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Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

The Night Before The Destruction of Darkside Empty The Night Before The Destruction of Darkside

Mon Jun 03, 2024 12:39 am
Isamu returned to Darkside, his sister having insisted that he give it another chance. He had briefly stopped there the evening he had been giving our Curse Narks to the village, but had quickly left when he hadn't been survived a drink immediately. His sister Hasumi had chastised him for his impatience and assured him the place was amazing if he just gave it a chance. Deicing to take the young girl's word for it the wannabe samurai made his way back to the establishment.

Isamu was dressed in blue robes rather than his normal samurai armor. He still had both of his swords strapped to his hip but he hoped that he looked less intimidating without all of his armor on. Making his way into the establishment he quickly made his way to an empty seat at that bar. The raven haired man looked around with his piercing blue eyes as he sat down, taking in the atmosphere of the place and taking another chance to appreciate it. He still had to admit that the waitress uniform was amazing, he just hoped that he'd manage to get a drink this time around.

Looking about Isamu did his bets to signal for a bartender or waitress, hoping to get someone's attention so that he could get a bit of a buzz working. He hadn't been able to smoke since leaving Sota's home and wanted to at least get inebriated in another way if he couldn't get high. He didn't intend to get shit faced or anything crazy like that but the wannabe samurai wanted a chance to unwind. His creator had been asking a lot of him as of late and he just needed some time to himself to relax.

WC: 290
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : (1) Daiki
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

The Night Before The Destruction of Darkside Empty Re: The Night Before The Destruction of Darkside

Tue Jun 04, 2024 10:50 pm
Daiki had been up early this morning and was ready to begin work. Another day working at his place. What could be better he thought to himself. In his mind, nothing. He had met the most wonderful woman, even if she did abruptly leave the last morning. But he still found himself falling for her more and more each day. He had finally settled on a place to run in Darkside. And above all else, he had found he even had a brother. What luck!

As he made his way down to the restaurant below his home, he began to get everything ready for the day. He had hired a few staff to help him in running the place and they showed up shortly after. They opened at 7 and wouldn't close till Midnight or so. At around 9 in the evening, he noticed Isamu had walked in and was sat by one of his staff. Daiki offered a wave to the man, hoping he would remember him from their missions a while back.

After a few minutes, Daiki noticed Isamu had not been served as of yet. So, he figured that he could do it as the bar was a tad slow at the moment. As he made his way over he made sure to grab a note pad so he could write down what he wanted.

"Hey, Isamu! Great to see you! Welcome to Darkside. What can I get ya?" the man said, with a smile and flipping through the note pad ready to write.

Isamu Hayato
Isamu Hayato
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 13700

The Night Before The Destruction of Darkside Empty Re: The Night Before The Destruction of Darkside

Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:58 pm
Isamu was surprised to see one of the Vagabonds he had worked with in the country in the days leading up to the village's creation. It took him a moment to recognize Daiki, the man seemed to have lost a lot of muscle since they had last met. He didn't seem to be in poor health or anything like that, prompting Isamu to wonder how and why the young man had managed to perform such a sudden change. The middle-aged man smiled and waved when Daiki first caught his attention.

Isamu was seated by one of the beautiful hostesses of the establishment, a tall slender woman who was dressed up in the goth aesthetic Hasumi had told Isamu about. Isamu did his best not to gawk as he was being seated but found himself stealing glances as the woman walked away afterward.

A few minutes after he'd been seated Isamu noticed Daiki approaching. He smiled at the young man as he came by and asked for Isamu's order.

"It's good to see you Daiki, it's been a while! I'll be honest, I'm not too knowledgeable about drinks but I'm in need of one. Is there any chance that I could get a couple of small glasses of sake for now, different kinds so that I can discern my tastes?" Isamu hadn't had too many opportunities to drink since coming into existence, Sota had pretty much been his guide in such things and he'd been away from the man for more than 2 months now. Unfortunately, it seemed his creator didn't partake unless in certain company and Hasu's youthful appearance prevented her from being able to join Isamu despite their actual ages being the same. This left Isamu to have to try and discover the wonders of alcohol all on his lonesome.

Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : (1) Daiki
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

The Night Before The Destruction of Darkside Empty Re: The Night Before The Destruction of Darkside

Mon Jun 24, 2024 5:06 pm
"Good to see you too! Hmm, sounds good to me. I'll bring you the best flavors of sake that I have on hand," the young man said, with a smile as he wrote that down in his notebook and walked over to the bar.

As Daiki walked back to the bar and began pouring the sake he realized his shift would be ending soon and a close friend would be making their way for their shift. So he should be fine to take the rest of the evening off. He took note of the time, and Isamu seeming lonely and drinking by himself he figured he would give him some company.

As he finished pouring the drinks the close friend had come in and waved him off. To tell him he had everything handled for the rest of the night. Which Daiki trusted but it was his bar so why not stick around and drink a little with a close friend? Right?

He walked over brought the drinks over and sat down across from him.

"Mind if I join you? I just got off a minute ago, funny enough. And I figured you could use a drinking buddy since you're new to this," he said laughing a little, as the man seemed visibly older than Daiki but you never know.

"We got plenty of Sake," pointing at the already poured glasses and extra bottles he brought just in case. As he pointed at the glasses he would smile at the man hoping to start the beginning of an awesome night.

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