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Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Thu Mar 12, 2015 11:53 pm
Sephora sat in her lab writing on parchment paper. Megami was in the lab but in her room sleeping, she was sure Zach was in there to considering he and Megami had a relationship. Kishin was in there earlier in the day asleep in the bedroom with the door open. The thought made her snicker considering the "bonding" experience that Megami and Kishin had in the hospital.

Maybe today they would get to meet Zach, Kishin seemed to want to meet him and so did Sephora, and since they were all in the lab together, it would be perfect timing.

Last edited by Sephora Hyuuga on Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Re: Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:48 am
The room in this lab was still new to him sleeping in it was rather comfortable than sleeping outside in a tree or in the middle of a field it made but the boy would take what he could although he never expected everything with Megami and he heard there were others here who he never met them although he scretched out before getting up he got dressed zipping up his black and red shirt before going out to the lab the boys shoulder length hair pushed our of his face so the two scarlet marks on his forehead would be revealed he had made his way out to the lab although he saw a person out here and grinned.
Sankou Koitaishi
Sankou Koitaishi
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Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Re: Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:09 am
Last night for him was amazing and he loved the feeling of it, now he had been in the room reading up on some medical proceedures and studying some of the basic medical jutsu that some of the doctors used in everyday situations. Sitting in the room that he had Sephora shared with simply a pair a black pants and his scarf, his clothing sitting to the side looking at him if it was alive well it was but no one knew but him. Hearing a light tapping outside he carried his book with him and stepped out of the room looking around and smiling as he saw Sephora," Sure you should be walking after last night?," his eyes shifting to the left as he stared at Zach and shook his head," Instead of standing around grinning like a deer say something, and if i were you i'd keep those eyes of yours to yourself unless you want to lose them," he wasn't the jealous type but what was his stayed his. Walking over to Sephora he would pull her into a hug before kissing her and looking over her shoulder," So what are you busy writing over here dear?," his eyes scanned over it slowly trying to see what it was before sitting on the table and reading over his book.
Megami Kuoga
Megami Kuoga
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Re: Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Sat Mar 14, 2015 4:32 am
Megami had been in the seperate part of the lab mixing blueberries and strawberries in a bowl. She walked into the lab with the large bowl and saw the three of them. unfortunately the sight she saw when she walked in was the backside of KIshin. Her smile faded from a cheery bright one to a disgusted lookas she made a gagging sound and looked away walking towards her boyfriend Zach.

"Your ass first thing in the morning is not a Pleasant site to see Kishin!" She said as she reached Zach and wrapped an arm around him!"Morning Dear, sleep well?" She held the bowl out to Zach as she kissed his cheek. If he takes some or not she takes the bowl over to the table for Sephora and Kishin. Kishin seemed to be holding Sephora close to him.

"Something wrong? Everything okay?" She asked rather concerned. "I assumed everything was okay considering what I heard last night." She added sarcastically.
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Re: Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Sat Mar 14, 2015 5:14 am
Upon seeing Zach enter the room she just looked him over from her chair as though inspecting him. He was the new guy in the lab. She swirled around in her chair looking at him, the turned back to her parchment.
"Zachariah Kaguya I presume? Megamis boyfriend." She asked stating the obvious. Suddenly she heard the voice of her boyfriend Kishin! She giggled mischievously at his comment about their fun! As he pulled her into a hug she playfully nibbled at his collarbone before kissing it. "Kishin I believe that's Zach, Megamis boyfriend, the presence we have been sensing in the lab." She said before returning his kiss!
"Zach, this is my boyfriend Kishin Koitaishi." She said as Megami entered the lab. She snickered at her comment about Kishins ass. "Yeah, it's definitely to sexy for the faint of heart so you better not look at it Megami, Just saying." She said sarcastically.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Re: Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:53 am
Zachariah watched as a man entered the room watching quietly as he observed how the two interacted before hearing the man speak obviously it was directed at him but Zach lifted up his hand and pointed to himself as if he was asking if this guy was talking to him. The Kaguya was still wondering if he shouldn't have came here with Megami perhaps he would have ran into the sword wielding manic again or been killed. The boy attention went right to Megami as he noticed her enter the room feeling her arms wrap around him "best sleep I've gotten in a while." Zach didn't take anything out of the bowl Megami offered. "I would be who you speak of or the presence you been sensing. Your boyfriend seems rather generous only threatening my eye sight." His tone was more joking around then being serious. "And who might you be I don't believe I heard a introduction that is if Kishin will allow me to know that information." Zach was trying to make a better first impression
Sankou Koitaishi
Sankou Koitaishi
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Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Re: Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:45 am
"No shit smartass I am talking to you.... It would seem your friend has no taste in smart people," not too amused this one was and it appeared making a good impression to him was impossible. Before he had replied to Sephora he would glance over to Megami from behind his book and gave a small grin, " hearing your voice isn't what I would call a sound to hear in the morning.  Want to try shutting up?," as he continued to sit on the table he looked back down to his book, only keeping his eyes moving to the group a bit. With the way things were going he didn't care as long as this boy didn't over step his boundaries, his eyes trailing to Sephora as he shrugged, " Go ahead and tell him if you want, just know this.... Boy shouldn't overstep his boundaries in a borrowed home," with that he would return to his book online waving a hand to Megami to answer her question.
Sephora Hyuuga
Sephora Hyuuga
Stat Page : Sephy
Mission Record : Sephy's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 26

Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Re: Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:37 am
Sephora kept a smile on her face as she watched the interaction between Kishin and the others. Simply waving Megami away because for some reason the mixed fruit smell made her nauseous. Probably due to the medication and trauma she had just been through!
"Kishin dear, play nice!" Sephora giggled winking at him and then standing up and gripping his arm drawing a little blood to inflict a little pain on him as a kinky gesture. "Play nice and we can play rough tonight my love." She whispered in his ear.
"I have an idea, you guys want to spar, me and Kishin versus you two?" She asked turning to face them with one hand on Kishins leg.
Domri Meijin
Domri Meijin
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Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Re: Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Sat Mar 21, 2015 9:19 pm
Zachariah could really have cared less for this male Kishin he didn't really care about any of the insults that this man could say although he already knew this wasn't Megamis lab. The kaguya didn't say much as he watched the three of them interact with each other he seemed more distant he wasn't the kind to let people in so easily but it seemed there were exceptions to this cause he had taken a liking to Megami right away. The boy heard this girl who had not introduced herself mention that they should all spar together. I'll pass on that. Zach had better things to do than waste time seeing who was the strongest out of this group.
Megami Kuoga
Megami Kuoga
Stat Page : Megs Stats
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 20

Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback)) Empty Re: Late One Night (IO/Private/No Kill)((Flashback))

Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:48 am
"Okay, am I the only one feeling tension in here? Sephora, what is this important thing you had to tell me anyways? I got your letter and now I am curious. You said it had to do with...Prim? That Uchiha Jinchuriki friend of yours who went missing? You have me curious. What does this have to do with all of us? I do faintly remember her, she was a sensei to you, Tori and Akki. " She said as she leaned back against Zach, something about Zach made Megami feel safe.
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