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Taichi Uchiha
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A letter to the Ragdoll Empty A letter to the Ragdoll

Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:08 am
Taichi knew what he was doing in Suna. He wanted to begin bringing the people away from the village of Suna. He wanted t bring people closer to the light of Odin and his Valkyries. He knew of the opening in the land of Konoha, the opening for the position of Kage, and he wanted to put someone that he could likely control into that position. Unfortunately the one that Taichi had chosen had strong ties to his village, like he had once upon a time, and was shot down quite quickly from that man from Suna. 

Taichi had been racking his brain trying to figure out just how he was going to move forward from the poaching that he had attempted, he had just tried to steal from his own home village, and he could not let himself forget about it. He decided that he was going to write the Kage a letter, explaining to him what he had done and why he had done it. Their relationship had been built on honesty from the very first time he and Kenshin had met in the training grounds all those years ago, so this was his decided course of action.

He used his wood chakra to create himself a slab of tightly woven wood fibers, creating a parchment type substance. He reached into his bag and grabbed himself a pen and began staring at the parchment before him. He eased his shoulders and faced boldly at the page before him, before he began to write.

Dear Kazekage Kenshin,

It comes with a heavy heart that I must confess something to you. Upon my most recent visit within the walls of Sunagakure. I performed an act of treason. I attempted to persuade a member of your Jounin forces to join me on my travels. I was going to aid him in the pursuit of power by getting him into the position of Hokage in Wan’s absence. You can be rest assured that you rmember showed great steadfastness in his loyalty to you and the village you both reside. I was pleased as well as surprised that even with the topic of power being the topic at hand, your shinobi held strong to his convictions. I do ask with hat in hand, that you would consider forgiveness to me and my acts. 

Taichi Uchiha.
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