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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:17 pm
What he remembered of the large slobbering oaf would somehow outdo himself in his stature as he seemed to grow over ten times larger than what he once was, though oddly enough it was clear what he once reigned supreme in fat would be replaced with muscle due to his efforts over the years, and he lived gregariously much more than he once lived as. It was clear what the reason would be: his power. Once his main competition, aka Kutari, had disappeared he only began to gain more influence and grow in his strength, and Gidyne must admit he was beginning to become quite the strong Shinobi, he could sense such a thing. Though the man certainly had much more to go, it was obvious he was one of the kings within these lands thanks to his ability to dominate and hold success over others.

Though the main question still remained in the room: How exactly was Tatsu alive? The man looked beyond healthy, and he knew the dose he slipped into the man’s drink was lethal beyond belief and would bring multiple horses into a comatose with one dose, the hatred for the man would’ve consumed Kutari as he made sure to exceed the serving amount. Though now it seemed such a fuming hatred and unexpected turn of events may lead to a promising relationship reuniting Tatsu would likely never expect.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Tue Dec 15, 2020 11:57 pm
As he considered in which way he would go about interacting with Tatsu, without giving away his current or previous persona in the process as surely it would do more harm than good, he would be brought to a troubling situation. He knew he needed to converse with the man, even if he wasn’t the strongest in the district he certainly was formidable and had prestige and reach due to his efforts training over the years, though a simple wanderer coming out of the blue and wishing to gain his skills and have him assist in the plans for Kumogakure wouldn’t be anywhere near effective or useful in the moment. As Tatsu looked around egging on his comrades, he’d see the mark of a scarred beast as it vehemently grazed his face, one of his eyes covered in scars and a clouded hue as it seemed he lost sight in it. The man would look paler in the face, though healthy based upon his actions and active measures in the area. He wondered if it had to do with the poison he slipped to Tatsu, not fully killing the man but certainly augmenting his fate. Taking another sip of his drink, he’d rise as the festivities began to rev up.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:56 pm
He would begin to walk towards the group of drinkers as he weighed his options, going for a more direct approach would be a high risk as there’d be a likely chance of them questioning him and believing him to simply be a lunatic, or making enemies in the process of trying to make allies. They clearly were feared in these parts and likely had egos to match, with the way people carried themselves in the tavern and avoided their space, even the bartender was frightened and only interacted with them briefly to accommodate their wishes. If it wasn’t for the fact they were so lively and wrapped in their own conversations surely the repugnant animosity the bartender showed to them would be noticed and they’d take action violently, they likely did something cruel to the man and completely saw him as another one of the flock. It was sickening to witness, knowing these people were who he would’ve been if he didn’t go out on a leap of faith and depart from these lands, oblivious to all things yet believing they were above all that was around them. He wondered if it was truly necessary to seek out their help given they were just like what he could’ve been and he detested the fact, though he knew in the long run it would benefit his cause.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:15 pm
Before he knew it, he stood behind the lads who were making a ruckus in the tavern, and without coming off as too ominous would carry a charismatic smile about himself as the character always portrayed. In but a short time they took notice of his presence and turned around, eyeing the undercover Kage and taking him for some weirdo that had issues with them, and of course as the animals dictated they wished to assert their dominance. Rising from their positions, they aimed to heckle Gidyne and began to harass him where they stood, pushing him around and surrounding the man. As the tavern watched, fearful of what was to come and almost praying the man made it out alive, they’d begin to notice a slight issue in what was taking place in front of them, completely different from the normal script. Instead of Gidyne cowering in fear as the locals would dictate happens to people that mess with Tatsu and his gang, it was the reverse as the crew remained shocked and clearly frolicking with fear as Gidyne looked with a honest smile staring deep into Tatsu’s eyes. The monster reigning from the abyss would’ve been sickened on them as his display of power would be supreme, and soon it’s craving of bones to add to it’s carnivorous mass would envelop the fools around him, the frail ones passing out due to the density of his might while only a few remained conscious though still unable to move.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:11 pm
Gidyne didn’t wish to cause issues or be hostile in this situation but instead come peacefully, however as his persona and the situation dictated there’d never be a time for him to handle things kindly in this world. Regardless, he now had what he wanted: an audience with Tatsu. He’d take a seat in the stool Tatsu once sat in, ordering a drink as the boys behind him cowered in fear, some now beginning to enter the fetal position as the oozing mass of black frantically aimed to tear them apart. The sorrowful state of the buffoons who dare try to heckle the Raikage would come off as amusing to the townsfolk who watched, finally seeing all the pain and suffering they’ve experienced being answered back in volume. Though simultaneously they feared for what this meant, a new person that suddenly arrived in the district and caused such mayhem all of a sudden, was he simply another conqueror that would make their lives another level of hell, overwhelming the previous bar in which Tatsu’s men set? Or did he have other matters and was simply a wanderer that fought for the people. Neither would be true in Gidyne’s eyes, as he finished his drink and would turn to face Tatsu who was fueled with fear though staring at him still.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Sun Dec 20, 2020 11:50 pm
“Now that you understand a glimpse of who I am, I have a proposition for you.” Fear and disgust would fuel the man who knelt before him, though he was listening intently, be it fear for his life if he were not to cooperate or intrigue in this sudden offer for him and his crew. He certainly didn’t wish to go about these actions to get their attention, since it would bring a lot of issues and feel like less of an organic relationship, though in the time he’s been away from the black market something became apparent to Gidyne that developed within Tatsu: he had reached the same road Kutari was on long ago before his departure. He questioned whether this was all that meets the eye of the world, if he actually held the pinnacle of strength men desired or if it was all an illusion, finally cultivating himself to be on par with what Kutari was ages ago. He likely heard of the various adventures the likes of Kutari went on in time, and the various things accomplished by Sunagakure and wondered what laid on the other side of the horizon. A greed would fill his grin as his true desires were shown.

WC: 207
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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Mon Dec 21, 2020 11:23 pm
Gidyne would beckon Tatsu to follow him outside, so they could discuss more discreetly. He’d have a drink with him as he walked out, some nice velvet wine as they went outside to a nearby alleyway he hadn’t seen in months now. Tatsu would look to be in fear, beginning to question the situation whether this was actually an opportunity or a personal vendetta for something he’s done in the past, he could clearly identify Gidyne was the superior and he was at the very mercy of his dictation. This would enrage Tatsu, as Gidyne expected having been in the same shoes as him before therefore being capable of assuming where his mental would lie, and his words would clearly showcase such frustration as he knew he was outmatched. A sly smile would cross Gidyne’s face as he already knew he had his interest, such was the same for Kutari back in his days. From there he’d begin to speak about the future, and entice the man with his interest to grow and seek out the outside world. As he spoke, just as expected, Tatsu’s glee would clearly showcase itself and become overwhelming for even he to hide away his passion.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:54 pm
Gidyne would remain brief and discreet about his intentions and his true backstory, after all despite being a powerful adversary he was sure it’d be unlikely to believe a Kage of one of the major villages left his residence, traveled such a far distance and came to be in front of this Missing Ninja who could barely even compare to be his equal for the meantime. The man who stood before him was utterly massive and overtowered the Kage, yet such physical traits meant nothing in the eyes of a Shinobi. What he promised was not riches, but fame and the ability to improve oneself greater than what was expected, and though he didn’t specify what all could be achieved he utilized what he knew of his earlier days against Tatsu, manipulating the man about the difficulties of a rogue life and the state he was currently in surely not being any better then what Gidyne could offer. He might not be defined in history as a hero depending on his actions, though he could certainly test his limits and soar greater than where he was currently taking petty jobs and being the scum of the earth. Or at least that’s what he figured would be the case, and of course, he was right in Tatsu’s true feelings.

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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:34 pm
“I’ve traveled a vast distance in order to bring together a band of warriors that could assist me in nurturing and drawing out the strength of those who’ve fallen out of grace with their roots and becoming nothing more than soft babies. I’m sure this request is a peculiar one, as usually given the situation you’d be tasked to take away the riches of such unfortunate and lackluster souls for your own benefit, instead being asked to assist them and help build them from the ground up. However, there’s a different variable to these people that’s unorthodox from others of this same variety, so much so I’ve been inspired by them to lend a helping hand to see how they could shape to become in the near future, whether they like it or not. Though of course, you’re a criminal and I’m aware of this fact, and you have no ties to the village in which I’m enlisting your help. Though a sizable amount of ryo to ease your troubles, alongside a lax structure to go about participating in your own adventures and killing when authorized should calm that need, so long as you continue to provide proper forces and formidable adversaries. It’s been known for a while now Missing Ninja are stronger than the villages, though it’s only a matter of time before they remain supreme again and more organized. What say you to get ahead of the flock and make friends with a village now? If we fail, you’ll have a fatter wallet and no allegiance, though if the villages succeed I’ll certainly remember this service you did for the future to come, and you’’ definitely want me as an ally.”

WC: 284
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The Watcher's Reinstatement - Page 2 Empty Re: The Watcher's Reinstatement

Thu Dec 24, 2020 11:05 pm
The air was tense as Gidyne laid out the foundation of their new potential arrangement, Tatsu’s face had shrunken from excitement to a keen and calculating look, shaping up to be the Raikage figured he’d be as a result of his experience and recognizing a man with potential. He was in a bit of a predicament - not fearing being defeated by the band of Missing Ninja in the area, however the status he’d receive if Tatsu declared him an enemy and how much more difficult his mission would become. The opposing gangs could be considered sheep in the sense, following the beckon of the shepherd especially if they hold the majority of the power. He had a lot riding on this deal, on top of the lucrative offer he was giving to a man he hadn’t known for years, and what worse was his true identity if ever exposed would likely send Tatsu on a frantic rage of hate and disgust, wishing to exact revenge on one of his most hated adversaries and the man who permanently altered his face with an assassination attempt years ago. Without a doubt he hated Kutari, which made the irony of this situation all the more entertaining in a sense.

WC: 206
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