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Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Outpost ahoy [Sleep] Empty Outpost ahoy [Sleep]

Sat Feb 13, 2021 9:37 am
Guarding an Outpost:

Ryuzaki stretched as the morning light shone through his ground floor bedroom window, it was early morning and the sun had just risen above the mountains that Ryu's home sat on. He pushed away his bedroll and neatly made it afterward, he moved over and took a shower then began to dress for the day ahead. Today he would be taking on a mission and therefore dressed in his lightweight bodysuit covered by his usual black t-shirt with a white village emblem emblazed on the front, he then covered it with a buttonless jacket that had his Nara clan symbol on the back. Ryu then pulled on a pair of black long shorts and secured a belt around his waist that could hold his shorts in place as well as attach his katana to it. He also secured his two weapon pouches to his hip and his leg respectively. Ryu wound the village headband around his forehead and secured it tightly and then moved out of his house and headed towards the village.

Ryu arrived at the village after a 30-minute walk, he greeted the guards as he made his way through the gates, a morning ritual for him. He pushed through the village that was now just starting to get crowded with its morning hustle and bustle. Ryu arrived at the admin office and received his mission scroll, he was charged with guarding an outpost at the village border, this was an area he was familiar with as he had recently been sent there to take on an intruder, apparently, it had been identified as a high traffic intrusion point and an outpost had been set up there. Ryu was going to be joined by another genin, he waited patiently on top fo the building for him, his one leg hanging off the edge and swinging back and forth, he had a harmonica in his hands and started to play a gentle tune.

WC: 324
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 16800

Outpost ahoy [Sleep] Empty Re: Outpost ahoy [Sleep]

Sat Feb 13, 2021 5:12 pm
The day began as the light of morning sun pierce through the darkness after being invited in by an uncovered window. The light was almost blinding for Suimin as managed to crawl out of bed. He was feeling groggily as he slowly tread to the bathroom. He took a quick shower and did what he usually did every morning. After finishing up in the bathroom he entered the kitchen and opened his fridge to find that his milk had expired. “What an unfortunate morning. Well today is going to be a bad day. So let's just get it over with.” He ate his cereal without milk and had a glass of orange juice. After he finished his breakfast he got dressed putting on the Black shirt, black pants, and black boots he wears along with his mask and gloves. Before heading out the door he turned to the picture of his brother “Well I’m off to complete the day's work. I’ll be back before you know it. I just hope it doesn’t get worse from here. Goodbye Love you.” He heads out the door, locking it and walking towards the Raikage’s office. Upon arrival he noticed a boy sitting atop of the roof playing his harmonica. He couldn’t help but think “What a nuisance doesn't he have anything better to do?” He headed in and upon entry he was given a scroll explaining today's mission. “I’m going to be accompanied by another genin, how irksome this can’t be.” He thought this as he let out a sigh and exited the Raikage's office. He stood out there waiting for his teammate to arrive. He looked up at the kid playing the harmonica and thought “Could that be my teammate?” He headed up there and asked “Hey I’m supposed to be going on a mission where I guard an outpost. You wouldn’t happen to be going on the same mission would you?” He said this in a grim but stern voice and a low tone that could be hard because of his mask.
WC: 341
TWC: 661
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Outpost ahoy [Sleep] Empty Re: Outpost ahoy [Sleep]

Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:20 am
Ryu waited only for a few minutes before someone addressed him, by the sound of it the boy was his mission partner. Ryu dropped down from the building and approached the younger boy "Hi there, I'm Ryu" he said in his friendly tone, his fist extending to be bumped if the boy should choose to engage him. Ryu then turned and started to walk away "I know where we are going, follow me" He called back as he started to move to the edge of the village. Ryu then continued to move towards the outpost which was around an hour's walk away, obviously, the pair would probably make it in quicker time as they would travel at a faster speed than normal folk.

As the journey past Ryu engaged in polite small talk with his partner if he was receptive to it, otherwise he would travel in silence. Once the pair reached the outpost it was a small camp positioned by a bridge, a broken tree lay to one side of the bridge that triggered Ryu's recent memory of the fight he had here, the reason it was now an outpost. The outpost itself was being constructed as they spoke,  but the temporary outpost was a simple tent. Ryu moved into the tent and relieved the previous guards from duty and took over.

WC: 223
TWC: 547
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 16800

Outpost ahoy [Sleep] Empty Re: Outpost ahoy [Sleep]

Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:43 pm
After addressing the boy playing the harmonica the boy hopped down from the roof and began to tell the young Uchiha his name and told him to follow. Suimin followed the boy, being sure to trail beside him. After walking for a while the boy began to speak once more in an attempt to make small talk. “If you feel that there is a need for small talk you are gravely mistaken. I care not for the presence of others nor do I care for their picayune words. So if it’s not important save your breath.” He said this the way he said most things in a grim but stern tone. He continued to follow the boy as they walked towards the destination for the mission. Once they arrived his partner relieved the guards of their duty as Suimin waited outside. “They call this an outpost. It’s a mere tent, how unfortunate.” He thought while waiting on the outside of the tent.
(OOC: If you're having trouble imagining what his voice is like just think of gaara when he was a kid.)
WC: 162
TWC: 503
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Outpost ahoy [Sleep] Empty Re: Outpost ahoy [Sleep]

Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:47 am
Ryu noted that the boy was not one for conversation, this was welcomed by Ryu's current lack of social awareness, easing on his anxiety. However, he was trying to change sol would normally be trying to push past that anxiety, but he would leave it for this mission due to the other party not welcoming the interaction. After the pair arrived at the camp Ryu dropped off a supply bag in the tent and turned to his partner "I'm going to walk the border up ahead". Ryu then checked his weapons and equipment open more time before he headed out to the bridge that crossed the river and then met the northern border of the village, the lightning border was not too much further also. Ryu walked past a tree that was cracked and fallen, his mind was returned to his previous mission a few days earlier, the second time he had to kill for the village, unfortunately, he was numb to it already. The women had attacked him first and he had no compassion when he performed his required act, she attacked people on the regular for no other apparent reason than to steal their stuff.

WC: 197
TWC: 744
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 16800

Outpost ahoy [Sleep] Empty Re: Outpost ahoy [Sleep]

Mon Feb 22, 2021 7:01 pm
Suimin sat down next to the tent on the right side of it. He say there waiting as his partner stood. After a very short amount of time his partner informed him he was going to be heading up to the border. 
"I understand take your time. Ill do just fine handling myself." Suimin said this keeping the same stern but grim tone he always took. As his partner left Suimin laid down letting his guard slip as he thought about the man who wore his face. "Why would someone do such a thing. Those with ill minds think ill things."
WC: 101
TWC: 604
Stat Page : Ryu
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Outpost ahoy [Sleep] Empty Re: Outpost ahoy [Sleep]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:46 am
Ryu moved on after a few minutes of contemplating the women's death. Ryu walked the border grid that was covered by this outpost, he saw many things but nothing of note to the mission, this was due to the lack of traffic and population at the border, it was mostly wilderness. Ryu then returned to the outpost and stood guard at the tent, he kept himself to himself during this time. After around 12 hours a pair of replacement guards turned up, Ryu exchanged words with them and gave his contact report of the shift, which of course was nothing. Ryu spoke to sleep and noted that he was going to return to the village and collect the payment for the mission. Ryu traveled back to the village without incident and made his way back to the admin building and received his payment for the mission. Knowing that he would not have time for training today he took his time in the village and got something for dinner and then made his way back to his homestead that lay on the side of one of the mountains bordering the village territory. As Ryu arrived home he spent a little time playing with Taco, he also fed him some leftover bbq he acquired in the village. Ryu then got undressed and showered washing the day's grime off him and made his way into bed, his physical fatigue low but mental fatigue high due to the stress of not getting in the required amount of physical exertion, then he fell to sleep.

WC: 260
TWC: 1004

Claiming: +40 Ap (+20 from mission +20 from trained), +4100 ryo, 500/500 to learn Temporary Paralysis, 504 for 2643/2750 Seal of Absorption previous wordcount.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Outpost ahoy [Sleep] Empty Re: Outpost ahoy [Sleep]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 2:49 pm
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