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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Sun Feb 28, 2021 3:24 am
Kenshin, still watching Kizmaru, would feel his Masked Beasts time drawing to a close, so with a small smirk he would have his sole Masked Beast quickly move towards the now destroyed gates of Kazangakure, ensuring that his Byakugan was still focussed on Kizmaru and his rat. As he reached land Kenshin would step off the beast and onto the ground, before allowing his Masked Beast to deform and merge with his back once more. As the beast joined with him The Ragdoll would begin to go through handseals, seven specifically, and as the final seal was formed he would seemingly fade out of existence. All physical ways of detecting him would now fail, and Kizmaru would need a powerful sensory technique to detect him. Truthfully he wanted to go into the water and rip the mans throat out… but he would need to wait for his Corrupted Sage Mode to be usable once more. 

AP + Stats:
Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Mon Mar 01, 2021 2:32 am
Sitting at the bottom of what was essentially part of the ocean, Kizmaru had gathered the final nature stack he could hold as he was now at his limit. He was quite surprised he was able to sit down here for so long uninterrupted as he assumed most enemies would press the advantage they were given. Well, the Mizukage would not be one of those people who'd let a chance like this be squandered. After gathering his last bit of nature chakra he could absorb, the Mizukage had found he was no longer suffering from the debilitating effects that plagued him earlier. He wasn't sure what it was but he knew for certain he wouldn't let it happen a second time if he could help it. Placing both his hands together, he began to weave the hand signs of Bird, Monkey, Serpent and Rat before placing his right palm on his left arm. He then weaved more hand signs consisting of Tiger, Dog, Ox, Dragon, Boar, Rat and Tiger and touched his right arm with his left placing another seal on himself. He was aware he had burned through half of his chakra but it never hurt to make precautions beforehand. 

For the third time, the Mizukage began to weave hand signs once more of Ox, Rat, Boar, Tiger, Dragon, Monkey and Ox before placing his right hand on his torso. This should be enough to replenish all of the seals he's used thus far in the battle. Now that was insured, he figured he'd have to prepare a bit more before going back up to greet his opponent. Weaving a new series of hand signs of Hare, Ram and Snake. Upon completion of the hand signs, the earth beneath the Mizukage's feet had started to elevate at a certain speed. The Mizukage had manipulated the earth below him to use up seventy five meters until his new elevated platform was five meters above the water, forming at the epicenter of the seawater filled crater. The elevated platform was eighty square meters, replacing most of the land that was destroyed by his opponent. With that, he folded his arms before looking around looking around. He didn't see his opponent anymore which was pretty odd. He doubts his opponent ran away but he did recall him appearing out of thin air in the fight. Maybe he had resorted to going invisible again like the beginning of the fight. The Mizukage was no expert on sensory techniques so all he could do was wait it out and stay vigilante. 

Ram had climbed down from his head and settled back into the furnace of his human companion's armor. He'd face the opposite direction once more in order to keep an eye out for potential sneak attacks again. The Mizukage had traversed to the end furthest away from where the village gates used to be, putting him roughly one-hundred and ten meters away from the invisible Kenshin. He figured even if he turned on his Mangekyou Sharingan, he wouldn't have been able to detect him anyway. So for the sake of saving  his chakra, he decided to just look around with his bare eyes until the time came. With that, he was ready to continue with the battle on a moment's notice should something out of the ordinary appeared.

W.C: 555

AP Used + Stats:
Kizmaru Senju
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Ryo : 0

Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Wed Mar 10, 2021 1:25 am
[48 Hour Skip]

Well then, still unsure of his opponent's position, the Mizukage had decided he'd keep his guard up and wait around a little bit longer.  The former Kazekage could be anywhere at the moment but he wasn't too worried about now that he knew his tricks. He was getting used to the fight now and he wanted to begin his counterattack. Unfortunately, he had no means of detecting his opponent and had to wait until he made a move, the ball was in his court now. A few more moments of waiting and the Mizukage still saw no signs of his opponent launching his attack. Maybe his opponent really did leave the area after their little separation. Well, going off of that assumption, the Mizukage decided enough was enough and began to place his hands together. As he did so, he began to run towards where the village's gate was supposed to be in order to carry out his initial plan of destroying the village of Kazan. It was quite the delay but at least he might be able to get rid of the place that dared send shinobi to attack his village. Ten meters before he hit land, he jumped into the air as high as he could before activating his armor's capabilities to jump a second time in the air. 

Jumping twenty five meters into the air, the Mizukage would jump a second time into the air, ranging at fifty meters above ground. Simultaneously using the furnace on his back to amplify his water technique while weaving the hand signs of Tiger, Ox, Monkey, Rabbit and Ram, the Mizukage began to spew out a large, violent, swirling vortex of water aiming at the land that was unaffected by Kenshin's miasma technique and began to tear the land of Kazan asunder as he began to sweep the land with his empowered vortex technique. He was still unsure if there were any inhabitants left on the island but if there were, it wasn't his problem. Flooding the land, of structures and potential people, the Mizukage had left nothing left but a watery grave of what used to be the village hidden in the volcano. "Good riddance," he said as he began to glide away towards the direction of Kirigakure. With his method of transportation caught and destroyed by the large wave of miasma, the mizukage began to soar over the ocean until he spotted what looks like a motorboat in the sea before landing and 'commandeering' as his way back to his village. He would have to make plans in retaliation for Suna's transgressions. 

W.C: 433
T.W.C: 5,702

[Attempting the destruction of Kazan and exit if uninterrupted in 48 hours.]
[Travelling to Kiri]

AP Used + Stats:

Ability Claims (Applying 25% Max Stat Discount)
Using 3,750 words to learn Hachiman
Using 1,875 words into (A-Rank) Susano'o

Loot Claims
Claiming whatever is left in the Kazan treasury.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:41 am
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Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Thu Mar 25, 2021 5:33 am
Kenshin would smirk as he watched Kizmaru slowly begin to rise from the ocean, noting the slow speed of the rise as well as the dwindling reserves of his opponent. With a small sigh he would move behind what remained of the walls around Kazan, deactivating both of his eyes and his Dustless Bewildering Cover. The Mizukage was an infuriating opponent… and that was because the man fought in a manner so damn similar to him, but in a much more defensive manner, seemingly having an answer for everything that he could throw at him… but the rat was even more infuriating than the man himself. As loathe as he was to admit it… the Mizukage was a terrible opponent for him to face… he simply didn’t have the ability to break through the man's defenses, as a majority of his own techniques were more defense oriented. He still had ways… it just involved him getting closer to the man that now held a rather distinct advantage over him. And, on top of that, this man appeared to be much more of a close ranged fighter than he was… the armour alone was an issue. 

As The Ragdoll was thinking of ways to handle Kizmaru he would hear raging water and hastily activate his Berserk Sage Transformation, alongside his Assimilating Aura… but that did very little to protect him from the wall itself being torn to shreds and towards him like shrapnel. Kenshin would grunt in pain as he felt his body being torn apart by the shrapnel… but thankfully his Assimilating Aura took most of the force out of the water being shot at him. Unfortunately, the sheer amount of water was enough to force him off of his feet and be swept away, being pelted through the village and smashed into his surroundings by the rapidly moving water. With a roar of rage Kenshin would activate his Miasma, destroying the water and the village around him rapidly as it expanded. With a snarl Kenshin would activate his eyes… only to see that the Mizukage himself had managed to escape, and the rapidly expanding crater would soon be filling with water. With one final growl Kenshin would glance down at his left hand, scoffing in anger before finally merging with the earth beneath him, moving across the ocean floor in the direction of Lilith’s chakra signature. 

He had failed, and he would need to move quickly to minimize the consequences. 

WC: 411


Travelling to Wind Country, 12 hours

TWC: 3370

1500 words towards One Handed Seals, claiming (25% max stat discount)

1870 words towards Sharingan Copycat Technique, claiming A-rank (1130 words remaining for S-rank)(25% max stat discount)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction) - Page 3 Empty Re: Another destruction attempt of Kazan (Destruction)

Sun Mar 28, 2021 10:03 pm
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