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Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Politics as Usual - Page 2 Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Fri Oct 02, 2020 8:46 pm
Today was a rather auspicious day for the trio as everyone had been given their due diligence based on their hard work. Ibari had thought the meeting was over and was beginning to get up until he had heard Kenshin mention him by name and to also stay behind. Giving a small tilt of the head he sat back down and looked at the other two wondering if they were going to stay around to see what the mission was. If it was something of great importance he would want to have the two in the room accompany him, but then again that would put the village at a considerable, but minimal situation if something were to happen while they were gone. So he kept his mouth shut and gave a two finger salute to Guren if he was going to head off and then turned to see if Mizuki had planned on staying behind. He waited to see what she would do before turning back to Kenshin and tapping his own knees in anticipation as he waited to see what the mission was," Now you have me curious as to what the contents of this mission would be. Besides the other missions you've given me this sounds like it has a greater importance in the grand scheme of things," the words came out as a surprise to himself, as of late he had been really...upbeat about certain things. It was as if being in a place that rebuilt him and made him stronger brought some sense of happiness into his life. For the moment however he would wait to see what this mission entailed and what he would be doing.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Politics as Usual - Page 2 Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Tue Oct 06, 2020 6:52 pm
Sitting up straighter in her seat she leaned over and smoothed out the scroll carefully with her hands, taking extra care not to let her nails snag on any bit of the paper so as not to tear it with the razor sharp edges. Gazing down her eyes would finally light up with flame as the idea of both jutsu became fully realized - the possibilities coming to life in her mind one could almost hear the gears turning faster as the devious smile spread over her lips. Looking up she would raise her eyebrow slightly at Kenshin before looking back down at the element under her hands. 

“Guren is right, this is an honor Kenshin… Thank you for the praise and trust in my skill to show me something so impressive as this, its applications are immense and I can’t even begin to imagine how well it will work with my already existing abilities.” Heaven help the souls who decided to come to Sunagakure looking for trouble… they will have their work cut out for them for even a retreat. She was engrossed in the scroll for assimilating aura once more when she was brought to the present by Gurens’ voice - he had been silently taking in the scrolls near her and she had almost forgotten he was there as she was flying through hand seals over and over in attempt to get muscle memory down pat; of course she was not using any chakra to actually activate the technique in the room only forcing her hands through the hand seals simultaneously one handed to master it on either her dominant or non dominant hand. “Have a good one Guren, don’t stay out too late training.” She gave him a teasing look as he left, knowing full well he was about to slave over this new information as he did everything that was new - the man was a black hole for new information and there was just simply never enough for his mind. 

A half hour later it seemed and she could fly through the handseals for both jutsu, simultaneously, on either hand, with her eyes closed and focused solely on the many heart beats of Kenshin to distract her. This seemed to be enough for her and she gave herself a nod of finality and cracked her fingers to release the tension they had been building. She had sat through the conversation that was to come so she would be privy to whatever mission he was to sent on - she couldn’t help but need to be in the know and while she knew if she asked he would tell her it was nothing in comparison to being in the room and feeling or seeing the reactions herself. Much was to be gauged in those crucial moments. 

As she was sure neither needed to consult her for anything she would slowly and deliberately re-roll the scrolls and set them neatly on the desk top once more before half bowing to Ibari and Kenshin - formality was … unbecoming of her but she felt it was needed in this moment if any. Appearances were important after all - “Have a good evening you two - don’t stay up too late?” The last question was more so directed at Kenshin before she turned and left the office, glancing once more at the fiery red hair of her direct boss Lilith, who sat dutifully in her spot at her desk. Mizuki would pause and incline her chin up while narrowing her eyes in an analytical fashion - did Lilith know she shared the same DNA as her now, even in a small fashion they were closer to clansmen than before. This was the first time the thought had crossed her mind honestly and it made her uncomfortable to say the least, being so used to be the last Kyuketsuki… it made her stomach turn to have something so deeply in common with someone.

Her prolonged staring had, of course, caught the attention of Lilith as she finally looked up with a hesitant smile and eyebrow raise - what she could be thinking was beyond Mizu but she wasn’t going to sit and analyze the sudden heartbeat of the woman; she had blocked her out from her mind so wholly that even her heartbeat was unregistered until now… and it beat with a slightly faster rhythm than normal. Mizu turned her gaze away from the blazing red head and lifted her nose haughtily and strode away as fast as her short legs would take her - nearly slammed her hand into the seal that transported her to the ground level. Only once she was outside the doors did she take another breath…. Why she had been holding it, even she couldn’t answer.


WC 791 
TWC 1642 
Claims - Max AP using 25% max stat jutsu discount
1 word to Assimilating Aura V7 5000/5000 previous words from True Blood
1641 towards learning Mercury Release 
Claiming Jounin Rank and Jounin Flak Jacket
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Politics as Usual - Page 2 Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Tue Oct 06, 2020 10:03 pm
Approved @ Mizu
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Politics as Usual - Page 2 Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Mon Oct 12, 2020 10:24 am
The Reaper would smile as he watched how intently the Mizuki and Guren devoured the information in front of them, and as Guren thanked him he would simply smile and nod towards the man, listening to everything he had to say.

“Please do, I would be more than happy to help you should you need it, but personally I don’t think you will, you are quite the resourceful man and I have no doubt you will master both Assimilating Aura and Mercury Release.”

With that said Guren would take his leave, and Kenshin would listen to what Ibari asked him, something that earned him a small sigh.

“Lilith!” He would call to the woman that say outside, and within a few moments the redhead would enter the office, her usually jovial face quite stern as she gazed at those within the room. Out of everyone within the village, these were the few that knew who she truly was, so she was free to be more like herself than the act that she usually put up. 

“Now… you would be both correct and incorrect Ibari, you see… I have recently received a missive from Hoshigakure… or rather, someone within Hoshigakure, someone that I used to be quite close to.” The Reaper would explain with a small frown, before he simply scoffed and retrieved the message he had received from Genevieve and placed it upon the desk for Mizuki and Ibari to read. He would give them ample time to read before he spoke again.

“Genevieve claims to be worried for the safety of herself and her children… and she has asked for me to be the one to personally be the one to bring her back.” The Ragdoll would say with a light chuckle, looking up at the three of them. 

“I’m sure you can understand why that is impossible… but, allow me to provide some further context to this situation, and why I believe she is asking for me to be the one to escort her.” He would then say, sighing lightly as he did so

“I believe the children she mentioned are mine… back when I resided within Hoshigakure she and I were close, and roughly a year before I defected we slept together… it never went any further, and that was the one time that it happened. In fact, we avoided each other for quite some time after and then I defected from the village… but, despite it all, Genevieve had strong feelings for me and I am positive that if she was indeed pregnant she would not have told me about it…” He would then confess, his face going from a small frown to stern as he gazed at the three who sat and stood before him.

“Now… before anything else I must ask… knowing what the three of you know now, what do you each believe the best course of action in this situation to be? Do you believe we should retrieve Genevieve and her children? Truth be told… I don’t know what to do here…” The Ragdoll would then ask, something that would cause Lilith to release a small sigh, before she levelled him with a stern glare.

“Kenshin… I am going to ask you one very simple question, and I want a simple yes or no answer. Be completely honest here… do you care about Genevieve or the children? In any capacity?” The Redhead would ask, already knowing the answer and knowing that Kenshin himself knew the answer… but it was still something that she knew needed to be said aloud for the others, and for Kenshin himself. The Mad Medic would give a light chuckle as he closed his eyes, before opening them and locking his silver eyes with Liliths blue

“Truthfully?... Well, the answer would be no, I hold no attachments to her or any children that she has, regardless of whether they are mine or not. I consider myself more in the way of a sperm donor than a father to those children, and I have absolutely no desire to be anything more than that. Heh… if anything, I would rather they not know about me, and I would rather never meet them, or see Genevieve herself again. I have put that part of my life behind me…” He would confess, and with that Lilith knew that she had said all she needed to.

The Redhead Anbu would then shift her gaze from Kenshin, to Mizuki.

WC: 745
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Politics as Usual - Page 2 Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Wed Oct 21, 2020 8:50 am
A retrieval mission? A quizzical brow slowly rose as he looked at Lilith and then back to Kenshin as he continued the story. For some reason he didn't feel as if the mission was of super importance. His definition of family was...loose at best, but this was a different circumstance. After Kenshin had finished and Lilith had asked her question, Ibari would hold up a finger as he leaned up from his crooked sitting position, " With all that being said I dont think its necessary to go and retrieve them. If it was a fling it was a fling. You have more important matters to tend to than a woman wanting to play family after all these years. Besides if it was that urgent she would have told you before you left Hoshigakure yes?," he would let that sit for a moment for continuing, " However not knowing them gives you a certain...disposition if in the future that village tries to weaponize the kids against you or anyone for that matter. My opinion is probably a little low on the totem pole, but family has never been... a big thing for me. Until recently," he was eluding to the sense of family he felt between those in this room. 

After that he would grow silent,  resting his back on the arm of the chair and his feet weirdly dangling just off the floor. He wondered if more would come from this conversation,  but judging by the atmosphere of the room it could go somewhere.
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Politics as Usual - Page 2 Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Mon Nov 09, 2020 9:07 pm
As Mizuki was headed to also leave Lilith would enter the room before she could manage it and the conversation behind her would continue - furrowing her brow she would lean back against the door frame and listen. Apparently Kenshin had a deeper history than he let on and it was coming back to bite him in the ass - or at least annoy his with its presence. The man least suited for children had a pair of em residing in the very village she had abandoned so many years before, she found herself closing her eyes as the explanation continued - it took everything in her not to laugh at the whole situation; it was this very reason she had made it impossible for herself to ever bear children, thoughtless actions of men in heat. 

Her violet gaze would slide open and land on Ibari who was saying what she felt if not more reserved - but he made a valid point as well, weaponizing kids against someone would be a powerful chip to hold; if that person actually cared about the child in question. Pushing herself off the doorframe she would stride back into the room until she reached the desk where the letter from this woman sat - reaching down she would take it in her hands and rip it to shreds several times over, allowing the pieces to fall onto the desktop before finally speaking. “They don’t exist and you never got this letter. Your family is in this village already and anyone who tries to say otherwise is trying to pull something over on you. Those kids don’t know you and they never will, simple as that.” She would turn again and head for the door, speaking over her shoulder as she went. “Genevieve who? Goodnight.” With that she would disappear from view and exit the building accordingly.

not claiming these words.
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Politics as Usual - Page 2 Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Thu Nov 12, 2020 8:39 pm
The first of the duo to speak was Ibari, and from what the man had to say he was of very much the same mindset of Kenshin, although he was a little more paranoid about what Hoshigakure holding his children could mean for him in the future. Despite the seriousness of the situation The Ragdoll would allow a small smile to come to his face as Ibari made his small confession, and out of the corner of his eye he could see the look of surprise quickly turning into a bright smile on the face of his cousin. Next, The Reaper would take note of Mizuki herself crossing the distance between them, before reaching over and taking the small letter from his hands without any hesitation, and starting to tear said note into pieces right in front of everyone. The Kyuketsuki would sprinkle the paper over his neat and tidy desk, before beginning to say her own piece, and what she had to say was quite similar to what Ibari himself had to say, but in a much more blunt manner… something that he actually appreciated quite a bit. Once she had finished with that she would move to leave the office, and as she was starting to open the door she would say a couple of final parting words.

The Ragdoll would release a light chuckle as the door was closing, more than loud enough for Mizuki herself to hear. 

“Well… I suppose that answers that doesn’t it. Genevieve who indeed.” The Reaper would then say, a small smirk on his face. He was quite happy with what those he trusted had to say on the matter, and he had to say he was feeling rather vindicated by all of this. 

“Thank you both for your help in this… I have been stuck on what to do for some time now, and I am quite pleased that this is the result we ended on.” Kenshin would then say, flashing a genuine smile at both Ibari and Lilith.

“Well… I suppose now there is no important mission for you Ibari, you’re free to leave and go about your day as you see fit. Thank you again”

WC: 366


TWC: 2524

2524 words towards skipping 1 month of Rinnegan wait time, 3,850 words remaining (1464 words trained here, 2162 words trained here)
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
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Politics as Usual - Page 2 Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Sat Nov 14, 2020 9:29 pm
"Not a problem. While I know family issues aren't my...forte of sorts, having a group of friends and family that will help you through those times are amazing. Also. There's always an important mission if you look for it in the right for what i'm going to do for the rest of the day? Figure out what i'm going to do tomorrow. That walk up those stairs? Chaotic!," it was a small joke in jest, but he did overall enjoy the couple of the other three that were in the room. As he stood up, he would give a two finger salute to both Kenshin and Lilith before making his way out. At some point he stopped at the base of the building, looking up to its immense height and wondering was he finally building a bond with people that would turn into his family? A small smile appeared on his face as he tucked his hands into the darkness of his robe and continued walking, finally finding the stigma of not having a family to finally be lifted off of his shoulders.

TWC: 1,643

Putting all words into learning Verdandi putting the new total at 2,500/2500 finishing it
Claiming 16 AP
Wan Senju
Wan Senju
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Politics as Usual - Page 2 Empty Re: Politics as Usual

Tue Nov 17, 2020 7:51 pm
Approved of both claims.
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