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Village : Tsukigakure
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The Family Reunion Empty The Family Reunion

Thu Jan 28, 2021 1:10 am
Leaving the main tower Shizo's heart couldn’t stop beating a million miles an hour. Looking at the slip of paper that Mizuki gave him with the direction to the tower, he would be able to get there just before sundown.

“Gotta make sure I get there before dark…wouldn’t want to keep him waiting..”  Shizo ran through the village to get there as fast as he could. He couldn’t wait to see his little brother once more, he was excited to finally be able to start his new life. They could train together again, do their routines together, eat together. Without a worry in the world about anyone saying anything to them. On the way there he had flashbacks of the memories him and Souji had made, it flooded his head with nostalgia. From the day that Souji visited him in the hospital to the last time he saw him they were always together whenever they could be. Everyone in the Hyuuga clan hated that..

“Why are you wasting your energy training with him Souji, he’ll do nothing for you but make you weaker..” they’d say.. “You two are on entirely different levels, you two have no business playing with each other..” they’d say. They always looked at Shizo as inferior, someone who would never be at Souji’s level. Everyone except Souji himself, he was the only person who would ever see the potential that they couldn’t see and motivated Shizo to keep going and getting better. They always overworked Souji, he never had time to be a child and they stripped all emotion from him..

“I wonder if he still acts like a robot..” he said to himself with a smirk.

“He was never good at showing emotion..they beat it out of the poor boy..” he pondered, readjusting his expectation for their meeting.

Lord Kazekage said she was working on his ability to show emotion but he doesn’t know how far along she’s gotten.

“I wonder how he’ll react to seeing me..he’ll probably ask why I’m here or something..” he slightly snickered reaching the door.

“I guess we won’t know until he sees me..” he hesitates, takes a deep breath before knocking on the door, awaiting someone to answer.

[WC: 371]

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The Family Reunion Empty Re: The Family Reunion

Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:02 am

Slow and fixed was his drag of the air around him. With taking in the oxygen at a stable rate, he concentrated on maintaining a balmy mind. Allowing those calming and pleasant thoughts to wash over him and his mental alike. Everything threshold of his being was flooding with that one intake heavily coated with pure and gentle emotions.  


Just as casually he would release his breath. All of those mentioned thresholds would drain, detoxing him both physically and mentally as he expelled the toxins from his person.  Every impure thought was replaced with a tranquil one. Aligning him with his mind, body and soul. The Hyuuga sat in the middle of the garden, the very same spot that he saw his mother, Mizuki taking up this same practice. His legs crossed and his hands formed a single seal, the Tiger. His air was morphed to something different, something more than it usually was. He could...he could feel everything around him...from the insects, to the birds, to fhe dogs and cat, even...even the people that were walking by. He couldn't fully well make out what this was, or how he was doing it but, it was as if in his mental he could see...shades, or rather blue embers that flicked from them. One by one a spark of ember would manifest around him. For the insects it was miniscule. For the birds, miniature in size, but varied for each passing fowl. Slightly small to medium for the felines and canines and the average size for humans.  

As his focus bolsters, so too did the span of this web of odd mystery. From five meters he pushed it to a maximum range of ten meters with him at its epicenter. Thirty-two feet in all directions of him. This took a great deal of concentration from him, despite how effortless his mother made it appear. He only strive to reach her level of mental fortitude some day and if it meant that he could chase after her by doing this...then so be it. Feeling that he was doing something correct, considering her stumbled across this unique sense...  

As the rhythm of his breathing remained his attention was grasped. Lightly he shift his head to the left of him about forty-five degrees. He...he felt something rushing closer to his position, more so the house. This ember was spiking from and somewhat wild. He never felt something like that sense he's been experiencing this gift. Its pace slowed and gradually draw near. The eyes of the boy would open, his pupils fixing themselves to focus at the center of his lilac eyes. Standing to his feet, he was in his crimson shinobi pants and without shoes. He wore a black tank top, loose, and his left arm tattooe with the summoning jutsu ink and Kanji unique to those that he have a pact with. But also all the marks and scars and indentation from his father's torture and punishment punishments were visible on his body - as much as the top would allow to see and the ink from the contract.  

He would rocket himself from the ground to the top of his home. Scaling the walls as he focused chakra to the soles of his feet. At a speed of 99 he would navigate without fail to reach roof and then towards the front of tve house top. As he did he formed one seal, Rat. Outstretched his right hand as it was chakra coated a shape within his palm blinking in and out of existence at a speed of 110 a single kunai which he took into his grasp. At this time the person was nearing the door. Swiftly and silently did the Hyuuga descend from his rooftop towards the lower ground abaft of the man in bandages. Taking advantage of his pause at the door, Souji swiftly pointed the tip of his kunai to the nape of the neck of the intruder. Pressing lightly, yet firm enough to inform him that he was behind him and he was not happy about it sudden intrusion. "You move, you die... You're breathe out of sync, you die... You speak without my permission, you did... Nod, if you understand." The tone was stern, calm void of much emotion. The chilling sensation of his eyes beaming into the back of the man's head would be felt as if a predator was eyeing its prey, the life of the man was at the mercy of Souji at this point.  

Lilac eyes would stray from the head to the rest of the body. Noticing the unusual amount of bandages that were wrapped around this man. He blinked three times, narrowing his eyes as he continued to inspect the man. "Just who the hell are you? I've never seen anyone like you here before... to make matters worse, you chose to come here, to my home... there are a few things that I really hate... Hot days, foolish people, and being disturbed by foolish people on hot days. Where do you think stand on that list? Speak!" Demanded the Hyuuga with little room for games or anything strange by this man. Should he even attempt to do something out of the ordinary, Souji would not hesitate to bring him down. This was the man's clear and only chance to speak.

[WC: 901]
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Village : Tsukigakure
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The Family Reunion Empty Re: The Family Reunion

Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:49 am
Shizo was taken by surprise at Soujis actions. He’d gotten way faster since the last time the Hyuuga’s last saw each other. Shizo scoffed, almost letting out a slight chuckle saying:

“So I see you haven’t changed a bit Souji..” the Hyuuga said, activating his Byakugan looking for a way out of this. He sees that Souji is dead serious, and not only that he’s faster than Shizo. He also knows that Souji will recognize him but it might take a little while. Shizo, with his Byakugan now activated,slowly put his hands in the air, had a laugh to himself and shook his head.

“This is such a Souji thing to do..” he said to his younger counterpart. 

“It seems that Mr. Pretty-Boy must’ve forgotten his right hand mummy man Shizo..” he said in a joking tone, hoping it would calm Souji down and realize it was him.

“You don’t see me in months and this is how you greet me? I suppose I should be honored, it’s given me a chance to see how much you’ve grown. Mizuki must’ve been training you well.” He smiled, still feeling threatened and on edge about another possible attack at Souji’s expense. “I’ve ran far away from what we’ve once called home..” he said, adjusting his eyes to the side to see more of Souji’s face. “You have no reason to fear me little one, I’m here to join you not to come dragging you back..” he slowly and very slightly turned his head. “You’re still just as fast as I remember, with my naked, unactivated eye I never would’ve in a million years even think I saw you..” he said smiling.

“Sunagakure is pretty nice isn’t’s a beautiful village..” he said now looking up in the sky. '‘I would’ve gone crazy still in Konoha having nobody who likes me since you left..” he shook his head once more “I was quite worried for you y’know…”
[TOTAL WC : 697]

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The Family Reunion Empty Re: The Family Reunion

Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:13 pm
"S-Sainou aru...?" Sainou aru, meant Talented - a nickname personally and specifically selected for the man that was standing before him. With widen eyes and a heavy heart the boy, Souji stepped back a few feet. The weapon he held at the nape of the man's neck was long since lowered to his side. His mental was overwhelmed with a mixture of thoughts, his heart a mixture of emotions. Lilac eyes bounced from the bandages and it was all coming into focus, seeing the man turn to reveal his Byakugan which engulfed the boy in an abundance of nostalgia. "The Byakugan?" His eyes lowered as he tried his very best to climb the obstacle of sensitivity that was risen so suddenly. The Byakugan was something that Shizo was not quite capable of activating with the use of hand seals. But to see it clearly active before him now with no space to weave those signs made it obvious that he... he mastered those eyes.  

"Wh-what are you doing here? How did did you know where to find me?" He inquired. His tone no longer carried that sense of authority, but a sense of struggle. He...he did not wish to be found by anyone from that place, from that village. Not even by Shizo...but he could not deny that he was...relieved to see that it was him that found him. That sense of feeling chakra was revealing that the presence of the new Hyuuga spiked. This was subtly ignore for him, his focus was placed on this man. Souji shook his head, striping away all sense of emotion from himself. "What do you mean by join me? And you spoke with my mother?" He addressed with that same seriousness from before. "Stop calling me little one, I hate that." Something that would always annoy Souji, because if the prior height difference between the two. But now, Souji stood at five foot six, exactly four inches short of Shizo. The kunai was returned to the void where it came, his chakra engulfed it before blinking it out of existence, even from the eyes of the Byakugan. "It's ok..." He commented on Shizo remarks about the village. Hiding that he was beginning to appreciate the village. He placed his hands within his pockets before speaking. "Dammit, I'm all over tge place... Why did you leave the village, I couldn't have been the only thing keeping you there. So what is the true reason behind it, Shizo?" He looked into hie eyes for his certainty. Wanting to gauge his behavior before moving forward. It was important for him to obtain the entire story behind Shizo's departure. That, and his reasoning for choosing this village of all the others. It was ironic, there was more that connect them than he even realized. To instinctively travel to the same village after fleeing.  

Souji was the only one of the Hyuuga clan to show Shizo kindness, friendship. Perhaps it was because he was looking for it as well. Yes, Souji was vastly gifted, far more talented than Shizo was back then. Even his name extended out to other Hyuuga congregations to other villages. But, in his immediate home, Konoha, he was nothing more than a weapon in need of constant sharpening and use. He had no business dealing with Shizo and because of that, he was punished further by his father. That man broke Souji's bones and soul because of it, even his mind to a certain degree, but that did not cease him from visiting. But it did prevent him from sharing what happened to him when he did go to see him. Each time he explained it as a result of training. He hid it effortlessly, never once breaking his story.

[WC: 632]
[Total WC: 1,533]
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Village : Tsukigakure
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The Family Reunion Empty Re: The Family Reunion

Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:14 pm
Shizo deactivated his Byakugan, no longer sensing any type of danger. “You weren’t the only one who grew stronger Souji-Kun, don’t be too surprised.” He let out a sigh of relief, “Glad you recognized me in time.” Shizo took a good look at Souji, who was staring at him in complete disbelief of him being there in front of him. “I’ve already said why I’m here, to get away from the leaf, as for how I knew you were here..I had a vision you were here and went on a whim...I needed any type of excuse to get away from that wretched place...and yes, I spoke with the Kazekage. She’s letting me stay with you here.” He slowly walked towards Souji and put a hand on his shoulder. 

“After you left, I had no one. They attempted to train me in the same way they trained you once you left.” Shizo started unraveling his bandages to show scars, marks and deep bruises from extensive training. “It was literal hell. I understand your struggle now, and I’ve gained a new respect for you Souji-Kun.” he wrapped his bandages tight again. “After I had a vision one night about you traveling to Sunagakure I couldn’t help myself but to follow you...even if you didn’t end up being here, any life but the life we once lived would be suitable for me.” Shizo pointed at his Sunagakure band around his neck. “That is why I left.” Shizo looked at Souji and saw that he grew, his frame also got more toned than before. “I see that you’ve developed nicely Souji-Kun. Mizuki told me to say she said she will be home in a few hours.” Shizo grabbed his belongings, slinging his bag across his shoulder and smiled at Souji. “So..may I come in?”

[TOTAL WC: 1,002]
Gogyou Bushuugi
Gogyou Bushuugi
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The Family Reunion Empty Re: The Family Reunion

Mon Feb 01, 2021 6:32 am
Lilac eyes cautiously inspect the scars that were revealed to him. He took as much time as he needed to in order to determine something that manifested in his head the moment Shizo spoke what he him as he was once trained. Oddly enough a sigh of relief was released from the boy. His concerns ebbed. Though what he saw was bad, they were nothing... 'Nothing even close to what I went through...that's a relief.' He thought, as his mental was flooded by the past experiences of his trainings and his corrections by the hands of none other than his father. Shizo was lucky, for his scars did not share the same hate and disappointment. 

He did not lose his life, on a few occasions and was saved just to prove a point. He did not suffer from near drowning and strangulation because he did not perform tge vacuum palm as efficiently as he was instructed to. Bones fractured, then broken, nearly shattered, in some cases they were. Forced to heal without treatment for the former two. Chakra blocked and being whipped because his father had a bad day. Locked away underground with little air in a dark cell void of all noise and light. Only quiet and darkness, he could not distinguish if he was awoke or sleep. Fingernails ripped from the fingers, as well as toenails. Stabbed, with vitals purposefully being avoided. In some cases they were not, but before he was close to passing he was healed by his father. Branded on his back left shoulder with the Hyuuga symbol to symbolize that he would forever belong to them...not as an equal, but as property thanks to his Father, or so how he saw it.  

Seizing control of his thought, Souji shook his head. Those thought could really take their toll on him, just thinking about them causes his body to ache. There was so much hatred in his heart for the Hyuuga and the leaf. But that was pale in comparison to the hate he had for his father...and fear. "I... I'm sorry that you had to experience that. Perhaps, if I had stayed that would have never happened to you." Perhaps, if he did remain in the village he would have somehow spared Shizo from the harsh training that he went through. And now that Shizo left...would they turn their sights to someone else, some other helpless Hyuuga... Would they come searching for him, his scars and bruises look to be fairly new, considering the bruises have not faded. Which meant that they only just began his training not too long again. 

This of course sadden the boy to a degree that he could not make eye contact with the other Hyuuga. It wasn't until he recalled exactly what he said before revealing the scars. He would look him in tge eyes. "She said that? You're" That came as a bit of a surprise. Noticing the Suna headband, Souji gave a small smirk. He suppose that it was better than him living on his own at the moment. 'I cannot hold blame towards her for wanting to help him... especially if he used my name to leverage her support...however..' He would think, before addressing him verbally. "Yeah, of course you can. Just do me one favor...don't take advantage of my mother. She, pretty scary when she has to be." He shudders at the thought of her stern lectures that she would occasionally give him. A large animated sweat droplet would manifest on the back of his head as he stepped pass the other Hyuuga to open the door.  

Once inside, he would motion towards the living where the U-shaped couch was. Souji pointed to an empty space for Shizo to take a seat if he so chooses. Whilst he motioned to the kitchen where he would retrieve a glass of water and some barries. Returning to give them to his long term kinsmen. "Here, you look're eyes are dry." Sitting the water on the table centering the couch. He would wait to see what was to come next.

[WC: 698]
[Total WC: 2,231]
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Village : Tsukigakure
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The Family Reunion Empty Re: The Family Reunion

Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:00 pm
“Yup! I’m staying with you guys for the time being.” He said with a smile. Souji remarked not to take advantage of Mizuki. “Definitely noted..” Shizo said, looking at the expression with great nervousness Souji had on his face from thinking about his mother. Before stepping in, Shizo said with a reassuring tone in his voice looking at Souji “No need to say sorry Souji-Kun, they didn’t nearly train me as hard as they trained you. Even I ran away due to a fraction of the training you once went through, how you did it all those years still amazes me..” Once he walked in Shizo was in awe at how beautiful and open the house was. “Woahhh...this place is definitely different then what I’m used to..” he stared at the tall ceiling before finally sitting on the U-Shaped couch with a grunt. Now that the adrenaline of coming here and meeting Souji and Mizuki was gone, his injuries were hurting as he slightly hunched over in pain, he never let his injuries heal before he left the village.

As Souji returned to him with a glass of water he heard him say a remark about his eyes being dry. He never noticed how much of a toll trying to master the Byakugan and traveling all those miles in a short time span would take on his body. “Thanks Souji-Kun..” Shizo would say before unwrapping his bandages and drinking the water given to him, it was refreshing after traveling all that time, he chugged down the tall glass of water and sat it back down on the table, wiping his mouth and finally being able to relax after being so tense for so long. “So Souji-Kun..” he said, diverting the attention from the pain he was in, “What have you been up to since you got here, it’s been quite a few months since you left. I see that you’ve gotten bigger.” He said with a smile that Souji could now see.

[TOTAL WC: 1,335]
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Ryo : 330650

The Family Reunion Empty Re: The Family Reunion

Wed Feb 10, 2021 6:06 am
The rest of her day had gone on uninterrupted, no new appointments came through, it was all the usual mind numbing paperwork and preparations for the Exams that were due to take place soon - the day drawing nearer and nearer. It had been a few hours since she sent Shizo on his way, her home being at the very edge of the village would be a trek in and of itself so she shouldn’t have been there for very long before Mizu would leave the tower for the day. Normally she would take her time to return home, using the distance to casually walk home and unwind before arriving home but today she was a bit anxious as to how Souji would handle the new guest and his unorthodox arrival.

It was a record time for her actually, and once she arrived at the door, she released Pakuun for the day - as the summon poofed out of existence her chakra signature would seem to materialize out of nowhere just outside the door. Turning the handle she would push into the home and immediately notice Shizo seated on the large sectional in the living room - unharmed thankfully - as she removed her shoes and locked the door she would greet the home at large, “I’ve returned, and thankfully to an unharmed guest, I was afraid I was going to have to heal someone.” She strode through the home and past Shizo into the kitchen where she would grab the bottle of Awamori and a chilled glass from the freezer - pouring a heavy serving she would move over to the wall between the kitchen and Livingroom to have both boys in her sights. She didn’t interrupt the question directed at Souji, instead taking a heavy drink from her glass as her eyes moved from one to the other - allowing conversation to pass for a few moments before clearing her throat.

“Have either of you eaten yet? If not come in here, working together will get this done quicker, come Shizo - Oh, unless you would rather shower before dinner then by all means, Souji can get you whatever you need and I’ll start.” Whatever the two chose she would push off the wall, glass in hand, and into the kitchen. Setting down the glass she would shed her cloak and lay it over one of the bar stools that sat at the island counter - under the cloak was her skin tight black jumpsuit of which she would roll her sleeves up to the elbows. Her hair was already braided in two on either side of her shoulders but now that she was home she would quickly undo the braids, rubbing out the tense feeling on her scalp before washing her hands and gathering the ingredients for dinner; Pork Ramen. 

With everything laid out she began the base for the broth and got out another pan to sear the sliced pork. By the time either boy - or both - returned to the kitchen there would be several things to cut while the eggs began boiling in the broth. What was left was to form the ramen noodles, slice the pork, the chalets, the seaweed, portion out the bean sprouts and prepare the white rice that would be served on the side. Leaning back against the counter she would down her glass and fill it once more, all with a heavy sigh as she finally began to relax in her home.

WC 574
Gogyou Bushuugi
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The Family Reunion Empty Re: The Family Reunion

Tue Mar 02, 2021 5:43 am
"Yeah, don't mention it. Just drink up, Mother would kill me if she finds you killed over... she'll think I'm the cause." He spoke, tone revealing a touch of sarcasm and unhinged fear - fear of the scolding he would receive without a doubt. Souji placed his hands within his pockets as he observed Shizou.  

Subtle at the start, but ends with a rush - there was this feeling, a huge feeling of presence manifested from the door. This sudden appearance took the Genin by surprise, forcing his immediate activation of his Byakugan. As his lilac eyes glazed over with pearlescent he would remove his hands from his pockets and glance over towards the door, piercing through only to find the source of this abrupt revealing was none other than his mother, Mizuki. As she opened the door she would notice the two, Souji gazing at her with those eyes. He sighed as he saw her enter, but he was still at a lost, unsure of what just happened.  

As she made her way to the kitchen to ease the stress of her day he would revert his eyes back to their lilac state. Her question fell on his ears, but he allowed it to sit there for a moment. He was somewhere else. At some point it registered with him what was asked. "Oh, no... I'm not hungry, sorry." This day came with a lot of surprises...first Shizou, someone Souji was not expected to see in some time, here of all places - this required a lot of processing that he wasn't fully allowed. And now this off sense of his...he couldn't focus on what was taking place in front of him, what was suppose to be a pleasant moment was becoming a sour one for him. Shizou may not be aware of this side of Souji, but Mizuki may... he would motion to the door while shaking his head. "I... I need some air. I'll be back later...once I've processed all of this." He would inform. Opening the door as he placed his shoes on and closing it behind him as he exit the home. Immediately taking off to the roof tops of the nearby foundations as he sprint until he found a place to relax and reflect on what took place at the home he shared.  

From the arrival of Shizou only meant one thing... "... He's going to be searching for me soon. If Shizou found me... he's sure to find me next." His voice trembled at the thought and realization of this being a possible fact. His legs dangled over a building ledge as he looked down at the people casually passing by. The every creeping thought of his father finding him made his blood freeze. The pain of every scar on his body burned and ached as he couldn't shake the thought from his head. A single tear would fall from his cheek as he took a deep breath before exhaling. "I need to prepare..." He said lowly, before standing to his feet and taking off to some place within the village that was uniquely favored by him. 

[WC 523]
[Total WC 2,754]
Nature Chakra Proficiency v7 -[1585/2000] - [2000/2000] (415) Here of other wc
Blistering Web v7 - 750
Water Release: Snake's Mouth v7 - 750
Vacuum Palm v7 - [500/500] A rank
Sage Mode v7 - [339/3750]

Last edited by Souji on Tue Mar 02, 2021 9:38 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Family Reunion Empty Re: The Family Reunion

Wed Mar 03, 2021 1:23 am
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