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Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Fri Jan 15, 2021 10:55 pm
Nothing more than a smirk would cross over his expression as the young Hyuuga asked in disbelief about what he was tasked to finish in one hours time- Zaine had every bit of faith that he would figure out a way to do it and knew that with his current arsenal he would most likely lean towards the utilization of the shadow clone technique. It was his hope that Souji would make use of this technique while trying to manifest fire chakra so that when he attempted to do so normally, he would have already been exposed to a more strenuous position for molding the chakra nature. This method of splitting up his chakra and effectively having him try to "walk and chew gum at the same time" was an equivalent to strapping weights to his chakra- the more he continued to practice molding, focusing and expelling chakra while he only had a third of his pool to work with, the easier it would become. There was also the added benefit that Zaine would not spoil for the teen and would instead wait until he chose to dispel the jutsu- upon doing so he would gain all of the training that had been done by his other clones which would serve as a compounding mechanism for his training, effectively tripling his results. He smiled at the thought of what this was all for and would not hint at it to Souji, though he did wish he could be more honest with him- in time, once they were able to meet with their other teammates, he would make everything clear to him.

He watched on as events unfolded just as he had expected- a moment of clarity displayed itself on the face of his apprentice as he made the clone handseal and began to utilize the newly taught jutsu in tandem with one another. The process seemed to be a bit.. unrefined at first but sooner than later, the original Souji managed to pull off the technique and from there began to educate his clones on what they needed to do in order to use the jutsu. His explanation of water was rather simple, but correct in practice, however his definition of fire left much to be desired- Zaine couldnt help but raise his right eyebrow as he listened to what the original Hyuuga proposed the other two should do in order to be successful. "He wants to weaponize his hate of the elements fundamental property in order to utilize it? Thats... strange and possibly problematic but its crazy enough t-" His thoughts would be interrupted by the raging flames expelled in unision by the trio, a marvelous sight that brought both pride and happiness to him. "To work. I gotta hand it to him, he's got a lot to learn about himself but he has a pretty good compass for learning jutsu." There was still much to do however, this small victory would need to be paired with 297 more successful fire style executions and that was exactly what transpired over the next hour.

Beads of sweat dropped from his brow as he watched the last fire style jutsu burn out- the heat from the boy's power was excellent and when multiplied by three it was nothing short of fierce. He would uncross his arms and walk slowly towards the original, making sure to note the stand off positioning of the clone that glared at him with a smile- quickly, he returned his gaze to Souji and placed the palm of his right hand on the boys sweat filled and messy hair. "You never seem to disappoint Souji, yes that which you have been taught is an E rank in power! Well done. You took my challenge in stride and made it so we don't have to sit out here all day sweating our asses off. More than that, you can officially use the fire style at will. This is a power that you'll use to grow stronger for the rest of your life, cherish it and respect it so that it will always be at your side as a resource rather than curse." The tomoe in his eyes would begin to spin violently around his constricted pupil as he turned away from Souji and removed his hand from his head- this phenomenon occurred whenever he motioned to utilize a jutsu that he had copied from someone and it just so happened that he was gearing up to show his new student the only jutsu that he had ever copied from his father, Izuhara Uchiha. "Watch closely now. I'm about to provide you with the staple of the Uchiha Clan, next to the Shraingan. The very jutsu that this symbol on my back represents, the fan constantly giving rise to the very flame that is, Uchiha" At a speed of 125 he would fly through the handseals Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Tiger, maintaining the Tiger handseal and inhaling with gusto before releasing the chakra he had built up and funneled through his body from his mouth in the form of a fireball approximately 20 meters in diameter. The field around them became painted with the bright golden orange radiance that emanated from the blast- the ground 10 meters in front of them was lit ablaze as he angled his head upward to shoot the fireball diagonally into the air at a speed and power of 75. The heat initially felt would be enough to multiply the sweat from both shinobi by 2 while the force from the blast being expelled was enough to force their hair to whip violently in the opposite direction of it's trajectory. The fireball flew for 50 meters through the sky before fizzling out and all that remained of it were the charred bits of earth that now lay where grass once stood. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu. I trust you'll be able to find some use for it, Souji." He said as he turned to the boy, a confident smile upon his face, much like the one his father gave him upon first showing him this same technique. "When you're ready you can give it a try, just make sure to aim it upwards. If water style of that rank can level part of the forest, I shudder to think of what this will do."  


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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:52 pm
3 sets of pearlescent eyes focused on the movements of the Uchiha and the chakra that was within him. Zaine, he gave Souji praise kn his execution, although his thoughts (Souji's) was that he could have done better, perhaps this was him being critical of himself, as always. Something that despite his grown in behavior and skill, he maintained a hold of. Seeing no reason to maintain the jutsu for the clones, he would disperse them one by one. Upon doing so his mental was flooded with a coarse of knowledge times 2. His eyes would widen as he took in this information rapidly. It it was as if he trained longer and more intensely than he actually had. There was an understanding, a better realization of the element and technique collectively. "Was this...was this what Zaine Sensei wanted me to learn about using the shadow clones? I've never experienced anything quite like it before. I can utilize this to grasp a better understanding over my jutsu." He thought, focusing his gaze in the Uchiha.  

"Staple of the Uchiha clan?" He repeated, the weight of the words were powerful enough obtain his full attention, as if the veins around his eye surged greater. He wondered what that jutsu could have been. His eyes took note of the seals that were formed. Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Tiger, acknowledging the fact that the seal for the Tiger was preserved. The Byakugan looked over the body of Zaine as his chakra kneaded and coarse through his body. From his mouth expelled a ball of fire, 20 meters in diameter. Its intensity was enough for the boy to raise his hands to shield from the heat. Beads of sweat rolled down his face, his entire body even. As the range tinge a vibrant bittersweet, coral in comparison. The power and speed of the jutsu was enough to ferociously whip their hair and clothing about them. The leaves from the trees were painted with its influence. Even so, he could not stop looking, he could not. This technique was clearly important Zaine, and in kind, it was immediately so for him.  

As the ball of fire escalate to a fizzle, it was beautiful to watch. The display was brilliant. He turned his gaze over to the Uchiha, listening to his words that followed the jutsu, the name and the passing of confidence. The Hyuuga was still in awe, but he nods as he innocently blinked. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu? I know that one, I saw it before, I mean. ...Blaisa... someone I used to know, she was working on it. But..." Thinking back to when he saw her use the technique and comparing to Zaine's... "There is no comparison, not even in the slightest. So this is the jutsu of the Uchiha's foundation. Not even sure if someone like me, a Hyuuga, is worthy. But I suppose, if you believe that I am, I will have to take your word for it."  

Once given the go ahead to use the technique, he stepped forward and closed his eyes. Focusing replaying what he just witnessed mere moments ago. Pearl eyes once again revealed themselves. His hands formed seals, Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Tiger, the last seal maintained. Slowly, yet greatly he inhaled, merging the air he collected with his chakra linking. From his mouth, he words. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!" His aim was towards the heavens, taking heed of Zaine's advice. He liberated a thin stream of fire, 6 inches in width. Swiftly severing to doctor into a 10 meter by diameter sphere of intense flames. Its creation manifest a roaring that would disturb the air of the environment. Its tinge would mirror the same effects as Zaines, but on a lower scale. The massive orb of fire traveled at a speed and power of 50. The air around the ball of fire gushed and somewhat was swallowed and used as fuel. 30 meters was all that it could travel before losing its force and fizzling out of existence.  

Releasing the seal, Souji huffed. Turning to face Zaine, he would look for a sign of his approval, or even criticism...something. He wanted to see from him if he did well, or could have improved. "That wasn't as easy as I had expected. It wasn't nearly as big as yours was. Dammit, where did I screw up?" Although, he was impressed that his was bigger than Blaisa's when he saw her's. The back of his head, there as an itching to attempt the jutsu again, but he needed to curb that. He knew well how impulsive he can be, and to what that could lead to. An unhealthy obsession to master a technique. Perhaps this was the mental scarring of his past. The need to perfect in order to please and not be beaten or worse. His fingers twitched as he was feeling that odd and deep need to figure out the gap so that he could match Zaine's jutsu.

[WC: 845]
[Total WC: 7,865]

[Mid Thread Claim]
Fire Element - 1,000 (Zaine taught)
Fire Stream - 125 (Zaine taught)
Great Fireball - 750 (Zaine taught)
[V7] Split Second - 1,125 ( 25% Discount)
Block - 750 ( 25% Discount)
Scattershot Technique - 375 (25% Discount)
Sticky Paper Adhesive Technique - 375 (25% Discount)
V7 Phoenix Flower - 750 (25% Discount)
Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique - 750 (25% Discount)
Hidden Mist Technique V7 [Towards Mastering - 643 [2357/3000] - [3000/3000] [Half Seals] - 796 [3796/4500]

Water Clone v7 - 176 [824/1000] - [1000/1000]

Genjutsu Release - 250 (25% Discount) [Mastery: No Seals]
Roy Goka
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:56 pm
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:03 am
A smile came over his face upon learning that his disciple had witnessed this jutsu once already and by the sound of it the jutsu had been executed by one of his former peers from Konoha- it gave him great joy to know that a technique as traditional and fundamental as this was still finding its way into the arsenal of the newer generation, "Blaisa you say? Thats an interesting name. Cant say ive ever met them but by the sound of it they were well versed enough in Fire style to use this technique. Is this a friend of yours? As for worthiness, dont concern yourself with such things. You're my student, anything in my arsenal that I feel you are ready for is fair game." Upon hearing his response Zaine was confident that without further hesitation his student would take the next step in his training and  execute the technique he had just been shown- he would take a few steps back and allow him the necessary room to get into a widened stance and prepare himself to try the jutsu. His eyes were focused on the boy as his tomoe began to spin only for a moment as he watched Souji chain together handsigns- it was quite a sight to see his naturalistic blue chakra become entangled with a new orange and red that formed in the pit of his stomach and worked its way up to his chest before exiting his mouth. The density of the chakra was undoubtedly of the B-Rank level and once again it appeared that the boy needed far less teaching than the average student in order to pull off higher level techniques. Zaine watched without moving as the fire took form and released itself from the body of his apprentice, taking the shape of a fireball ten meters in diameter- the force and speed of it clocked at 50 as it soared through the air in fashion much like the fireball that had been emitted previously by himself. The fireball would fizzle to an ember once it hit 30 meters of distance and this signified the limit that his pupil was at for the time being. "B-Rank execution on his first try. Hes starting to take some of the fun out of this. Is this what it was like for Raleth to teach me? I need some way to truly help him grow. But for now, he should just know how well he's doing."

A smirk accompanied by a soft nod would be awaiting Souji as he turned around to seek an assessment of his performance, "Very well done. I imagine it was a bit of a strain on your chakra pool to use but youll get used to it. You didnt do anything wrong, in fact one could say that you did a near perfect job seeing as this was your first time. You shouldnt aspire to be on the same level as me just yet although, if you want to test yourself, i'm always available to spar so you can benchmark your abilities." It was clear that this young shinobi desperately wished to increase his level of power and this became more and more evident every time that he witnessed a power beyond his own- such a craving for advancement could be the perfect thing to ensure that he kept climbing to greater heights but even with the slightest deviation it could also end in him heading down a dark path. Yes, a dark path fueled by a myriad of emotions that will serve no other purpose than to destroy- a hypothesis was already growing in the mind of the red eyed Jounin as he recalled the concerning facial expressions of the shadow clone Souji had dispelled. "Keep in mind that im not just here to funnel jutsu into you like some sort of machine. Along with these techniques, you need to develop ideas of how you plan to advance as a shinobi. I understand that revenge is one of your primary objectives but what about your new team mates? Where do they fit in to all of this for you?" "He needed to press this question to find out how the mind of his student was forming and what path he was starting down, for more than anything Zaine refused to allow his prized student to end up like his older brother.. cut down by "That" man and leaving nothing behind but disgrace for his loved ones. No, he would ensure that Souji would have the means to make the right decisions for Zaine was no longer a child and he had the power now to direct the flow of his loved ones progression. 


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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:11 pm
"A friend? Blaisa?? Don't make me laugh, Zaine sensei. She's the direct opposite of that, extremely annoying, utterly impulsive and reckless, too tall for a girl and on top of that she is a weirdo. And did I mention I caught her snooping on me one time? Yeah, she's a complete nut case..." His words explained how he saw her, but one could easily take those very same words and read deeper into the emotion that accompanied them. Souji's flustered cheeks, and his immediate rejection of the term friend would hardly go unnoticed. In a hurry the boy motioned away to begin his execution of the jutsu.  

Afterwards the boy listened to his teacher's praise and advice. Souji couldn't help but to give his sensei a stare... wondering if he was always like this? kind. He was nothing shy of polite and full of encouragement. Something like that seemed to fall short on Souji. These were new things and experiences for him...never really being on a pleasant end of a adult make teacher. Although, his father was the only teacher that he had know. But compared to him, Zaine was...Zaine was refreshing. "Spar? Hmph... you know what, now that you've mentioned it...the thought crossed my mind a few times since yesterday. So, what do you say? Want to give it a go?" He inquired, wiping sweat from his brows as he gave a smirk, one of confidence and anticipation of his teacher's answer.  

What came next was enough to pause Souji. He was asked a complicated question, one that he himself did not consider. Exactly how did he plan to advance as a shinobi? After it was all over with, how will he move forward once his revenge comes into reality...would he stop there, he didn't know. And where did his teammates fit in with him... it was hard to say... though, Sebastian was considered his best friend, he didn't give that much thought either. He had yet to meet his other teammate, wasn't even sure if Sebastian already met them either. Little did he know, that when they did meet, a rivalry within the sand would spark with a glance.  

The air around Souji would take a noticeable shift. His mind would dwell deeply as he thought about the future to obtain an answer for his sensei. What kind of man did he want to be? What kind of shinobi? Friend? Son? These were the questions he asked of himself as his mind worked to stroke the canvas until a picture was clear. He didn't want to be someone that was feared, that only lead to eventual hate. He didn't necessarily wished to be loved by everyone either, that lead to envy and/or jealousy. He wanted to be the best at what he could do, but not so much that he had no room to grow further. He understood that singlehandedly it was not impossible to obtain...but, it would be worlds easier to have some help...Mizuki, Zaine, Sebastian, Asahi...Blaisa. These people would make a difference in the molding of this Hyuuga to a degree that he was unaware of himself. As he looked beyond the veil of his undetermined future, he would notice a sliver of who he, desired to be. A man that stood at six feet, long flowing black hair with a set of lilac eyes that washed over any and everything that they focused on. His presence was not one of nonchalance, or invest - but balance, perfect harmony of his mind, body and soul. Tranquil in his walk, confidence in his speaking and disciplined in his listening. These components would manifest a Souji that this world is not quite ready for in present time, or obtainable as of yet by him. But in due time he will be born and he will nourish the very land he walk upon and secure the hopes and dreams of those he deem worthy to protect.  

"I suppose... I want to be...someone more like you, Zaine sensei." He closed his eyes and released a genuine smile for the first time with this man. The atmosphere of the training grounds would be overwhelmed by the uncharacteristic nature of this boy, but find comfort in his truth. "But also, like Mizuki-san. Like Ogre, like our final member. And like...her." Trailing off at the end of his words. Pasted as his thought continued. "I guess I understand your question a bit more clearly now. At first, I was perplexed by it, but now I understand... No shinobi can accomplish something great by doing it alone. Shinobi were never meant to tackle a task singlehandedly. It is why we are placed in a group of three to begin with, collective efforts is what will help accomplish the unimaginable. I suppose I never looked at it that way, I couldn't care less for a team. I was raised to be a weapon, nothing more and nothing less. I am a tool to spill blood, to prevent the spilling of my master's blood." His tone shifted with that last sentence. As if he was quoting what was once said to him. "If that is true, I want to be a weapon for you all. I rather be my own master. If you must throw me back into the forge to reshape me, than I want you to do that will everyone else, every single person of this village. Make me better so that I cab better support you and everyone else. I only ask one thing..." He opened his eyes, his smile faded in size, but his smirk remained. The Byakugan staring right into the eyes of the Uchiha. "Just don't... just don't forget to tell tell me my efforts meant something." It was odd, that was both selfless and selfish at the same time.  

Souji was never once told that he was doing a good job as he was training in the leaf. He only ever was told of his mistakes and was punished for it. It wasn't until he came to the sand that he was appreciated for his efforts one after the next. It felt...nice, warming and comforting. The depths of his answer would have to come at another time, he was still sorting out the details of it, plus he felt himself getting rather emotional and he did not wish to cry again in front of Zaine. He would have to hope that his answer was enough for now. 

[WC: 1,095]
[TOTAL Thread WC: 8,960]

Mid topic claim 
Adding 1,000 wc to second affinity claim as a correction to learn Fire Element for 2,000 wc and not 1,000.
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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:20 pm
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sun Mar 07, 2021 4:49 pm
Laughter escaped from him as he couldnt contain his reaction to Souji's opinion of this "Blasia"- from the sound of it, he absolutely detested her but somehow his rant about how awful she was came off as slightly endearing. It was clear that the two had quite the past while they were both shinobi of Konoha and they were bound to cross paths again eventually. "Well! I guess I know to never bring her up. But maybe try to be a bit easier going when it comes to people and their quirks. Some of us just cant help it but im sure theres even some good to be found in this Blaisa girl." With a smile he would look up to the sky and continue to listen to the words of his young pupil who was surprisingly up to the challenge of a spar- Zaine was impressed by the drive the boy had as they had only just started to relax after battling elemental simians. "Tell you what. We can save the spar for another time. I love a good fight but I want to make sure that you have all the time you need to get strong enough so that I can really test you." 

His full attention was on Souji as he explained the type of shinobi and even person that he wanted to be like- he could hardly believe he was listening to the same person speak of their ideals when compared to when he had first met the boy. Truly, he had already grown into a fine shinobi and wasn't quite aware of it yet. "I truly feel I can entrust Souji with my will. Soon enough he'll have the power to ensure that his comrades arent put at risk and I won't have to worry one bit." "I will Souji. You're doing great so dont be too hard on yourself. Everyone sees your progress and you're making us all proud and I have confidence in the fact that you'll continue to do so." He would meet his student's smile with his own before standing up and motioning for Souji to take his hand for assistance with coming to his feet. "Lets head back. Im sure Mizu has had it with paperwork for the day so why dont we go surprise her and drop by. There isnt much else for me to teach you today anyways so I dont see any reason to over train." After receiving a response he would lead as the two exited the training field in the direction of the Spire. 

[TOTAL WC=6,818]


Utilizing Max Stat Bonus Discount 25%


  • Dust Release: Atomic Dismantling Armor [3,750/3,750]
  • Instant Transmission (Upgrading from A Rank to S Rank) Previous WC [2,650/3,750], [3,750/3,750] 
  • Split Second [1,875/1,875] 
  • 6,625 total WC used
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Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Sun Mar 07, 2021 8:43 pm
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Mon Mar 08, 2021 5:17 pm
The abrupt laughter from his sensei would leave the boy in pause. His facial expression taking more than one trip to expression the moment - first being a sudden flush of red around his cheeks, raised brows and widen eyes. Afterwards a twist of the face, furrowed brows and scrunching of his nose. Souji was clearly not pleased by his teacher’s response, though he would listen and take into consideration what he was taught about understanding other people’s habits. Thinking back on that day, she really was just monitoring him to learn how to better was actually, genius. His eyes fell to the ground as he accepted that he was perhaps being too hard on her back then... a dismissive sigh escaped him as he looked off to the left with no want of revisiting that period of his life. “Meh! Call it what you want, it’s still pretty weird if you ask me.” Replied the Hyuuga. 

Taking the hand of his sensei as he accepted the help to get to his feet, Souji couldn’t help by feel that he was somewhat stronger. Looking over himself as he stood and then back to his teacher he would smirk, understanding what he meant and his reasoning. Though, part of him couldn’t help but be a bit childish. “I get it, Zaine Sensei... if you’re scared just say that, haha. Wouldn’t want to go back to your mate and tell her you’ve lost to a child.” He snickered at the thought of the expression on his teacher’s face. It was then that he was told about how proud he was making everyone that left him speechless. Souji never had to experience something so genuine and satisfying before. It was truly...refreshing. He would nod and smile as he would process what was told to him. The idea of visiting Mizuki sounded nice, thus he would accompany his sensei without question. 

[wc 318]
[Total WC 9,278]
Tenketsu Burst V7 - [141/2250] - [554/2250]
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Igniting a New Flame (Souji) - Page 2 Empty Re: Igniting a New Flame (Souji)

Mon Mar 08, 2021 7:38 pm
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