fill it out. The young ninja had gotten ready for his day and when he was ready the Uchiha would move down the stairs with his stuff on his person as he would wave at his mother. Yuurei would eat whatever his mother had for him on the dining table before he made his leave to the New Academy. Yuurei would make his way to the rooftop of his house before running on multiple rooftops to make it to his destination quickly. There was no traffics around here, and it was the best non-human interaction he could get. It wouldn’t take him long, but the young ninja would get there as he would enter the facility.

Yuurei would move to the counter and he would speak to the ninja in front of him with a smile on his face.

“I’m here to take the Assessment form.” He said to the person in front of the counter.

The person would point to the room that he would have to go to, and Yuurei would nod as he was fine with where he needed to go to. He made his move to the room and he would notice that he was the first person to get there. Yuurei would see that there was a woman sitting at the front desk with paper on the table. He would smile at her as he could see her pale skin and her long black hair. The young boy would just grab the assessment paper that was on the table as he looked down before grabbing it to see that it was the thing he was going to write into.

“I’m here to take the Shinobi Assessment.” He said this to her and he would move over to one of the desks that they were providing him.

When he got comfortable he would take a pencil out and he would look over the first question as he would begin answering the form.

“Close Quarter Combat, or Mid-Range Combat, which one.” He whispered to himself as he was getting ready to answer it on the paper.

His pencil would put one on the Close Quarter Combat, two on the Mid-Range Combat, and three on the Long Range Combat. They probably didn’t need him to put a two on that one, but he figured he would do it anyways. His eyes moved through the second part as he read through it, and when he would lean on his chair as he was thinking about what his role would be in a team of ninjas.

His head tilting up to the ceiling as he was looking up to see what he wanted to answer. Still, this was interesting and he figured he would start thinking about things.

“I can lead, I know that much, but if I can blitz on the battlefield and take out my team's opponent, then that would be easier for me. If someone could lead and allow me to prioritize taking out the enemy that would be fine. I don’t think I would even consider being a follower, but being in a team without being in control is never a problem.” He thought out loud but kept it at alone tone as he would sit properly as he figured that he would start filling out the form in front of him once again.

Yuurei would check Blitzer with one due to his offense and his speed, two would go to Leader because of his presence and how he was with others, three would be Decoy because of how quick he could move in and out of situations, four Saboteur because of how he could get to certain places and make sure that things don’t go as plan for the enemy, and finally, five being a strategist as he was able to talk it out with his teammates and come up with a plan on the spot if nobody couldn’t. Yuurei would look at what he had filled up and he was fine with the answers that he had placed so far, and he had moved onto the next one.

The next question was easy to fill out, and the Genin would fill that out easily. Weaponry would be the first on his list, then came Space-Time Jutsu. The third one he put would be Genjutsu, but it wasn’t something he was really amazing in. His elements were simply put on the paper Lightning, Water, and Earth. With that question filled out he would move onto the next part, which was scenarios. Yuurei read through the first one, and he would rub his chin a few times as he was thinking about how he would handle the situation with his current arsenal.

It was a tough question to answer, and he had to think about it. The young man only cared about killing people and protecting the village, and it was something he had realized as he continued to do missions and polish his skills as a ninja. He started writing down what he would do as there was nothing better to do right now.

If there was a situation that left my squad leader incapacitated and unconscious, but at the same time he took out one of the strongest ninjas in the enemy squad, I would hand the scroll to our weakest member and have them take the scroll back to the village. I would give them a secret code that only our team would know before we send that person off to the village. I would take the role as a leader and I would have the other ninja stay with me to hold them off. I would do my best to take out the ninjas that were pursuing us as I would buy as much as time as I could battling the two ninjas or taking them out.

If they are taken out I would look for the squad leader to bring his body back to the village as we don’t want their body to being taken by the enemy, or any random person walking along the area. If the scenario goes where we couldn’t beat them, then I would use a distraction to get us out of there, and possibly do our best to recover our captain’s body, so they didn’t fall into the enemy's hands.
He wrote this down as he figured that would be enough and soon enough moved onto the second scenario.

He would laugh a bit as he figured something like this would happen, and he could only scratch the back of his head as he was trying to figure out how to answer this question. After thinking for a few he figured he would wing it and started writing.

If the pursers were closer to my level and my team was a step below my ability, and two of them were incapacitated leaving it a two versus two. I would and will do my best to create a special space-time jutsu that allows me to transport documents back to the village. Still, if I didn’t have that, then I would have the last remaining member within my team take the message back to the village, while I do everything in my power to stop them and allow my squadmate to get back to the village or as far as possible from the enemy ninjas as they could. I of course, if losing would kill my squadmates that are unconscious and myself before they could take my body and my squadmates body back to their village, or take us back unconscious to gather intel on us and the village. I just consider the mission is important, and at the same time responsibilities for those around you are also important. He finished that off as he was surprised that he actually made it through to the end of the form.

Yuurei was almost there, and the final two questions were really simple for him and he would start writing without having to think about it.

The only thing I want my village to do for me is simple. Provide me with the equipment and any stuff I need, so that way I can prosper to the best of my ability. I also would like the village to continue to prosper and groom our future ninjas so that we do not become a weak village-like Sunagakure was in the past.

As for what I can do for my village. I will do my best to continue to get stronger and make sure to continue to polish my skills as a shinobi. I want to make sure that I can protect my village from any danger that was might or have to come face with. I am someone who enjoys the art of killing and will kill anybody that is considered an enemy to us without hesitating once.
He finished writing that part and he would put the pencil down as he was actually done with writing.

Yuurei would get up from his seat and he would put the paper down on the table as he had a smile on his face. She was strong from where he was standing, and the only thing that was going through his head was how enjoyable it would be to battle against her. Still, he didn’t have time for those things and wonder if she needed him to stay.

“Do you want me to stay seated, or am I free to be on my way.” He said this as he would notice a few people were here that he knew.

WC: 1646
WC: 1646*2=3292
Claiming 25% discount on skills and jutsu
Claiming 523 WC for Suiton: Soap Bubble Ninjutsu 750/750 Previous Claim The Illusion of Bribes
Claiming 750 WC for Mark Tracking 750/750
Claiming 750 WC for Hiding in the Water 750/750
Claiming 750 WC for Mud Spore 750/750
Claiming  375 WC for Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall D Rank 375/375
Claiming 144 WC for Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall C rank  519/750

Mizuki Ohta likes this post

Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

The Assessment  Empty Re: The Assessment

Wed Aug 19, 2020 9:20 am
Guren was within his apartment when he had received his official summon to head to the academy in several days time. He was being called to attend a brief meeting and to perform a quick assessment. This would be no issue, as he had not been assigned to any missions as of late. Thus he would spend the new few days mentally preparing himself for whatever such a survey would entail. He wasn't sure if this was typical protocol for new village shinobi, but the timing of it all would seem far too coincidental. Nevertheless his daily routine leading up to the meeting would consist of drinking tea, exercising, meditating, and maintaining a plant based diet. Guren had found that these kinds of activities would oftentimes promote mental stimulation, clear thinking, and confidence. All of which would be beneficial for whatever this meeting entailed. 
~Several Days Later~
Guren promptly arrived at Sunagakure's new academy, and was among the first in the classroom. The only people to beat him there would be Mizuki, who seemed as if she was the proctor of the assessment, and Yuurei, who was habitually early for everything so much so to the point where he considered others late. Guren would flash a casual nod of acknowledgement to the both of them before accepting a paper from Mizuki's outstretched hand. Following this, Guren would take his seat and await instruction to begin. Once the other shinobi arrived, Guren would take time to better accustom himself to each other their faces and appearances alike. He was certain that in due time he would learn the names of those he was unfamiliar with. 
Once commanded to begin, Guren would study the sheet before him and admire the well presented layout that that the paper had (shoutout to me and mizu). Following this he would take a few moments to reflect on each question prior to documenting his responses.

Part 1: 
This section of the survey seemed straightforward, inquiring about the individual capabilities of Sunagakure's shinobi. Thus Guren swiftly went through this section. 
Part 1 Responses:

Part 2: 
Part 2 required significantly more thought, as it was focused on situational decision making. Guren smiled upon reading each question, as he oftentimes performed mental exercises where he would think out scenarios just like this. It was a way of keeping his mind sharp and to quicken up his thought process. Such qualities were important of a shinobi. 

Part 2 Responses:

Part 3:
Finally the last section. Surprisingly enough it was two direction questions, looking to understand the mutual benefit that the village and its shinobis would share. Guren had actually been debating this concept in his head since his arrival in the village. This query had actually played a very large role in Guren's resolution of joining the village. This would just be a time to formally outline his feelings, and so he did. 
Part 3 Responses:

Guren was among the first to finish and upon completion he would review his answers,sign his name at the bottom, and submit his assessment to Mizuki. Assuming he was dismissed from this point on, Guren would take his leave from the room. He was informed that it would take some time before all of the information was processed and the next stage could be implemented. What that was, Guren didn't not for sure but he certainly maintained his own speculations. 


(WC = 1005 x 2 Event Bonus = 2010)
- 2010/100 = 20.1 x 2 ~ 40 AP

Last edited by Guren Chinoike on Sun Aug 23, 2020 10:46 pm; edited 2 times in total

Mizuki Ohta likes this post

Gin Mojiretsu
Gin Mojiretsu
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 46200

The Assessment  Empty Re: The Assessment

Wed Aug 19, 2020 10:17 pm
Mojiretsu Gin doesn't normally receive mail, so seeing the stamp of the academy on a scroll was questioning, albeit exciting. Upon realizing it was a request for a survey, Gin figured he could provide a service to the academy and the office he worked for since information was power, even in small fractions like surveys. After several days had passed, the ninja made his way to the academy and headed down the hall to the assigned room that was listed on the scroll.

Within the room was Yuurei and Guren as well as the proctor at the front of the class. Since the survey seem to be underway, Gin didn't bother greeting those he knew. He gave a slight bow to the proctor when retrieving a survey sheet and sat down. Looking it over, it didn't seem to difficult, he had to remind himself it wasn't a test, but sitting in a classroom in the academy made the atmosphere feel that way.

The first section seemed simple enough, combat tactics preference. Given his choice of fighting style, it was relatively easy to answer.
Part 1 Response:

The second section needed more thought. Gin had to take a moment to think about the situations at hand and to use his own judgement as if he needed to call the shot, although he doubt situations may come to that, but anything can happen.
Part 2 Response:

The last section through off Gin, he hated these type of questions because there were no right answer, just his own thoughts. Since he figured he cannot answer wrongly, he absently wrote the first thing that came to his mind.
Part 3 Response:

And with that Gin put down his pencil and got to the front of the room and handed in his paper before exiting. Now all he thought about was what he wanted to eat. Maybe he could catch up to Yuurei and have him join in. For when it comes to allies, Yuurei is his first.

WC: 542

552 *2 = 1104 WC
522 WC for Chakra Scalpel: Senbon (Previous Topic - 1,978 WC)
582/1500 WC for Puppetry Technique: Slicing Threads

Mizuki Ohta likes this post

Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

The Assessment  Empty Re: The Assessment

Thu Aug 20, 2020 11:04 pm
It was just past noon when Zaine had stopped into one of his favorite restaurants for some lunch. He had spent the prior part of the day training in a nearby field to develop his fire style ninjutsu. He was dressed casually for the day having on a long sleeve white shirt bearing the Uchiha crest on the back along with straight legged black pants and sandals. He would sit down to place his order while having a bit of small talk and catching up with the head chef on duty. Twenty minutes would pass and his food arrived, a piping hot bowl of udon noodles with teriyaki chicken! As he ate Zaine was thinking about a list of tasks he had set out to accomplish by the end of the week, he had already finished the majority but there was something that he couldn't quiet shake, he was forgetting something. Then all at once it hit him! Today was the day he needed to complete the assessment that was issued through an official summon. Without a delay he called over to his waiter asking for the bill and funneling his food down so he could make good enough time to complete this assessment and continue his training. After paying Zaine would exit the restaurant and make his way to the academy.

Upon arriving at the academy Zaine would enter through the doors and upon seeing he was the fourth to arrive after Mizuki who appeared to be the proctor, Yuurei who he was unfamiliar with but knew of, Guren who he also had no personal relationship with but was aware of as a fellow chuunin which garnered his interest and last was Gin someone he knew less about than the others. All the same,  he would greet everyone uniformly and approach the front desk to take a copy of the assessment. After finding a seat he would begin to look over the assessment to get an idea of what was expected of him and to his surprise it seemed to be pretty straight forward. 

The first section of the assessment ascertained to specifics in strengths and how we view ourselves in a team setting, this would be simple enough to answer. 
Part One Response:

The second section of the assessment was comprised of two scenarios depicting situations that required critical thought for success in the given missions. This would require Zaine to not only think about his actions and what would work best for him but more importantly what would work best for the squad.
Part Two Response:

The third portion of the assessment was more on the personal side and didnt require any calculating or intense thought and more so how Zaine felt about the village and his overall place in it. 
Part Three Response:

With that Zaine had completed his assessment and was ready to turn it in to Mizuki. Placing his pencil down on the table and tucking in his seat he made his way over to the front of the classroom and places his assessment on the desk, bowing to her first then turning around and bowing to the others and making his exit from the academy. As Zaine walked out of the doors of the academy he would see an all too familiar face, a Taller silver haired man wearing reading glasses and carrying a basket of fruits. As the two approached each other Zaine would speak to the main and grab a strawberry from his basket at the same time "You sure took your time getting here. Id hurry up I was the last one to arrive". Zaine would take a bite of the strawberry he was holding in his right hand and pat his old mentor Raleth on the shoulder with his left. "Oh and thanks for the strawberry, your garden's got the best fruit in the village!" Zaine would continue back towards the field to resume his training.



1,036*2(Event Bonus)=2,072 WC
Claiming 2,000 WC for 3 Tomoe Sharingan| 2,000/6,000 WC
Claiming 2000 WC for 20 Stat allocation

Last edited by Zaine on Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:34 am; edited 2 times in total
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 19000

The Assessment  Empty Re: The Assessment

Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:01 am
The sun hangs high in the sky, casting midday over Sunagakure. Down market street, left of the fruit and vegetable vendors, and just a few blocks away from a quaint tea shop, lies a humble, clay home. The furnishings inside are spars, the sun-baked walls are bare and unadorned. But, a comforting touch has been added to the clay hut. A small dining table lays covered by a frayed, but fine, silk covering. Rich cloth hangs over the archways, making the atmosphere inviting. Passed the kitchen, and through a back door, lies a makeshift porch bursting with plants. On the rails, lunar roses and nocturnal lillies sit closed, awaiting the punishing heat of the sun to go away. Ripe citrus, sweet berries, and luscious melons grow on vines and stalks, bright and ripe with juice. Tending these plants, and by extension the small clay abode, is an ash-white haired man dressed in a regal-styled kimono. His eyes are  deep, and their intensity is hidden behind a frail-frame pair of glasses. His features are strong, his face is scarred, and his stature is imposing. And, with his immense bulk, he moves around his home and garden, tending to everything with love and care. He fills up his water pitchers, and walks to each of his plants: showering them with verbal affection, careful with how much water he pours in. 

As the sun goes down, the shadows elongate, and the sweltering heat of Sunagakure cools. The ash-white haired man looks at the shadow, and like one looking at a sundial, he measures the time based on the shadows in his garden. He mutters to himself, his voice deep and articulate, "Hmm..he said he would meet me here..." the aged man sighs, standing up. "I'm sure he's already there." He grabs an empty straw basket, and packs a few oranges, two handfuls of strawberries, and a couple of slices of melon. With his basket full, he moves the porch curtain to the side, ducking under the archway and exiting his home.

The smell of green-jasmine tickles the ash-white haired man's nose, he has to stop himself from turning in the direction of the tea shop. He turns away, and walks toward the market. The local farmers, now packing closing up their shop, beam when they see the kind but imposing looking man. They wave, and the man waves back as he turns onto market street. With a relaxed pace, enjoying the cooling air and bustling people, he heads towards the place his presence was requested: the New Academy.

The man walks into the building. His footsteps echo in the halls, they are measured and motivated. As he goes to the assement room, an Uchiha walks out. A true smile breaks over the scarred face of Raleth Sarutobi as he see's his friend, and adopted brother, Zaine. As they pass each other, Zaine grabs a strawberry from Raleth's basket before leaving, most likely to an area for training. Raleth makes a mental note to meet up with his friend, since it had been some time since they've sparred. 

Raleth walks in the room, to see a kind face anbu sitting near a table with stacks of paper, most likely the assessment sheets. He walks up to the table with a kind smile, giving a polite greeting as he places the basket on the table and grabs an assement sheet. Raleth Sarutobi sits down, and fills it in.

Part 1 Responses:

Part 2 Responses:

Part 3 Responses:

Raleth Sarutobi places his pencil down, and gives his assement to the proctor. Bowing, he thanks her for her time, and grabs the straw basket, hoping that at least one fruit was eaten. He leaves, heading toward the direction of Zaine.


WC: 1063

1063 x 2 (Event Bonus) = 2126 WC
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The Assessment  Empty Re: The Assessment

Sun Aug 23, 2020 7:55 pm
Mizuki watched in interest as each person walked through the door, some greeting her with formality, some with recognition and respect, and one even brought a basket of fruit of which was unexpected… but not unwelcome. She looked over the fruit inside and grabs three strawberries for herself and lays them out on the desk before grabbing an assessment for herself. Why not fill it out? She was going to be here all day as someone had to collect the papers at the end of this… plus as one of the writers involved wasn’t it her job to be here? It was also nice to lay eyes on the names that she would be pairing together.. And what a mix Suna had gathered. 

A small smirk played on her lips and she silently smoothed a sheet out in front of her on the desk and took a strawberry in one hand and the pen in the other, answering with confidence and ease. 

Part one-


Part two-


Part three-

As she finished her assessment she glanced up at the growing stack of filled out forms and watched as each person had left as they placed them in front of her. I wonder… what is this group capable of..

WC 517 [x2 wc for event 1034]
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

The Assessment  Empty Re: The Assessment

Mon Aug 24, 2020 10:14 pm
The first round of survey takers had come and gone and the room stayed empty for a solid hour or two - the sound of thoughtful or frantic scribbling on desks had sounded so loud to her sensitive ears that in contrast the silence was near deafening. She propped her legs up on the desk and leaned back on the chair, gracefully balancing herself on the back legs as she grabbed the stack of papers and began sifting through the forms. She was already going to be leading one of the teams but who else should lead - Her first instinct was Ibari, but since their mission and dual promotions she hadn’t seen him. She ran her tongue over the small points of her teeth, thinking on that day and idly wondering how much longer she had until she needed to feed again… wouldn’t be long now. Back to the task at hand though she pulled Guren's assessment from the pile and looked it over more closely - He would be an interesting leader, I know his wit and creativity is strong … he can think on the fly for sure so why not see how he does in training?

She laid her form and his side by side on the desk roughly a foot apart and began reading more closely the remaining forms in her hands - Now… was it best to pair them up with like mentors or balance the teams out? Her eyes were already noting some of the more obvious pairings and she placed Yuurei under her form and Zaine under Guren’s. Both fighting styles matched the leaders and both preferred being Blitzers while having a different specialization than the leader to give a different spin on the layout the leader was already accustomed to. The long sharp tips of the nails on her right hand tapped out an impatient thrum as she stared at the two remaining forms - Raleth would have been a good apprentice if his abilities didn’t look almost identical to her own, and with that note she firmly slid his form over to Guren’s side and the remaining one to her side.

Cocking her head to the side slightly she looked at the make up of her team… and she found she liked it - balance was there clearly as they represented almost every specialty across the board and had a decent spread of elements at their disposal, though they were generally a closer combat group that wouldn’t be a problem if they could time their attacks in succession to eliminate any holes and missteps that close combat could bring. 

Yes… she was pleased at how her team was shaping up.

WC 444 [x2 wc for event 888]
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

The Assessment  Empty Re: The Assessment

Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:24 pm
Like every other morning it was warm in Sunagakure. Musu did not mind the heat, he didn't particularly enjoy the sun in his eyes, and his pale skin never tanned for some reason…
After musu had finished his daily chores around his house it was time for him to get to work. After receiving the rank of jounin Musu was commanded to complete an assessment for his village, a way to best determine how he could serve his village the best. Putting on his new flak jacket under his grey cloak, Musu began his journey to the academy.

It took about 15 minutes to get from his apartment to the academy. The last time that he was here he was still a young man and so much has changed since then. The building has aged a bit but the rooms as a whole are definitely better equipped to teach its students. Musu would walk the halls to the room that the assessment was taking place and walk through it doors. He saw a woman sitting at the desk with a stack of papers. He nodded to her and signaled that he was there to do the assessment. As long as he was handed the paper, he would speak no words to the woman and sit at a desk away from any other applicants that may be in the room. He wanted to be as isolated as possible so that he could focus on the task. The questions were rather straightforward but Musu took some time to think about the answers he would place, for his future was on the line. 

[*]1 - Mid Range Combat, 2 - Close Range Combat, 3 - Long Range Combat

[*]1 - Enhancer, 2 - Protector, 3 - Strategist, 4 - Saboteur, 5 - Strategist 

[*]Specialties: Fuuinjutsu, Sensory, Space - Time trainee; Elements - Wind, Water, Earth

[*]Scenario 1: Our leader falling would prove a significant challenge to my squadmates and I. As a practitioner of the sealing arts I would have given the village a seal that I could remotely activate, this would serve as an alarm to the village to inform them that something had gone wrong during our mission, and that they would prepare for a counter action. Depending on the situation that my squadmates are in I would first attempt to get us all into a position where we were no longer pursued by the enemy, back into the shadows. Once there our squad could plan our next move: Our main objective should be to complete the mission, while our side objective would be to rescue our fallen leader. I would argue to my squadmates that the ninja who has the best ability to gather information and remain unnoticed gets vision back on our squad leader, while the other two continue on to complete the mission. If at whatever time during this scenario there was a point that we could recover our fallen leader without risking ourselves or the mission, I would do. 

[*]Scenario 2: As the leader in this instance the goal would remain the same, the mission should be completed first. I would again use my skills to find a way to get the remaining able bodied ninja and myself back to being unseen. Should I find my subordinate capable, I would instruct him to quickly and quietly complete the mission as instructed, while I continue to keep an eye on my fallen squadmates until either help arrives or a solution could be developed. It should also be noted that if I was able to recover the other two squadmates without putting myself or the mission at stake, I would do so. 

[*]My village can continue to let me hone my skills as a shinobi so that one day I could have the freedom to do as I please, always in the best interest of the village. For the village I am an expert in the sealing arts, where the applications of such arts are limitless. I am also an expert tracker and sensory ninja, and I can use these gifts to anticipate our enemies' movements, and keep our village and citizens safe. 

Once finished with the assignment, Musu would return to the front of the classroom and presumably place it with the other completed sheets. He would nod again to the ninja sitting at the desk and he would exit the building.

WC: 788 (X2 for double event?) = 1576 WC

The Assessment  Empty Re: The Assessment

Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:39 pm
It was a bit into her ladder run of missions that she was asked to take a break and report for some sort of placement testing to determine what kind of a role she could play and what sort of a ninja team Miko would fit best on. This was an interesting change of pace to the girl who had been completing an array of mundane tasks before now, it would be nice to get the ball rolling on some officially village business after all. This being the case the kunochi decided to wear her dark purple gi along with some back shoes that were suitable for combat but would not scuff the floor when she entered the office for the exam.Today she felt like tying her raven hair back in a bun which she held in place with some senbon and a bow, just to be flashy and feel good about herself. The odd puppeteer had already decided that today would be a good day and so after donning black lip gloss and giving herself racooneyes she left her house and headed out for where the exam would take place.

Close Range - 3
Mid-Range - 1
Long Range - 2

These were the marks that Mikofujo had given for the first group of possibilities falling under the first question, it was a hard question to answer but she thought of it as how SHE would fight and not her puppets. The next one struck her as a tad bit harder as she had to rank a type of persona through the choices, with one through five, luckily there were more than five options but the difficulty came from prioritizing which was closest. This was an important test to see how she could gel and function with a team on the village so it was of the utmost importance to answer it clearly and truthfully. The puppeteer just went with her gut instinct as to what each word meant and hoped that her understanding was the same as the person who would grade the test.

1 - Decoy
2 - Saboteur
3 - Strategist
4 - Leader
5 - Blitzer


The next section that loomed ahead of her was a list of three separate scenarios that would test how she would react to the differing situations in order to best place her. The young woman decided to look over all three of them before going back to the first to answer after digesting the various settings in her mind's eye. Through this she realized the last one was not a scenario at all and seemed to not be apart of the test but a genuine question, it relaxed her a bit and allowed her to realize that this was for everyones best interest and nervousness would not help it along. The good of the village was something close to her heart so this thing really helped the girl through the rest of the test without dwelling upon the answers and second guessing herself. Thus freeing herself to keep her answers concise and to the point instead of rambling on too much. 

Scenario the First:

If this were to be the case that my teacher was still unconscious then I would have to exploit the fact that I can put bodies onto the field and tie up more people than expected and send one of my teammates to retrieve our leader while I fended off our pursuers. I would instruct them to go a different way back to the village while having my remaining teammate go directly there with the urgent message. While this is a risky idea to try and pull off, a person cannot be written off by me unless I am convinced they are deceased or in a situation like the following scenario. In this one however I have more faith in the fact that I could probably stall long enough to distract the pursuers from going after both and choosing one or the other giving us at least a fifty percent chance of success in the end. While it is a cold calculation, the better scenario is a less cold one because it can be afforded to be.

Scenario the Second:

Due to the wording and previous clarifications I will assume that two of my underlings are dead, one is unconscious and another is a cripple. In this case I have to make the coldest of choices and attempt to copy the letter and give one to the crippled member of my team to use them as a decoy so I can carry the information to the village. I believe this route would breed the best success in this bleak of an outlook for a setting. If the situation was that my leader was relatively fine and I was unable to fight, I would eagerly play the decoy and try to get the pursuers to still consider me a threat to take me out while the other could get back. However this scenario does not grace me with that so I must force that choice onto another person for the betterment of the whole village. The only person I have any faith in surviving would be the person who was rendered unconscious in the scenario.

Now that she had completed the assessment exam she would bring the paper up to the desk, bow to the person behind it and depart the building with faith that the bureaucracy of the village would steer her into the correct placement in the system based off how she penned her replies. It would still be some time until she saw the fruit this seed bore however Miko thought to herself, walking back to her home to enjoy some dinner and a relaxing evening.


958 WC
919 words towards 2,000/2,000 for Metal Crusher
37 words towards 37/500 for second stage of  Jab

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