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It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Fri Mar 19, 2021 12:06 am
Blistering winds and sands of a scorching desert surrounded Raian on all sides as he made his way out into the lands of the wind nation. It had been sometime since he the transplant procedure had been completed, and he was eager to put whatever new powers of his he had gained to the test. The senju powers especially and who could be better suited for him to do so with than the man whom had given it to him. He was a senju afterall so what better person to teach him. He hadn't seen Aokidanza yet on this day, but even still he figured since this location was near where they had battles the hyuuga sometime ago that Aokidanza would show up eventually. Raian was sure he had briefly mentioned them training and sparring together, probably multiple times at this point. Plus he always seemed to turn up whenever Raian was, as if they were linked, and in one way they sort of were now.

He couldn't wait to finally battle his partner, they had only met recently and yet he felt as though he had known the senju is whole life. The only being as dark as he was and yet at the same time, the only person he had ever gotten close to. He couldn't wait to finally learn what was really in the soul of the man he called a friend. The deepest parts of the soul could only be let out through an exchange of fists, at least that's how Raian saw it.

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[WC: 258]

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Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
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Ryo : 104

It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty Re: It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Fri Mar 19, 2021 10:41 am
Thrashing winds carried the sand of country with little care, its dominance over such was trouncing. The air felt...contrasting to what the Demon was accustomed to. This day was a gift, a gift that was of equivalent exchange. For on this day the Demon would meet with the Devil - a dear friend...a brother. Perhaps the only being alive that Aokidanza trusts with his life, other than himself. The Senju must admit, he anticipated this day for quite some time. Purposely holding it off for just the right moment, this moment. Raian, a devil of the Jugo clan with a steep hunger for battle was like a heart beat with the number of times he inquired about facing the Senju in combat. Aokidanza, planning, calculating and strategizing would defer as best he could...though he too desired a great craving to face the man. 

This day the two shall clash, but not in the form most would perceive. For Raian this was an test of might, but for Aokidanza this was a test of measure. Raian has become someone of great importance to the golden eye demon, whether he understood this, or was oblivious to it did not matter - it was evident. Since their transplants the two had some time to heal, Aokidanza realizing that it took Raina’s body a bit longer to accept the Senju’s DNA. This in turn made him aware that it would be best to help the Devil conquer the secrets of his clan to the best of his abilities - Raian’s. 

The agreed upon destination of their festivities was not far from where the death of the Hyuuga took place. It was ideal, spacious and far from the nearing village to cause concern to it and its inhabitants. Upon a boulder of 3 meters in height, 1.5 meters in width the Demon stood. Cloaked in white - different from his usual black clad attire. Pure, but one must not mistaken this as a sign of losing his edge, it was quite the opposite. He was diving deeper into his malice. The flowing of the Devil’s DNA through his veins constantly licked at his mental, but it was no bother for in the short time that they had to recover the Demon tamed that vile impulse, leashing it to his influence. The Uchiha DNA that coursed his blood only amplified his power to a new plethora of which he was sure to be able to test out this day, should the opportunity presents itself - he was not willing to force it. 

Black scleras hugging two-toned golden irises audit his hand. His body had undergone a dire change in some ways, more than one. His fingernails pitch black. Crimson markings underlining his eyes. His hair now longer than before as it whipped underneath his cloak as the wind consistently made its presence known. His body more sturdy and under his command - more than it was prior to this day. His chakra was now arduous to those that can sense it, the very conception of evil lived within it. Clutching his hand into a fist, his eyes strayed to find that his brother have finally arrived to meet him. Vast sands, many dunes of a count of 5 and an oasis abaft of him. “I sense that you are at full strength...” He began. Sensing his swelling in chakra as he was standing 10 meters from him. “Upon this day, you and I will clash, brother. We will push the boundaries of our abilities to not only headway our climb...” He paused, allowing his words to collect suspense as he gaze towards his mountain of a partner. Reading the way the natural chakra bend around him, submitting to him naturally as his body absorbs it as if he was a conduit. Another trait that Aokidanza also now possess thank you him. 

But also to lay root in our shortcomings. Let the death of that Uchiha be the foundation of the gap in power and incompetence.” He declared. Stepping once to descend to the bed of collected sand, now standing before the boulder. His arms found before him as he glared at the Jugo. “Let’s not dawdle, or we run the risk of expiring before we actually learn something.” His jabbed, his guard up and his eyes focused on his brother for the first move. Aokidanza understands that Raian was the superior in close quarters, but that did not mean he was bound to best the Demon. Their prior battle gave him much insight, perhaps more than he was even aware of himself. Aokidanza’s blood raced with the excitement of what Raian would do first. A malicious grim manifested on his frame as he locked in on his momentary opponent. “What will you do first, Raian? Will you rush me... that is definitely your style. You and I both know that it would be in your favor to overwhelm me with your strength, or try to. Or will you use a decoy to throw my attention? Projectile? Ninjutsu? Or the very terrain? Or would you prefer to roar at me like the monster that you are? A weaponized sound that even I am a tad bit weary of myself. Oh how I am feeling myself growing ever more intoxicated by the mere thought of how this will play out.” He would think as he waited. 

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It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty Re: It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Tue Mar 23, 2021 6:36 pm
“I sense that you are at full strength...” the voice rang out from behind him, approximately ten or so meters. The mere sound of it exciting Raian to no end as he turned to face his brother in arms. His sclera had remained black however his pupil and iris had been dyed a deep red from the uchiha blood flowing through his body. The senju blood had offered very little change to his physical being, only serving to change him internally from what he could tell. Since receiving it Raian had felt an explosion of energy within him. As if his very life force had swelled beyond comprehension. His senju brother however, bore fruit some pretty drastic and interesting changes upon receiving the blood of the devil. Crimson markings dotted his eyes and his hair had seemed to have elongated exponentially as well. Raian smiled at his brother before he heard the man's words continue. “Upon this day, you and I will clash, brother. We will push the boundaries of our abilities to not only headway our climb...”

These words further widened the smile Raian had brought forth on his face, gritted sharpened teeth like that of a smiling shark in full view. "Oh how I've waited and waited for this day to come. I must say it's an honor that we get finally get to meet our fists. I want you to know.. that just cause your my only friend doesn't mean I'm doing easy on you. So you better not hold back either.. or your going to get hurt." Raian said lowering his body into a low offensive stance like that of a heavy wrestler, compacting his body and muscles so that they would be ready to move on a moments notice. As Raian did this, his senju brother would then step off his perch upon the large boulder, descending to the bank of sand below.

The senju then continued to speak, his philosopher style tone still heavily present on his cryptic speech. Moments later, the senju would take a stance of his own and at this point Raian would consider the battle to have begun. "Hmmm guess I should just start this off pretty simple, get in close and see how his Taijutsu skills are. I know from our battle with the hyuuga that he has quite the formidable Ninjutsu arsenal so I'll need to be on my guard for his earth and fire styles, not to mention wood style which he hasn't shown the full range of yet. Possibly his most dangerous weapon in this battle but if he thinks he'll catch me with it easily then he's mistaken. Anyways I too have a few new tricks to show so.. here goes!". He thought to himself as he focused intensily on his inner rhythm, slowing his breathing so a powerfully slow crawl and forcing massive amounts of chakra to burst forth from every pore and muscle fiber. The thick purple aura would be impossible to see without a visual jutsu of some kind, but aokidanza always had sense for things like this so even if he couldn't see it right at this moment Raian was sure he could feel the ever increasing surge of power that flooded Raians body increasing both his speed and strength. He then dashed forward with all the speed he could muster, pulling his right arm back with the intent of delivering a single powerful blow to the senjus solar plexus to start the match off, if the blow were to land it would definitely cause significant damage to the senjus body though it should not be enough to put him down from what Raians seen.

[NE stacks: 1 -> 2]
[WC: 584]
[TWC: 842]

Battle Stats:

Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty Re: It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:37 pm
And so it begun... Raian, the Devil of the Jugo clan wasted no time, no opportunity to begin his move. The brows of the Demon would slightly raise from under  shade of his cloaked hood. His eyes gleamed with bother curiosity and a tad touch of concern. There was an abrupt inflammation of chakra coming from Raian, no, he could not see it - not yet, but he could indeed sense it. This chakra seem to be focused, not wild as he would have expected, it was honed and disciplined. “Oh? What’s this? Some form of enhancement?” He questioned silently as he continued to observe. Knowing full well that if it was an enhancement it was one that went beyond his current knowledge of techniques - ranging from C rank and below. However, he would not allow himself to grow overconfident, not when faced with someone as talented as Raian. That would introduce a nimble end in this spare for him. “Such chakra emits from you like smoke from a searing home - have you been keeping your secrets from me, brother? Or have you deemed it necessary to use such skills before me?” He exclaimed, spreading his fingers as if the limbs were preparing to utilize their dexterity. “However, if your aim was to constrain me into a closed quarters exchange then very well!” He ended. 

From every pore, muscle, tenketsu that he possesses, a fusillade twisted, suffocating and miasma-like chakra from his person. No, it could not be seen, however it could be felt by those with chakra sensory. But to those without it, they would feel a despairing air emanating from from this Senju. The very sand that he stood upon oscillated under the manifestation of his chaotic chakra. This was to be a mere taste of what Raian would come to learn by the end of this clash. 

His hands came together to weave a set of seals, at this time Raian rushed to closed the distance - The range of Aokidanza’s sense was reduced to 5 meters before the chakra erupted from him. Deadly eyes focused on the Devil as chakra coated both his palms. “Fast?!” He thought, noting the increase in Raian’s speed - validating his presumption of the feeling from earlier indeed being some form of enhancement. Thus further pushing his mental to presume that the enhancement mostly had to deal with his speed and more than likely his strength. A fitting skill for this mountain of a Devil. It was then in that moment that the golden irises of the Senju morphed - swallowed whole by rouge ones, one, two and then three pupil-like tomoes triangulated the center pupil...revealing the Sharingan at full maturity. Aokidanza did not wish to use this so soon, but he was undoubtedly forced to by Raian’s overwhelming speed. Reminded him of that Hyuuga they faced.  Aokidanza wondered when he had the time to learn this, or if he always had it and was merely holding back? 

His eyes strained as they focused on the movements of the behemoth as he closed the distance. It was as if they were reading him like words on a page, his mental processing what they revealed to it - he felt as if he knew what Raian was aiming to do, what he was destined to. His eyes revealed the chakra that coated the Jugo in the form of a majestic avian of some sort, a sight to see, very much a interesting perspective for the Senju and his new abilities. Speed being of relative order - Aokidanza’s body moved to the left as the right hand of Raian came forward with all its might - Aokidanza raising his right hand moved to brush the first aside further leaving him on the outside of Raian’s right side, while simultaneously doing something more. Where he aimed his hand was at the wrist of Devil where his chakra coated hand would take effect - Chakra Scalpel, it would penetrate the barrier of chakra with ease, destroying it while not effecting the boost it gave his brother, however the brushing would allow for the scalpel to also enter the flesh of his brother and sever the connection of nerves from the wrist to the fingers leaving that hand useles, while reducing a significant pool of his speed in the process. 

That being done, the Senju did not escape that clash unscathed - his brushing with such force caused his very right hand to his forearm to fracture in the impact, should it have been a direct blow he knew that his hand would have shattered completely. A malicious smiled would take over his frame for in the same breath of this happening he used his left hand to slam into the back of the right shoulder of the Devil using his own momentum against him to push him into the boulder. This did not apply another debuff, but it didn’t sever a few more nerves in the process should it have worked. His eyes reading him for any slightly adjustments and his hand would follow accordingly to make in connect. The demon would take that time to dart back 5 meters. The Sharingan holding him steady in his view. “That was quite the attack, brother! Even in my brushing off of your assault I still came out injured. Hahaha this is truly interesting, I dare say I know see exactly how you managed to dismember that Hyuuga as you did.” He praised, right hand trembling from the injury he was gifted in the possible exchange. He aimed to flew his extremities to gauge their functions and find that it was still there...barely. 

He is too much of a threat at this rate... I’d best not allow him to get too comfortable with this pace.” He thought, as he continued to observe him for his next move. Should his move have worked, there would be boulder rubble along the fields of sand. Both hands maintained their hue of chakra as he took note that the chakra coating was no longer there. His brow raised slightly as he pieces two and two together. Though he managed to destroy the cloak, he did not reduce the power it came with. The pain that his right arm was under was enough to reassure that thought. “I suppose I should repay you with an equally unpleasant attack of my own.” He spoke, ignoring the pain that was hugged to his arm he would bring his hands together as the chakra around his palms disappeared. Forming the seals necessary for what he had planned. 

[WC: 1,104]
[Total WC: 2,002]
[NE Stack: 1->2]

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It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty Re: It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Thu Mar 25, 2021 2:04 am
Just before Raian had activated his chakra cloak, he had felt an uneasy presence coming from the senju. A dreadful and foul lingering feeling but it did little to deter Raian from moving forward dashing just as the Senju began to weave his hand signs. Also as Raian did so he noticed a change in the senju's eyes, "There it is," he thought to himself, "Knew that was coming sooner or later, seems you've adapted well to that power just as well as you seem to have adapted the devil's blood.". Raian then continued through with his punch, as he did so, the senju whom was easily able to read his movements with those sinister eyes, managed to avoid it somewhat to the left by sliding his own hand against it to divert the power. At the same time this happened, Raian felt an numbness type of pain form at his wrist with no visible wound to be seen. The senju would then, using his superior reflex speed provided by the sharingan proceed to move around Raian, at this point Raian decided to dip down and lean into his punch in an attempt to shatter the boulder as he crashed into it rather than simply just slam into it with his forearm or shoulder and risk an injury. When the senju pivoted around him he felt a similar numbness pain in his shoulder though he still felt as though he had total control over it.

As he continued forward he smashed into the boulder shattering it to pieces before coming out the other side and turning to face his senju partner, holding and rotating the shoulder he had hit with his chakra scalpel, before looking down at his right wrist. He attempted to clench his fist as tight as he could and his hand responded slightly but no fist fully formed and it seemed rather weak all around on top of that. His fingers were slow in response, dexterity in that hand was out the window but at least he could still most likely still mold chakra to form basic handsigns at the very least, even if forming a compact fist and the more complex movements were gone. Damaged nerves or tendons connecting from the wrist to the rest of the hand seemed to be the most likely culprit, Raian was no medical professional but he did understand all the basics of how the human body works, and with that knowledge he at least figured out what the most likely cause of the problem was even if he couldn't do much to stop it for now. The nerves in the shoulder also felt numb but he was able to rotate the arm so whatever he cut didn't cause him to lose function at the very least which was a god send. If he had lost the dexterity in his full arm from both the wrist and the shoulder that could have been a serious problem moving forward. "God that scary doctor stuff is something else, a new feeling for sure never fought someone using techniques like this before." He would start off before hearing his partner speak, "That was quite the attack, brother! Even in my brushing off of your assault I still came out injured. Hahaha this is truly interesting, I dare say I know see exactly how you managed to dismember that Hyuuga as you did.” It was then that Raian noticed the damage to the senjus arm, much more physically visible than his own that was for sure. "By the way.. This technique is a Taijutsu breathing slash chakra control technique, requires a VERY calm mind and rhythm so not really my style most of the time. I usually screw it up to be honest." Raian would say before the senju continued to speak, “I suppose I should repay you with an equally unpleasant attack of my own." In response Raian simply replied, with a smile and thought to himself, "Time to show you a few other tricks I kept hidden in the battle with that hyuuga." A moment later the senju began to form a string of handsigns, just as the Senju did this Raian smiled raising his left fist which was still in perfect shape high into the air before quickly slamming it down into the ground hard with all the strength he had. This strike against the ground would cause a massive crater to form almost instantly and cause the ground to shake and ripple apart as if an earthquake was happening within a 15 meter range, the distorting earth rippling out at 65 speed. If the senju were caught by the rippling shockwave of the ground he would receive a debuff to his speed and strength of 30 while also being launched 10 meters into the air.

Even if the senju managed to jump out of the shockwaves range, or avoid it some how Raians hope was that it would distract him or throw his guard off at the very least. Thus, launched into the air or not, Raian would follow up by focusing a large amount of condensed chakra quickly back into his left fist. The chakra that had been focused and condensed into a translucent sphere around his fist would normally not be visible to the naked eye. However, with the senju's sharingan active, to him it would most likely appear as a deep and dark purple energy engulfing Raians fist. After just a moments charge, he would punch forward launching a condensed burst of energy as a sort of long range energy punch once again towards the senju's solar plexus. The punch held a mighty power of 164 behind it and traveled at an equal speed of 164. A powerful and also useful technique for a Taijutsu master to use when they need to attack from a range. This seemed like the best combination option with that deadly surgical precision of the senju's a constant threat in a close combat slug out.

[NE stacks 2 -> 3]
[WC: 995]
[TWC: 1837]

Battle Stats:
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty Re: It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Thu Mar 25, 2021 12:50 pm
He The might that was at Raian’s disposal was unrivaled, Aokidanza observed as he swiftly maneuvered himself into a plunging as he tackled the boulder head on, eliminating any possibility of crashing into it to further injury. Crimson eyes snugged by black scleras recorded as if watching a film, his movements were playing out in his head - the Sharingan was a gift indeed, it spoke to him, giving him insight and near perfect precognition to adapt. The demon dared say that without it...things would have turned out to be quite different. The debris of the shatter rock flew here and there, the sand that was holding it up scattered as if a nuke landed causing a bed and crater. The peaceful body of water that was within the oasis abaft of it ripples - another testament to the Devil’s monstrous strength. “It is no wonder that I suffered such an injury from a mere brush of his fist... Raian is clearly more physically adept than myself, which means that I cannot dance to his rhythm for too much longer, or risk losing more than just my hand.” Thought the Senju as he continued his observation for the next move. 

Raian, without a doubt was beginning to comprehend what just took place in their exchange. The rotating of his shoulder and attempt at flexing his hand was evident. The blood red eyes of the Senju narrowed as he analyzed for himself what his brother was inspecting. “You might as well give up on properly using that hand for the remainder of this battle, brother. It will not be coming back, not until we are done here. I made certain of that. You will also find that this version also holds another effect - as all nerves are connected, you will find that not only did I take your hand and nearly your shoulder, but overall I have took a portion of your body’s response signals. But do not worry, it will not last, only for but a few moments.” He explained, a malicious expression carved its way to his face. It was then that Raian decided to grace the Senju with a brief explanation of the tech he used. The head of the demon slightly tilted to the right as he grasped what was being told to him. It was as he figured, but it had an odd requirement - a tranquil mind if he was gathering things correctly. His brother’s admitting to it being a technique that was beyond his comfort only made the man laugh. “My, my... Your thinking is a bit flawed there, Raian. A calm mind is merely a precedent to the true meaning. When you think of the meaning, you’re thinking clear and tranquil, without disturbance. But, if that was the case you would have never been able to achieve use of it in the first place, not with that Devil in your head, that we both now share. You see, it is because of that Devil that you are able to utilize that technique. Calmness does not always have to be clear - for you see, I am most calm when I’m thinking of my enemy’s demise, chaos, bloodshed, torture and calamity.” He exclaimed. Hoping that this will help him see things for more than just black and white, there are grey areas that linger between. 

Suddenly the the brows of the Senju furrowed as he watched the left hand of the Jugo rise. “What are you playing at?” He thought in silence. His Sharingan honed in on his body as it read for the smallest of detail, twitching, telegraphing. Once it was given, his eyes predicted what was most likely about to happen, a mere slamming of his palm to the sand? But why? He could not understand, but oddly enough his mind recalled what that Hyuuga aimed to do but to no avail! Why...? Why did the Hyuuga do such a move with such confidence when faced with not only Raian, but the Uchiha and Aokidanza himself? It would then become clear to him... “He aims to do something bothersome.” He immediately thought. The Senju dipped and slammed his palms into the sand, his right hand tinge with the annoyance of pain that crawled up his arm to his neck, but he ignored it, finding pleasure in that sensation. At this time Raian was coming down to slam his palm at midway - with his hand raised and Aokidanza’s well at a lower depth the latter beat the former to the sand. His demonic chakra would impregnate the very land, dominating her to his will as he did once before. She submitting to him and his wants, as he took hold of the 4 meters before him, 4 by 4 meters around Raian at a speed of 95 the very ground beneath him would suddenly rise - throw him off his balance as it would push and crash into him at a power of 95. This would occur as he was coming down to slam his palm into the ground, but the terrain only answers to Aokidanza. Should he managed to continue his strike then he would find that his efforts were wasted as he was carried 90 meters into the air at great heights. Saving the the Senju from the shockwave should it occurred, but also preventing the crater as a testament of the Senju’s power over the land, while sending a damaging sensation up that very arm. However with the power of the tech belonging to the Devil, Raian would be able to reduce the blow by 40 turning that damage given from 95 to 55. 

Black nailed palms would rise from the sand, forming a second set of seals as his body stood. Taking into account that by this time all further actions in Raian’s strategy was voided due to the drastic space in range for it. From the Senju’s back a tendril sprouts and took form to mirror that of his own. However, it’s right hand was not injured - no doubt a clear give away to its nature should it be noticed. “Go, show our brother the difference between a Shadow Clone and Wooden one.” Telepathic commands given, the clone took off at a speed of 50 towards the base of the terrain core that was now sitting as a pillar. As it did the original darted back a total of 15 meters now placing the totals distance from where Raian original stood from him at 20 and an overall degree of height and distance at 115. Aokidanza sat, crossing his legs and closing his eyes. Controlling his breathing to a pace of complete control. The chakra...natural chakra that was all about him was steadily being absorbed at a more hasten pace. “Oh? Is this really all there is to it? I see...” He thought, finding the complexity of this form of chakra to be...adequately elementary. 

The clone scaling the pillar began to form seals. It’s eyes keen on any movements from above. Once it was within 20 meters of the platform surface it would tuck and slam its palms into the body of the pillar. Thus that demonic chakra spread, crawling at a speed of 95 causing the very pillar to quake under its recognition of the demon’s command. 20 meters up, which was before it, 10 all around the sides and center. At the same power - the Devil will find that the platform that he stood upon was caving in. With little to no sense of the Demon’s clone approaching it was an ideal strategy to capture him off guard. It did not go without calculation of the strength that Raian possess at current to leave this trap unscathed, however that was not the demon’s aim. He wished to apply another laceration to his brother’s speed which would be and additional 20 totaling at 70 overall, 50 to the right limb and 20 to the rest. Should he managed to avoid this he would be heading for a 90 meter fall, which was nothing for the Devil, but it would leave him vulnerable at such a height with no room to dodge what was to come next should it go that route. 

The clone would push off from the caving in pillar at a 70 meter height, entering a back flip, simultaneously forming seals as he broke from from his rapid flipping to lock onto his opponent as he completed the signs. Should he be falling into the center of the collapsing pillar, or managed to leap from the top towards the ground, or even towards the water the clone was prepared to do what he must to capitalize on the opportunity. The excitement that he was feeling was immense. “That’s it, brother! Show me more! Make me lose myself in this battle! Push me to show you my full capability!” He exclaimed with a twisted, malevolent smile, sinister thoughts filled his eyes as he could almost taste the despair and twisted nature of his very being oozing from his body. He was....enjoying himself. 

It’s been quite some time since he experienced something close to this, subtle flashes of memories flooded his mental as he recalled training with his childhood friend and former master, back when he had nothing. Pushing himself on merely hope and conviction. His goal? To become stronger...stronger to protect those that were dear to him. To save those new to his life in order to avoid losing anyone else like before. Oddly enough, protecting them was part of the excitement that he felt. The other half came from...killing those that aimed to do them harm. Raian was doing more good than he my have realized, help Aokidanza find his inner joy in the midst of battle - facing a worthy opponent and brother. He could only imagine what more the Jugo had up his sleeve. 

[WC: 1,654]
[Total WC: 3,656]
[NE Stack: 2->4]
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 21100

It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty Re: It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:58 pm
The senju had confirmed Raians thoughts, he had severed some nerves and took use of his right arm away for the remainder of the fight, a troublesome thing to deal with. It was essentially made all the worse by the fact that this was a tough opponent, equal in some ways to Raian himself just not physically.   As Raian later moved to use his earth shaker technique he noticed the Senju slamming his own palm to the ground first, having experienced this same technique before when fighting the hyuuga, Raian knew what was coming next and as his fist slammed into the ground landing himself in a kneeling stance with one fist to the ground, he tensed every muscle in his body, bracing for the pillar to move and thus not throw him too far off balance. However, even with his whole body entirely tensed up and ready for the impact, the force of the moving earth still managed to damage his hand quite a lot. He could easily feel that at least a few fingers were broken and the other knuckles on that same hand were probably cracked all to hell as well but it these were mere minor inconvenience level injuries and were not about to stop him from fighting. The pillar continued to raise at a rapid speed, the enhancement that had been brought in by the cloak now failing him as his stats returned to normal. However, in the brink of such danger he merely smiled, as he was able to barely see Aokidanza form a clone and take some distance.

"Alright! Let's call on the calvary!" he roared as he quickly used his good hand to force his dead right arm up forming hand signs through the pain and numbness of his hands before biting his left thumb before slamming his palm to the platforms surface. A moment later a seal would cover the entire side of the platform before a large puff of smoke followed by a loud roar would reveal a giant ape hanging from the side. By this point the clone with it's speed would be about halfway up the pillar had it continued and not made any other actions with the original Aokidanza at this point not meditating for extra nature energy. The ape would then let go of the side of the pillar falling directly towards the clone on the side of the pillar, with Raian quickly leaping off and onto the 4 meter tall apes back, latching onto it's fur and armor with all his strength as they fell rapidly towards the clone. The ape would then, attempting to bat the clone away with it's massive hand as they neared close to it, about halfway down if he had stopped moving right at the summoning or possibly 10 to 15 meters lowered or higher depending on how he had moved making the clone 40 to 60 meters off the ground approximately. This would hopefully send it flying away from the pillar and possibly destroying it, after doing so the ape using his monstrous strength would attempt to drive his fingers into the rocky side of the pillar to slow himself down as much they were now only about 20 to 30 meters off the ground. This would hopefully slow them down as possible before at 10 meters from the ground the ape would leap off the side and slam to the ground with a loud thud. Raian just barely holding onto the ape as they slid acrossed the sat west of Aokidanza about 10 meters now making their total distance apart about 25 meters. Raian would jump down from the apes back, and slap the ape hard on the arm, "A little less dramatic next time please, my god thought I was gonna die there."

"Yeah yeah, so.. I'm here why?" The ape would reply, before Raian simply pointed at the senju whom had probably risen to his feet by this point at the very least. "Creepy looking fella huh, remind you of anyone?" The ape continued as Raian rolled his eyes. If the clone had not been destroyed by the earlier scuffle, either avoiding the two falling giants or some how surviving impact, then Raian and the ape would have their eyes on it as well as the orginal body, keeping this fight a 2 on 2 for now seemed like th best course of action.

[NE Stacks: 3->4
[WC: 740]
[TWC: 2577]

Battle Stats:
Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty Re: It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:59 am
The rhythmic licking of the clone scaling the side of the pillar - seals woven, it’s aim to destroy the platform of which Raian rode. Shared memories lingered in the clone’s mind as it noted the swift thinking of the devil in attempt to save himself from further damage from the terrain that rose so suddenly underneath him. The clone knew that it would take much more than that to beat the brute, but it was far from little to do harm. He could see it on the face of the devil as he ascended towards the heavens. Hastily the clone rushed as its crimson eyes traced the oddly smooth pillar of his original making. 

Those vexing eyes of the clone caught rapid movement as it scaled. “Summoning formula? When did he-” Telepathic wording from it to its source, cut short as a puff of smoke manifested with an armored ape emerged at the side of the pillar, hanging from the lid of the platform. It locked eyes with the clone, which raised a brow as its eyes recording the beast sending a mental image to its source - Aokidanza. His rush continued, but it would be derailed as the ape abruptly descended as it did. Crimson eyes honed in as it did and as the beast swung its arm to swat at the clone - it released its hold on the seal as it jerked its body back, raising its two feet to meet with the giant trunk arm of the beast in a manner to use the momentum and pushed itself off towards the original. Spinning and twisted in a flipping fashion as it eventually broke free of the motion to a skidding stop, just 5 meters from the meditating Senju. Debris kicked along its knees as its legs trembled a touch. That beast had power, a good deal of it. 

The beast and the devil found their way towards the ground, making the distance between them and the clone 20 meters and them and Aokidanza 25. The clone inspected the two as Raian removed himself from the back of the creature. The comparison between the two in height was noticed. Communication between the two took place, not much could be made out, but...the Sharingan was uniquely astonishing - with it the clone could read their lips as if they were words on a blank page. The pointing towards the Senju was right on time as the demon stood to his feet, eyes closed and his chakra calmed. 

Slowly, lids to his eyes opened revealing those black sclera hugged crimson eyes. His expression somewhat amused as if he saw everything with his own two eyes. The clone glanced back at the original, but just as it did he turned it attention back to the duo before it. “My, my... You are full of tricks it would seem, brother. Though I am not surprised that you have such a contract. I must commend you on this one, you’ve hurt my clone quite a bit. But it served its purpose.” With that being said the clone’s distinguishable features began to dull as it returned to it initial form - tinder. Falling to the ground leaving only Aokidanza and the Devil and his pet. Chakra flowed back into him. “I presume with that being said... I can test ‘that’ out.” His words grew dark as he outstretched his arms, malicious intent flooded his mental and his excitement grew as the thoughts overflowed. 

An outburst of smothering chakra rushed from him. Heavy and dense, deeply seeded by bloodlust and despair - faded into nothing...but remolded into a drenching of darkness. His flesh shifted in shade, darkening and then paling to a porcelain white. Black symbols appeared on his arms and chest - a diamond pattern that outstretched to his sides. His forehead grew two horn above each eye, over the left - the horn split off into two. Around his eyes a black pattern that seem to cover even the brim of his nose - it webbed across his face and head as if corrupted. His hair altered to a pure white as if snow touched and his nails grew an inch in length. He could feel his power swelling at a dwarfing rate. He even felt as if he could physically perform better. “Just as I predicted...” He tone of voice was low, inaudible almost. Rumbled as a demon’s would. His smelt of death, danger and even fear as he laid focus his eyes on the two before him. The hood over his head slid back as he tilted his head to the left.  

Which of you two will be first, or will it be both? I really don’t mind.” He took several steps forward and close the distance to 20 meters. 

[WC: 801]
[Total WC: 4,457]
[NE Stacks: 4->6]

Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 21100

It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty Re: It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:16 am
As Raian and his beast slid down the pillar, when Zatar attempted to smash the clone however, he was able to diffuse the blow by kicking off of it with his legs rather than just letting the massive arm smash into him. This would send the clone flying rather close to the original body but failed to destroy it as originally intended. Once they had made their way to the ground, they now stared down Aokidanza and his clone, eye to eye.  “My, my... You are full of tricks it would seem, brother. Though I am not surprised that you have such a contract. I must commend you on this one, you’ve hurt my clone quite a bit. But it served its purpose.” His senju friend would say to him. In response Raian would smile, as Zatar scratched his head looking over towards Raian and speaking to him only this time telepathically rather than physically. "Brother?" the telepathic voice would ring into Raians mind, "its a long story." Raian would think as a response before physically speaking a response to what the senju had said. "Stumbled across an old shrine that teleported me to some far away land. Had to fight this big guy in a bonding ritual so believe me when I tell you brother hes not push over." 

A moment afterwards the clone would dissipate falling to the ground as a pile of lifeless wood once more.  “I presume with that being said... I can test ‘that’ out.” His senju friend would then say with outstretched arms as a foreboding aura suddenly seemed to shift around him. Then the transformation took hold, his dark aura exploded before receding to his body and his skin shifted to a shade of dark before turning a light white. His hair had also turned pure white as his finger nails also grew the hood covering his head falling as he tilted it to the side and asked which he was to fight first or if it were to be both. At that exact moment another telepathic communication from Zatar entered Raians mind. "Hey, Raian, seems like im having some deja vu here... isnt that your special little trick hes transforming into right now?" In response to this mental communication Raian offered nothing in response. His eyes fixated on the monstrous senju and his face contorted into the most devilish looking smile that Raian had ever wore. 

A few moments later a loud roaring laugh would explode from Raians mouth, causing Zatar to look at him with a very nervous expression. "Now thats what im talking about! Now this is a real fight! Lets cut loose the darkness in our hearts! Zatar fight to you hearts content or stay back I dont really care, but this.. IS WHAT I LIVE FOR!" As Raian screamed that his aura also exploded out of him as he continued to laugh. Horns formed on his head and his skin turned a pale grey color as all the veins throughout his body began to pop out so violently that it would almost appear as if they were going to explode. As his chest and muscles grew his shirt began to tear until eventually he just ripped it off of him. "Come on then! FIGHT ME!" Raian would roar as Zatar jumped back from him about 10 or so meters knowing full well that by now hes most certainly lost all control over himsef. 

"I should probably stay back for now, lest I get confused as an enemy." Zatar thought to himself as he watched the two combatants closely from the background. 

WC: 604
TWC: 3181
NE Stacks: 4

Stat Page : Link
Summoning Contract : Rinnegan Summon Contract: Animal Realm
Living Clones : Shinobu Senju
Yoru Senju
Legendary Equipment : Gourd of Gaara
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 104

It's finally time (Aokidanza) Empty Re: It's finally time (Aokidanza)

Tue Apr 20, 2021 7:16 pm
It was like deja vu, crimson eyes witnessing the transformation of the Jugo blooded one, the chakra that was within and around him seeping out uncontrollably as it did. Aokidanza even noticed the distance given between Raian and his summoning by the latter mentioned. “It is aware of Raian’s lack of control in that form? Then it had a taste of his aggression. Animals and their instinct of danger, even with all that physical power it knows it’s place.” He thought, returning his eyes back to the beast before him, Raian. The monstrosity looked to have doubled in muscle mass alone, with such power came at a cost. Aokidanza knew of this cost from witnessing it first hand...and from experiencing it. 

Thus knowing that words alone will no longer reach this battle hard being, his mind is no less like that of an apex beast. Only responding to violence. A smile formed on the face of the Demon as he licked his lips, sharpen fangs revealed as he did so. His appearance was that of a creator of the abyssal realm and he was the king of it. “I have always wondered... the moment of our very first encounter. Which was more superior... the Devil, or the Demon.” His hands came together, pain ignored as it was little consequence to complete the seals needed at a speed of 140. Noting the distance between the two, Raian and his ape, Aokidanza though it best to deal with both simultaneously. 

Exhaling a 6 inch thin stream of fire from his mouth that swiftly detached and formed into a two dragon heads roughly around the size of 5 meters in diameter at a speed of 125, each heading directly towards their target’s core. One for Raian and the other for his pet. These Dragon constructs moved at a speed of 125 and a power to match them. They also possess the ability to curve up to 90 degrees at that same speed. With the Sharingan Aokidanza would be able to notice the slightest of muscle movement in his targets and predict where they may aim to evade and command his dragons to curve in that direction to cut them off and or crash into them. However they will only be able to move in this manner once, so he would make sure not to waste the effort of the move was not committed too by his opponents. 

These constructions burned with an intensity that scorched the very sand, compressing nature around them and in their wake. Even leaving a path of force in their following. Should they hit their marks they will leave 3rd degree burns, that would cause agonizing pain, as if hell was embracing them. Upon their collision, there would be a 5 meter in all direction explosion of flames and smoke. Aokidanza stand where he shot the technique from with his eyes carefully scanning. Seeing the chakra that seeps from both the master and the pet of the contract bond. Great gusts of wind, enough to shake the very battle field if not remap it all together. 

[WC: 517]
[Total WC: 4,974]
[NE Stack: 6 -> 5]
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