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Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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Politics as Usual Empty Politics as Usual

Mon Aug 31, 2020 10:18 pm

Guren had been in his apartment for the entirety of the weekend. He had no missions assigned to him and his workload seemed relatively light. It wasn't yet time for him to call upon Raleth and Zaine so the trio could continue their training together. And Guren hadn't been requested for another impromptu mission with Mizuki and Sebastian. Thus he had a relatively quiet weekend, which he spent holed up in his studies. Only this time in particular, he had been investing more time into anatomy, kekkai genkai, and clans. As he had recently come into possession of two specimen suitable for studying, Guren was eager to begin developing his newly awakened medical aptitude. As a blood user and an enthusiast of the Kazekage's medical prominence, Guren had become inspired to unlock his natural potential for iryojutsu. 

Hours passed, pots of coffee were brewed and consumed, and the sun rose and fall. It seemed as if Guren had gone the entire weekend with his nose in books he had rented from the Sunagakure library. There was so much he had been learning, from identifying strands of DNA to familiarizing himself with the adverse effects of status ailments. However everything he had been learning up to this point was just theory, save for the jutsu he had been able to teach himself. Thus he had craved some hands on experience. And that's when he thought of Kenshin, he was the most logical candidate to give Guren some pointers on medical jutsu. But the only concern here was if he have the time. No matter though, as Guren had already made his mind up that he would go to see him. Making sure all of his equipment and scrolls were packed up, Guren started to exit his apartment and when he reached its door he took notice of a letter that had been tucked between the door sill and floor. Bending over and reaching to grab the letter, Guren would grip its envelope with both hands and lightly open it. 

Its contents were simple and straight forward. "Come to the Spire....- Kazekage" . How convenient this summoning was, as Guren had just set his mind to pay Kenshin a visit. Perhaps this would be an advantageous opportunity for him to pick the brain of the renowned surgeon and learn some tricks of the trade. But what was the purpose of Guren getting called to the Spire today? There didn't seem like much going on within the village. In any case, Guren raised up to his normal posture and left out of his apartment, closing the door shut upon exiting. 

It would only take some moments before Guren would reach the base entrance of the Spire, as the apartments were located within a close proximity to it. The Spire teemed above everything, succeeding in asserting itself as the pinnacle of Sunagakure architecture. As Guren approached he would firmly open one of the elaborate front doors and walk inside. It was his first time being inside since construction had recently finished. And its interior captivated the totality of Guren's attention. Its design was ornate and commendable, fitting of the figure who worked inside of it. As his eyes deviated from distraction, they fixed themselves upon the receptionist desk. A part of him had been expecting Mia to sit behind its tabletop, yet he knew her role was at the hospital. This time the woman sitting at the desk was a red haired women he had never seen before. Nevertheless he still knew of her identity, as she was quite the notable and famous person within Sunagakure. 

"Hello Lilith, I am not sure if we have officially met but I am Guren...Chunin of Sunagakure. It is a pleasure to meet you." Guren would introduce himself while walking closer to the desk and gesturing a subtle bow of his head in respect. He paused for her to respond before continuing with the purpose of his arrival. "So I actually was summoned here by the Kazekage himself. Admittedly I am not sure where to find him here though. Could you maybe confirm my appointment and inform me of where I might find Lord Kazekage?" 

Again, Guren would wait for Lilith's reply before acting. If she confirmed that Kenshin was expecting Guren then the Chunin would offer a slight smile in gratitude. Hopefully she would also let him know in what direction he should walk towards to meet up with Kenshin. If she would, Guren would follow her instructions to the tee. But before even doing that, he was sure to verbally thank the helpful woman. "Thank you Lilith. Enjoy the rest of your day," he concluded before setting off in whatever direction he was told to.

(WC = 789 x 2 Event Bonus = 1578)
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
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Ryo : 159

Politics as Usual Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Thu Sep 03, 2020 11:48 pm
As the time of day slowly began to tick by like the sand on the ground, Ibari had been enjoying some time alone on his rooftop. It had been a minute since his last mission and with everything going in the village he was out of things to do. Rubbing right eye with his wrist he began to let out a rather loud yawn that indicated his boredom for the day. Even though he had realistically been up for a few hours at best, something was missing from his day. The young ANBU operative spent most of his days now watching over the village if he had not been on missions, but with the slow progress of peace for the missing ninja village, he wondered when Kenshin would send him off to do something. Slowly he would lay down on the roof, his red eyes staring into the endless sky above him, a single hand moving to block some of the light from the sun from getting into his eyes. He had become acclimated to the new transplant that he had obtained beforehand, and his prowess with the bloodline of the Jugo made him feel stronger...better even. It had honestly been a minute since he had used his natural bloodline, but had there been a reason for it? So many things had been going on within his mind and as he closed his eyes to truly meditate, the clacking of feet could be heard on the tiles of the roof.

Turning his head slowly he would look over to the feet only before making a retort," Ever try knocking? It would get you so much further than me staring at your feet and everything," the statement caused a huff from the messenger who then sat the scroll down for the operative and then poofed. Looking at the scroll he was curious as to whom had wanted to speak with him. Taking the scroll into his hands, Ibari rolled over and began to read its contents slowly. With a quick jump up he would begin to grab his shirt and dart toward The Spire. Unknown to him that he was being called for something out of norm, he went from right to left until he had made it to the front of the building and pushed the door open to himself looking at a very familiar face. Looking up to the other individual whom he had met on a mission,"Guren! How ya been buddo?,"He would then look to Lilith where he would give her a deep bow before speaking more," Kenshin called me in. He here?"
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Politics as Usual Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:07 pm
The downpour was all that could be heard or felt on the premises of The Harvester’s home. Finally construction had ceased - a fortress of white cement with a limited view of the inside, all windows were one way mirrored save for the one large floor to ceiling one she had placed at the back of her home attached to her bedroom; this is where she sat now. She had decided to create the rain whenever she was in need of escape, where the rain came hard and fast to the detriment of the surrounding terrain - blinding the vision and blurring it all into a dark storm that felt only of her chakra…. Freshly renewed with another feeding behind her. The violet eyes were full of sadness, only a finite ring of ruby around the inner iris was left to expose her actual nature. It seemed no matter what she did or how hard she resisted she was chained into the cycle of feeding on others… and the looks on their faces when they saw her for what she was. Shutting her eyes she would cut the thought off short and focus on the sound of the rain - days like today were days she missed Hoshi the most, at least then it would rain without her needed to make it herself.

As much as she wanted to continue sitting on this window ledge, staring into the blurr of rain until her chakra gave out, she had to be somewhere. The summons had come early yesterday as it was to fall on a day she wasn’t already planning on being in the Spire - so he had to ensure her presence. Placing her head back against the sill she would release the jutsu and the rain would suddenly cease around her, the clouds would part and dissipate, and her room would be flooded in brilliant light. Finally opening her eyes again she would push off the ledge and head in the direction of the Spire - making it there easily as she hopped gracefully from rooftop to rooftop until landing on the ground in front of the iconic building and entering. Of course there was Lillith, constantly at Kenshins beck and call, without a word she would continue past her and place her hand on the seal that would take her to the Kazekage’s office. She was the most late of those in attendance as she was the last one to arrive- perhaps if she was in a better mood she would have been the first? 

Guren, Ibari and Kenshin - arguably the powerhouses of the Sunagakure force - were standing in the office as she entered and her eyebrows knit together in confusion. What was she doing here then?
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Politics as Usual Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Wed Sep 16, 2020 1:51 am
Lilith was expecting the arrival of Guren, Ibari and Mizuki well before any of them arrived, as Kenshin had informed her of his summons to them and the reasoning for it… and she had to say, she approved of his choices for this honour. The first to arrive was Guren, who was exceedingly polite and a charming young man in general.

“The pleasure is all mine Guren. Kenshin already informed me that he was expecting you and a couple of others, please enter the office and make yourself comfortable.” The redhead would say with a small smile. Before he was able to do that though, Ibari appeared. She had to admit, she had been quite impressed with the skill of the newly promoted Anbu… and she knew that he had a special task ahead of him, and that he would be staying back after Mizuki and Guren left. 

“Hello Ibari, Kenshin is in his office. He is expecting both of you. Please enter and make yourselves comfortable” The Uzumaki would then say, giving the man a small nod of acknowledgement. Assuming the two of them did as she instructed, Mizuki would show up only a minute or so later, the last of the group to arrive yet still in no way what one would consider late. She would simply smirk and shake her head lightly as she walked past without a word… she got the feeling that Mizuki wasn’t exactly fond of her, and truthfully she didn’t know why… but, at the same time, it didn’t really matter that much to The Pureblood Uzumaki. 


Within the room Kenshin could be seen sitting behind his desk, The Reaper clad in a long-sleeved black robe, with his elbows resting atop the simple wooden desk with his fingers locked in front of his mouth. There was a small smirk splitting the mans pale lips, and sitting directly in front of him was a simple scroll… or at least, a scroll that LOOKED simple but in reality was anything but. 

“Welcome Guren, Ibari. Please, have a seat, we’re just waiting on Mizuki but she should be here momentarily.” He would say to Ibari and Guren as they entered the room, gesturing towards the three chairs he had set up opposite his desk. He didn’t feel the need to speak, but if Guren or Ibari spoke to him he wouldn’t be rude and would reply

When Mizuki entered the room he would smile a bit brighter, even as she looked around in what appeared to be confusion

“Welcome Mizuki, please, take a seat. Now that you have arrived we can get down to business.” The Ragdoll would say, waiting for the woman to take her own seat before reaching down and gently picking up the scroll that sat in front of him.

“Now… I am sure the three of you are wondering why I have called you here… well, the answer lies within this scroll. Within you will find the instructions to perform one of my personal techniques, and a technique that I believe will be of great use to the three of you… and those that you personally deem worthy. I have named the technique Assimilating Aura, and it functions as an extremely potent defense, one that will drain the chakra from any and all harmful techniques that come your way. This serves two purposes, the main purpose being to protect you from harm… but the secondary purpose is to turn the very techniques that were once used against you into chakra for you.” The Uzumaki half-blood would explain, opening the scroll itself and placing it down on the desk, allowing the three to get a good look at the hand seals and instructions on how to manipulate and mold their chakra.

“The three of you are my most trusted shinobi, and I personally believe the three of you are some of the most powerful shinobi within Sunagakure… I fully expect each of you to continue to grow stronger, and truthfully I cannot wait to see how powerful each of you will become. Now, as I am sure you have been able to figure out, knowledge of Assimilating Aura is very tightly controlled… so much so that the only person aside from myself that knows the technique is Lilith. I consider this technique to be a true Secret Technique, one that is restricted to the Elite of Sunagakure… to my most trusted. And, furthermore… I am fine with the three of you teaching this technique to those that you believe are worthy of it” Kenshin would explain, a small smirk on his face as he explained it all to the three elite. This was a true honour, and he was sure each of them would see it that way. 

“Now… on that note, Guren, Mizuki, I have been extremely impressed by the two of you lately. You have been performing missions quite admirably, and everyone you have worked with has had nothing but praise for each of you. I have also been watching you closely, to get a true gauge of your strength… and I must say I am very impressed with what I have seen. Mizuki… you have been performing above and beyond, I’m sure you already know that I saw how you handled Raleth when he lost control within The Grove, and I was quite impressed with how you put the man in his place. Congratulations, both of you are now Jounin of Sunagakure.” The man would announce with a larger smile. Of course, for Mizuki this meant nothing, she was already an Anbu… but that rank was secret to the village, and to everyone else she would appear to be a Chunin… so, he had decided to fix that. 

“One final thing… within this scroll I have information on how to use a specific Advanced Element, namely, Mercury Release… something used centuries ago by shinobi of Sunagakure, and an extremely powerful one in my opinion. It is formed from Earth Release and Water Release, and I am more than willing to let the three of you learn this element, provided of course that you wish to, and have the necessary elements.”

These three… they would be instrumental in the future of Sunagakure, of that he was more than certain. He was providing them with all of the tools they needed to become some of the most dangerous shinobi in the nations… to say that he was excited to watch this show unfold was an understatement

These three would become true Monsters among men… and perhaps even Monsters among Monsters

The Titans of Sunagakure. 

WC: 1102
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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Village : Kemonogakure
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Politics as Usual Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Wed Sep 16, 2020 6:07 pm
Guren flashed a smile of appreciation towards Lilith and her helpful guidance. Guren nodded at her and right as she finished her dialogue, Ibari would walk into the room. Ibari immediately greeted Guren with kindness, to which Guren would reciprocate that same energy. “Hey Ibari! Good to see you. I trust that you’ve been well.” Guren would then leave time for Lilith to respond to Ibari’s question, which ultimately provided the same instructions Guren had just received. Thus the pair would proceed towards the grand doorway which undoubtedly led to the Kazekage’s Chambers.
*Knock, Knock* the hall would echo as Guren tapped his fists upon the room’s ornate door. Although the door was wide open, Guren did not want to just barge. Right as the Chunin and Jounin would enter the room and pass through its doorway, Kenshin would address them with a warm welcome. As instructed, Guren would subsequently take one of the three seats that sat across from Kenshin’s desk. Obviously one was for ibari, and as indicated by Kenshin the third would be for Mizuki who had yet to arrive. Guren bore a satisfactory yet subtle grin upon his face as he sat amongst the two men and waited for the fourth member. He knew that the room would be filled with talented shinobi, all of which seemed to be important members of Sunagakure. It felt good to be included in that group.
Nevertheless Guren did not speak further, as he awaited further direction from his Kazekage. This had been his first official meeting with this group of individuals and he was well aware that he needed to demonstrate that he belonged. Thus, Guren maintained an upright posture, indicative of his high level of interest in today’s meeting. Upon his face was an expression of gratitude and excitement for what the quartet of ninja might discuss.
Shortly after both men were seated, Mizuki would walk into the room. Finally all of Sunagakure’s major players were in one location. Guren took particular note of the face that Kenshin maintained when welcoming Mizuki. It seemed as if he had been quite fond of her, likely due to her reputable work ethic and history within the village which predated Guren’s own. Guren would throw up a silent “peace” sign towards Mizuki when she would walk in as a sign of acknowledgement. It was always nice to see his friend and fellow shinobi.
Once she was seated, Kenshin would dive into the topic at hand. Initially the conversation was focused on the scroll which he unraveled and placed upon the desk in front of him. Guren would lean forward and upward in his chair to get a better view of the scroll as he listened to the words of Kenshin. His eyes rapidly flicked over each line of the scroll’s contents, as he digested its potential. Ten handseals, four of which were unique. From its written description, it seemed simple enough to learn and perform, however so everything when written on paper. Kenshin’s words really stressed the importance, practicality, and versatility of having such a jutsu in one’s own arsenal. The excitement Guren felt within took over his stomach in the form of what felt like butterflies. He was always interested in learning new things, and this Assimilating Aura seemed extremely promising. He made sure to read over the scroll’s contents from his chair numerous times while simultaneously listening to Kenshin’s explanation.
“Hmmm. This technique sounds extremely powerful since it can nullify and repurpose an enemy’s attack, but I can’t help but wonder why Kenshin is teaching us this…” he thought to himself as he sat in anticipation of what Kenshin’s next statements might be. Nevertheless, Guren made sure to take mental photographs of the scroll’s contents so that he could make an attempt at utilizing the technique in a separate and appropriate training environment. In response to Kenshin’s opening comments, Guren firmly nodded and redirected his attention back towards the Kazekage himself.
His following comments were quite complementary, commending the abilities and accolades of all three. He recognized that Guren, Ibari, and Mizuki (and himself included) made up the heart of the village, and admitted that he saw immense potential in all three. That seemed to be the reason that he offered knowledge of Assimilating Aura to the trio. They were now officially a part of the defined elitists of the village. Guren couldn’t help but smile, yet attempting to maintain his cool. Personally it felt as if the tough and troubling decisions he had made up until this point were truly beginning to pay off. This just seemed to further ascertain the confidence he had in his decision to enlist his services to Suna.
At this point, the conversation digressed to be more fixated upon Guren and Mizuki. Again, Kenshin’s observations showcased how thoughtful and attentive he had been to his shinobi. Guren never realized he was truly on the Kazekage’s radar until this point, where he had officially promoted both Guren and Mizuki to the rank of Jounin. It was a significant accomplishment, and Guren was ecstatic that both his and Mizuki’s hard work had been recognized. Nevertheless he maintained and cool and calm demeanor, with a hint of merriment evident by his facial expression.
“Thank you Lord Kazekage,” Guren admitted while bowing his head in humbleness. He was truly at a loss for words, but knew that he had to at least confirm Kenshin’s selection. “I will continue to serve Sunagakure, and proudly uphold the title of Jounin. Thank you for including me in this select group of highly esteemed individuals.”
Upon completion of this round of comments from Guren, Ibari, and Mizuki, Kenshin would continue with a last set of closing remarks. Now he had been displaying a second scroll, whose contents contained the secrets of an advanced element Guren had been unschooled on: Mercury Release. It comprised of earth and water release, two elements Guren had been proficient and well versed in. Thus this was really right up his alley. Guren nodded again and let out, "Mercury release? Personally I have access to both water and earth release, so I would be more than willing to be a disciple of this advanced element. I welcome any teaching you might have on both this, and Assimilating aura.”
Guren’s voice was sincere and fascinated, while his body language clearly indicated how captivated Guren’s interest was. It was no surprise to anyone in that room that Guren would be excited about the entirety of today’s subject matter. For all in the room were likely well aware of Guren’s curiosity, ambition for self-development, and passion for service. As he sat in his chair, now he had been completely leaning forward with one arm resting on his left knee and the other gripping his chin. Truly he couldn’t ask for more than what Kenshin was providing them, as he was clearly supplying them with a path towards power. Guren’s mind instantly began to divert towards the potential that the four in the room had together. With these tools laid out and provided towards each member, there was no telling what their ceiling could be. However one thing was clear to Guren. This combination of people were further solidifying the fact that they were a force to be reckoned with.
Now Guren awaited further comments and confirmation from his comrades that they too were interested in Mercury Release and Assimilating Aura. Once all three were in agreement, the ball would be in Kenshin’s court for how to proceed next.

(WC = 1258. Total: 2836)
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Politics as Usual Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Wed Sep 16, 2020 8:32 pm
Ibari only smiled to Guren as they exchanged pleasantries and responded in kind, " Been rather well lately. Just moseying on from day to day as best I can. Let's not keep the boss man waiting though," and as if on cue he began his ascension toward the Kazekage's office with his fellow shinobi. Since Guren had done the knocking, Ibari slid his hands into the hoodie/haori hybrid he had been wearing and gave a small bow to Kenshin as he let them in.

It had been quite some time since he had seen the male, it had been since his latest transplant honestly. Ibari sat in the seat closest to the right of desk which would have left the remaining seat to his fellow ANBU operative, Mizuki. As the duo waited for the female to come in, Ibari looked around the desk for a moment until he heard the door open in which he responded, " And ther is our lovely third. How are you faring today Mizuki?," it would be rude if he hadn't said anything to her since he greeted Guren as well. Now that the three of them had been present the true reason for this meeting would be underway.

As the scroll came out onto the desk, Ibari switched his gaze from Kenshin to it out of curiosity until it had been opened. As he listened his eyes began to take the form of his three tomoe Sharingan slowly giving him better clarity about the jutsu. He had been simply studying the words upon the scroll, making the hand seals within his mind as he smiled at the fact that this was happening.

The technique itself was arguably one of the best he had seen and its applications made his brain jump with joy. It was definitely an honor that he didn't deserve yet was given. As the male finished his explanation of it he only looked up and gave his appreciation for it," Thanks for trusting us with this..I wasn't expecting something like this but one must be thankful for all their blessings," and he wasn't wrong about that.

When the talks of promotions came up, his eyes went to the other two in the room. As he listened to Kenshin give them praise, Ibari clapped for them as his eyes slowly spiraled back into their normal crimson color,: Congratulations to the both of you. If any I've worked with deserves this its you two," of course this meant that him and Mizuki shared the same ranks all across the board now.

Mercury? The thought came to his mind, but unfortunately his elements didn't completely match up to the task. A small sigh escaped his lips, but he wasn't sad about it," This might benefit the both of you more than myself. Water isn't exactly an element I have an abundance offl, but where one lacks another can pick up," he felt as if there was more to come up but he simply sat in his chair and waited. Excitement was maybe one of his vices but he knew to contain it just in case something happened.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Ryo : 330650

Politics as Usual Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Fri Sep 18, 2020 8:06 pm
It was obvious the seat left was for her and without needing prompting - though she was anyways - thus she would fall into the seat and raise her left leg up on the seat of the chair, hooking her left arm around the knee and linking her fingers together to anchor her balance. The Kazekage, Kenshin, had summoned all of them in here to learn - this wasn’t a standard jutsu of course as he was explaining, they were the highest and most capable shinobi in the village and thus were hand chosen to learn this advanced and coveted art - Assimilating Aura. 

From her seat she could just see the hand seals necessary to complete the tech and he explained the concept behind the tech as a whole - she could see how this would benefit her… but she wouldn’t be teaching it to anyone even with the permission she wouldn’t even tell anyone she knew it. Her eyes remained roving on the scroll as Kenshin continued on - she had taken little notice of Guren or Ibari after she had sat down and only was brought back to that realization when Kenshin mentioned Gurens name. Only then did her eyes, pure pools of Violet come up to meet the Kazekage’s praise - her fingers clenching at the mention of the incident in the grove - and finally a single raised eyebrow at the ‘promotion’. She knew he knew she was already above the title of Jounin but for publicities sake she had to be honored by this news as Guren was so readily displaying. 

Perhaps she wasn’t in the mood for this, perhaps she was too in her head for news such as the news she was being granted but she nodded in what would seem as humble acknowledgement and thank the man for the praise and rank upgrade. Guren was being a model shinobi- respectful and attentive, Ibari was also displaying respect and pride at their promotions to his level… but Mizuki would seem like a void of earnest reaction. Finally she dropped her eyes back to the desk and pressed her lips together in thought before nodding thoughtfully again - “Yeah Mercury release would be more than beneficial to me.. Thank you for the opportunity.”

WC 371
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Politics as Usual Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Tue Sep 22, 2020 9:07 am
Kenshin would take note of the reactions of each person, the shocked and humble reaction of Guren with his declaration of loyalty and his thanks, the congratulations from Ibari as well as his support, to Mizuki, with her somewhat subdued and thoughtful reaction. All in all he was quite happy with the group that was assembled before him, and he was more than happy that they were all working with him… this was a group to be feared for sure, and a group that he was lucky to have. 

With a small smirk he would unravel the scroll further, revealing the instructions for Mercury Release to both Guren and Mizuki.

“All of you have earned this opportunity. Consider this as my personal thanks to each of you, you have all performed above and beyond what I expect, and that is why each of you has earned a place among my elite. Now, Mizuki, Guren, once each of you have memorised what you need to, you are free to leave. Ibari, you will stay behind, I have an assignment for you that we need to discuss. Both of you are free to stay for this briefing if you wish, but I only plan on sending Ibari for this... and truthfully I am only sending him because I need to send someone of a somewhat high rank for this task.... even if it isn't necessarily a dangerous one.” The Kazekage would say with a small smirk on his face. He meant it too, each of them was welcome to stay… if he didn’t trust them he wouldn’t have promoted them. Now, this certainly had the chance to be a dangerous assignment, but truthfully he didn't expect it to come to that, especially seeing as he would be giving Ibari direct orders to retreat if it seemed as though it would come to violence.

WC: 311
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Politics as Usual Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Mon Sep 28, 2020 5:54 pm
(Short post alert, my bad homies. Hope y'all still got love for me.)

Among his celebratory feelings Guren was acknowledged by Ibari, and he appreciated it. The words from his superior were warm and well received. Guren smiled in a friendly fashion and nodded at his comrade. Ibari was someone he was particularly interested in, as he was someone Guren didn't see much of. There had only been one time when the two were really in the presence of one another and that was during their mission to the mine. Both men had demonstrated themselves in cordial and professional manners, while making sure the mission was completed to perfection. Yet there hadn't been much that Guren gathered from Ibari beyond an inference that Ibari too might have also been one of Kenshin's experiment. But it was only a speculation. And now there seemed to be even more mystery attached to the Jounin, as he had been asked to stay behind for an additional briefing. Guren's ears perked up at the sound of this and his interest began to be split between the knowledge and information that Guren had been offered from Kenshin and the secret mission his fellow shinobi would be on. 

Although Guren had truly desired to stay behind and be brought up to speed on what his teammate might be doing, Guren decided it was best if he took his leave. He was confident that through one way or another he would learn of Ibari's mission and would be updated as needed. However Guren had his own mission that he had to tend to: learning mercury release and assimilating aura. The Kazekage had bestowed its knowledge upon Guren and Mizuki, and Guren fully intended to investigate it. 

Guren would stay later, scouting over the contents of the new scroll (mercury release) up until he was complete. His photographic memory had taken numerous snapshots of what was required for both Assimilating Aura and Mercury Release. Now it was time for him to reflect on these brief studies, then take them to the field for actual practice. Thus, his next destination would be the training grounds. However before he would depart, he would formally dismiss himself. 

"Thank you again Lord Kazekage. I will spend time reflecting on the information you shared with me today before I try to attempt it myself. If I have any questions along the way for more guidance, I won't hesitate to contact you. And if you need additional support for Ibari's mission, let me know however I might be able to help..." Guren said while pausing to see if anyone in the room would have any final remarks. If no one had any reason to hold Guren back, he would stand from his chair and let out a, "Then without further ado, I'll take my leave."

And with that, he would exit from the room and head off to his apartment. He had some meditation to do. 


(WC = 479. Total: 3315.)

2000 words towards Assimilating Aura
1315 words towards Mercury Release
Claiming Jounin rank and Jounin Flak Jacket

Last edited by Guren Chinoike on Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Politics as Usual Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:32 pm
Approved @ Guren
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