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Interrogating a Traitor  Empty Interrogating a Traitor

Tue Jan 19, 2021 2:21 pm

Gonk woke up to the persistent beep of his alarm clock. Slamming the top of it with his hand, Gonk slowly rose and stretched. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, Gonk stumbled over to his windowsill to look for a scroll. Upon seeing one, he opened his windowsill and grabbed the scroll, then walked over to his kitchen to fix up a quick breakfast. As he ate he broke the seal, and scanned the mission details.
“So,” Gonk thought, “I’m interrogating a fugitive caught at the borders, this could be interesting. But who’s this Nasu person, I don’t think I’ve met him before.” Gonk grabbed all of his ninja gear, then set off for the prison, where the man was being held. As he walked through the village he suddenly had a vague recollection of who Nasu was. They had attended the academy at the same time, but were in different classes. 
“What was he like?” Gonk pondered as he drew nearer to the prison. “I don’t think I ever talked to him, but wasn’t he supposed to be nice or something? Not the best choice for an interrogator. Well maybe I can teach him a few things about hardening your heart. Afterall, it’s the only way to survive as a shinobi.” As per usual, Gonk’s thoughts drifted to the plight of the Hoshigaki clan, which just put him in a worse mood. Gonk pushed open the door, and walked over to the front desk.
“Hi,” Gonk said to the woman sitting behind the desk, “I’m Gonk Hoshigaki, I was assigned to interrogate a fugitive found at the borders. He should be in interrogation room two.”
“Okay Mr. Hoshigaki,” The woman replied as she pulled out a piece of paper attached to a clipboard, “I’m going to need you to sign in here, and then you are free to interrogate him using whatever means you deem fit. The only request is that you leave him alive.”
“Alright, thank you,” Gonk said as he signed the paper. He then walked away from the desk and through the door leading to the interrogation chambers. He walked into the interrogators room and saw that it was empty. Through the one sided window, he could see the man sitting at a table. He was pale and skinny, with greasy black hair worn at shoulder length. Gonk was about to go in and start on him, but remembered his partner, who hadn’t arrived yet. Sighing, Gonk sat down in a chair, and waited for the arrival of Nasu.

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Interrogating a Traitor  Empty Re: Interrogating a Traitor

Tue Jan 19, 2021 3:33 pm
When Nasu's alarm went off this morning he was energetic as always. He got right out of bed and went to take a shower. When he was done his mom knocked on his bedroom door and said "sweetie what do you want for breakfast." Nasu quickly responded with "can I just have some eggs." Nasu then heads down stairs thinking to himself "let me go check the mail to see if I have any missions." Nasu's been waiting for his first mission as a gennin now for a while. To his surprise when he checked the mail there's a scroll in it. He took the scroll inside and went to go eat breakfast. When Nasu's mom saw him with a scroll she was very happy for Nasu and told him to open it. Nasu said ok and broke the seal. Nasu tells his mom "wow my first mission is an interrogation mission and I've got a partner too." "whos this partner of yours" Nasu's mom asks. Nasu says "my partners name is Gonk Hoshigaki. Hmm Gonk...Gonk... I know Gonk. We went to the academy together but we weren't in the same class though." Nasu's mom says "well eat up and get ready for the mission." Nasu quickly eats breakfast grabs his ninja gear and runs to the interrogation chamber not wanting to be late. Nasu sees somebody go into the interrogation building and all he could see of him was some shark like features. Nasu wonders to himself "Is that Gonk." Nasu makes his way to the front desk and sees a nice lady sitting there. Nasu went up and said "hi my name is Nasu Uchiha and I'm here to interrogate a fugitive who was found at the border. He should be in room 2." The lady looks at me and says "You look a bit to soft for this mission but who am I to judge. Mr. Hoshigaki just went in so you should see him there. I do have some paperwork I need you sign though before you go  in." Nasu starts to fill out the paperwork and then hands it back and asks "what's this paper work for." The lady then said "It's just in case you guys do anything wrong that it will be held against you and that if you die it's not our fault." Nasu says "ok I guess that makes sense. Is there anything I should know before I go down there." The lady then says "I almost forgot you can get information out of him by any means necessary but we ask that you please keep him alive." Nasu says "what happens if he dies in the process." The lady responds with "lets just say that's what the paperwork you signed is for."  Nasu then walks down to interrogation room 2 and sees Gonk just sitting there. Nasu looks at him and thinks "he has pink hair like me but its a bit brighter and I was right that it was him walking in earlier because he has many shark like features." Gonk starts to spin around in the chair and sees Nasu just staring at him. Nasu thinks to himself "this is going to be awkward." Nasu quickly introduces himself and says "hi Gonk I'm your partner for this mission. My name is Nasu Uchiha. I don't know if you remember but we went to the academy together. Also I know I might seem a bit nice for a mission where you need to be everything but kind but when it comes to protecting our village I don't have a nice side."     

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Interrogating a Traitor  Empty Re: Interrogating a Traitor

Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:15 pm
Gonk had been sitting for around a minute before his partner arrived. Gonk immediately turned his head away from the traitor who he was watching and examined his partner. Nasu seemed to be shorter than Gonk, and had spiky pink hair. Gonk stood up and stuck his hands in his pockets.
“Hi Nasu,” Gonk replied, emotionless, “I remember you. Look, if you mean what you say, great, but if not, I would be more than happy to do the dirty work. Now come on, we should get to work." Gonk opened the door to the room and calmly walked over to the table where the traitor sat.
“Hello,” Gonk said to the man, flashing his shark like teeth. “My name is Gonk, and this is my partner Nasu,” Gonk said as he slowly circled the table. “We’re going to make you talk, got it?” To this, the man just sneered and turned his head. Gonk grabbed the man's chair and violently spun it so he was facing Gonk again.
“I said we are going to make you talk. I’m not afraid to resort to means that would be unpleasant for you.” As he said the last bit, Gonk moved his hand to rest on the hilt to his katana. To this, the man sneered and said “Do your worst! What can a little brat like you do to me?” As soon as these words left the man's lips, Gonk drew his katana and made a thin slash across the man's right cheek. The cut wasn’t very deep, but it still bled some.
“That was just a warning, I’m more than willing to go much, much further. Now I want you to start talking. First off, why did you leave the village?”
“You don’t scare me you little twerp, but I’ll tell you this one. This village stinks now. Ever since Xyxer died, the village has gone downhill. We haven’t made a single military move in ages. We were even attacked, but what did the mizukage do? Absolutely nothing! He’s an absolute failure and..”
“Shut up!” Gonk roared at the man, cutting him by picking him up by the neck. Gonk turned to the nearest wall and pinned the man against it, knocking the air out of the man. “Don’t you dare talk ill of our mizukage. All Xyxer did was destroy us from the inside. I will not have you go around praising him!” With that, Gonk hurled him back into the chair, restraining enough as to not kill, but only severely bruise the man. “Now, tell us who you were working with. We know it wasn’t a one man operation, you had help from the outside. Now who was it?” Gonk had lost his temper with this arrogant man who just smiled and remained silent to the question. Gonk glanced over at Nasu to see if he intended on doing anything.
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Interrogating a Traitor  Empty Re: Interrogating a Traitor

Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:08 pm
After seeing what Gone did to the man Nasu was shocked. He didn't know someone could be that heartless. While watching everything unfold Nasu was just standing there shocked. Then when Gonk looked at Nasu he froze. Nasu was not prepared for a partner like that. After about a 30 seconds Nasu took a deep breath and started by going up to Gonk. Nasu told him that he needs to calm down a bit or he will end up killing the man. Nasu then told Gonk that he went a bit far but he understood why. Next Nasu went up to them man and just started talking to him. "Hi I'm Nasu Uchiha. I know we're supposed to be getting information from you. It's always nice to introduce yourself." "Is this supposed to be some sort of interrogation because it's not working.” Nasu told him no and that he was just saying hello. But then Nasu stopped the nice part. His face dropped from a smile to a face that would scare you. He started to stair the man in the face wand just watch him. "Now as my partner asked you, who were you working with." the man said in a bit more of a trembling voice, "you think that's going to work, your teammate had a better chance" Nasu then started to put his ninja gear down near the man but out of reach. He then went through his kunai, shuriken, explosives, and katana. He asked the man which one do you think is going to hurt the most. Nasu then takes out his katana and puts it by the back of the man's head. Nasu was kneeling below him so if Nasu even drops the katana the man would die. " think that's going to stop me you brat." Resorting to something Nasu didn't want to use he decided to activate his sharingan. After that he asked the man again "who are you working with." "I'm not saying anything" Nasu then starts to dig the sword through the man's neck slowly and says "last chance." The many then said "ok...ok... I'll talk" The man then tells them that he's working with another ninja who has the same goals as him. killing the mizukage and destroying the village. Nasu knowing this one something at least says to the man in a cold dark voice. “We need a name.” The man said “you really think i'd actually betray my friend. I've known him all my life your not getting anything more from me.”  Nasu not knowing what else to do tells Gonk we're going to have to resort to something that might bring him to the point of death. Nasu then said that we should look through his record and try to find out who this friend of his could be. Nasu told Gonk he was going to go back to the other room to think things through and check the man's file. He'd also let Gonk know if he finds anything. Then Nasy finishes with telling Gonk that he could do whatever he wants with the man.

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Interrogating a Traitor  Empty Re: Interrogating a Traitor

Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:42 am
As Gonk glanced over, he felt Nasu’s arm pulling him off to the side. He was warned to calm down or he would end up killing the man. Gonk glanced over at the subject who was bruised up and had blood matting the back of his head.
“He was a shinobi once, he can handle this.” Gonk told Nasu. “And don’t tell me you understand my actions, you know nothing about me! Now why don’t you take a crack at him if you don’t think my way is working.” At this, Gonk stepped back to the edge of the room and watched Nasu’s attempts to first befriend the man, then to threaten the man. While the boy looked a bit ridiculous doing the interrogations, he got a bit of useful information, before telling Gonk he could do whatever he wanted. Gonk's mouth widened into a grin, his shark-like teeth on full display to the man. Gonk walked over slowly, then suddenly drew his katana and pressed it right under the man’s collar bone.
“Now, tell me who you’re working with or I will stab you,”
“You haven’t got the balls, I know you aren’t allowed to kill me. Shinobi have gotten soft under Kizmaru. It’s pathetic.” As soon as the man finished speaking, Gonk pushed his katana into the man, pinning him to the chair. The man screamed in pain and yelled “you little bitch! Get this sword out of me,” Blood was starting to pour out of the man’s wound, and drip down his shirt.
“Now,” Gonk said, taking his time speaking, “give me the name of your partner, and I’ll go get the medical team. The longer you wait, the more blood you will lose.” At first the man refused to speak, and instead just clenched his teeth, and endured the pain. Gonk was beginning to worry a bit, he wasn’t supposed to kill the man, so if he didn’t give in soon, Gonk would have to go get the man medical attention and call the interrogation quits. Another couple minutes passed, and just as Gonk was about to admit defeat and go get the medical team, the man gave it.
“His name,” the man said, looking at the ground, “is Hiraku Hozuki. Now please, get this damn blade out of me!”
Examining the wound, Gonk said, “I’m not a medical ninja but I think it would be better to leave it in for now. It will limit the bloodflow a bit. Thank you for your cooperation, as promised I will now fetch the medical team." Gonk walked out of the room, and to the guard at the door.
“I’m going to need a medical team,” Gonk informed the guard. “The suspect is bleeding out from a stab under their shoulder. The sword has been in there for quite some time so it’s pretty urgent,” Gonk said all of this with a straight face, and no hints of emotion. When he finished, the guard ran down the hall, and into a room, where he emerged with four shinobi in white coats following him. A few seconds after they burst into the room, Gonk followed them hands in his pockets. Gonk saw his sword laying on the ground, so he picked it up, and wiped it off with a spare rag that was laying on the floor. He sheathed it then walked into the other room. If Nasu was in there, he would inform him about the name he gathered, then write his report. If Nasu wasn’t in there, he would write his report then tell him once he returned. After the man was carried away in a stretcher, Gonk walked out of the interrogation room and into the lobby. He signed out and bid farewell to the woman at the desk. Then, he walked over to the administrative building to turn in his report, before walking home.
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Interrogating a Traitor  Empty Re: Interrogating a Traitor

Fri Jan 22, 2021 11:43 am
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Interrogating a Traitor  Empty Re: Interrogating a Traitor

Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:43 pm
When Nasu left Gonk to try again Nasu was looking through the mans file. Nasu was surprised the man  didn't give in but knew Gonk would probably get it out of him.  Nasu watched as Gonk went up to him. Even in the other room Nasu could here what was going on. Gonk talking about stabbing the man. Then the man saying that he is a wimp. It didn't go back and forth for long because Gonk just decided to stab him. Nasu was shocked and though about going to get a medical team. Instead Nasu waited putting his trust in Gonk that he wouldn't let him die. Nasu knew the man only had about 5 minutes until it'd be out of the medical cores ability's to heal him. Nasu decided to wait for 4 minutes and then get the medical team. Right about when 4 minutes were up the man started to talk. He told us the name of his partner. Gonk then left the room. I was guessing that Gonk was getting a medical team. To no surprise Gonk came back with a guard and medical team and acted like nothing ever happened. Gonk then started to head toward Nasu. Gonk came in and shared the information of the name. Nasu told Gonk right before he left that although his tactics are harsh they work. Then while Gonk was leaving Nasu said that he hoped they'd get to work together again soon. Gonk went into the main room to see if the medical team needed any help. They didn't so Nasu just picked up his ninja gear that he left on the table. Nasu although mainly being a nice person had a lot of fun. He then went to the front desk and sat down in the lobby to write his report. After he handed the report to the lady at the front desk and started to head home.  

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Interrogating a Traitor  Empty Re: Interrogating a Traitor

Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:55 pm
Approved mate!
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