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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 3:26 pm
Arriving unhindered at the shores of the Volcano country, Kizmaru had to admit, he wasn't exactly impressed by how little to no security there was. Nobody or nothing on the shores, nor anybody to greet him as he arrived. it was as if this place has been deserted for hundreds of years. This first thing Kizmaru had come to realize was the landscape. For the most part a barren wasteland, the ground burnt on all areas giving it a unique black color. Large mountains and volcanoes were fairly common here compared to Kiri's own dormant volcanoes. Letting out a grunt of disapproval, Kizmaru decided to walk towards the gates with his present appearance of his dark, red steam armor coupled with the petrification gauntlets he had recently acquired. Both of his weapon pouches had been fastened to his hips, that contained both his projectiles and his consumables. Lastly, his companion, Ram was sitting on the back of the armor where the furnace had laid. Now that his equipment check had finished, he began to make his way towards the minor nation's village. Though he'd never been here before and there didn't seem to be many people inhabiting the place now, he still needed to make a point of some kind.

Arriving fifteen meters away from the gates, he deemed this would be a good distance for shinobi of any kind to spot him and attempt to greet him or defend themselves. Regardless of the step they took, Kizmaru wouldn't be swayed unless presented with something he deemed extravagant. So far there's only a few things in this world he wanted and he already knew this barren, desolate wasteland wouldn't have any of the things he wished. Inhaling, he had a bit of trouble breathing because he wasn't used to the amount of volcanic ash that plagued the land and air currently. Well, it was time to get this over with. Instructing Ram to touch the ground in order to detect any would be defender or assailant that approached, Kizmaru began to form the hand signs of Ram, Dog, Hare, Rat  and Snake followed by him clapping and placing both hands onto the ground. Shortly after he'd done so, a large fifty meter, circular wall had emerged from the ground beneath him, elevating him higher from off the ground as it began to destroy what little greenery the minor nation had. Afterwards, Kizmaru once again began to form hand signs. This time, they were the hand signs of Snake, Hare, Boar, Ox, Half-Tiger and the seal of confrontation. 

Directly afterwards, Kizmaru exhaled and released a giant bubble that he could fit himself inside of and use to fly. Collecting his companion Ram, he had flown another fifty meters above the wall he had just created, beginning to make trips to every volcano he could see that was near and far. While visiting the volcanoes, Kizmaru had formed the hand signs of Hare, Ram and Snake near  various amounts of volcanoes. The technique he used in particular was Moving Earth Core in order to force magma up from the volcanic hotspots using the earth to simulate each volcano erupting whenever he flew close enough to do so from the safety of his bubble. It took quite a bit of time and chakra as he was quite close to submerging the village and most of the island in magma. Whatever greenery was left had caught fire and Kizmaru watched as the island burned from the safety of his bubble, petting the shell of Ram as he did so. Now, Kizmaru didn't exactly take pleasure in all of this but it had to be done in order for him to sleep better at night without the burning desire of revenge sitting at the bottom of his stomach.

He also decided this was the perfect time to test the limits of his gauntlets as they also had some influence over earth and rock. Flying around the island, Kizmaru began taking pieces of the mountains and volcanoes alike and hurling them in whatever direction he saw fit. Letting the island burn for what seemed like an hour or so, Kizmaru decided it was time for him to perform one last feat before deciding to return back to his village in order to rest. Performing the final set of hand signs of Hare, Ram, Snake, Hare, Ram and Snake, Kizmaru in tandem with the Petrification Gauntlets ability to manipulate the earth, began to compress and push the land below him until seawater began to engulf the island. This hardened the remaining magma which had been burning the island, giving Kizmaru more ammunition to grind down the island with. Peering at his human companion, Ram watched as Kizmaru placed both his hands in front of him and simulate him pushing something he couldn't see down. The concentration on his face amused the critter as it began to mimic the actions of his friend and do the same thing.

W.C: 830

Escape Thread for those who meet the requirement.

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Zaled Uchiha
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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Wed Feb 10, 2021 1:37 am
something something something.... ah there it is. now for certain i can get going on my trip for a bit

zaled thought as he had assembled the basics for his trip,Nd jotted down instructions for the villagers to follow in his absence. untill he returned to simply expand to the islands and let his observations of other nations developments refertilize the village in light of destruction.

An easy task that even the most dimwitted induvidual could follow, and he left it at the gate for a guard to hand off to the other induvidual(s) in charge. With that and his armaments on him including his puppet on his back, and weapon pouches/sword on his hip. All was there minus the dead boys body zaled headed out of the iorn gates. Spotting the individual in some unusual armor, weapon pouches on his hip,and some unusual creature on the back of his armor, approaching close to 30 meters to the gate.

If he wasn't mistaken this single induvidual was compensating for perhaps too much for his own good,and for a split second he considered dealing with them, but he was officially on vacation,and therefore passed the individual. offering a small wave at the person as he passed and a smile. It was clear by the slight strain in breathing that they clearly were not used to the environment, but his goal was the ferry man at the dock the man left just now. As the leader of the village was avaliable for appointments last he recalled.

"head inside and catch your breath."

Was all zaled said to the individual as he passed by them roughly 25 meters, and headed towards the dock. An old fellow who was taking a swing of whisky. As zaled approached.

"yo! good sir, we heading to the mainland. lets toast on this."

zaled called out as the man waved to his crew, and within a few moments, the boat was well away from the island nation,roughly the waves increased violently, and the volcanos beyond erupted, but zaled didn't think much of it. After all it was normal, and the people were adapt to adjusting to their environment and surviving, after all it is why people lived there anyway. As such he did not pay mind to the individuals blind destructive abilities.


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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:01 pm
Edgy Music:

The Reaper could feel it… how close he was to his target, the man only around 80m away at this point, and approaching the village of Kazangakure. He knew now why his target was here, but to him it didn’t matter… Kazan was not even a blip on his radar at this point, and if they got in his way then they too would be destroyed. The Reaper was still merged with the earth, having only just arrived on the island itself, but thankfully he had arrived near some kind of dock. The vision granted to him by Mayfly was quite limited really, but he was able to ‘see’ a boathouse with a few quiet corners, places where his arrival would be unnoticed by anyone. Kenshin would emerge in a hidden corner of the boathouse and immediately fly through seven handseals, activating his Dustless Bewildering Cover and giving an unseen smirk as both his physical presence and spiritual presence were erased by the technique. The Spectre would leave the boathouse unknown, and would quickly make his way towards the chakra signature of Kizmaru in the distance, moving to close the distance between them to only 20m. 

Hidden from view The Ragdoll would channel minute amounts of chakra into his eyes, activating both the Byakugan and the Rinnegan, and he would simply watch both Kizmaru and their surroundings… waiting for the right opportunity to strike. As Kizmaru got closer to the gates, roughly 30m or so, Kenshin would take note of the older man that was approaching Kizmaru, although it seemed neither was really paying any attention to the other. The other man would mumble something about heading inside as he passed and made his way to the docks, and Kenshin would simply shake his invisible head… strange. When Kizmaru reached 20m from the gates The Ragdoll would begin to make his moves. Kenshin would proceed to activate his Corrupted Sage Mode and began to channel more chakra into his left eye, activating Nemesis and allowing the invisible aura it produced to spread outwards. When the aura was 8m from the position of The Mizukage Kenshin would go through six handseals and begin to channel chakra into a point 4m directly in front of Kizmaru, activating his Mercury Release: Corrosive Mist. As he did this, he would begin to move forwards at his top speed, although he would stop the moment that Kizmaru was within range of his Nemesis, which he would proceed to activate immediately. Provided this worked, Kenshin would debuff the potency of the mans chakra and his speed (Vigor and Speed debuff).

Kenshin’s attacks and movements were also dependent on Kizmaru’s, and as such The Ragdoll would change his own actions depending on how Kizmaru reacted. 

WC: 458

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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:52 am
At around thirty meters or so, the Mizukage had spotted an individual coming from the gates of Kazan, causing him to halt briefly. He wasn't sure if he was a friend or a foe but he wasn't going to leave it to chance. He was here to send a message, not only to the village in front of him but to the world to know not to invoke the ire of Kirigakure. Upon spotting the potential threat, the Mizukage simultaneously began to form the hand signs of Hare, Monkey, Dragon, Tiger with his left hand, forming the seals of Horse, Tiger, and Snake while activating his Mangekyou Sharingan in both of his eyes and activating the small furnace on his back in order to begin the conversion of his chakra to fuel the mechanics of his armor. Upon completion of both techniques, the Mizukage clapped both of his hands together before an aura would expand from his body at jutsu speed, increasing his chakra capabilities as well as safeguarding him from detrimental effects that might be thrown his way. Hopefully this would prove to show the man he wasn't here for fun and games. All he had to do now was continue to make his way forward at a convenient pace. 

Walking towards the man, with clear intention to fight if provoked, the Mizukage continued to look at him while he instructed his companion, Ram, to keep an eye out for anything that might be able to creep up on them while perched on the small furnace. The small creature gives a full body nod as it meticulously stares at the empty space behind him. Now that he had his friend watched his back closely, he can now give most of his attention towards the stranger in front of him, whether to determine him an enemy or not. As they got closer, it would seem the man would mean him no harm as he told the Mizukage to, 'go inside and catch his breath.' That was an odd thing for him to say, should he be a member of this village but he wasn't so sure. Still considering him a potential threat, the Mizukage didn't drop his guard and only shifted his eyes to meet the man's movement until he was gone from his view. Ram would continue to watch the man from the furnace in order to make sure he wasn't plotting some form of sneak attack in an attempt to harm his companion. 

Deciding not to respond to the man at all, the Mizukage continued to make his way forward until he made it within twenty meters of Kazan's village gates. Unknown to the Mizukage, his Soul Expulsion technique seems to have defended him from some invisible force attempting to debuff him in a mysterious way. However before he stepped closer, something had emerged from four meters in front of him, causing him to be startled as it rapidly enveloped him. In that moment, the Mizukage had utilized his Infusion skill to bolster the defense of his armor, increasing it's durability slightly. He's never seen this manner of attack before nor does he want to subject himself to its mercy as he attempts to move backwards, immediately turning around in order to escape the mist. He was sure whatever manner of foul chakra this was, it wouldn't be strong enough to penetrate his armor nor his aura as he had complete faith in his own abilities. The thing on his mind was that he was tricked by that fellow who had walked past him in order to attempt to catch him off guard. A meter after his sprint, the Mizukage placed both his hands together in order to form the hand signs of  Ram, Dog, Hare, Rat and Snake. Followed by the hand signs, he clapped before stopping around fifteen meters in the direction the man he had passed by was going, placing both of his hands into the ground.

After making contact with the ground, the Mizukage had shouted in the direction of the man he passed, yelling the words, "YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD TAKE ME OUT WITH A CHEAP TACTIC LIKE THAT!?!? COME!! LET US FIGHT, DEFENDER OF KAZAN!" As he began his  sentence, the walls of the Iron Fist Prison he had initially thought of using to trap defenders inside was now used to trap this lone(?) village shinobi from exiting the area. From there, if all went well, he planned his next move as he began to run towards the man.

[Interrupting Yen's Exit.]

W.C: 757

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Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Fri Feb 12, 2021 2:21 am
It was almost as if people lacked a level of decency, or respect. The man mentally rolled his eyes as He moved beyond the gate, now his gaze on the stranger whom had decided to stop, and doing the taboo this  world, which was unusual motions of moving their hands not in a show of sincirity, or love,compassion, or honest hospitality, but otherwise known as confrontation, and seeking a fight.

Unfortunately before the strangers hands came together, to form the first seal, zaled while maintaining his movement the elderly mans own sharingan had activated, and on confirming, and taking mental note the first seal  (hare) was done by the stranger, and that was all that was needed, from 30 meters. An grumpy look was on zaleds face as he did not have time for another child to simply waste away their life. But who was he to stop a self destructive induvidual right now. All he wanted was to kick back and read a book.

With that  Zaleds skin visibly grew dark activating the earth spear technique which drastically increased his strength and speed. With this temporary increase in speed and strength zaled kept his eyes on the stranger, and merely added a simple warning to his statement. While maintaining that 25 meter distance from the two

"think about what will happen in 20 years?"

A wise man once said that if you wanted to simply fight, you would've resolved yourself long before a motion was made, in zaleds case he did not need to fight this poor induvidual, and instead choose the higher road. And left them with  that to chew on.

That being said zaled himself now moved at  his full speed of 200 towards the boat which if the induvidual, and their pet kept looking back then well they would find zaled was both blindingly fast, and  well out of reach of even their furthest reaching jutsu  by the time the stranger traveled 5 meters. by the time the stranger reached 20 meters to the gate of the village, of roughly almost any jutsu they had in hand since they kept pace. and would do these actions roughly after reaching 20 meters away from the village gate..  by the time the man would even do his seals for the earth jutsu 20 , meters from the gate zaled would've been on the boat 80 meters away,with his booster deactivated,and sharingan off  sipping wine, while sailing away.  obviously not in range to hear the rebuttal from the person. nor caring as it was not his problem.

However, in the case of such an event where even if the other jutsu was used zaled would simply note the pulse of chakra emerging from the earthen walls created thanka to his sharingan, and therefore formed. Noting tbw  pulse of chakra surging through the ground from the forming of said walls. But this too was simple to handle as Zaled noted the walls height, and jumped as he ran at 200 speed forward towards  the wall and a height of roughly 70 meters into the air, and landed on the flat top of the wall of earth safely,  (jumping speed 200) and safely hopped down, and continue onto the boat ending his enhancement jutsu, and deactivate his sharingan.

(on the ship)

"yo captain do you have some of thoes shot glasses for that drink?"

zaled would call out as the boat would set sail as he glsnced out towards the open sea. The captain of the ferry handed zaled a nice clear glass and he poured a bit of the contents into the bottle, smiling.

"i do er hope everything be all rite dere zaled."

The captain grunted as he gestured to the earthen wall that formed. zaled shrugged, and took a sip noting the village.

"eh it's some kid that i belive wants grey hairs and stress so bad, he is willing to blindly throw his weight snywhere and everywhere. a little like a tantrum of sorts or something like that. no need  to waste energy on them.

zaled finished the shot and poured another one as he sighed and spoke  once more.

"give him maybe 30 more years and lost freinds. Then we can see if it was worth it. its why i left knighthood ya know, and prefer to travel here. its more fufilling to save blood then spill it "

the captain of the ship chuckled as he spoke up.

"aye even ol rats thought of their legacy after robbing fer too many years. eh this ride free tho zaled, even i gotta make a livin"

the captain said as he handed zaled a fresh bottle and the older uchiha smiled.

"of course my man. just grab any people you find on trips, as a favor and set em on the mainland."

The two older men chuckled as they sailed off towards the mainland.

(exit unless interrupted)


twc: 1096

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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:57 am
The Ragdoll, who had been maintaining a distance of 20m from the armour clad warmonger, would narrow his eyes in suspicion as both the Mizukage and the unknown man activated their respective enhancements… it seemed that they were not on friendly terms, and that was quite fortunate for him. Regardless, the technique used by the Mizukage wasn’t one that was known to him, or one that he knew of… but it almost looked like a defensive enhancement. The Stranger, on the other hand, had activated the Earth Spear technique, one that he knew and could confirm was a defensive enhancement. Hmm… with Kizmaru more prepared for combat The Reaper would need to modify his plans somewhat. As the stranger began to speak Kenshin would take a couple of steps forward and activate his Corrupted Sage Mode, immediately going through hand seals of his own, three specifically, before clapping his hands as silently as he possibly could. He wouldn’t stop and would form another six seals, and target an area 3m behind Kizmaru, and 1m to left. The stranger, who was 30m in front of The Mizukage, and 25m to the right, would begin to move at this point… and his speed was truly something to behold.

As his enhanced Corrosive Mist would begin to spread Kenshin would extend his left hand forward and activate one of the abilities granted by his new and powerful eye… pulling the man directly towards him and the Mist, which started to expand outwards. Once he had been pulled 3m back Kenshin would deactivate the ability, only intending to use it to ensure that his Corrosive Mist had indeed hit the man.

The Monster would simply watch for Kizmaru’s reaction before making any further moves.

WC: 292

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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Fri Feb 12, 2021 1:57 pm
Watching the stranger in front of him, it seems he too was ready for battle as he witnessed him activate the technique known as 'Earth Spear' in reaction to his 'Soul Expulsion' technique being activated. His chakra had finished being converted and was ready to be utilized by his steam armor's mechanics. The next part was interesting as the Mizukage thought he was going to have to deal with the man who was approximately fifty five meters away from him in total. Instead, the Mizukage heard his companion Ram causing a commotion behind him as he made sounds similar to an angry cat. Deciding not to waste movements, the Mizukage would activate one of the seals on his body known as Chakra Barrier Seal. The seal immediately activated, forming a barrier around the Mizukage. He then began to move towards the stranger in hopes that whatever Ram was witnessing wasn't too threatening to deal with. Unfortunately, he felt some sort of unearthly force, pulling him towards the mist anyway as he was dragged into its area of effect. Expecting the worst, Kizmaru contemplated on using the armor's function to escape but realized that he was unharmed by the mysterious, silver, misty substance. 

He wasn't sure if it was his Soul Expulsion protecting him from the mist or the barrier he had placed on himself. All he wanted to do was secure himself from harm in as many situations as he possibly could. His Mangekyou Sharingan was having trouble seeing through the mist as he couldn't see anything while inside of it, similar to the hidden mist technique. The silver, misty substance had dissipated once the unearthly effect moving him was done being pulled back into three meters into its range. Well, for now, he would be safe from the harmful effects of the mist as he wasted no time making the hand signs of Ram, Dog, Hare, Rat and Snake followed by a clap and placing both hands onto the ground. As he made contact, walls had begun to form in a one-hundred meter diameter, leaving the Mizukage in the epicenter of its creation. He was hoping to catch the man that was attempting to flee past him would be caught up by it but judging from how rapid the man moved, it was unlikely that he even managed to catch him with the walls. Ruling the mystery man out, these attacks don't seem to come from who he thought it was. The Mizukage was beginning to suspect he was being tricked and was wasting time and energy on somebody who was clearly trying to run. 

So somebody, or something, unseen was toying with him or trying to get rid of him here, eh? Well this was fine. He wouldn't show mercy nor give an inch to whoever he was battling. He's already taken precautions in attempting to flush out underground opponents with his previous technique and now he'd like to use this opportunity to adjust the field to his liking. Bringing his hands from ground, he decided he would at least shape the field to his benefit. If the person's goal was to truly take him out, he'd attempt to stay in the area long enough to complete his task. This was a safe bet as even if his assailant didn't remain in the area, he could finish his task of laying waste to this land and taking off. Regardless, the Mizukage began to form the hand signs of Snake, Rat, Ox, Tiger with his left hand while simultaneously forming the hand signs of Bird, Rat, Ox, Monkey, Rat,  Dragon, Ox and Snake. Since his left hand was performing shorter hand signs, it had completed its sequence first, causing a sea of chakra infused trees to begin to sprout from the barren wasteland's soil. The trees formed around him until they had hit their maximum growth range of twenty meters with the Mizukage lying at the epicenter of it all. 

While those events started taking place, his right hand completed its sequence causing rain clouds to form in the sky with a sudden downpour of water beginning to fill the area with water. Now the Mizukage thought he made enough resources to utilize the rest of his arsenal more effectively in order to deal with things coming his way. He'd then prepare for the next chain of events, should there be any after the disappearance of the stranger. 

W.C: 739

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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:43 pm
Kenshin would almost snarl in frustration as the overgrown rat on the Mizukage’s back began to hiss and snarl, an act that caused the man to activate some type of chakra barrier… something that he knew damn well his Corrosive Mist wouldn’t overcome so simply, causing him to deactivate the technique. That was the main weakness of the technique, it was incapable of bypassing or breaking defensive techniques… t looked like he would need to do this the old fashioned way, and simply overpower the defenses of the man that stood before him. The Ragdoll would go through with all the actions detailed in the previous. This would put him roughly 16m from the man. With a dark smirk The Ragdoll would disable his Dustless Bewildering Cover, allowing the Mizukage to see exactly who was attacking him should he ever turn to face him. As he deactivated his stealth ability, Kenshin would simultaneously activate his Nemesis, causing the invisible effect of the technique to begin spreading outwards, and go through another 3 handseals before clapping. Immediately after this, The Reaper would create two clusters of threads, 3 inches in overall diameter, from each of his shoulders. He would waste no time in sending these two thread clusters after the Mizukage, each moving at top speeds in an effort to impale both the man and the annoying rat that sat upon his back. One cluster was targeting the centre of the mans spine, whilst the other was aiming to pierce through the creature with him and his upper back. 

As he did this Kenshin would take note of the rising walls around him… the Iron Fist Prison… something that would be quite the annoyance to deal with. With a chuckle Kenshin would mirror the handseals, and perform the technique himself, slamming his hands to the ground and allowing his own walls to rise. His technique was more powerful… and as such the terrain would be his… not the Mizukage’s. And just to be certain of this fact, Kenshin would empower the technique with his Natural Energy, turning the technique into Sage Art: Iron Fist Prison. His walls, due to being more powerful, would simply carve through Kizmaru’s as they rose, and The Reaper would smirk darkly as he watched the earth around them rapidly compacted… oh yes, now the fun could truly begin. 

WC: 392

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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Sat Feb 13, 2021 12:42 am
Now that the field had been set up for him, the Mizukage had noticed most of his close encounters with his unknown opponent had occurred behind him and turned to face them, should they be in his line of sight. It was in his best interest for him to turn around to see if he could pinpoint where the enemy might be instead of being fixated on the stranger that had most likely left the area already. And there he was, the mediator of Suna, the once great Kazekage now reduced to a lapdog coming out of his stealth technique. The Mizukage was honestly not surprised and even found the current situation humorous. Still, an enemy was an enemy nothing would change. As the former Kazekage exited his stealth, it seems he's launched a mass of chakra from his peculiar eye that expanded outward while preparing to do hand signs. He wasn't sure whether it was an attack or a rehabilitating effect but between his steam armor, his Soul Expulsion technique and his Chakra Seal Barrier technique, it wasn't going to affect him in the least. Of course, Soul Explusion would fend off the wave of chakra coming and negating its effects should it have attempted to harm the Mizukage. Looking at his opponent closely as the reappeared with his Mangekyou, it seems he was attempting to begin a series of hand signs at the same time as releasing the normally invisible chakra wave. 

Whatever his opponent was beginning to weave, he wouldn't let him have his way as the Mizukage performed a single hand sign of Ram with his left hand. Though he had created a dense forest of trees, they were still far enough apart for him to make it to Kenshin without being impeded, as Kenshin was directly in front of him. As Kenshin completed his first sign, Kizmaru also completed his Ram sign immediately flickering towards, clearing the sixteen meter gap within seconds. Traveling a bit over three times faster than his opponent weaving hand signs, the Mizukage would appear within a meter of Kenshin, looking directly in his eyes while thrusting both arms towards various sections of their body. As he did so, chakra gathered at both his hands in order to perform different effects at the start of their travel towards Kenshin. His left hand produced violet flames at the end of his fingertips as he directed at Kenshin's throat. His right hand was aimed at Kenshin's lower abdomen as a swirling, balled mass of chakra began to form. A second after his two techniques formed, the Mizukage activated a Genjutsu from his Sharingan inducing a paralytic condition on him.

W.C: 445

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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:40 am
Kenshin would smirk darkly as he watched his opponent perform a one handed ram seal… and his eyes would practically glint as the man activated the Body Flicker technique to close the distance at speed even greater than the stranger from earlier. It was amusing really… because it seemed that the ‘distinguished’ Mizukage had miscalculated something… the distance between them was more than enough for him to perform the handseals before he arrived. But… more than that… Kenshin was an opponent that only got deadlier the closer one got… and this man had just performed the most fatal mistake any opponent could make… he had locked himself into an action that he was unable to cancel, and furthermore… had locked his own ability to properly counter the incoming attack. 

You see… Kenshin only needed to perform 2 handseals and clap in the time that Kizmaru needed to move 16m, and regardless of the fact that Kizmaru was now moving at just over 3x his current speed… the sheer distance alone would mean that The Reaper was able to perform his actions well before the man could cross even half of the distance between them. Regardless of the speed difference, one man had to travel 16m, and the other needed to have his hands move only a few inches each per seal. His dark smirk would only grow wider as he formed two thread clusters, one from each shoulder and each cluster two inches in diameter. The Ragdoll would waste no time in launching them forth, with one of the clusters aimed to impale that damned rat that was clinging to him directly through its neck… and one cluster set to impale the rapidly moving man directly through his exposed forehead. This cluster would be the one that dealt the killing blow, as if it hit it would bore a 2 inch diameter hole directly through the skull and brain of the Mizukage, something that would be lethal no matter how durable one was. 

With the speed of the Mizukage, and the clusters, they would meet when the man was roughly 4m from the position of Kenshin. As a final bit of insurance, just to ensure that if the Mizukage had something planned he would have an answer for it… Kenshin would activate the penultimate technique of his left eye, and ten black orbs would rapidly form behind him, ready and waiting to be activated and used the moment that they were needed. If Kizmaru did indeed manage to somehow survive this attack and get any closer than 3m Kenshin would quickly form a wall between the two of them, turning one of the orbs hovering on his right shoulder into defense form and having it expand directly between the two men, only inches in front of Kenshin himself and spreading out 12.5 metres both left and right.

WC: 430

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