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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 208550

The Locally Sourced Organic Resort! Empty The Locally Sourced Organic Resort!

Sun Jun 30, 2024 8:20 pm
Mission Details:

Dressed in the garbs of an attendant, conviently purloined from the resort’s well stocked storage facilities, katsuragi is seen moseying on by through the many patrons enjoying their time in the lavish resort. The bandit, now with the mass tourist trap of a village, made venture to the high roller club. His peering gaze scans the room, laying eyes on all thr rich saps gleefully giving up their meaningless coin in a game of chance.

His sights hones in on one person sitting at the table. With the help of his byakugan, he didn’t need to turn his head. However, not risking to drawing any attention to himself… yet, he continues as he were. “Mhmm”, he muttered with extreme affirmation.

Katsuragi was quite fond of such games, his need for high risk behaviors has gotten him in more trouble than rewards earned. Nevertheless, he of course presses onward to chase the dragon tail. The high he got from it was well worth it. He of course took note of how packed the resort was; such a mental note could prove useful in the future.

However, at this moment in time, he wasn’t here for pleasure. He was here to find out the source of the organ trade. Before Katsuragi got here, he had heard of such dealings taking place on an island south east of Pelican Prison; it was all due to his underworld connections of course, as he was a bandit who has indeed done business in the black market. It was a good thing, through his charm, fate would afford him access to the village’s mission board posting.

Start of Flashback:

Katsuragi is seen sitting on a bench, watching a certain individual fumble through lose papers and documents. The clumsy individual passes Katsuragi, dropping a piece of paper in front of him. The bandit casually picks it up, and reads the document in full. It described the mission entirely, its details, where to turn it in, and of course the payout.

“Mmhmmm, hold up now…”, he said as he rubbed his bare chin.

End of Flashback:

Katsuragi was now seen tending to a bar, as per a guest‘s request. He of course needed to keep up the guise of an attendant. But what he really needed, was to get back into the high roller room. The man at the end of the table, was a trafficker of all sorts of “commodities”. He he were to figure out who was really in charge of the alledged organ trade, Kim Jinsoo would be his best bet. Hell, he might even be running the damn thing.
TWC/ 435
TMWC/ 435/ 3,000
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
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Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

The Locally Sourced Organic Resort! Empty Re: The Locally Sourced Organic Resort!

Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:27 pm
Recently, Junko found herself under a considerable amount of stress due to rumors of an organization that had been operating an underground market for organs. It’s presence honestly surprised her, she wasn’t against organ, trading if she was, she wouldn’t be as close to Akabayashi as she was. The issue was they had “allegedly” been kidnapping people, removing whatever organ they wished, then after healing them, they’d drop them somewhere seemingly random within the village. Unfortunately, they have recently been kidnapping more than one person at a time and have gotten a bit sloppy with their cover-ups.

Thankfully due to Junko’s connection to the people of the village, she had a few allies who watched her back from the shadows and would occasionally gather a bit of information for her. One of those previous connections was now the owner of the Red Moon resort, a young man who she had helped set up with his now wife. He had recently informed her that one of his employees had potential information on who the next target was. After discussing what was said with the employee, Junko dispatched a group of guards to the target's house and thankfully they had managed to step in before anything could happen.

Finally, they had put a small dent into their plans and now knew of a few individuals who were at least involved. After pulling whatever information about them that she could from the records of the spa and village, Junko was able to pin down a few key members of the operation. However, she remained worried about those who chose to be more secretive and needed to know some more information before making any bigger moves against them. Though normally she’d send somebody in her stead, but most of the shinobi within her forces were rather well known so their cover would be blown quite easily.

Though her name and face were well known, if she altered her look a bit she believed she’d be able to blend in with a crowd. She was mostly known for her beauty, but admittedly she had a rather plain-looking face. The only distinguishing feature she had was her bright red eyes, other than that she looked like any other passerby. She’d take a few days to prepare a disguise and craft a personality that was a bit more like her clone Jun. If she was going to pull any kind of information from them, she’d need to play the part of an airheaded and easily manipulated young woman.  

Finally, the night came for her “shift”, and after disguising herself Junko would head out to the resort. Her attire was the same as the other attendants at the spa, though she had opted for a smaller size than normal in order to enhance her features. Instead of the long black hair that sat atop her head, a blonde, realistic-looking wig laid neatly in its place. Brown contacts had covered her red irises, and she wore a bit of makeup to give her face a more chiseled look. Once at the resort, she’d quickly get to work tending to a few different tables within the same vicinity of the targets.

She had also been told that there would be one other joining her in this mission, though she wasn’t too certain who it was. Junko would peer over the chakra of those she interacted with in an attempt to ascertain who within the crowd was there to assist her. Soon she’d notice a man she had never seen before, though his chakra was seemingly more powerful than the civilians that inhabited the resort. He looked to have some sort of dojutsu active as he moved towards the bar, though she wasn’t exactly sure what he was doing.

Soon she’d find herself at the table where the targets had been sitting, and with an upbeat and flirtatious demeanor, she started by taking their drink orders. After taking a few moments to talk them up and attempt to get them to warm up to her, she’d make her way over to the bar. If her partner was still making drinks, Junko would walk up beside him and hold out their ticket to him with an alluring smile. She’d speak up in her normal melodic voice and would attempt to hold eye contact with him as she talked.

”I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here before, first day? I’m Mai, and you must be the one the owner said would be working with me today. Here’s the drink ticket for table 8 if you wouldn’t mind helping me make them.”

Patiently she’d wait for a response, hoping he was getting what she was saying.

WC: 787
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 208550

The Locally Sourced Organic Resort! Empty Re: The Locally Sourced Organic Resort!

Today at 9:06 am
“Ok 1/2 ounce of vodka, 1/2 ounce of gin, 1/2 an ounce of ru-“, his creation interrupted by a ungodly scene of tickets flooding the well. He couldnt believe what he was seeing. One after one, a seever would drop off a ticket with drink orders; there were atleast 3 drinks per ticket, and they weren’t the same. Lucky, due to his all seeing eye. He didn’t have to move as much, he could see where everything was. A simple reach around, bam! A shot glass, beer glass, hell any bottle he needed was in sight! As he blazed through the drinks, he couldnt help be understand how bartenders could do their job without a doujutsu.

A server appears to fetch her drinks, “Um, I think this drink is missing a few garnishes…and this one too!”, she stated as she meticulously inspected the drinks before her. Her tips were at stake, and she couldn’t risk it.

Katsuragi retorts “Garnish it yourself! Can’t you see I got tickets out the ass!”, the server scoffs while taking the drinks after she fixes them. “You still have to tip me out!”, Katsuragi exclaimed as he finally gets a hold of the orders. “JA-shin!, I almost forgot why I reall- upt!”, he sees another server appear before him. The red eyed doe trots up to him with yet another ticket. “Uh yeah yeah, I just started here. Katsuragi, Bartender and uh…”, he notices that this order came from table 8, the highroller club. And on it, a similar drink that the man in question was drinking. Interesting…

In a brief moment of silence, the bandit from Tanzaku Quarters already devised a plan on how to get the VIP to talk about his organ trade business. If he could get the details to the precious pipeline, he could get a percentage of the trade after knowing the routes of which they took.

‘If I pour heavy, I can get him loose enough to start talking. But then the attendant would be ever so watchful, due to the tab increasing. Ugh…, I have no choice, I gotta work with her. Besides, she’s a server, a hustler, there’s no way she would turn down a chance to make even more money’, he schemes further, ready to add the attendant before him in his web of illegal activities.

“Ight, listen up. Ima make these drinks, but I need you to sell the shit out of this one here. Make him order atleast three of these”, he sets aside the VIPs drink while explaining just who the VIP looked like. It had a slight glow to it, due to the light hitting the glass. It was as potent as it was mystifying. As it should, since it was basically a long island…double”, Katsuragi streched the coller of his shirt as he awed at his creation. He couldnt help but think that if someone really ordered a long island, and made it a double, they really had a problem.

“You get him drink these, he’ll be overtipping in no time! You in? If anything happens I’ll help out.”, he hopes to hear the correct answer.

The Barback saunters in with buckets of ice, refilling the well. “Oh, my god! Thank you man! I needed that, you a true barback you know that!”, he turns around to the now bright eyed employee, he embraced Katauragi’s words wholeheartedly. “Um, why are you standing there all glass-eyed? There’s work to be done! All those simple syrups need to topped off, the glasses cleaned, of and we need some rum too. Lets bust of move!”, the barback scurries off with vigilance. Katsuragi, smirking just a bit, turns back to The attendant.

“Let’s hear it? You gonna get this guy plastered or what?”
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