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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Mon Aug 31, 2015 2:36 pm
So that's what the name of the eyes were...He didn't know what its true name had been but now he had a little insight on the fact. Looking over towards Adam for a moment he would point towards his (in reference to Kasuga or his own eyes to be more specific)," This... Would be what he was referring to. I didn't know the meaning of these eyes or their name ...but this has to be it. What else...can we do though?," thinking about it for a moment he held out his hand concentrating on a sword. While he summoned one, the one he had summoned however had caused him to pause. A sword encased in black, sheathed and a tail in which sat idly as he stared at it," Just what...can we do I didn't hate you for not knowing you...At least you showed up before long, so alls forgiven alright?," not trying to make a sentimental moment here he simply said what he had wanted so long ago and left it at that.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Thu Sep 03, 2015 8:04 pm
So much time had passed since the days of his childhood, forever changing after Kumogakure no Sato's destruction along with meeting a young Viper Uchiha. Those were days when he yearned to know more about his bloodline powers, although that was no longer a concern nor something he actually knew much about, though he felt it right to explain somethings to his kids not only to help them understand why he doesn't know about their bloodline, but also to give some insight on who he really is. "I was younger than either of you when the doujutsu awoke in my eyes, but after Kumogakure no Sato was destroyed things changed with me rising up to become Raikage and rebuild the village. During one of my travels I struck a deal with another village leader to retrieve the body of a dead Kumo ANBU Uchiha and with that I had my medical ninja trade my eyes out with his and replace most of my Ametsuchi DNA with Uchiha DNA to prevent drawbacks," he paused for a moment, blinking his eyes as they changed to their Eternal hue. "I managed these by trading eyes with the legendary Viper Uchiha, who I had been rivals with since before either of us were Kages. So I really don't know much about the Kenseigan or anything else about our bloodline because it served me no purpose. Your sister Misaki, she knows everything about the bloodline considering that she mastered it." He spoke like a proud father at the end. "Your sister would be able to tell both of you more about your powers and even help train you. She's probably stronger than me." a small laugh escaped him, the statement was almost certainly true though it'd been a long time since Kurisu had seen his only daughter.

He was glad to hear one of his sons express that there was no hate, though he wasn't sure how to handle the situation. "I think we probably need to know each other's names since we're family. In case you haven't heard my name before, I am Raikage Kurisu Etai Ametsuchi." this was at least a start in trying to build strong family bonds, of course it'd be a process.
Kenta Hoshimura
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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:17 pm
Adam had indeed listened, now being out of Jack he sighed softly and tossed the bottle up and caught the opening down in his palm as he balanced it and he would tell them both " My mother Named Me Adam, Taurus was just a name picked up over time really, Never really knew a last name, so I guess my name would be Adam Taurus Ametsuchi? Or just Adam Ametsuchi, I don't really know right now" Adam leaned his head back across the back of the chair he was sitting in at this point, not really knowing what to say other then "I don't blame ya Old man, just so ya know, but don't expect me to call you father any time soon, and I don't expect you to do  me any favors, didn't have a chance to be a family and im seventeen already, I don't have the time to worry about it, with Konoha after me for the death of that Uchiha boy" Adam would non chalantly toss the bottle to the side away from the trio of men that they were.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Fri Sep 04, 2015 12:33 am
As his father told the story of his time with the Kenseigan and then events that lead to him changing from that to the sharingan, he could only stare and listen remembering each word that was told to him. When he mentioned the Kage of the leaf had switched eyes with him, he wondered what the two of them were like in the past. He didn't know much about Viper Uchiha aside from the fact that he unified Konoha and solidified a peace that some would think to be impossible, but did that mean that somehow the man was his...uncle? Looking over to the male he would tilt his head for a moment," So does that half Uchiha or something? Or rather my uncle would be the Hokage?," it wasn't the biggest question he had but he had to start somewhere. Learning that he had a sister that had mastered the abilities of their clan caused him to rub his chin softly for a moment. He smiled softly as he wondered what his sister was like, but his train of thought was suddenly halted when he heard Adam state that he had killed a Konoha shinobi.

His fiery eyes if not for a moment looked over towards him as the grip on the black sword became tighter," He...must be brought into the village no matter what," his thoughts on the matter sound before turning to his father and nodding," My mother gave me the name Kasuga Arata, though i suppose now it would be Kasuga Ametsuchi?," before he forgot he would remember his other question," Where would our sister...Misaki be? If it helps me understand how these eyes work then i need to see her," he didn't know what to expect from this all.
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Fri Sep 04, 2015 7:31 pm
Things were just continuing to progress towards worse situation, although Kurisu was unaware of it now, soon there'd be deaths that would test his willpower. Nike would of course end up loving the situation as it should make it easier to control Kurisu and make him kill; however there was the possibility the events about to transpire in the later stages of his life will make him more peaceful. 

Looking at his son Adam, as he now knew the young man's name, he'd respond. "You can go by whatever name you wish. You may be a year shy of being an adult but family is family no matter what. You say you don't need favors now, but never forget that if you do need something even as a last resort, I am here for you, both of you." he calmly said, with his eyes glancing over at his other son Kasuga so that they both understand the same message. 'Father of the year idiot.' his inner retard mocked.

"Yes, I guess you could say the old Hokage Viper Uchiha and his brothers are your technical uncles, although I don't know if the Uchiha blood I have makes that completely true; however I view them as brothers and I'm sure they'd look at you like a nephew. Don't know much about Koroshi, Viper is Viper, but Echo is entertaining so I think you'll think of his as the fun uncle." he explained his relationship with some of the stronger shinobi of all time to his kids considering they'd probably be meeting everyone at some point. "As far as that making either of you Uchiha, I don't believe so but I'm no expert in that matter." he smiled at them both, not obviously but in a more subtle way, his gaze ending with Adam.

He could tell something wasn't quite right with Adam, the young man seemed to be sweating profusely at this point and looked a little pale. The reason would become clear soon enough with Adam explaining that he'd killed an Uchiha and that Konoha was after him. "Listen, you don't look too good, did you get hit by anything from the Konoha nin?" he asked, wondering if there was some poison. Looking over at Kasuga "Your sister Misaki should be in Kumogakure no Sato making sure everything stays standing, we'll probably go there after this." he said, oblivious to the events that unfolded in his village. "Think you'd be able to grab your brot-" he was cut off while asking Kasuga to get Adam some water.

Within seconds things went from bad to worse to horrible. Adam's skin tone went from just pale to an icy and ghostly white color, the hues of Adam's eyes lite up blood red while the pupils dilated. Kurisu's son Adam was dying, taking one last lean forward as blood gushed out of his mouth, his eyes, his nose, and his ears. The sight of Adam's veins enlarging and darkening to create lines all over his white body. It had only taken seconds, but whatever poison had been used it was devastating and the effects were eating the young man alive. Screams of pain from the agony that the poison was causing seemed to last only a moment, yet linger in the air with the dead stench of blood. Finally, it came to an end with Adam falling completely out of the chair and to the ground limp. The young man looked nothing like before, with strange black vein marks all over, so much blood covering his now deformed from agony and pain face, his skin whiter than snow and his body looked as though he'd lost 100 pounds easy.

This scene was too shocking for Kurisu to comprehend at first, that was his son, a son that he'd just met and wanted to make up for lost time. 'Konoha did this too him, impressive work as well. You just going to, you know, let them outdo you like that?' Nike could feel the rage boiling which would make it easier to take control. "Kasuga...son..." his words trailed off, trying to take his eternal gaze off Adam and to his living son. "You didn't get hit or anything, right?" he finally looked over at his other son, and now only living son, asking with genuine concern.
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Fri Sep 04, 2015 8:37 pm
While Kasuga had been taking this a little better, his brother Adam had instead been a little adamant about the whole situation. While it had been true that their father wasn't there for their first seventeen years, he had been here now and the chance to at least patch the air so to speak. While he observed Adam he didn't mind him per se but his attitude had clashed a little with Kasuga's which made him...weary of the sibling. With the thought of his father offering to help in their time of need made him feel better, seemed as if his mom had left a good impression of what to expect from his father, though he didn't know of the bad.

Uncles...While he didn't really have family outside of his mom, he smiled at the opportunity to meet more of his family, especially to see what all he could learn from them. While he mentioned that he would be accepted by all of them he figured he should meet them at one point just to get to know them. He took a bit of time remembering each of the names so when he went back to Konoha providing he left the company of his father, he would look them up and pay them each a visit to get to know them. Since even his father didn't know whether or not they were half uchiha descendants he would dive a little into that on his on to discover if that ancient DNA was also in his blood.

While things were once tense and yet happy, the unthinkable had happened. As the lifeless form of his brother dropped to the ground, his eyes returned to normal as he shook for a moment. The family he had only just met and bonded with was now one member short as the lifeless husk of his brother laid about the ground. The blood from his body luckily evaded him and landed on his left and ride side as the grip from his sword lessen as a voice now audible to him spoke," Death is such a beautiful thing. The one who you wanted dead for killing your precious ninja is dead...but he's family? Such a hypocrite that you cannot even notice the situation, maybe i should come out to play," the voice began to echo within his mind as he starting shaking, but the sound of his fathers voice stopped him.

Shaking his head, he sat the sword to the side on the bar and checked himself again before moving over to Adam, checking his body slowly before sighing," Something...might have been in what he was drinking. And seeing as he was drinking it...damnit," at one moment he was happy with his family but now? This had happened. Seeing no other choice, he removed the wallet and items of his brother before looking at his father," What should we do with his body?," he wanted to bury it but...did he deserve such a basic funeral?
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Fri Sep 04, 2015 10:38 pm
'This is because you were too WEAK, you had a chance to put an end to that entire village, but instead you make friends with Viper Uchiha? Allow him to become powerful enough to be compared to a God, you might as well start killing your family, I don't care but lets both agree that people need to and will die from this. Make rivers of blood fill the streets of Konohagakure no Sato and put the Hokage's head on a spike while wearing his hat, take that filthy disgusting village over, make it yours.' Nike's influence felt like a thick cloud in the air, Kurisu could barely even breathe or think with Nike. The words though, they felt surprising reasonable in some ways, he could feel himself wanting to agree and just let go and unleash the beast.

His eyes focused on his son Kasuga, a strange feeling of relief helped wash away some of Nike's influence. 'Take care of your boy, stop listening to that other thi-' Yonbi made an attempt to interject with advice, although it only served to piss Nike off. 'Stay out of this monkey, I'll make this hell for you.' Nike lashed out at the bijuu, despite Kurisu and Yonbi having a good relationship, the possession of Nike had made it nearly impossible for them communicate lately. With the two powerful beings arguing with each other it bought Kurisu some time without the annoyance. 

"Good, good." he wasn't sure what to say, something deep down inside still made him feel like something really bad had already happened before today. He had noticed that for some reason he didn't hear Echo's voice in his head at times, and something in his gut told him Misaki was in trouble. Looking at Adam he wasn't sure what needed to be done, his son didn't deserve to die like this nor look like that in a grave. "We'll burn the body, okay?" he asked, at least getting his son's opinion even if it wasn't exactly a real question. 

Summoning his Raijin Armor onto his body, he picked up the corpse of Adam, his armor making sure that the poison wouldn't infect him. "Let's put him to rest." with that he would leave the now bloody and destroyed bar to find a spot to burn the body and let the ashes scatter, perhaps there was a nearby lake.
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Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Sat Sep 05, 2015 7:56 pm
He looked at his father strangely before nodding and putting the various tools and money of his brother into his possession while looking at the scene in detail. It had to have been the bottles...maybe someone had picked up a bounty on him for what he had did in Konoha...but why now? He would need to gather answers but for now he would take care of the body and then see what his father wanted to do next. Watching as his brother was picked up by their father, he followed in silence while still carrying that same black blade in his grip. Today went from happiness to sadness in a blink of an eye and he couldn't understand why it all had to go down like this.

As the two made it to the destination they were going to set their brother ablaze and settle his ashes into the sky, he stood beside his father looking at the body for a moment knowing that this wasn't the best time to say anything. As his brother's body burned he wondered what would happen now. He knew he would have to make a choice here to follow his father and learn what he could from him so that he could soon go and see his sister and hopefully speak with her about the Kenseigan and their techniques. As the funeral came to a close and his brother's ashes scattered about the wind, he turned to the bar and made a few hand seals, burning the establishment down as he sighed," What will you do now father," he didn't know how this would affect him, but if it had been like he had been feeling...then what now?
Kurisu "Fifi" Ametsuchi
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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:07 am
He'd lost kids before, but never witnessed it in such a grotesque manner, a cruel and violent end for a young man who may have had great potential and had yet to acknowledge Kurisu as father. That fact seemed linger in his mind and weigh heavily on his heart, feelings he'd rarely ever felt since he was no more than a child on the verge of being Raikage. Whatever the feelings he was carrying around meant didn't matter, there was a need to give his son a funeral. 

The lake was just next to the bar which was fitting considering that he and probably his other son Kasuga were in need of something tranquil. The sun shining down on the lake with random shadows from passing clouds high in the sky, water so clear it didn't seem real, fresh green grass leading to the shore, and a few decent sized trees scattered out in the area. 

Setting down Adam's corpse, his right arm lite up with blood red lightning. Walking over to the one of the trees he inhale and exhaled to calm down just before dropping in elevation and swinging around to force his arm to slice through the base of the tree. In one quick fluid movement the lightning his entire body while his forced his arm back into the closing gap and then jumping up with great force to split the tree down the middle. Having split the tree, he sent his armor back into storage, planning to use his bare hands for the next step.

His lightning concentrated down into his hands, taking each tree half and using his bare hands to dig out a body sized groove in each one. Even with the lightning acting as something like a shield, he still ended up with cuts on his hands from digging out the wood. Going over to Adam and picking up his corpse he went back to the tree halves and set the body in one groove, a perfect fit. Putting the other half back on top, he'd made a on the spot coffin, using some wire to tie them shut together and then setting out in the lake to float away. 

A light trickle of blood came down from his right eye, his eternal gaze locked on the makeshift coffin setting it ablaze with black Amaterasu flames. While the coffin burned and the corpse of Adam along with it, he happened to find a large flat rock in the shallow part of the lake. Slamming the rock down into the ground, he used a kunai with lightning to carve words into the rock to act as a gravestone.

"Rest in Peace Adam Taurus Ametsuchi 
Your family shall never forget you"

With that done, he looked over at Kasuga who had just burned down the bar, "Oh look idiot, he likes to burn things down too.' his inner retard voice had come back, he could feel some of the weight lifting but there was still some anger, Nike's influence breaking through and changing some of his words. "We need to go to Sunagakure, Koroshi is the Kazekage so he'll be able to help with things. I can't go to Konoha right now or I'd rip them to pieces, but Koroshi might know if Viper and Echo were in on it." With that, assuming Kasuga doesn't resist, he grabs his son and uses the tool Viper gave him to get into Asgard, planning to use it as a short cut to Suna.

[Exit to Suna?]
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
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Family Reunion - Page 2 Empty Re: Family Reunion

Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:57 am
As he stood there and watched his father create an area in which the funeral could take place, he looked through the things that he had recovered from his brothers body, seeing a headband from it and chuckled to himself slightly. If he had killed a Konoha nin and he himself were one? Maybe there was an explanation, but now there would be no time for it. Setting the head band onto the body of his brother he watched the funeral take place in silence, his eyes reverting back to the Kenseigan state to see his brother off into the distance," I'll master this power...for the both of us, I promise you this," he said silently as the coffin adrift the lake began to burn with the black fire.

After the conclusion of the funeral, he left with his father looking at the bar burn for a moment before turning to his father," One day will you teach me how to do those things you just did?," knowing that if he wanted to become strong...he'd need it. With the plan in motion he allowed his father to take hold of him as they teleported into a area.

[exit, claiming all of Adams belongings]
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