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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fresh Meat Empty Fresh Meat

Thu Jun 20, 2024 9:45 pm
As usual, it was a beautiful, sunny day over the radiant village of Tsukigakure. There were a few things on her schedule for the day, one of them being a meeting with a few vagabonds who wished to join the village ranks. Thankfully they had both gotten all the paperwork in order so it wouldn’t take her too long to give them the rank of Genin. Though normally they wouldn’t receive money from receiving this rank, Junko felt as if they deserved to get some kind of reward for their work. After compiling their headbands and a bit of ryo for the both of them, she’d ask Nariko to wait outside the office and allow them in once they arrived.

Junko would wait patiently behind her desk for their arrival, though she’d continue to do a bit of paperwork as she did so. Eventually, Nariko announced their arrival, and Junko would stash the documents that were laid out in front of her in a small cabinet. Once situated, she’d call out in approval of their entrance and smile at them as they walked him. Sitting before them was a young woman with crimson red eyes and thick, black hair that lay in loose curls on her shoulders. She looked to be wearing an ornate, black and white kimono that loosely clung to her figure. Speaking up, her voice was soft and inviting as she began to introduce herself.

”Good morning you two, I appreciate you stopping by to see me. Please take a seat, and tell me a bit about yourselves.”

She’d then motion to the comfortable-looking chairs that rested in front of her desk and waited for them to sit. Junko would sit back in her chair slightly and fold her hands gently in her lap as they spoke.
Kairo Uchiha-Valtor
Kairo Uchiha-Valtor
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Default
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Thu Jun 20, 2024 10:25 pm
Kairo was wearing a new uniform he had custom designed. It was a uniformed coat with multiple pockets along the chest. It was a made out of a loose thin material. This way the humidity of the jungle did not bog him down. Lilac matching shinobi pants with white cargo like pants. His outfit was crisp and sharp as well as practical. Taking in the site of the Lady Kage his face softened at the sight of her. She certainly wasn't ugly he thought to himself as he bowed and entered the room. "Thank you Lady Tsukikage ." He replied sitting down in front of her desk.

He had a solemn face hearing her question. Again like every other moment his memories flashed of the coup. "Well.." He began his head down as he fought through. "I was officer in the Land Of Bird. No shinobi village but I learned jutsu in my spare time. I had many tutors due to my Mother and Merchant Adoptive Father. Both raised me as their own. I was separated from my brothers when I was young. Me and my Mother escaped and moved here. The doors were open to welcome us into a new home." He gravely said but his face steeled. He shot up meeting her eyes with a quiet determination. His face did not waver in the slightest.

"I can't control the past but I will reinforce the future. My Mother is alive and so am I. Therefore I will become strong and rich through my own skills. Through my own will." He finished taking a moment to calm down. His soul was on fire he was inspired to train. Yes he needed to further refine his illusions. Soon after this meeting it would be the first thing he did. Not to mention he needed to master his new elemental release.

WC:309 Enter
Jin Rentei
Jin Rentei
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Bubble Trouble
Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 7000

Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:01 pm

Jin had awoken early, stopping by for some pancakes and honey to start of his day. He had received a request to meet the Tsukikage and hopefully be inducted into the village as a Genin, perhaps joining as the one of the first generations of Moon ninja. It was an exciting prospect but then it was also possible he was politely or not so politely being told to leave. The lingering worry that his journey would end in the village niggled at the back of his mind but Jin did his very best to ignore it and focus on the positives. Even if he was expelled from the village he would simply wander on as he always had.

When Jin arrived another person was already waiting outside and noted that they too clearly had a strong sense of style though Jin preferred his own look for the day. Jin had decided that such an important meeting warranted him looking his absolute best. Jin was wearing a white suit jacket with a purple waistcoat and a striped black and charcoal grey t shirt underneath. His trousers were white with horizontal purple stripes that ran around the circumference of each leg. He had chosen to leave his scar behind but was loathe to wear nothing green so substituted in a green belt. Jin was also wearing a tall black top hat decorated with a black and white diamond pattern. Finally his jacket and trousers were adorned with silver chains and stars. Jin had considered that perhaps silver moon iconography might have been more preferable, but he didn’t want to make it look like he was trying to hard to impress. Jin felt the benefit and greatest strength of his current attire was its subtlety.

After a short while they were both asked to enter the office and Jin met the leader of the village for the first time. She was not quite what he was expecting but then he wasn’t sure what he should expect exactly. Her attire reminded him of the gate guard and he wondered again if it was a general preference of the village, whether it was mere coincidence or if perhaps the guard had been emulating Junko. The cut of the clothing was similar enough that it could have been made by the same person Jin supposed but it hardly seemed vital to know at this point in time.

Jin took a seat as directed and sat proudly with his legs crossed over each other and his hands resting on his knee as he listened to the other potential Genin told his story and how he came to be here, it was a sad tale to be sure and Jin felt admiration in his breast for Kairo once the story had been completed. Jin knew that many suffered through life but it was always impactful when he heard their stories first hand. Jin realised it appeared to be his turn to speak and so cleared his throat politely.

“It is an honour to meet you Lady Tsukikage. It is a beautiful village you have built here and I have been impressed such a thing was accomplished so smoothly. I would never have believed vagabonds and exiles could work so well together before I arrived.” Jin paused and removed his hat, resting it on his knee. “My parents run a flourishing flower shop in the Land of Honey but my father descends from a ninja clan and I heard the call of adventure from a young age. A vagabond named Tatuso agreed to take me on his journeying and I saw many wonderful places and met many people both good and ill. Tatsuo taught me some of the basics but unfortunately had been unable to teach me his ninjutsu techniques as out elemental affinity did not align. Around a year ago he retired and so I set out on my own. I had heard of this village being newly built and beginning to flourish but was admittedly uncertain if it was the right choice to make for the journey would not be safe or easy. I decided to go drinking and awaited a sign from destiny to guide me.” As he mentioned destiny Jin pointed dramatically towards the ceiling of the office with his right hand before proceeding.

“I passed out drunk on a very comfortable roof and when I awoke the first thing I saw the light of the full moon and so knew destiny had set my path before me. Now that destiny has led me here I wish to help the village grow to be prosperous and become either the greatest ninja of my generation or failing that make this the greatest ninja village in the world!”

Jin lowered his upright arm bringing it down towards Junko forming a hands up. “And that’s a Jin promise!” Jin smiled brightly and returned his hands to his knees, eyes watering slightly at the amazing style and heartfelt promise of his own words. Jin could think of no better way of showing his dedication.

WC 832 TWC: 832

Last edited by Jin Rentei on Sat Jun 29, 2024 11:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:17 am
She’d offer the two of them a warm, welcoming smile as they made their way into her lavish office. Though she seemed rather relaxed and content, the air around her seemingly buzzed with excitement as she inspected the soon-to-be genin. She hadn't met with either of them previously and was eager to learn what potential they brought to her loving village. The first one to speak up was the man who went by Kairo. He’d begin to explain his rather tragic history, and Junko couldn’t help but feel empathetic towards him. She knew life on the road was rather difficult but was happy to hear he had found safety within the village walls. At the end of the day, this is exactly what Junko wished to provide her citizens, and felt relieved to hear that her hard work had produced results.

”Well Kairo, it saddens me to hear of your turbulent past but I’m glad to hear you’ve found safety within my walls. Going forward, if there’s anything you should need of me, please feel free to stop by my office at any time, this goes for you as well Jin”

Turning her gaze now to Jin, she listened as he complimented the village and mentioned that he was surprised to hear that vagabonds and criminals could put it together so cohesively. She admittedly agreed it was rather difficult during the beginning to get everyone to agree on things, but once she stood her ground as a leader, the process was smoother. She’d listen as he also explained his past, and mentioned the clan his father hailed from. Junko couldn’t help but be curious about what clan specifically came from, though she wouldn’t push him for the information as well. He’d continue to explain that he believed destiny had guided him to this village, and that he planned on becoming the greatest ninja of his generation.

Junko would light up as he explained his desires and nodded her head slightly as he finished speaking. She hoped that the two before her would bring nothing but growth and strength to her village and mentally felt a bit more at ease about them joining the ranks after meeting with them. Now realizing it was her turn to speak, she’d talk once more.

”I haven’t been to the Land of Honey before, perhaps if I ever go by I can stop at your parent's florist shop and give them your regards. I’m happy to hear you’ve picked Tsuikigakure to further your training, and I’d like to offer to personally teach you a few things if you’d like. We also have a training facility nearby that can greatly help you progress as you attempt to grow in strength.”

Her gaze would shift to the paperwork in front of her as she continued to speak.

”There’s a few waivers and forms you have to sign before you can officially be brought onboard, but before we move to that I’d like to open the floor for you two to speak. Do you have any questions or concerns that you wish to bring to my attention, I’ll gladly provide you with an answer should you have any inquiries.”

She’d look back at the two of them with a neutral but pleasant expression as she awaited their responses.

WC: 559
Total WC: 820
Kairo Uchiha-Valtor
Kairo Uchiha-Valtor
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Fresh Meat Empty Re: Fresh Meat

Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:33 pm
Kairo adjusted himself as he shook his head softly. "I have no other questions Lady TsukiKage.I am ready for the finalization process. I will join the Combat Division."  Kairo softly released making eye contact.Kairo would wait to see if his fellow new companion would ask any other questions. His head cranked glancing over towards him to give him the floor. Waiting patiently for further proceedings once handed the final documents he read everything once over. With his own viable confirmation he began to write away. He made quick work of the paperwork before standing bowing and handing the paperwork back over to the kage.

If there was nothing more to be done he would stand bow once excused accepting whatever documents he was to take and his headband. If allowed to receive his headband he would take it with a bow. Raising up he tied the headband around his forehead tightly. The smooth edges made his hair look crisp af as one stylish bastard, lilac on lilac .He had a bright gleam in his eyes showing promise and true hope. Oh what a proud day for him the start of a new story once more. A tale for the ages if he played his cards right.

. "Good day to you." He would say before promptly leaving. He had made sure to reposition and straight his chair. He also had taken the liberty to quickly dust off his seat as well. He pulled out sanitizer and a handkerchief to then briefly cleanse his hands before he left. Punctual at heart he could not control his ocd at times. Leave things better than when you came was his motto. Ingrained into him as a man of valor and duty. Yet this was only the beginning for Kairo. Soon he would ascend to greater heights within due time. He now had all the resources, advice, and help he could ever need. The rest was on him to pursue his dreams and to work hard with guts and effort.  He fist pumped to himself once alone in the all. "Hell yeah !!!!" He roared with guttural gusto.

WC:352 TWC:661  [Exit]

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6 points to Chakra

Body Flicker WC:500
Genjutsu Release 161/500 x2 Seals
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