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Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 208550

Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay! Empty Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay!

Wed Jun 26, 2024 4:41 pm
The rough sound of his heavy footsteps pressing against the white sands and soft dirt, were replaced with semi soothing sounds of boots and other various footwear walking along a craved wooden path. The flourishing flames from the modern lanterns hoisted along the tall gate towers, revealed a weary and questionable traveler among the crowd from the eastern continent. He was very much far far away from home. Tanzaku Town, a now distant after thought. He tilts his head upwards, allowing the constant tropical breeze to brush against his now clean shaven face. New lands, meant a new look. He couldn't exactly arrived to the gates armed to teeth with a record, unless he wanted a repeat of what happened in Sunagakure.

His attire consisted of the natives amongst the land.., or maybe the tourist since he was one of many who arrived here with a clue of the island's customs. The many tourist before him dressed somewhat like him, and had all too familiar accents. "Holy Jashin. Look at all these *insert slur for folks born and raised in Cloud country*, gawd damn. I guess they couldn't handle the cold anymore...must have ran out of booze to keep em warm in their Tundra ass country.", he said while eyeing every last one of them with narrow glances of judgement.

His attire consisted of a white shirt, with a red short sleeved button down shirt with white flowers over it. Over that, he wore his yukata leather. Along  with his long khaki pants, he wore purple socks with his usual black boots. Old habits die hard, Katsuragi loved his black steel toe boots. He felt invincible with them on. His many tattoos along his arms neck were visible. Including the Jashin tattoo on his neck which revealed him to be a follower, and the spiderweb tattoo on his elbow which signified that he did time(Pelican Island).

With his green duffle bag hoisted along his right shoulder, filled moderately with personal articles of clothing, trinkets, and etc, the hustler from Quarter Town(Tanzaku Town) awaits his turn to enter the village as the line slowly worked its way through the gate. His dark purple hair, which stopped inches above his shoulders, sway in the the wind revealing his right pale eye in arbitrary moments.
TWC/ 380
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay! Empty Re: Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay!

Fri Jun 28, 2024 2:04 am
Posting as Anya Hyuuga

It was a beautiful sunny day over the village of Tsukigakure, and as usual, the gates flooded with people from various walks of life hoping to gain entry. A few lines had formed where guards stood to check people in, one among them being a young woman named Anya Hyuuga. To any who observed her, she seemed to have a relaxed and calm demeanor. Long purple hair framed her greyish-blue eyes as she looked around the crowd with her Byakugan activated. A black cami top snuggly clung to her torso, though it exposed her midriff and a small piercing at her belly button. Matching black cargo shorts could be seen wrapped around her hips, though they were rolled up slightly and stopped roughly halfway down her thighs.

Before the beginning of her shift, Anya took the time to activate Mind’s Eye in order to ensure that those she spoke with remained truthful. Time flew by and eventually, a man roughly around her age and with similar hair approached her. She’d briefly gaze over the man's chakra before looking up at his eyes. Though she maintained her pleasant demeanor she admittedly was a bit taken aback by the presence of a byakugan he used. She’d offer him a slight bow before speaking up in a calm, inviting tone.

”Welcome to Tsukigakure, my name is Anya and I’ll be assisting you with your transition into the village. May I have your name and any identification that you carry, also would you mind telling me why you decided to pay our lovely home a visit?”

She’d wait patiently for him to respond and not rush him to do so. Most people who came to their gates had some sort of troubled past or had been through some rough situations so she felt it best to treat others delicately.

WC: 308

AP Usage:
Byakugan - 5 AP
Mins Eye of the Kagura - 45
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 208550

Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay! Empty Re: Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay!

Fri Jun 28, 2024 3:14 pm
Finally reaching to the front of the line, his eyes widen for a brief moment. It is said that everyone had a clone of some kind. A person nearly identical to you, yet shared no family; on paper at least. It was like staring into a mirror; the gate guards eyes, hair, and assortment of tattoos matched Katsuragi's swagger. His line of sight casually dipped down, taking in the her form as she spoke words of welcome and comfort like a good little drone. 'Damn, she's a gate guard? They don't make em like that in Quarter Town...', his center of focused reverted back after hears the need for identification.  

"Yeeah, right. I'll get it, you just wait right there...", he promised in a monotone voice. He slowly unzipped his green duffle back, releasing a familiar herbal scent from his morning rituals as he rummaged through it. 'Ugh, It's the same damn thing every same damn day. It sucks not having village ID. And they wonder why we forge the fuck out of our shit'

He had nothing, he began to mentally curse himself for not bringing any fake IDs. He was too old and seasoned in the game to forget such items. Perhaps he really wanted to try things different this time, like the time in Sunagakure. Nevertheless, accepting what things were, he looks up to, Anya. "Ight, I don't have any of that stuff to be honest. The name's, Katsuragi; I'm from Quarter Town, not exactly a place crawling with shinobi or gate guards. Just money, gambling and booze. So when I heard about this place, you can understand why I had to check this place out! Motherfucker's on a beach now, and he plans to surf and get ALL the way down on the turf! Am I right?! You know what I'm talkin about~", he said playfully. He extended his open right hand out, leaning in to expected Anya to meet him half way to dap her up. He hoped that his antics of acting like a tourist would allow him to enter the village without much delay.
TWC/ 732
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay! Empty Re: Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay!

Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:25 pm
Anya would give him a nod as he moved to grab his identification from his bag, though using the x-ray of the Byakugan she could clearly see him digging aimlessly through it. She had dealt with many who didn’t seemingly have any identification so this wasn’t a big deal if he wasn’t able to provide some to her. Patiently she’d wait, not wanting him to feel any more pressure than he potentially already did. After a few moments, he seemingly had come up with a plan as he addressed her once again.

He’d begin to explain that he didn’t have any ID to give her, and introduced himself as Katsuragi from Quarter Town. Since most of the people who fled to Tsukigakure were either refugees, vagabonds, or missing nin looking for a new life, there were a few different reasons why he wouldn’t have one. Anya would smirk slightly and extend her hand out to dap his as she began to speak up, her tone a bit more relaxed than previously.

”It’s lovely to meet you Katsuragi, we can get you into the village with no problem regardless of ID. I do need you to be aware that while within the village, you may be monitored since we’re unable to verify who you are. It’s only a temporary thing, and it helps ensure that our citizens are safe so I’m sure you understand. However, I’ll also need you to fill out some paperwork so we can get you a visitor pass just in case someone else stops you. ”

If he agreed she’d turn her attention to one of the other guards and call out asking them to retrieve the proper paperwork. Looking back to Katsuragi she’d offer him a sweet smile and listen if he decided to speak. Once he finished speaking, or if he decided to remain silent she’d decide to begin talking once again while they awaited the arrival of the papers.

”Have you surfed before? Some of my friends do, but I’ve personally never tried.”

They’d talk for a few minutes, but soon the guard would return with the proper paperwork, a clipboard, and a pen. She’d offer the items to Katsuragi so he would be able to fill them out, meanwhile, she’d pull out what looked to be a visitor pass from a pocket and write down a bit of his information. If he decided to agree to the term, she’d wait patiently and assist him if he needed it. Once completed, she’d briefly scan through the document and ensure that things were properly filled out.

WC: 436
Total WC: 744

AP Usage:
Byakugan - 5 AP
Mins Eye of the Kagura - 22
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Katsuragi's Stats

Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Oni of the Rice Country
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 208550

Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay! Empty Re: Hell of a Vacay, no time to delay!

Yesterday at 1:19 pm
"Anya would smirk slightly and extend her hand out to dap his as she began to speak up, her tone a bit more relaxed than previously."

Katsuragi will remember what you did

He retracts his hand back in a quick fashion, catching hold of Anya's contagious smile. He simply stood back in a loose stance, and listened to the melody of the gate guard. Her words offering support and understanding, constituting to the goal of working with him to get him inside of the village. It was all that he asked. He wished all gate guards were like this, well toned to perfection. However, he immediately snapped back into the reality upon hearing the mention of paperwork. 'Paperwork!' He drops his shoulders, and lowers head slightly. It was almost too good to be true, nevertheless, he had no choice. Who knows? Maybe the info required wasn't as intrusive as he thought it to be. "Welp! if I gotta fill it out, then I gotta fill it in. You mind if I add you on my CV, just incase I visit another village?", he smirks at the end inviting her banter.

As they waited, the mention of surfing was brought up. Being born inland, and the fact that he practically grew up in prison, he never really got a chance to experience that type of lifestyle. It really did suck that he didn't have such a kush life like that, to be able to surf the high waves of the sea in bliss. Despite him traveling , it was one of the many rad hobbies that eluded him. But, perhaps the invitation was a chance to pick it up. Or maybe, it was a start towards something hella exciting?

He perks up immediately, locking eyes with Anya. He forms a smile that would rival the great Cheshire Cat itself! "No I have not; but I do hear it's one hell of a ride. We should definitely, give it a go...", his eyes slowly hung low towards Anya's neck before retreating upwards in the same fashion to meet her gaze. Right before he was about to ask when she would leave her shift; the papers arrived. Fate had intervened once again. He takes hold of the clipboard and pen, already eyeing the unique quality of the pen.

Scanning through the detailed questions, dots his Is and crosses his Ts. "Name, Katsuragi. Reason for visiting, pleasure. Monthly income?...", he pausing at thought of somebody else worrying about his own money Especially when they don't need to, it aint theirs!.

'INCOME? these cats are worse than Sunagakure! They want all your information. honestly, they don't need to know, so I'll just leave that thing blank for now...'

"Occupation,... contractor/tea sommelier. Criminal background, *groans* Pelican Island(Never going back). References? Hmm... That's gonna be hard."

'Pish, they never call up these people anyway. Not like I have any, I'll just put N/A on this and that other question too...'. After filling out the after mentioned questions, he hands the paperwork over to  Anya, and if given the pass, he would saunter into the village. "Here you go" He extends the clipboard towards her, unaware that he already pocketed the pen. "I'll see you around...", he said without looking back. His pale eye granted him 360 vision, so he would know if she looked back.
Exit, pending?
TWC/ 1,291
Claiming pending
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