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Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 63250

Family Reunion Empty Family Reunion

Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:29 am
Adam was sitting in a bar at Tanzaku Town, laying low for awhile, drinking Jack daniels, He was no longer worried about drinking, to him life was over after the accidental death of the Isshin boy, he sighed as he thought of everything flying through his mind and ordered more Jack, now drinking it by the bottle, little did he know he was so much like his father, if only he had known or met his father, he sighed between drinks, trying to forget about what had happened, he was running away, in the denial stage of growing more.
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Family Reunion Empty Re: Family Reunion

Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:53 am
A brisk walk in Tanzuku town. The silent male made his way though crowd and people to find himself towards the bar. While the seventeen year old only drunk during occasions, he found himself going there hearing of a singer who had occasionally made appearances there to sing to all of the drunks and passerbys to ease the mood making their drinking a fun experience. Because of this he walked into the bar and sat close to one of the men already there, the smell of alcohol lingering in the air about him as he ordered a bottle of sake and a small empty cup sitting beside him for later.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Family Reunion Empty Re: Family Reunion

Sun Aug 30, 2015 7:42 am
Time seemed to pass differently, probably the effects of being in Asgard for an extended time while drunk, the one great and famous Raikage Kurisu Ametsuchi had fallen from grace unknowingly losing his village and his daughter while in this unnatural place.

Kurisu's appearance had taken even more of a hit than before, his spiky black hair becoming messy and slightly longer. He had grown a beard that seemed to blend black and grey together showing off the signs of his aging, somewhere around 40 years old. His Raikage robe had a few tears in it seemed to be dirty from whatever environments he'd encountered here, while his hat had one single tear on the right side of it indicating that perhaps he'd trained some inbetween sessions of heavy drinking. 

Consciousness seemed to abruptly smack him in the face, his eyes flickering open seemingly changing between their normal black hue and their eternal gaze gifted in part from the very creator of this realm. Bottles of Jack Daniels cover a blank canvas that seemed to stretch for miles all around him, one bottle still mostly full locked in the grip of his right hand. "Drink me you fucker!" the Jack Daniels voice raged at him. 

Staggering to his feet, he stumbled forward and fell down seemingly activating his escape. A split second after falling down, he was somehow still falling before landing on a table and some bottles of Jack falling with him, landing safely on the table with him. Unbeknownst to Kurisu, this was a bar in Tanzaku Town. "Good job idiot, you're back in the real world and you just look great." his inner retard voice mocked him and his tattered appearance. "BREAK ME BREAK ME BREAK ME BRE-" the voice of the table he was on just wanted to be broken not stopping until he jumped up in the air lightning crackling around his form to help his movements. 

In one swift movement he turned his upper body down with his legs going up, flying down at the table with his right fist extended out in front of his body smashing into the table with incredible force making it shatter into pieces across the bar. His eternal gaze allowed him to track his Jack Daniels bottles, grabbing two and catch the last with his mouth at the opening. Tipping his head back he downed the contents of the bottle and dropped it on the ground. "Nice way to introduce yourself to people" his inner retard voice cracked again.  

Blinking his eyes back to normal, he looked around the bar noticing two that seemed to carry a familiar chakra signature that he couldn't quite place as he was never an expert in that area. Assuming the bar had basically cleared out from the commotion except the two he noticed then he'd address them, "Who are you two?" if people remain the bar then he'll just stand there and look back and forth intensely at the two young men while drinking.
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 63250

Family Reunion Empty Re: Family Reunion

Sun Aug 30, 2015 5:44 pm
Adam had not yet noticed the bar cleared out, he was to busy still drinking, and then he heard something shatter and he turned around, something in him started screaming, but he was to drunk to notice it at the time, but he did notice the man who just smashed a table, and Adam went to walk over to him but stumbled and slid to the ground, back against the bar, which thankfully happened cause the jack daniels bottles , the empty ones that flew in the air, Adam would stand up again and stumble over to the man and he was shouting as he had no control over his voice anymore "HEY ... YOU...." Hic " Don't I know you from somewhere?"
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Family Reunion Empty Re: Family Reunion

Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:39 pm
If he wasn't the only one drunk then he was doing a bit of a good thing, pacing himself though he could never truly get drunk off of one bottle of sake. Finishing the entire bottle before the female had finished her song he had grabbed another one and begun drinking it before that eternal voice continued to whisper to him,"Drinking? Give me more of an opportunity to rise.," apparently the voice had become stronger the more he delved into the power that allowed him to summon weapons, which meant he had been intertwined. Pushing that to the back of his mind for now, he continued to drink out of the bottle until he had heard the sound of screaming and crashing. The violet eyes looked over his shoulder as the bartender, the denizens and even the singer ran out of the bar leaving only him, another male and the one causing the sound inside of the bar. It was only with a swivel that he had stood up perfectly unlike the male across from him and walked over towards the two, his eyes looking over the males for a moment. Through his own chakra sensory he could read the two's chakra and when he did he paused before he could reply. So similar...His eyes flickered into his Kenseigan form, the fire looking at the two of them as a sound released itself from his throat after many years of silence," Are you...," he couldn't finish the sentence but...was it real?
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Family Reunion Empty Re: Family Reunion

Sun Aug 30, 2015 10:40 pm
'Look idiot, your own kind.' his inner retard voice joked with him, though there was some unknown truth to those words. The two didn't seem coherent enough to respond to his actual question and seemed to be effected by the alcohol. Surprisingly enough Kurisu could feel the alcohol in his own system seem to dissipate sobering him up. 'Stop being drunk you naive imbecile.' the all too familiar voice of Nike getting irritated enough to try and make him sober. 'When was the last time you spilled blood, fresh warm liquid life gushing and pouring out everywhere. The feeling of crushing bones with your bare hands, why don't we do that anymore? Go destroy.' Nike clearly had grown tired of this peaceful time in life.

Blocking out the thoughts creeping around in his mind, he took notice of one key thing that seemed to piece together the puzzle. "Kenseigan? How...." he caught himself saying it out loud at first before containing it to his thoughts. While not seeming possible at first he knew for a fact that there was basically only one real option to explain the situation of similar chakra and one showing off the bloodline. "Are you my kids? Cause I think I'm your father." he asked a little surprised by the situation. 'They are hanging out at a bar, drinking Jack daniels, yeah no way they are related to you idiot.' his inner retard clearly felt the answer was obvious.
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 63250

Family Reunion Empty Re: Family Reunion

Mon Aug 31, 2015 3:58 am
Adam was drunk at this point he didn't realize his eyes went blue, he hiccupped and looked at the man rambling about kids and what not and Adam would laugh saying without thinking "My Fatherrrrrr was a Drunkard, And my mother was his waitress one night, Unless about seventeen years ago you were supposedly some big shot kage from some fucking where, and visiting Tananaku area only then would you possibly be my father " Adam stumbled on his feet, still standing, but his feet walked around in a circle that was for sure, he would take another swig of his Jack daniels
Shitai Orochi
Shitai Orochi
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Stat Page : Shitai
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 22000

Family Reunion Empty Re: Family Reunion

Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:20 am
His father....had been right in front of him. The man he had never seen before in his life but his mother had told stories about him to. Why...why now? He didn't understand, but apparently the other one...the drunk guy next to him had the same question. Seventeen...He was that age. Shaking his head for a moment he would try to get his voice in the right shape before finally speaking up," You...were in Konoha at one point were you not? mom...You are him aren't you? She told me about you, but...i never believed her," his eyes remained in the Kenseigan state as he looked over the scruffy male for a moment. The shock of seeing the male that had been his father had...made him speak out finally, though he wasn't aware he had siblings he felt as if he should have asked," How many...children do you even have?," more concerned for if he even had other siblings besides the drunk beside him.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Family Reunion Empty Re: Family Reunion

Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:00 am
So the fact had come to the forefront, these are his sons although none had really met. As his one son said something about having to be a Kage to fit as his dad, Kurisu would simply point at his slightly damaged Raikage hat "I am the Raikage, so yeah." he spoke somberly feeling like something wasn't right with the village. 

The other son seemed to be more coherent and able to piece things together, but he still didn't know Kurisu or vice versa which is important in order to actually be considered a father. "You're not their father, you're nothing but my vessel of murder, stop trying to make things difficult or I will come out and play.' Nike's threats had started to get worse, of course he'd gotten somewhat used to it and this was his family so no way he'd let anything happen but could he really stop Nike from taking control? 

Clearly ready to deal with that risk, Kurisu sat down at a nearby chair that hadn't been knocked over from his spectacle of an entrance into this place. "I don't know, maybe 5 kids counting the two of you. Could be more that I haven't been there for." he carried heavy regret in his voice having realized after all these years that he'd neglected family for other endeavors, but even he wasn't even sure about being able to contain Nike, would he really be able to change the direction of his path and put family first?
Raiden Ametsuchi
Raiden Ametsuchi
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Missing-Nin (A-rank)
Stat Page : Raiden
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 63250

Family Reunion Empty Re: Family Reunion

Mon Aug 31, 2015 11:22 am
Adam was suddenly forced into a chair that was behind him by gravity, Going silent, thinking to himself as he stared at the man who at this point he was heavily considering was his father, he took another swig from the Jack Daniels bottle he was drinking from, But he didn't even pay attention that it was empty at this point and he was slowly sobering up, and his thoughts became more rational as they dud and pieced things together more, so this man has the greatest... Wait what the hell did he call his eyes changing? Adam didn't even register that till now and asked " that name you said, Kenseigan? What the hell is that? Is there anything else That either of us may not know about ourselves that we should?
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