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The Sneaky Cat Empty The Sneaky Cat

Tue Apr 06, 2021 5:19 pm
The Sneaky Cat:

The day had droned on and the sun was now beginning to set, its light fading from the village, however, the heat was still very close and uncomfortable. Kai had been in the village of Suna for a couple of weeks now, he was getting used to the heat and liked how it made his training sessions more intense. He was returning from one such training session right now and arrived at his apartment to a note on the door. Kai took the note and read its contents, it asked him to report to the administration for an impromptu mission. 

Kai took his usual route through the village to get to the administrative building where he received his mission scrolls. Stopping on the way to get a snack from a convenience store. Once he arrived at the administrative building he entered the building and received the scroll from the receptionist, he then exited again and read the contents of the scroll. Kai was tasked with recovering a cat that was lost within its owner compound, Kai assumed this compound was quite large. He had heard stories from another genin that this was a common mission, although that was in his native village.

Kai arrived at the compound location, it had a guard at the gate, Kai showed him the mission scroll and was let into the building, he was then greeted by what seemed like a housekeeper. The housekeeper explained what the cat looked like and where he was found in previous escape attempts. The cat apparently liked to wander outside, but always returned on his own, but the owner was unhappy with this and installed measures to keep him within the compound. So now the cat often hid within the compound to presumably get away from the owner. Kai checked the various spots that the housekeeper mentioned, the cat was not there, but he presumed the cat was smart enough to realize that someone would be sent to find it and that it needed a new spot every time. Kai was checking in a roof space when he heard some scratching on the other side of a wall partition. Kai dropped down from a foundation and made his way into the next room and ascended into the roof, when his face appeared in the roof attic he was met with the face of the cat, which swiped at him and hissed. Kai's skin parted just above his left eyebrow, blood trickled down into his eyesight instantly. Kai pushed his weight up and rolled into the attic space, the cat tried to scamper off but Kai was quick enough to get it in his grasp, it flailed and tried to scratch more red marks into him, but did not have the flexibility nor the strength to break out of his grip.

Kai took the cat back to the owner and then received his payment from the elderly woman, he then made his way back through the village and started his leisurely evening.

Claiming 1100 ryo, +5 Ap, +5 Vigor, 500 words for Genjutsu Release and handseal mastery.
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Sneaky Cat Empty Re: The Sneaky Cat

Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:36 pm
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