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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
Alister Yama
Rin Togakawa
Princess Love
Hikari Namikaze
Madrigal Kaguya
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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Sun Jun 23, 2019 5:39 pm

Sunagakure. That village had once been the inverse of a pearl. An object of desire surrounded by mounds of sand. Tales and stories circulated by the ghosts of Old Kirigakure warned of the blistering heat within the cursed village, and the conniving shinobi it sheltered within its shade. Those that had returned from battle with Sunagakure were scarcely the same. Something about that land changed those from the glorious village after they visited, and it wasn’t solely their darker skin and fresh scars. A lingering effect that drilled fear into the less capable of Kirigakure. Some said they were experiencing trauma after the event, yet that only meant they were not true children of Old Kirigakure.  

They were the traumatic event, not the traumatised.

Yet here Kirigakure marched, gazing at the walls that had been inflated in the stories to scrape the very skies alongside its brother village of Konohagakure. They barely scratched 50 meters in height, yet that was not the interesting notion of the walls. The wall had platforms every 10 meters, with impaled bodies lining the first two platforms, bloated and rotten with the dry heat of the desert. The design was almost artistic, yet crude in its implementation. It lacked a certain crucial element to pull the ensemble together. Merely a repeating trend along the walls, rather than a display of the new rulers cruelty. The walls laden with bodies wouldn’t be enough to hold back the force of Kirigakure. Tidal wave upon tidal wave would barrage the very walls that the denizens of Sunagakure hid behind while endless water lashed over the top, slowly drowning the village if the structure was not to give in to the raw might.  

Drowned men would float in the dry village by the end of the long night.  

Back in his day, the invading force would be instructed to clamber over the wall cloaked in midnight black, agents of the void as they melded with the vast expanse of emptiness. Many throats would be slit in their peaceful slumbers, perhaps a kinder end to pass while pretty little thoughts of dandelions and successful grasps for power flooded the senses. Xyxer did not deal in kind ends. He relished in the knowledge of mortality being grasped and understood. For the victim to know this was the last moment of their life, brought to a close because they stood before the man that had made it from the ruins of Old Kirigakure.

Conflict was the most beautiful part of life, and it came in many flavours. Some found their calling in foolish trades and economic trickery, yet their lives paled in comparison to those that engaged in conflict at its very core. Those who sought worthy adversaries to fight to the death, for it was only on the brink of extinction that true beauty could be relished. Each combat was a story sung in gurgling blood and clashing steel. A tale of a finished life, and a continued story.  

The forces of Kirigakure and Konoha marched upon the burning village of Sunagakure, dotted among their ranks were men carrying pikes hoisting bodies into the air. The bodies were unrecognisable as their barren flesh exposed only a reddish hue on their skinned form, their muscles exposed to the unforgiving heat. Freshly captured stock from those that had been seen travelling towards Sunagakure. An example to be set.

At the head of the forces Xyxer marched, his legendary armour coating his body as the secondary skin he’d grown accustomed to. His helmet had changed this time, the front of a skull protecting the front of his face with the teeth sharpened to carnivorous points. The sand in this land was wrong. It was not like the beautiful sand of Kirigakure. He briefly pondered whether this was due to the lack of water, yet his imagination was brought immediately back to the slaughter that was on hand.

In one hand, a legendary blade was held by the warmonger that had arrived to claim the heads of more Missing Shinobi that had been found. Kenshin Uzumaki was rumoured to be the new leader of the village. No longer was this a village of Kumogakure to be claimed, it was one that bent to the will of criminals. Xyxer made no attempt to hide himself or his forces from Sunagakure as he approached the opposite side of the village from where the distraction had been initiated merely moments earlier, just as scheduled. Giant openings in the wall, leaving large passages stretching roughly 20 meters in width enabled easy travel directly through to the main target, while disposable shinobi and soldiers clambered up the walls to dismantle the wretched bodies that had been left. Soon enough, they would be walking atop the walls, yet Xyxer himself walked in-between them, blocking out the noise from their footsteps and equipment so his senses remained honed on that which could not be seen. Of course, if no valiant defender came to oppose the insidious horde, the entire city would be massacred and razed.
Madrigal Kaguya
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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Re: Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Tue Jun 25, 2019 2:45 pm
A familiar flash of light would mark the arrival of Valen Akari, previous Hogokage of Hoshigakure, current Jinchuriki of The Gobi, in some circles known as The Dark Prince, and in fewer circles, The Lord of Light. His ashen haired form would stand there for a moment, his teleportation technique having saved him at least a day of travel. Those coming to join the force and those living here in Sunagakure, would be quite a while in getting here and he had left himself in order to inform Kenshin that he should expect them. The self proclaimed Kazekage would have time to prepare things. To be honest, he doubted those coming had even been informed yet that they should leave. Teleportation was truly a useful ability to possess and he relished for a minute or two. He had saved more than enough time to allow him to do so and he sorely needed it at the moment. He had learned things while in Hoshigakure that he simply hadn’t been expected, and the fact of the matter was that he was confused, deeply so. The Gobi itself admitted to trying to manipulate him verbally, down a darker path. The beast had admitted such at a point where it thought Valen wouldn’t be able to grind things to a halt. So caught up had he been in his sense of self righteous justice for what had happened to someone else, that he had nearly fallen prey completely to said manipulations. He had made demands of that village, he had intended to remove it’s shinobi forces one way or another when he left. Either by willingly joining those coming to Sunagakure, or being cut down at a later time. However the Jounin that spoke to him cut a deal, one which caused the enraged light user to stop and really consider what he was doing to a degree.

He had accepted that deal, and the day had moved on. A trial was had, a trial for the man who had viciously, and brutally tortured the woman that he had long since fallen in love with. Even if he wasn’t yet sure if she returned those feelings, or even if she had, if she still would when he explained what all had happened since they had last truly spoken. So much had come to pass, and it shook him to core to know that while he was being manipulated by the beast he held prisoner. He had made the decision to listen to what had at the time, sounded like wise council. He had actually listened to the monster that he was supposed to control. Had Kyousuke, fool though he was, not warned him of such potential danger when the beast was first sealed within him? Had he himself, not responded that he had long since been used to voices attempting to control him? Memories of Crimson End came to mind, and that awful battle that took place within dream like world, within a seal. How could have been so confident? Because in the end he had sought help and overcome the previous entity influencing him because of that assistance? Had he not killed one Hoshigakure Genin, and mortally wounded another due to the swords influence? The latter, only being saved due the timely intervention of the woman he loved? Hikari Namikaze, Hoshigakure’s Fuinjutsu Mistress of Light? Had those horrible examples not constituted failures on his part in controlling the brutal desires to maim and kill the sword extended on to him? It had never fully tried to manipulate him mind you. However in those instances when he had sparred with those genin, he had no right to be using a sword such as that. A blade which made him want to take openings in ways that would be lethal. The first, a Hyuga by the name of Dimi Zatoru, had sparred with him. The poor boy had his throat crushed when Valen send a dual energy discharge aimed for the boys throat. The power had been pulled back enough to not cut the boys head off outright. However his choice of a target had made that point moot. How could he use such a technique and aim for such a lethal place in a spar? Because he thought the boy could or would avoid it?

Then there was Akemi Hiyu, the young boy who sparred with him when Valen was still working on creating his first S rank technique, Reflection Zone, an area where his light based techniques would truly reign supreme. He had long since upgraded that technique to his Dismissal of Dawn. A jutsu that placed him into a much more favorable situation against most opponents. When he had fought Akemi though, on the sunny day upon that field, he had channeled his chakra around his blade in order to blunt the blade’s edge. In order to avoid cutting the boy, however when he struck, he struck with his full might, and the force of the blow had shattered the boys ribs, firing splinters of the bones into his lungs. If Hikari hadn’t come to save him with her seals, he wouldn’t have survived the day. Then it was thanks to her that he was able to fight the sentience within the blade at all. For he realized when she saved Akemi that the seal she used broke down the targets body and items into a mass a pure chakra. He theorized that if she used such a jutsu upon him while he had the sword in his possession then his consciousness and that of the swords would share the same space. Allowing them to fight each other for dominance. However he awoke within the seal far later than the consciousness within the sword had. The consciousness, which was the spirit of hatred that Calin Yamato had infused within the sword when it was forged, had already turned the chakra inherent within the seal to his. Preventing Valen from being able to access it and therefore leaving him unarmed against the spirit. It was only because Valen had a second font of chakra in the nature energy that the curse seal that was laid upon his heart, once again by Hikari, that he was able to fight back at all, and he won. Therefore purifying the blade of it’s inherent hatred, creating Twilight, the sword that was the fusion of Valen’s light release chakra, and the dark, tainted, nature chakra that came from the seal upon him.

So how could he, someone who couldn’t even defeat the spirit of hatred of a long dead blacksmith, without assistance, expect to fight off the influence of a creature as powerful as that of the bijuu within him. How had he become so arrogant? So filled with his own pride? He desperately needed to reconsider things, needed to speak with Hikari, and tell her to truth of what occurred while they hadn’t seen each other. Then he needed to figure out what he needed to do to atone for his sins. He had many to atone for, the killing of Dimi, the near murder of Akemi, the butchery of Kotetsu. He killed and maimed more Hoshigakure Shinobi than anyone in his villages history if he wasn’t mistaken, and that thought made his blood run cold. Death wouldn’t be enough to atone for such sins. If it was, he’d fall upon his sword now in some secluded place, far from civilization so the Gobi couldn’t hurt anyone from it’s release. However he needed to find something. Something he could devote himself to, a cause he could put his all into. However his heart yearned for more than that. He wanted dearly to speak to Hikari, to see where her thoughts on the matters were. He wanted to see what she would say, yet she was the person he was most afraid of facing at this time. He’d rather fight the full forces of a major village before facing her judgement of what he had done. Yet it was still very much something that he needed to face in order to move on with whatever atonement he could find. In the end, if death was the only option for him, then he’d walk into it willingly.

There he stood, within the chasm of the village entrance, contemplating the mistakes he’d made over the recent time since he became a shinobi. They were many, and it would take much longer to fully atone for his actions. He wondered briefly if he would even survive long enough to be remembered as something other than someone who only made mistakes. As he stood within the entrance of the village in quiet contemplation, his senses screamed at him, like never before they yelled danger. He turned, his eyes falling to the horizon as hordes of shinobi, carrying the flayed corpses of men with them came to assault the city. One man however stood amongst them, moving between the forces as they ran toward the city, engulfed in battle hungry madness. The man that stood out? Strode forward in armour, with a skull shaped head piece. His greatblade held within a single hand as he strode forward. A chakra signature that Valen recognized radiated from within Valen’s range, Xyxer, Mizukage, Conqueror of Konohagakure, had come. There could be no doubt in Valen’s mind that the man in the armour was the man known in circles as ‘The Leviathan’. He had met him once, not so long ago really, at the Kage Summit where one of his most grievous mistakes had been made.

Valen turned fully toward the hordes of men and women coming to assault the village. Were they here merely to take it back from Kumogakure? Or had they heard of it’s takeover by Kenshin and come to eradicate those that chose to have no home within the shinobi system? Most were criminals yes, but many felt merely that the villages could not give them what they truly needed. Some, caused no crimes, caused harm to no one, and merely wanted to be left alone. Yet that mattered little to the people that had come here, for Kenshin had committed crimes, atrocities even. Valen had by now, certainly paid back the assistance the Ragdoll had given him over the years. Did he really need to stand here and fight this battle? There were others here too though. Civilians, shinobi who were too weak to fight back, and those few missing shinobi, who either chose not to live within a village, or simply never did. Those had caused no harm, or performed any criminal acts. Those were people that Valen could stand here and fight for. Besides, was Kenshin not his friend? Even in the sick and twisted way he might be? Would he help Valen in a similar scenario? Probably not, but that was what separated the two perhaps.

A deep breath would escape his lips as he began to stride forward. His body adorned in his own armor, set to fully cover his body, protecting him from harm. His hand would hold the sheath of Seraphim straight, keeping it from tangling up in his legs. He strode purposefully, back straight, head high. His feet made no sound upon the coarse, rough sand. He despised the stuff, it had a nagging tendency to get everywhere. However it was where Kenshin had been when he was looking for him. He was relatively confident Kenshin would sense the approaching army, it was difficult to miss after all. However he wasn’t sure when the man would arrive. It would be amusing to be the first defender of his village. It would also be moderately embarrassing that a man who wasn’t even truly aligned with said village came to it’s aid before it’s new leader. His presence, would be quite visible to the attacking army now, the sight of a tanned skin, white haired man in black and red armor difficult to miss against the vision of the village. The ashen haired man would stop moving, fifty meters outside of the gates, the army coming barely close enough to hear him speak if he chose to do. So long as they were experienced shinobi anyway. Valen would loosen his sword within its scabbard, there was little chance of this day going without bloodshed. For a man did not bring an army across a continent lightly. No, the desert sands would have its continuous thirst sated by blood this day. So there he stood, unspeaking, unmoving, his hand upon the hilt of Seraphim, prepared to draw it in a moments notice. He was not the speaker for such a village, it was not his home, and he had no right to speak on its behalf.

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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Re: Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Tue Jun 25, 2019 8:12 pm
The village of sand. Once a super power within the world of shinobi it was a far cry from what it had once been. Even the last time he had been here, on a mission of peace at the behest of Akihana, the village had shown signs of weakness. The Kazekage vanished before him without a trace, a mystery that remained to this day. It had been several years since that day, a part of him hoped that in that time the village would have changed for the better. It was not to be sadly. Annexed by the country of lightning the years had not been kind. Today would be no different.

The army marched, the man in the tanuki mask amongst their number. As always his signature was not present to be sensed. Even if he did wish to show up his twin, who headed the force as it approached the village, it would be unwise for him to reveal his presence before the conflict had truly begun. Force the hand of the enemy and you will have an advantage. The most basic of concepts, yet one that so many had failed to enact over the years which had led to their downfall. Perhaps today would be another case. As the watcher observed through the vision of his milky white eye the village that lay before them. The other eye, usually a coal black now blazed crimson as the eye of the Uchiha swirled into action. Scarcely populated, the number of missing-nin being small it seemed, this side of the wall was not guarded. Even with his white eye focusing on longer range, this side of the village remained devoid of life. An odd choice, yet it was to be expected that they had not anticipated the forces of Kirigakure to travel so far.

The distraction at the gate over the other side of the village may have played in to this as well, the small force of shinobi sent to the other side of the village having drawn their forces over to that location which lay outside of even his own advanced vision. A tactic that truth be told he had not expected his brother to deploy, thinking him one to simply brute force their way in. Though the methods of his twin were effective if anything.

Yet not effective enough it seemed. His left eye never lied, the one he had relied upon to survive for the many years spotting an oddity in the distance as they came closer. It was in the sky, not a humanoid form but one made up of chakra. It was travelling at a steady speed, faster than most could move without aid, but slower than those with. The speed in numerical terms was that of 150. The thing in question was not living in nature, instead seemingly a mass of chakra made light particles that was travelling toward a destination, one that lay close to the approaching army.

He frowned under his mask, the approach of the forces continuing unperturbed. It seemed to have gone unnoticed by the peons, not a surprise at all. This was why Takeo had come along. Such a surprise attack was exactly the same as what had happened to him during the last time he had come to Sunagakure. Once more, Takeo would react accordingly. The forces of Kirigakure were now seventy meters from the entrance chasm, the light particles travelling downward to their destination. Now was the time. Takeo would upstage his brother here, and sow the seeds for what was to come.

Now. The silent command was uttered, the chakra of the bijuu residing within Takeo bubbling up to the surface. The chakra of the bijuu would go to work instantly, Takeo's own chakra bolstered and his agility increased as the first cloak formed around him. Takeo felt the influence of Shukaku urging him onward. Rush the village and slaughter all those within, it was the only way to do things. For once he would find himself in agreement. As the bijuu chakra had been gifted chakra infused sand appeared above him, The Right arm of Shukaku forming itself into existence and surging forward ahead of the pack and toward the entrance of the village. It would reach the destination of the light particles when the head of the army, Xyxer himself, would be within fifty meters of the chasm, Takeo being the same distance from the destination. Xyxer's chakra registering on the lower levels, unboosted naturally at the time, made it so that he was only able to be sensed within a range of fifty meters. Thus the light particles would reach their destination as the army hit this distance, as the sand arm arrived and wrapped its talons around the light fixture at it's maximum speed of 205.

Suspecting it to be an explosion of some sort it was best to shield as much as possible. Thus the taloned fingers would press inward into the light particles, intent on covering as much as possible and even perhaps cause a premature detonation in Takeo's mind. However that was not the case, the light soon after taking the form of a human male, once again at a speed of 150 beginning at the head downward. The head that would find itself penetrated by the top most claw just as the ashen hair atop of the head had come into full physical form. the eyes of the man viewing the tunnel leading into the village before being remove from their skull as the claw pierces fully through. At the same time the other claws would have moved into the positions described below. The rest of the body would form around the fingers, chunks missing as the body found vast spaces of itself occupied, namely the other three taloned claws, finding themselves occupying the location of where the entirety of the the waist would be, as well as the upper body from the right shoulder blade and down to the right ankle of the body. The other claws finding themselves wrapping inward into the lower back of the body as it had formed and the last being where the knees of the male figure would have been.

Unless there was some way for the unknown person, who would be facing in toward the village, to predict the future it would be unlikely for them to escape the swift demise that would follow, as the body parts would collapse to the ground, the head remaining stuck to the top most claw that had penetrated through the back of the skull and out through the majority of the upper half of the face.

Should the above happen then Takeo would continue onward, the sand arm leading the way as the army would continue on it's march in toward the village, with Takeo himself level with Xyxer in terms of distance from the gate.

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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Re: Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Fri Jun 28, 2019 2:43 pm
A village only commanded as much respect and fear as its figurehead, and in that endeavor Xyxer found himself unmatched by all others. Alone he sat in a throne that could not be claimed, despite the pretenders and usurpers that scraped at his heels for a chance to develop a semblance of self-worth from the proximity to his power. An illusion to holding the reputation as their own. He had dedicated so much of his life towards the resurrection of the village that created him that their names now ran hand in hand, for Kirigakure was nothing without Xyxer. By his hand the ruins of Kirigakure had life breathed back into its archaic structure, and from this event New Kirigakure stood as the strongest village, bound to his violent will.

Yet this knowledge eluded those that were born into the same lineage as a phenom. Takeo had been raised by his mother, and the common habits of the woman had been drilled into him. A sense of entitlement and wanderlust. He abandoned his village and family on a whim so he could parade around the world without thought. The qualities that brother displayed further helped Xyxer understand why the father did not choose him. He lacked the capability to be a honed weapon, as he was incapable of both discipline and focus. In the end, Takeo was cut from the same cloth as those that were buried beneath the rubble of Tengakure - They were the sheep that obeyed commands, as opposed to the shepherds that moulded the world.

In the desert, it is not entirely uncommon for a strong glare of light to blind those unaccustomed to such hot climates, and metals tendency to reflect such beams. The peculiar thing was when they descended like angelic pillars towards the ground. This didn’t cause much concern for the marching leader, yet his brother appeared to have taken umbrage with the light. Perhaps he had finally gone mad. The Bijuu he possessed had a tendency to do that with its Jinchuriki, as it was the most unbridled. Gyuki informed him of this fact after their… mutual arrangements. The Bijuu had already shaped the world in more ways than one, and with Xyxer as the host, his goals could finally be realised. Gyuki had assisted him in discovering this fountain of knowledge, and it would pay dividends for when Shogun came to this world.

He was incapable of keeping up with what was unfolding around him, yet his senses screamed. All that Xyxer could witness was a torrent, perhaps even an afterimage, of sand as it suddenly exploded around him, yet he was incapable of reacting to it, nor could he witness the theatrics of the hand it formed. For now, Xyxer remained on guard until it became more clear what was unfolding, his weapon held loosely so a beautiful swing could fell opposition if so needed.
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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Re: Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Mon Jul 01, 2019 2:44 pm
The umbar wraith would be found decorating the dismantled streets of Sunagakure with his pivotal imprints as he ran with haste to the rear side of the village, gaining the cues that something was amiss the seemingly tranquil security of Sunagakure as the outside was leading on to believe. As the assassin’s motto dictated due to their situation, there was little room for relaxation even if Kutari had an interest in such a luxury, the days of warfare were at large and the criminalistic nature of those he aligned with surely would have repercussions in due time. He was stationed to survey the rear side of the village where the coming enemy forces would make their attack amiss the decoy that was laid out in the front, unbeknownst to Kutari of course. Though such times of peril would require him to keep about his station and make sure his one true ally wasn't attacked without knowledge prior, or at least a vanguard to defend while backup may arrive by his other allies. He was near the entrance chasm that hailed upon the backside of the village, having already been moving to the area beforehand, and given the nature of the coming events and the time in which he moved accordingly to the intended area, he would make it in time to carry out his coming reactions and counterattack. The crimson ripples of his prowess taking form long ago to give him enhanced sight for the sight he'd need to see as soon as possible.

He’d instill a passive awareness throughout the entirety the situation of the area capable of his own heightened perception and experienced will to aid him in the battle to come or if he was stopped abruptly, using his surroundings to best defeat his foes. The Uchiha would wear his clad black armor that he was so proud of discovering and creating after such a dreadful time of inactivity in the village, now capable of using it to its fullest extent. His reinforced katana along the holster of his left hip, while the blade he obtained from Alice would hang in pride now fastened to a proper weapon artist along his right hip, the pouches which governed his various tools upon his buttocks, though a handful of them were left missing, finding new homes to decorate themselves along Kutari’s person, it’s presence failing to puncture or hamper the teen in any manner.

Kutari would be within the chasm to the outside of the village as he bared witness to the coming army that likely wished to end the corruption that was Kenshin’s lifespan and all that it influenced, the entirely leveled and flat desert giving perfect sight to see the coming reserves an exceptional distance away, surely to where he couldn’t even sense their chakra volumes. The Uchiha could see the partially outstretched army of enemies heading towards the village, though the two leading the forces were in Kutari's blind sight due to the narrowness of the entry chasm, in which turned caused the head of the  army to not be able to see his coming entrance into the ordeal. The ones that could potentially see Kutari along the side of the army, and given the distance and chain of command it would take too long to relay their sightings to the acting officers at the front leading the assault, if they were even ordered to do so as the makeshift army weren't trained with one another, and the leader might've left out such an order. They weren't running, but marching, sacrificing the pristine speed they could go about traversing the land to take a more lax and uniform approach, as of course not everyone had the same level of movement speed in the world, though that was the purpose as those in the back would catch up sooner or later, the ones that mattered in the front moving at 100 speed. 

The main issue that could give the foes ample time to be aware of Kutari's presence would be a particular watcher in the fray at the front of the forces as well, though the watcher in question seemed more focused on the beacon of light that was descended down to the ground at the entrance point of the chasm, his focused glare foregoing the radial sight his prowess bestowed him, or at the very least made no intent or interest in continuing to survey his surroundings as the dojutsu dictated once spotting the light source, it taking the entirety of his attention as he lacked any mention or intention of continuing his scan. 

The sun would continue to try and scar the Uchiha's back after a prolong period of watching him from behind, it's height and positioning perfect in blinding the masses of shinobi that were coming to the village with its blinding light and dull the many senses of those within due to the heat that ricocheted off the desert sand, or at least those unaccustomed to it's climate for a long period of time, Kutari having taken residence for quite some time and adept in it's glare. His blood would begin to boil in excitement for the battle soon to take place, overjoyed at finally being able to stretch his legs and show his true colors in hopes of finding a decent foe. He'd conduct hand seal as a copy of himself would spawn to his far right and a bit behind him so their collaborative attack would be prepared, it already reaching for a kunai carrying a package that would provide a traumatic eruption upon his interested detonation. 

Kutari was riding the farthest left side of the chasm unhindered during his run to see the armies end capacity long before, knowing full well the majority of it was to his left, prepared for combat. The shade would be on the right side, moving in a manner to be prepared to attack with its intent upon seeing what would be the front of the forces. The black markings that painted his body and face already present before the activation of the shade, though as the nature of the jutsu in question dictated, the copy gained the same markings as well as per the limitations of the jutsu in question. Though if for some reason it was discovered otherwise this couldn't take place, the shade would acquire the wind enhancements he formulated long ago for this special event, however for the mean time using the black markings until otherwise contested. The shade in question would have already been in a stance where his shoulder was ahead of him, acting as a bull as he rushed forward ahead, his placement in relation to his original would cause it to meet the end of the chasm sooner than the original, their plan working harmoniously with the given situation described. The original having gone about conducting the prerequisites to make his purpose blossom.  

Kutari’s speed would dwarf the consistent marching forces as they seemed to make no attempt to partake in full sprint. The clone would be the first to see his target, having started to glow a red hue as the sky just began to became etched in sand rising above to mold the hand at 205 speed. The individual resonating such a visually clear source of chakra some distance away from the actual epicenter and established leading commander of the army to be, say 25 meters apart from one another as it was clear due to the dimensions of the entire beast he was simply not at said center-point where the conductor of this army resided. The red hue individual due to their positioning, the centerpoint of the army being to its right, though unable to see Kutari despite his positioning as he was focused upon the light source of course. Though still the same distance away from the entry chasm, just not beside one another in short range. The kunai already gliding in the wind carrying the scripted package towards the direction of the head of the army forces as the hand began to fly ahead, though in a manner and angle to completely avoid the sand hand despite its grand speed, this being because the kunai was actually traveling at a greater speed. It’s central target being where the army itself started was center-point with its leader at the midst leading the fold, expecting to gravitate out and connect with various foes in a widespread swoop soon enough. The needle size directors connected the thrower and thrown ricocheting and vibrating throughout its conjoined descent with the climate to give a more subliminal imprint upon its representation along the scene. This would be due to the method in which the shade threw the kunai, swinging it's weapon after gathering such vast amounts of momentum during the sprint ahead to the entrance of the chasm, acting as if the kunai was the weapon in this technique and as he swung it he'd let it go, the speed and strength behind the now thrown weapon still carrying the lasting momentum as it soared through the air at 227 speed, and able to travel a distance up to 132 meters. As shown prior, the sand hand was able to traverse 70 meters or so of range at 205 speed within mere seconds or even less as the light traveled down, so the kunai would begin to fly towards the army forces at a greater speed than that, making contact even sooner than the time the sand hand makes contact with the entrance chasm landing zone. 

As the leader of said forces relinquished his senses to be incapable of properly perceiving such high momentum constructs until the ally wielding the sand hand found its mark, and the Kunai would make contact with the forces much sooner, in those extremely short moments he’d be unable to react on his own will until the sand hand found its destination as instructed at the current scene. Furthermore, the clone would've already began the handseals and done whatever necessary for his coming jutsu to be a success, the sole kunai turning into a thousand copies of itself and the package being carried throughout transit, it’s volume and abundance spread out to relatively meet the army width wise with its own reserves, potentially sacrificing its widespread range in favor of an arrangement of condensed spaces to where it’d be impossible to simply evade the wave of Kunai successfully, packed row to row and column to column, though due to the sheer amount of Kunai this remained unlikely of such a sacrifice. Additionally, the wave of kunai would be within small distances of each other as they'd continue to soar through the air, though Kutari's vision unobstructed to utilize his eye techniques to it's full extent as intended.

The kunais would be spread throughout the jurisdiction of leg level and soar above their heads in relation to an average height person standing upright from the sandy grounds, though coming as a wide range to sweep through the forces reminiscent of a broadside. Their metallic texture would likely go in hand with the sun to mask their presence to the multitude of people coming towards them, the sun reflecting and masking their presence quite effectively. Even more so, the speed at which the kunai was moving would be greater than the speed of the hand, meaning those who couldn't react to the hand properly would struggle to bare witness to the multitude of kunai soaring ahead, Kutari making sure everything went as directed and would make adjustments if deviations came forth. If left alone they would make contact with the forces, and the spread of the kunai's would cause the hand to be incapable of shielding away the entirety of the wave of kunai, its size inferior to their formation, Kutari waiting for the proper moment to continue his strategy. If contact was made, due to the positioning of the Kunai, they’d begin piercing the range of leg to 2 meters above ones head, and especially the head region which would be pierced and destroyed if incapable of avoiding and perceiving this. 

As the original Kutari turned fully prepared for the onslaught, he'd see a sand hand coming at him slightly to his left, say 10 o'clock from his current location though to where he wouldn't have been discovered until unearthing himself from the chasm, the hand at quite the speed though his own still being the same as he had more than enough time to react, if left with its original intent coming close within 50 meters of Kutari. At the time, the beacon of light dwindling down in relation to the hand's attack being to the original Kutari's back right as he was now at the entrance of the chasm, meaning the hand would have to go through Kutari to get to the light source once landed. Kutari would instantly activate his Ogachi's extinction sphere as it came into existence at 205 speed 50 meters ahead of him the point of origin in front of the hand's outer layer entering Ogachi's farthest range, and allowed the angled trajectory of the hand access into the sphere as it began to eradicate it within the sphere, it's size greater than the hand as it was 10 meters in diameter. For clarification, the hand itself would still be in front of Ogachi as it fully forms and begins the extinction process and not pass through Ogachi before it was capable of forming, and play into the proper timeline to fully satisfy such a reality.

Kutari would watch with purpose at the scene happening before him, along surveying his surroundings with his greatest capabilities and making sure he was secured and safe. He would then operate and mobilize his interests after confirming his directed intention was set in stone, in which case he'd continue on though making sure everything was properly in place, hearing the earth before him and the vibrations that were taken place if any, the wind and scents that could be stretched far beyond, including any form of sensory he could utilize to give him the edge. The leader of this event still unaware and incapable of reaction, only a mere few capable of such at this point in time. As the array of kunai already whisked by the hand when Ogachi came to meet the force, prepared to assault the forces before him with tact. Prepared for another set of mystical arts if necessary. The beacon of light landing on the ground behind him to his right at that point in time. 

The Uchiha's entire plan would be laid out and take effect following his opponents reacted accordingly creating no discrepancies with their own tactical movements as Kutari surveyed the coming army and surrounding area thanks to the flat terrain for any indications of another attack or foreign component, utilizing his various senses to make up for any blind spots or indicators. If an unexpected agent suddenly arriving or spawning in the fold, Kutari changing his tactics in sight of the new stimuli and acting to compensate, prepared with the entirety of his focus and awareness to triumphing in this battle.  

Combat Stuff:

Last edited by Kutari Uchiha on Sat Jul 13, 2019 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total
Madrigal Kaguya
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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Re: Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Thu Jul 04, 2019 4:50 am
As the light particles formed into Valen Akari, the point of origination starting from his head, an attack would be launched against him. An attempt to kill him before he could even arrive. Such attacks were the hallmark of a shinobi, the bread and butter of the trade. It was to be expected, and yet Valen had made the mistake of teleporting to the entrance of the chasm, rather than into the village itself. How was he to know an army would be outside of it when he arrived however? The attack that was coming toward him, a great arm of sand, would thrust itself through the air at it’s stated speed. The army behind it following along at it’s previously stated speed as well. However, since the encroaching army would only have managed to travel a maximum of twenty meters at a speed of 100 before the claw would have supposedly struck him. The great arm of the one tail would not be able to reach him before he formed, only being able to reach a point of about thirty meters away from the coalescing lights at best. It’s speed, double that of the army, and as such able to travel twice the distance, give or take a meter or two. An impressive speed, but not fast enough to stop the Lord of Light’s arrival. His body, legs, and feet, the entirety of him really, would form well before the claw would be able to reach him. They only had to travel two meters down at 150 speed after all. As he arrived though, his senses would scream at him, but not at the arrival of the one known as Xyxer, but due to the bijuu chakra he could sense, due to the usage of a tailed beasts chakra. It was hard not to recognize, having fought one himself. His instincts would kick into high gear as the voice of his own tenant echoed through his mind ‘Valen’ it would say, simply stating his name to warn him of a presence. They weren’t on the best of terms due to it’s lies, however this was no longer a laughing matter.

The great cloak of a mastered jinchuriki would engulf him, his abilities increasing massively due to the boost in power the golden cloak gave him. As the power formed around him, he would be turning in place, finding the back of a shinobi behind him, an identical copy of said shinobi nearby, and a large army outside of the gates. Valen’s golden coloured eyes would narrow as he quickly took in the situation and raised his arm without a moment’s pause. Of the two identical individuals he saw, one would definitely be closer to him, almost bumping shoulders actually, but not quite. His hand would touch the back of the individual, his maximum speed of 200 being extremely useful here. As he made contact he would immediately activate his Fade Out jutsu, while augmenting it with the golden eyes of the Akari Clan, this would boost the power of the jutsu to its absolute maximum of 300 and the speed of the technique would occur at 250. The point of origination would be Valen’s center of being, radiating outward from himself, engulfing him and his companion, transforming them into light particles and sending them out of this reality, where they would no longer be seen, heard, sensed, or be able to be attacked. While at the same time, still being able to see, and hear all that was going on.

Should this succeed, Valen would take his hand from the back of his passenger, contact not being necessary once the passage  to the other reality was complete. “When I left to go to Hoshi on Kenshin’s behalf everything was fine. So of course it’s right when I teleport back that there happened to be an army led by the Mizukage outside of the damn gates. I figured you’d rather not be overrun and killed. So I brought you with me, they cannot see us, hear us, sense, nor can they even know we truly exist anymore in their phase of reality. We can easily leave so long as I maintain the jutsu, and I suggest we do so. I can take us to a safe place. I figure Kenshin informed you of me and my teleportation abilities. So I have to give you my thanks for guarding me. Should you wish to come with me, we can leave. Or you can travel with me as far as the borders and go your separate way. This however is not my fight, so I'm leaving.” He would say, already moving away from the village and the encroaching army, he would keep his speed even with Kutari’s should he choose to follow, however it wasn’t hard to realize that going back to that battle was suicidal.

[Attempted Exit]

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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Re: Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Mon Jul 08, 2019 1:53 pm
The light particles formed around the sand like talons, the pieces that weren't removed from existence falling downward onto the sandy ground with soft thuds. Only the left hand side of the upper body remained upright, held aloft by the claw that had pierced through the back of the head. A grimace came across the features of Takeo, only for a brief moment however. There was another matter at hand. Within the view of his white eye he saw another who stood within the chasm that made up the entrance of the village. A single man it seemed, a lookout more than likely. As the body had finished forming to finality around the talons of the hand of Shukaku it would turn it's attention toward the other individual. It would detach itself from the stream of sand, travelling forth on it's own talons outstretched in the attempt to pierce through the body of the man who stood within the chasm should they make no effort to evade the attack. They stood forty meters from the entrance of the chasm, Takeo himself now being within forty meters of it on the opposite end, though his body still out of line of sight from within the chasm. His white eye would continue to keep an eye on the rest of the village, observing briefly if anyone else were to come toward this section. The army would likely continue it's advance, moving out to do what it had intended to do before the arrival of the mysterious corpse.

Takeo himself would venture up onto the walls with the rest of the grunts that would go about their orders as directed by the Mizukage. Scaling the side of the wall with the tree climbing technique thingy he would continue to keep an eye on what was to come, as well as the individual that was within the chasm to see what they would be doing. Unless there was something else required of him at that point he would simply wait about as the army went and destroyed the rest of Sunagakure or something like that. Unless there was something that would require Takeo's own action it would be best to leave it to the peons in his mind, let them have their fun for now. After travelling all this way they deserved at least something.

Madrigal Kaguya
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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Re: Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:50 am
TWC: 2944

I accept this with mild regret toward the stories I won't get to finish on him. However, this is the way of things at times. Obviously, no claims, well played Tak. I fucked up beautifully there. This post was really just to add up to total word count and slap it on the thread for the record.

Thank you Gary, for taking the time to battle mod.
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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Re: Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:21 pm
Grains of sand spew from the ground as if beckoned by a higher power, moving in such a way as if they were millions of ants that happened to partake in a coke binge. The act of god ripped through the outskirts of the village, with Xyxers eyes lagging behind due to the sheer speed of which it could move. Such inability to follow a high speed target was dangerous to ones life, even if the one who had command over such an element was considered by many to be your brother. That was when the destination of the sand became clear, and a figure emerged from the light.

Immediately, an orange veil of chakra bubbled from the skin and armour of the Conqueror, clinging to his form as an exoskeleton that would match Takeos own, albeit with plenty more tails than his brother, and the addition of two pointed oxen horns at his own head, accentuating the helmet he wore. A single eye burned with the fiery hatred of a Uchiha once slain, malforming into its supreme form, one unattainable by many, yet long since bestowed upon the Tadashi. An intricate jagged pattern formed the iris, stretching outward.

Takeo had started his movement up along the side of the wall, which Xyxer would accompany a few feet to his side, perhaps even walking slightly ahead of him atop the wall. In his spare hand, a single kunai was retrieved with wire wrapped around the handle.. The rest of the army continued their endless advance as previously suggested while they closed in on the village, now moving ahead of the twins through the gap that acted as an entrance.

[100 Speed + 25 Hozuki BL speed + 60 MS RT + 60 base RT + 70 V1 cloak = 300 RT
195 Speed movement

-10 AP for EMS
+70/+70 to spe/str - +15 to nin power
-70 AP for V1 Cloak

280-80=200 AP left for Samehada]
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Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction] Empty Re: Night of the Drowning Men [Village Destruction]

Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:20 pm
Post voided

Last edited by Kenshin Uzumaki on Fri Jul 19, 2019 3:16 am; edited 1 time in total
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