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Warriors of Kangrinboqe  Empty Warriors of Kangrinboqe

Sat Dec 19, 2020 12:40 am
The shadows of a large rock poking out of the sand seemed to be the only object for miles amongst the expansive desert. Underneath it Raian yawned as he finally came awake from a cat nap. He had snuck away from the bustle of the sand village for a little bit and ventured a little ways out in the desert. A few days ago he had met a rather interesting person, a senju, Aoki was his name or at least that's what Raian had taken to calling him. And quite a philosophical demon he turned out to be. Though it was somewhat comforting to Raian, which was weird to him at the same time as he was not usually fond of having "friends". Even still, it was somewhat of a good feeling to be around someone who seemed similar even more so than Raians own brothers had growing up.

Climbing out from the rock and finally stepping out into the sunlight he looked around, squinting his eyes to lessen the strain as they adjusted to the sun's brightness. His main goal for this little venture was to find some mountain caves that he had heard some villagers gossiping about back at the village. Things and places like that always interested Raian cause he never knew what he might find, an ancient relic, a tomb perhaps, there was an infinite amount of possibilities. The mountains weren't in view due to the obscurity of the heat and dust kicked up by the wind, but even still Raian knew if he kept heading northeast he would find them eventually. Thud he continued onward, at full speed, the sand slowing him down a little as it shifted beneath his feet with each step. After a decently lengthy time of travel however the mountains he was searching for finally came into view. They weren't REALLY mountains in the normal sense more like condensed rock formations but even still, the treasures they may hold could be astounding.

Raian, focused chakra to his feet and climbed a good fifty or so meters up the first stone cliff face until he reached a ledge that was wide enough for him to stand on. As he looked out across the street ravine and the dozens of different rock formations that dotted it, he knew finding anything of value in such a wide area would be nearly impossible. "Oh well, the best part is the journey not the destination they always say." Raian though to himself as he continued climbing to the top of the rock. Once reaching the top, he leaped into the next one, and the next one, continuing on from rock to rock until he saw anything at all that caught his attention. It took what seemed like an eternity of uneventful sightseeing before Raian finally spotted his first cave. Climbing quickly down towards it after spotting it, he went inside, with high hopes indeed.

The cave entrance was quite narrow for someone of Raians size, but even still he slowly squeezed through it to find...

..a dead end.

Raian sighed as he stared at a dead end rock wall before turning around and heading back towards the exit to the cave. Upon exit, he stepped over to the edge of the cliffs and looked out at the rock formations another time. He was now at their heart, or what appeared to be the heart any way. It would be impossible to tell exactly where the "middle" of all this would be.

Raian slowly sat down on the very edge of the cliff, his legs dangling off as he allowed himself a small rest from his traveling. Soon after sitting down, Raian noticed a decent distance away another cave, however something was off about this one. The outer entrance of it didn't appear to be natural like the other caves in the area, and not only that, but it appeared to have markings on it. It was hard to tell with how far away Raian was from the cave, it could just be a mirage or that Raians eyes were playing tricks, even still Raian quickly made his way towards it to investigate. Upon reaching it, Raian quickly realized he hadn't been crazy and he had indeed saw strange markings on the outside of this cave. Raian could not understand them at all, they just looked like a bunch of slashes all grouped together into symbols. Raian figured that had to mean something though and he made a hard mental note of them as he excitedly bolted inside. In his excitement, or ignorance which ever, he actually hit his head on a jagged rock upon entering the cave. It was just hard enough to hurt and break the skin drawing blood.

He walked for about a hundred meters holding the top right side of his head to stop the bleeding from earlier as it hadn't quite halted yet before he finally came to a large dome shaped cavern in the cave. It was pretty open, and their seemed to be small amounts of light coming in from random places as Raian could still see, a little bit anyways. The cavern was mostly empty though, nothing of real value inside other than small circle in the middle of the "room" with one of the strange symbols inside. He knelt down right on top of it to get a closer, better look at it it. He reached out to touch it with the hand he had previously been holding his head with, the bleeding had stopped by now, and as he touched it something strange began to happen. The strange symbol began to glow, dimly at first but quickly grew to a brightness that blinded Raian completely. The light was actually so bright it causes Raian to physically reel back away from the strange symbol emitting it before it finally faded away as quickly as it had came.

Raian opened only one eye at first, peaking through his fingers as he kept his hand up just in case the light returned. After he realized it wouldn't, he finally, and slowly, approached the symbol again his eyes widened with sheer shock. "Whaaaaaaaaat the hell was that?!"" Raian questioned, rather loudly to himself. Just as he did so, the floor beneath him gave way dropping him down to another cavern. The drop hadn't been far enough to seriously injure Raian but even still, landing flat on the tailbone had hurt quite a bit. The pain from the fall caused Raian to quickly jump back to his feet, rubbing his own buttox to soothe away the pain. He finally stopped when he realized where he was now, his arms falling limb, and his jaw to as he stared down the entrance to what appeared to be a.. tomb? Of some sort?

He slowly made his way towards it, walking up a flight of about thirty or so stone stairs before he came to what was very clearly a door way. A rather large doorway, much larger than one needed for a human being, but a door way nonetheless. The doorway wasn't important to Raian however, as his gaze was fixated on the two statues that stood on either side of said door way. The statues appeared to be of large apes, clad in armor. "Well, now that's something you don't see everyday." Raian said out loud as he finally forced his open jaw closed. Moving away from the statues he continued inside now much more excited at how lucky he had been to discover such a place.

[Nature Energy Stacks 0 -> 1]
[WC: 1,267]
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Warriors of Kangrinboqe  Empty Re: Warriors of Kangrinboqe

Sat Dec 19, 2020 10:35 pm
Upon entrance to the mysterious place, Raian found himself in a large chamber like room. Five more of the ape statues were placed along the edges of the circular space, with a single totem in the very center. Raian stepped towards the totem and as he did so, it appeared as if it reacted to his presence opening up at it's center to reveal an apes head with a scroll held inside of it. Raian quickly retrieved the scroll, opening it to reveal more of the same symbols h had scene before. It was an interesting discovery but ultimately fruitless as he still couldn't read what it said.

Raian quickly realized something was different however, and the longer he held the scroll the more he almost felt as if it was influencing him in some way. Over the course of a few seconds the symbols changed to the point where Raian could read them.

"A true warrior proves himself in blood." Raian spoke aloud to himself, almost as if it on a zombified state before he shook his head violently getting back to his sense. Upon viewing the scroll afterwards the same unreadable symbols were now back in their original place on the scroll. "Woah.. that was kinda trippy." Raian thought to himself as he reached into the weapons pouch on his hip retrieving a kunai. As he stared at the kunai, he oddly felt as if he knew what he was supposed to do and yet he couldn't explain how. Continuing on with his motions, he put the kunai under his arm as he cut one of his palms before dropping some of the blood onto the scroll. After doing so he placed the scroll back into the apes mouth which afterwards sunk back into the totem. As it did so, the totem itself sunk into the floor disappearing completely. Afterwards the eyes of the five ape statues began to glow brightly, prompting Raian to step back away from the center of the room a few feet, not exactly sure what was coming or what was going to happen. A few seconds of charging up later and the apes all shined massive lights focused directly at where the totem once stood. The light they created was almost as focused as a laser yet nearly as bright as if Raian were staring directly at the sun itself.

Then all of a sudden.. the lights faded and where they had once been shining was now a massive ape clad in armor kneeling atop a large black seal that stretched throughout the room. He was breathing heavily at first but regained his composure as he stood up completely on two legs, his size massive coming in at what must have been four meters tall in height. The ape quickly noticed Raian off to the side and just as it did it returned to the normal stance a large primate like an ape would take on all fours. "You there, prophetic warrior, step forward'" the ape boomed in a loud deep voice, one that Raian was surprised he understood clearly.

"Woah.. you can speak the same language as I can huh big guy? That's amazing!" Raian spoke out loud in excitement as he listened to the beast and stepped a little bit closer to o him. The beast in response simply snorted, sort of disapprovingly, before continuing. "I am Zatar, of clan Fask, tell me young warrior what do you know of my people?" The ape spoke again stepping forward even closer to Raian so that they were a measly two meters apart. His eyes were huge and proud, the way he held his head up high reminded Raian of himself. It pained Raian not to have any response to the Apes question so he simply shrugged. In response the ape rolled it's eyes and did a type of, facepalm, manauver.

"I am a Kangi Warrior, we are a race of proud warrior "apes" as your kind have taken to calling us. What you have stumbled upon today, young warrior, is a chance to join the Kangi as a Valeund." The ape finally relaxed, sitting back against one of the statues as it spoke this time, Raian sitting across from it still at about two meters distance, "What's a.. Valeund?" Raian responded, trying his hardest not to sound ignorant in his questioning.

"Valeund is a title, it is what we call those of your kind who have earned the right to call us into battle. Your kind call it a summoning contract, but we don't see it as something so trivial. To us, the Vaelund are not just summoners who call upon our power when they need it. They are one of us, a fellow Kangi Warrior, a brother in arms if you will. Which begs the question, are you ready to face the final challenge and become a Vaelund?" The ape finally finished speaking, getting back onto all fours and walking straight up to Raian placing a large furry hand on his shoulder. The hand nearly covered Raians entire upper body but at that moment Raian felt a surge of excitement, a large smile breaking through as he screamed back to the ape. "Hell yeah! Bring it on!"

[Nature Energy Stacks 1 -> 2]
[WC: 880]
[TWC: 2,147]
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Warriors of Kangrinboqe  Empty Re: Warriors of Kangrinboqe

Sat Jan 02, 2021 7:36 pm
Zatar smiled, his large two front canines quote prominent as he stood to his feet beating his chest. "Excellent, young warrior, excellent! We must make haste to Kangrinboqe then!"[/color] The ape grabbed Raian by his arm lifting him up with no effort at all and dragging him along as the ape bit into its own thumb before slamming the bloodied palm down onto the space where the totem once stood. As he did so the seal that had spread through the chamber quickly retracted, seemingly into the apes palm. A blinding flash of light then once again came forth, and when it faded this time Raian was stunned to find himself on an entirely new place. He was in a forest now, a lush jungle type scene with large over hanging trees, thick vegetation and lush vines all over. He and Zatar stood now in a small clearing of grass, a large seal stretch out into a five pointed start with large candles at each point. Zatar then quickly sprinted through the brush still dragging Raian by one arm, "we must make haste to the central citadel to meet with Lord Vahallas!" The ape yelled with excitement as Raian struggled to keep his feet underneath him, and the strength of the creature feeling like it could pull his arm free from it's socket at any point.

After a little bit of travel through jungle and mud, they finally reached what appeared at first to be a stone age level village. Huts made of straw and mud dotted the land scape, however they were massive, enough to support large behemoth apes that walked amongst the streets of the little "town". As Raian and Zatar entered all eyes fixated on them before another ape eventually approached the two of them. He was very large as well, as large as Zatar was if not just ever so slightly smaller. He was wearing an outfit similar to Zatars and holding a large log as type of weapon. "Zatar! You better have a good explanation for this.. this blight you have brought upon our village." Raian sneered, taking one step forwards as if he was about to pounce on the large ape, which probably would not have ended well for him had Zatar not stopped him with a huge arm in his way.

"This human is here to participate in Valeund, you have no authority to stop it, he must see lord Vahallas." Zatar spoke sternly the other apes jaw dropping in surprise for a moment before he regained his composure. "So it's like that is it. Hmmmm.. we haven't had a worthy challenger in what has felt like centuries now. Very well then, lord Vahallas will be waiting for you." The opposing ape said before standing to the side and allowing them to pass. They continued through the village, towards the center where an extremely large temple was standing. Raian did his best to follow the beast Zatar up the many steps but they were nearly half his height making climbing them much more difficult. Once they reached the top, Zatar leaned over and whispered to Raian, "When we meet with Lord Vahallas you will do as I say or you'll get us both killed."

Raian shook his head and let out a simple, "fine" before they actually made their way inside. Once inside there were apes everywhere guarding multiple hallways, until they finally reached a large thrown room, torches all around and an extremely large thrown at the back of the room with two guards on either side. The guards to the throne were massive easily towering over even Zatar, but the ape sitting, the one that must be lord Vahallas made even them look small. Zatar kneeled at the center of the room, Raian simply stood there dumbfounded as Lord Vahallas rose out of his thrown, his ten meter tall body just a beast of a creation. "Who is this.. human.. that dares enter my house and disrespect me by not kneeling in my grace."

Lord vahallas' voice was loud, low, and intimidating, prompting Zatar to grab Raian and force him into a kneeling position rather quickly. One of the guards them leaned over and whispered something to Lord Vahallas, causing his eyes to widen before he actually started to walk towards them. "Zatar!" He said causing Zatar to shoot up, "what is the meaning of this. This human actually wishes to attempt Vaelund?! And you are giving him your seal? Is that correct?"
Zatar nodded nervously before speaking, "y.. yes my lord.. that's correct" he finally said.

"Hmph, very well then," Vahallas said waving to his guards for them to exit the large chamber before sitting back down onto his thrown facing towards them yet again, "so be it. If that's how it is, then by ancient traditions, I Lord Vahallas now declare Vaelund. You may begin as you wish Zatar." After speaking, Vahallas returned to a resting position, his head resting on one hand as he watched closely.

"Uh.. so what now?" Raian asked Zatar in a whisper. Zatar smiled, and got to his feat holding out a closed fist towards Raian who followed his lead getting back to his own fear. "A warrior always pays his dues in blood.. so you fight for your right of Vaelund." Zatar said. Raian was taken aback at first as he had never expected when he started this journey that he would need to fight one of these gigantic creature. At the same time however, the thought of it excited him and began to give him the idea that he may actually fit in here, thus he clicked fists with Zatar and a large smile was on his face as he did so. Immediately after bumping fists, Zatar raised both arms in the air and with a roar slammed them down hard attempting to crush Raian. He moved out of the way just in the nick of time though, as the fists came down onto the forums with a loud thud creating a small crater in the floor. "Well I'll be damned.. your actually trying to kill me!" Raian said out loud which caused Zatar to laugh before lord Vahallas spoke up, "silly human, this is no game, this is a fight to the end, you will fight until you either die or come out victorious. Now fight!"

Raian cracked his knuckles and then his neck and smiled before thinking to himself, "you want my everything? Fine." He then charged forward towards Zatar and as he did so Zatar once again raised his arms up in the air for another slam. This time though, Raian kept on charging and slammed directly into Zatars waist grabbing handfuls of fur in each hand and lifting with all his strength. "Wh.. what?!" Zatar said as he slowly lifted off the ground, then with a roar Raian fell backwards slamming the giant beast into the ground hard. Zatar quickly attempted to stand up, shaking his head to regain control of his mental faculties. Raina wasn't done yet however and rushed Zatar, throwing hard kick directly into his face causing him to fall backwards onto his back as blood gushed from his nose.

Raian, turned towards lord Vahallas and spoke with all the ego he could muster, "That good enough for..-", his speech cut off as he was suddenly lifted up by one of his legs suspended about a meter off the ground by Zatar. The expression on his face was blank as he spit out some blood and a tooth before throwing Raian across the entire thrown room and hard into the wall at the opposite end with enough force to crack it. "Your strong, for a human, but what? Did you think that was enough?" Zatar called out as Raian struggled to push himself to his feet the damage from that attack actually affecting him quite a bit.

Zatar charged him again though, cutting off Raians few seconds of recovery and forcing to roll to the side in a mere moment to avoid the charging ape. Zatar smashed into the wall hard cracking it even more and as he did so Raian jumped onto his back attempting to choke the giant ape. The ape grabbed Raian again however, and pulled him off now once again holding him by a leg. He swung Raian around preparing to throw him again this time however Raian was ready and formed a quick succession of handseals forcing a surge of lightning release chakra to burst forth from his body, his Chidori Nagashi technique. The lightning surrounding him, attacked Zatar, forcing him to drop Raian and causing him to screech in pain as he fell backwards smoke rolling off of the singed fur on his body.

Raian seized the opportunity and formed another quick succession of hand seals, forming a Chidori on his right palm. He rushed towards the still struggling, Zatar and thrust the chidori towards Zatars neck. His intentions were to decapitate the ape and he would have done so, but he was stopped by am even large hand which grabbed him by his torso and pulled him back flinging him. He slid across the ground to a stop, still on his feet, and looked up not noticing lord Vahallas standing over Zatar as he slowly got back to his feet, and with a smile face Raian a thumbs up. Afterwards lord Vahallas spoke, "that's enough young warrior, you don't need to kill this opponent, you've proven that you are not afraid to pay in blood like a true Kangi Warrior. You have my blessing and as Lord of these lands I declare this Vaelund, successful. Good luck young warrior, your now one of us." Lord Vahallas then stepped forward presenting a large scroll to Raian which Vahallas soon after unrolled. Inside was a ying yang type symbol with a black circle and a white circle. Zatar stepped forward wiping blood from his lip and smearing it into the white circle. He then looked back up towards Raian. "Sign the scroll with your very essence young warrior and we will be bonded. You will be able call me anytime my assistance is needed and I will treat you as my brother." Zatar said as Raian bit his thumb and smeared his own blood in the black circle.

"It is now done!" Lord Vahallas roared out loud, "I will now return you to your home land young warrior, but remember, we are your brothers now to and this is a family like no other. Represent the Kangi in all that you do young one." Vahallas said as he placed a large hand on Raians forehead, a blast of light blinding him before moments later he found himself back at the temple where he originally found Zatar. He took a few moments to get his bearings back before making his way out of the cave and back towards the sand village. "Well damn, what an interesting day this was." he though to himself as he traveled along, pleasantly surprised with today's events.

[Nature Energy stacks 2->3]
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[Exit | summoning contract signed]

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Warriors of Kangrinboqe  Empty Re: Warriors of Kangrinboqe

Sun Jan 03, 2021 11:35 pm
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