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Ryouta Shinkou
Ryouta Shinkou
Stat Page : Ryouta's Log
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 71500

Doctor Help! Empty Doctor Help!

Tue Dec 15, 2020 7:39 pm
Mission Name: Medical assistance
Rank: E
Type: Support
Character Requirements: Genin or higher
Mission Location: Konoha, Hospital
Word Count Requirements: 500
Repeatable? Yes
Reward: 500 ryo

Task: A few Genin just returned from their missions, but not all of them made it out unscathed. Due to a lack of medical staff it is your job to make sure every harmed person is assigned to a doctor and if necessary to help treat superficial wounds.

Another peaceful day in the village of Konoha. With everything going on in the village, Ishi had always somehow found a way to keep himself busy. From missions to doing things with his sister, he made sure to keep himself pretty busy. He had been getting stronger and stronger the more he had trained or went on a mission, but even he knew that he had to take the time to help the other parts of the village as well. Speaking of the village's hospital was in dire need of help, and as an on duty ninja he felt like he could do some good trying to assist the doctors in their day to day lives. Packing up his usual clothing, he would set off to the hospital to sign up and hopefully make the process go faster. As he walked in, he could see stretchers for figurative miles as people waited to be treated. From mild injuries to severe, the doctors were running ragged trying to get all of this taken care of. One of the doctors stopped to see what he wanted, and once Ishi mentioned that he was one of the genin here to help the doctor immediately gave him a list of patients that had the easiest injuries to treat. His job was simple in that aspect as he began going around bandaging those with the minor injuries and even some moderate ones. Seeing what it was like out in the field when it came to missions only reminded him of those that he lost...and his resolve to become a stronger shinobi. He spent a lot of time talking to the injured shinobi to see what had happened and to also get abetter insight on the things he should avoid so that he didn't end up in the hospital as well. As time passed on he slowly became more aware of the dangers that awaited him in the field and thanks to these people it made him become slowly more aware of his own flaws that could potentially get him hurt. With his job somewhat done, he began to sign out and give his completed list to one of the nurses.

WC: 365
3 stats
1 AP
365 words towards Meiton stage 2
500 ryo
Goto Senju
Goto Senju
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : Goto
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 752950

Doctor Help! Empty Re: Doctor Help!

Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:59 pm
Not a day went by where Goto didn't have something to do. Where he successfully completed two missions, his village called upon him once more. News had spread and reached everyone in Konohagakure about a couple of Genin returning from a mission with injuries. Due to lack of medical staff the hospital was in dire need of a few helping hands. Many members of his clan were extremely talented when it came to the medical arts, so the Senju figured he couldn't stay behind. He figured it would yet be a new experience for him, one that didn't require the silver haired to collect lumber or clean rooms. With no time to lose he grabbed his stuff before heading to his destination, the hospital of Konohagakure.

Upon his arrival Goto noticed the situation wasn't as severe as he expected. Of course people still got hurt and were in need of medical assistance, but fortunately for everyone it seemed no lives were lost. The silver haired approached one of the doctors present, asking what he could help with. Receiving a list containing all the names of patients who still hadn't been treated, Goto began to attend to each and every one of them. He didn't even get the time to properly greet Ishi who was also called out to help. Gathering enough bandages to make sure he didn't run out Goto began cleaning the wounds to the best of his abilities. Asking all sort of questions in order to keep the conversation going, allowing the patients to keep their mind off what was going on.

A lot of time had passed, a lot of wounds had been cleaned. Checking the list to see if he missed anyone, the Senju noticed that every person had been treated. Taking a moment to breath, Goto started to think about everything he learned that day. Hoping today was able to prepare him for what was to come later.


(TWC: 323)
- 323 towards Water Release: Shuriken 876/1050 (283 and 270 trained here and here)
- Mission rewards (600 ryo: 500 + 100 Genin bonus, 1 AP)
- 3 stats
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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Ryo : 0

Doctor Help! Empty Re: Doctor Help!

Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:09 pm
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