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Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Link
Iryōjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Just Before The Destruction at Darkside  Empty Just Before The Destruction at Darkside

Mon Jun 24, 2024 11:08 am
Mission Attempted:

Just Before The Destruction at Darkside  Darksi10

(Continuing from here.)

Hasumi excitedly led one of the newcomers to the village in the direction of Darkside, her favorite restaurant thus far. As she made her way through the street a few passerby's waved to the young girl, thanking her for her assistance in some mission or another. While Hasumi hadn't done much in the way of combat she'd helped out a lot of civilians with small tasks and had started to grow a reputation as sweet and helpful, if perhaps a bit shy. The kunoichi waved back and nervously smiled, but didn't stop and talk with anyone as she led Toshihiro down the streets. She'd occasionally offer quick introductions but quickly explained that she had to go to Darkside and the back to The Kage Tower so she couldn't delay.

Upon arriving at the front of the establishment Hasumi smiled and turned to Toshihiro, looking to see what his expression would be as he laid eyes upon the extravagant goth-themed restaurant.  It stood out amongst the simpler buildings that had been constructed in Tsukigakure so far, easily discernable even from a distance due to its large sign and eye-catching crescent moon prop that sat atop the structure.

"It doesn't look like they're to busy right now, we're in luck! Hopefully we can get some good seats. They have this thing called 'The Pancake Challenge' where you can actually get prize money if you eat a bunch of their pancakes in one sitting. I've only been able to do it once myself but I think it's the best option on the menu if you can stomach 10 pancakes."

She motioned for Toshihiro to continue to follow her a she made her way inside. Hasumi was quickly greeted by some of the waitresses who recognized her, a number of women dressed in a goth aesthetic that matched the rest of the restaurant's theme. The young kunoichi was seated immediately due to the few customers that were present, being guided to her favorite table near one of the windows. As the waitress, who was dressed in a black vampire costume, walked with them to the table the woman addressed Toshihiro who she assumed was new to the area.

"Welcome to Darkside, is this your first time? I'm sure Hasumi has already told you about our Pancake Challenge but we have a pretty big menu if you'd like me to get you one. As for you, Hasu, are you just getting a couple of pancakes today or are you going for the challenge?" The waitress waited briefly for Toshihiro to respond and then either got him a menu or went off to get some pancakes for him and Hasumi. The young kunoichi told the black attired waitress that she was going to do the challenge.

Hasumi scooted into one of the booth seats, stopping in the middle as she looked around to see if she recognized anyone else at the establishment.

Assuming that Toshihiro had followed her and was also getting into a seat, Hasumi looked toward the young man and gave him another nervous smile.  "So are there any other questions you had about the village? I figure I could answer some of your questions here and then, if you'd like, I could try and give you a tour of the village after I finish my meeting with Lady Tsukiko. I'll make sure to mention you to her when I see her. I'm not sure if she'll be able to see you immediately but I could see if you could use some of the time allocated to our meeting to ask her some questions."

Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Page
Familiar : Relationships with other Characters can be found at the bottom of my stat page.
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Just Before The Destruction at Darkside  Empty Re: Just Before The Destruction at Darkside

Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:39 pm
Just Before The Destruction at Darkside  Download

Music for flavor

Toshihiro followed behind the young Genin through the winding streets and alleys as she lead on ahead. Hasumi appeard to be well known and liked by the villagers as many of them exchanged waves with her. Some she would even chat with for a little bit before moving on. Toshihiro gave his name to those he was introduced to and then kept following Hasumi. "Well, it looks like the people of this place like her. But she is kinda quirky and has a positive aura so that makes her likeable. And the way she talked earlier, she is humble too." the young Shinobi internalized the impression Hasumi had made on him so far. Humility was a characteristic he appreciated in others. The strongest people he met always were humble. Perhaps humility is the path towards strength as it means awareness of one's own shortcomings.

More music for flavor for Darkside

His emerald green eyes widened as Toshihiro stood in front of Darkside, looking up towards the crescent moon. The architecture was unlike anything he had ever seen in his years and the place stood out even from among the rest of Tsukigakure, which itself was a novel place to Toshi. He couldn't quite place the style, it must have been from a different part of the world. However it reminded him of the comfort he felt in the depths of a dark forest. "Interesting, the people who built this must be very creative. All these winding forms and shapes really make your eye wander. The style immitates nature in many ways." Toshihiro voiced his opinion, then replying to Hasumi. "Mhh, getting paid for eating pancakes sounds like a dream." the young shinobi laughed while rubbing his belly.

He felt up to the challenge, only having had a light breakfast and a small snack of fried dumplings his stomach was empty enough. Eager to win the challenge he followed Hasumi inside as he took in the ambience. Even the personnel matched the theme. As a waittress dressed like a vampire approached the table Toshihiro realized that the restaurant's design was not just based in nature but also in the spiritualism of the moon country. The very island itself was shaped like a crescent moon. The young shinobi never took much interest in such matters but it was something he had picked up and stored away in deep corner of his mind. He couldn't recall what role vampires had in this mythology but a species of blooddrinking bats, which were native to the jungles of the moon country, appeard in his mind.

"I would like to attempt the challenge. Some green tea with honey for a drink would be nice too, thank you." Toshihiro replied to the waittress in a polite tone, then turning to Hasumi while resting his chin in his hand. "Hmm, I mean you gave me a pretty good rundown already. I have a good impression of the village. You said earlier that you helped people and it seems like many villagers like you. Are you trained in medical ninjutsu?" Toshi tried to ask a less intrusive question before he would go on about mad scientists, apparently blind gate guards and all the other impressions he still had to process. The guess didn't seem far off to him.

WC: 549
TWC: 549
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