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Destruction Of Kumogakure

Rain Ish
Sameonna Hoshigaki
Kino R. Kyodo
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Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Destruction Of Kumogakure Empty Destruction Of Kumogakure

Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:21 pm
Takisho was currently looking at Kumogakure from afar, a few
mountains away from the village hidden in the clouds. Today, he had decided
that he would become a feared shinobi, he would attempt to kill all shinobi in
that village, all the citizens, most likely leaving one alive to spread the
rumor of Takisho K. Senju. He had a gas mask on, as he stared at Kumogakure,
planning. He had many plans going on in his head, but had only one that he had
planned on using. Yes, however it was always good to have a back up plan. He
had his cloak's hood over his head, hiding his hair, the only part of him that
was visible would be his hands. He would perform multiple hand signs, making
wood flow out oh his body as if it were a liquid, it would begin to take form
as a human. It became Takisho, copying the gas mask and everything else that
Takisho was wearing. Him and his clone began to perform the jutsu over and over
again, more wood would begin to come out of their body until there were about
seven from each of the first two.

The clones and the original began to set a time for the plan, that would decide
Kumogakure's fate, it was quickly decided, the had all agreed on the original
one's set time, seeing how they were the same person. The clones all surronded
Kumogakure, silently. They appeared to just be resting and not causing any
trouble, which had made the civilians think everyone was safe, there was no
trouble. The clones were far apart, about eighty meters away from each other,
which made people think that nothing was going on. They were all just barely in
Kumogakure, they were about eighty feet, from the ones father in the center,
they were in groups. The last group, the one closest to the center was 10
meters from the center, while still being exactly eighty meters from the other
group before them, the second group closest to the center. Most of them were on
the rather tall buildings of Kumogakure, one being on the tallest building.
They stayed hidden, making sure no one was near that could actually notice
them. The original Takisho, was just
walking into the village now. He made his way for the shopping area, to visit
some shops. Sure he was indeed broke, however with his plans no one would dare try
to stop them, they couldn’t stop him in fact.

He walked through the village, occasionally helping out in
the repairs. However some times he would be told to leave the current area, to
avoid being hurt in the construction area. He would eventually, finally arrive
at a shop for shinobi. There was rather a lot of weapons, Katana, Kunai,
Shuriken, most of the things a regular shinobi owned. The door to most shops
remained open, which was bad for them, as no one would know about the incoming
attack. He would pick up a blade, pulling the handle, as the blade would begin
to show. It was a little larger than two feet, a very fine blade indeed. He
moved the blade around, looking at it, admiring it. [i]Maybe I could get a few
things…[i] He put the blade back in the holder, putting it back where he had
found it He looked over at the paper bombs, something a shinobi would need to
have for most surprise attacks, they were rather useful. He then looked over at
the Kunai and the Shuriken, all nicely arragened, it had seemed this store
worked on more appearance than anything else, it by the looks of it, the shop
didn’t even have security. However maybe the security was on break. He would
sigh, looking at the shop owner waiting rather impaitently, as if he was going
to bring out something he always heard, the ‘Buy something or leave’ thing he
was always told when he stayed in a shop for rather a long time. This shop
owner however, seemed like he was waiting to get more money. He seemed greedy,
more greedy than Takisho was for power, this man, he was greedy for ryo.

Takisho continued to look around in the shop, picking up a
few weapons calmly, looking at them, admiring them with a hidden smile on his
face, due to his gas mask his smile was hidden. Time seemed to fly, the set
time had already seemed to have arrived for Kumogakure. His clones performed
hand signs and expanded into a forest, tree’s, flowering trees.
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Destruction Of Kumogakure Empty Re: Destruction Of Kumogakure

Wed Jun 06, 2012 3:56 pm
Ganki was walking around the village, thinking about what his future might be as a genin. He was thinking about the missions and the responsiblities as a ninja for kumogakure. he then sat down and looked up at the sky.
Ganki said to himself how boring the day was and ever thought that something exciting might happen today. He then sat down on a bench near the training grounds. He tried to think of something to do.
Sameonna Hoshigaki
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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Destruction Of Kumogakure Empty Re: Destruction Of Kumogakure

Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:09 pm
Sameonna would be atop a mountain high above the village, high enough to not be able to be seen or sensed through chakra signature.. She'd look upon it in disgust and see a flurry of trees begin to erupt in a minor area of the village. She was wondering if the attack had begun. Hopefully, she'd snicker - eating a bowl of ramen.

Destruction Of Kumogakure Empty Re: Destruction Of Kumogakure

Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:53 pm
Ichi had been drifting today. He stumbled on upon the village known as the one that was camouflaged within the clouds. He had been roaming over a mountain as he saw a dame there. It was odd for someone to be here, he meagerly got exhausted and took a rest of two minutes and walked slight bit closer. He then saw the person clearer and saw a slight crack in their headband. Which was positioned on the ground next to the person. This was dangerous. Kisuke decided to get rid of this girl right away. Thin lines would rip trough the air, going for his target. From close range, using his strength fully. His feet were silent. So would his arrival there would be.

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Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Destruction Of Kumogakure Empty Re: Destruction Of Kumogakure

Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:39 pm
Takisho continued to look around in the shop, his chakra nearly
exhausted to the point where he would fall, however, he was lucky. He
was currently in one of the largest ninja shops in Kumo it had seemed,
looking over at everything else, he had noticed chakra pills, he took
five with a smile on his face as he felt he was at two fifths of his
current chakra. He would hear a loud noise, almost as if a cannon had
been fired. He quickly looked over at most of the weapons, a chakra
cannon. He picked two up and put them away. He grabbed a Katana, storing
it in his belt to where it wouldn't fall off his body, this would allow
him to move quickly without the Katana falling off. The Katana was of
course in the holder. This Katana was the first one he had picked up
when he had entered the store and began to look at the Katana's. He
would sigh, looking outside at his destroyed flower tree, which would
make some awaken from the technique he had used. He went back into the
store, nearly in a rage. He closed the door, thinking that this was a
rather unexpected turn of events. He would just barely take off his gas
mask, only to where his mouth was shown. He picked up one of the chakra
pill, and ate it. This had increased his chakra back towards what it
would be at normally, however not quite completely back yet. He had just
enough chakra to make a dozen or two clones.

He performed the hand signs, making his wood release clones one by one,
then they would make a few, making an even three dozen. Two of the three
dozen each walked over to get weapons, each one of them eating a single
chakra pill, each one grabbing a few Kunai, and then a chakra cannon.
The third dozen was going to be used to remake the plan. All three of
the dozen walked out of the door of the store, Takisho now really low on
chakra, he was panting as there was only four chakra pills left.

The wood clones began to search for whoever had destroyed the first set of the flower trees. Takisho had indeed figured this would be easy, however it didn't seem so easy now. However he still felt as if he would win. With two dozen clone's searching for the man who had done it, and another dozen clones headed out to replace most of the fallen tree. This time the clone's went for higher ground, they instead of going up the buildings, went up into the mountain area of Kumogakure. When they got up high, they would begin to perform the jutsu on their own. They began to turn into the huge forest of tree one by one.

The other two dozen continued, with gas masks on. They gained gas masks when they were created, due to the jutsu pretty much copying anything the user is wearing, however did not seem to copy weapons such as swords. But luckily, there were plenty of weapons at the shop. They continued to look, it nearly being impossible for them not to spot anyone. They had soon spotted someone, heading to where the remaining flowers of the first set were. They quickly ran, only a small group of three while the others had stayed back.

Destruction Of Kumogakure Empty Re: Destruction Of Kumogakure

Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:37 am
(MAY ONLY EAT ONE PILL PER POST, Since this action of mass pill eating of yours would mean void, and your clones wouldn't, Kino dies out of lack of chakra)
Sameonna Hoshigaki
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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Destruction Of Kumogakure Empty Re: Destruction Of Kumogakure

Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:45 am
Observes the destruction from on high, continuing to chow down on her chow down. She gives the peace symbol into the air with her hand.

Destruction Of Kumogakure Empty Re: Destruction Of Kumogakure

Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:55 am
(Sam's dead too)
The Senbon would've hit is target with ease. It seemed like the girl didn't notice at all. Two of the flying senbon went trough her artery in her neck. The others went trough her head like butter. It would've went straight trough her brains, causing an instant dead. Ichi walked closer to her, he took her tanto and her money. He then put her body on his back, going to cash her in for some money in the Lavaratory. Ichi then poofed away in a smoke, and did this 2 times as he paced from the mountain.

Destruction Of Kumogakure Empty Re: Destruction Of Kumogakure

Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:07 am
(I ate one, a clone ate one, another clone ate one, not sure if it counts but eh, kinda only ate one here >>)
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