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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 4 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:13 am
A look of confusion crossed her face as she heard the words “goth mommy kage” escape his lips, though she couldn’t help but break out into laughter briefly over it. There were a few things wrong with this pet name he had chosen for her, one being the fact that he was seemingly older than her and called her “mommy.” Also, technically she was only a village leader for the time being since Tsukigakure wasn’t big enough to warrant the title of Kage. She hoped he was simply joking, though she was unable to tell from his cadence. Once she was able to stop giggling, she’d speak up once more.

”Though I find the nickname to be absolutely hilarious, I must ask that you refrain from calling me it. I’m not a Kage after all… yet.”

With a happy smile plastered across her face, Junko would offer to get tea for the two of them, and after he agreed he’d thank her before before calling her princess. Once again she’d immediately get flustered which could plainly be seen on her face as she moved to climb off of him. She wouldn’t speak up and protest the new nickname as she did with his previous attempt, seemingly she was alright with what he now chose to call her. Now standing beside him, she’d lean down and place a quick kiss on his forehead before then speaking up.

”No problem at all my sweet, just hang tight and I’ll be right back”

Making her way into the kitchen, Junko would prepare them both a cup of tea. She used her own blend that she created in order to help her relax after a long day's work, along with a spoonful of honey and a dash of milk. While waiting for the water to heat up, she’d prepare them a small snack as well, nothing fancy just a bit of cut-up fruit and some banana bread she had baked recently. As she tended to her tasks her mind couldn’t help but flood with the various possibilities the future now held for the two of them. It felt sort of reckless to enter a relationship with a man who just hours ago she worried would either kill or kidnap her. For some reason though she felt drawn to his personality, and craved to see what could grow from their relationship.

She’d return to his side, carrying a medium size, silver tray with the drinks and snacks placed neatly on it. After placing it on a nearby table and moving it closer to where they were sitting, she’d offer him a cup before then taking one for herself. She’d smile and bow at him slightly as he thanked her for the tea, then took a small sip before speaking up.

”You must tell me what you think of it, I’ve been spending a lot of time researching various herbs and figured I’d try to make my own tea blend. I do hope you like it.”

Placing her cup back down on the tray that now sat beside the two of them, Junko moved back to the position she was in before heading into the kitchen and resting her head on his shoulder once more. Momentarily they’d sit in silence until she asked if he knew anything about the deity Jashin. He then would explain that he was the god of murder, which she already knew, but mentioned that his priests often had a dojustu that allowed them to see the fear in others. Continuing on he’d explain that in order to get that power, one would have to kill the priest. After a brief pause, he’d admit that he had access to the dojutsu which he called the Jashigan, and mentioned that he was willing to show it to her if she wished.

She’d lift her head off of his shoulders and sit up slightly as she turned her gaze to look into his eyes once more. Though she adored the stunning green color of his natural eyes, she couldn’t help but be curious about what exactly this Jashigan looked like.

”If it wouldn’t be too much trouble for you to do so, I’ve never heard of it before and would be extremely interested in at least seeing what it looks like.”

Junko would wait patiently for him to respond and carefully watched his eyes in case he decided to indulge her interest.

WC: 750
Total WC: 6867
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 852350

A Late Night Dip - Page 4 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Yesterday at 12:36 pm
Because the nickname achieved the desired effect of her laughing he had no issue refraining from calling her goth mommy kage as a nickname. Though she seemed to have issue with only the kage part and not the goth mommy parts, maybe he could workshop it. Goth mommy village leader? Nah, doesn't roll off the tongue the same. He would go simple with what he would call her and it seemed to work, as she got flustered and leaned down to kiss his forehead.

He would take the tea and would sip it, she was watching him drink so the question did not come as a surprise when she asked how it was. "I like it. I taste honey and a little bit of milk." While he could not pick up the taste of the milk he recognized the color. Akabayashi used to make tea using boil release, so he was no stranger to tea tasting. He had not made tea since he lost the ability to use the Terumi elements. "I love it." He would say, instead of asking questions about the herbs only to get to this response eventually.

As he answered and she turned her head to look at him he would of course oblige her request. His eyes would turn pure black and the fears of the world became visible. Something abnormal was he could see his own, he was outlined with it now. He could see the aura on his hand over Junko's shoulder. A fear that seemed to link to Junko, but not Junko. "Thats... new." Is all he would say as the black faded from his eyes. He would have to research that later. Maybe he would make a clone and use Bastet against it to visualize this new fear and face it. For now he wasn't quite sure what the fear was and would rather be here in this moment.

With her next to him and her looking at him this was the moment. Another kiss and a whisper in her ear, before nibbling on it. "Round two?" The question was asked, now all that awaited was the response. He was okay with their current location on the secluded balcony with the stars above them, if she wished to go back inside or say no he understood though.
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A Late Night Dip - Page 4 Empty Re: A Late Night Dip

Today at 1:12 am
She’d watch in awe as his eyes shifted from green to completely black, clapping her hands together lightly as they finished their transformation. His gaze would briefly shift to his hand as a bit of a confused expression crossed his face. She’d off him one in return as he simply stated “that’s new” and released the dojutsu from his eyes. He had mentioned that it allowed him to see fear, so she couldn’t help but wonder exactly what he saw. However, it didn’t seem to bother him too much as he moved to kiss her once more.

His lips would then move to gently brush up against her ear as he softly whispered to her, inquiring if she’d like to lay together once more. Goosebumps could be seen down her arms as he bit down gently on her ear and a light gasp escaped her lips. Though she felt as if they were moving a bit quickly, she desired to feel his touch once more. How could she deny him such a request? Between the romantic atmosphere and her desire to do so, it was easy for her to say yes. As he released her, she’d smile lightly and offer him a sheepish nod.

”No woman in her right mind would deny such a request, though this time, don’t worry about being gentle.”

Her demeanor and voice would shift slightly from sheepish to alluring once more as she spoke. If he allowed, she’d sit up, then orientate her body so she was sitting on top of him with her legs each tucked between his and the arm of the chair. Now straddling him, she’d move his hands to rest on her hips if he allowed then would place hers on his shoulders. Leaning forward, she kissed him passionately for a few minutes before then moving her lips to his neck once more. After a few light pecks, she’d bite down a bit roughly, leaving a few temporary marks that assuredly would be gone by the morning.

Junko would allow him to move and touch her as he saw fit, wanting to ensure that he was enjoying himself. Unsure if this was the position he wished for, she was willing to change it to whatever would appease him.

WC: 380
Total WC: 7247
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