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Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi Empty Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi

Tue Jun 15, 2021 9:38 pm
Stats and Stuff:

The finals of the Chuunin Exams were upon Hoshigakure. After the ever-so-eventful first matchups of the third round, all of Hoshigakure and all who flocked to see the Chuunin Exams were thrilled to witness the strongest Chuunin prospects in the Ninja World duel to absolute exhaustion. Each fight showcased the sheer talent of all five villages, making the inevitable "final fight" more and more anticipated as the matches progressed. In the hard-fought first matches of the third round, only four competitors came out victorious: Souji Hyuuga, Gin Akimichi, Enishi Kurosawa, and Yuuma Fujiwara. However, it seemed that Souji wouldn't attend the rest of the exams, leaving those competitors left. That was the only form of information the audience had left, forced to wait until the next and final day of the Chuunin Exams to see who would become victorious...


It was a long night for Enishi Kurosawa. After defeating his closest friend, Zeo Kamigawa in a narrow victory, the understudy of Hoshigakure was left to be one of only two representatives for the Village Blessed by the Stars. After healing his injuries through the use of Iryojutsu after his battle with Zeo, the silver-haired boy quickly returned to the arena so he could watch the other battles to gather more information for the inevitable finals. Sadly, Enishi had to watch his fellow peers - Kouma Yamaguchi and Tsunayoshi Hatake fall in the first matches, which bothered him to no end. But, if they couldn't shoulder the weight of Hoshigakure's future, then it was up to him to carry their burdens and make sure that his village was at the top - no matter how strong any future opponents were. If he couldn't do that, then that implied Zeo, Tsuna, and Kouma's losses in the first matches meant nothing.

He couldn't accept that.

Enishi made a declaration that he would crush everyone in his path.

Fueled by the desire to represent Hoshigakure, the understudy spent the entire night studying and training for the final match. Sleep was the for the weak. The silver-haired Genin also prepared strategies for the rest of the competitors, not knowing whether he would fight one or the other. Enishi also took this time to review some of the Jutsu Encyclopedia and A Study of KKG and their Connection to DNA. Zeo possessed an unusual bloodline that would have made him victorious had their battle not been in the Chuunin Exams, so the understudy was very paranoid about any additional bloodlines the remaining competitors might have. With all of the cramming Enishi did, he didn't get a lick of sleep. But perhaps this was what separated the strong and the weak - their ability to power through adversity. 

Then, the next day arrived. Leaving around noon with all of his equipment - from Ninja Sealing Bands to Ninja Pouches - on his person, Enishi would arrive to the arena on time, sitting in the participants' area for the time being. For what seemed like an eternity as the audience and watchful shinobi flooded the stands...the finals would begin...

"Enishi Kurosawa, please enter the arena to commence the Battle Royale." The proctor called out Enishi's name first to enter the fighting area. "Battle Royale?" The understudy instantly thought in confusion. "Don't fucking tell me..." He muttered in irritation before getting up, eliciting some nasty glares from the audience. A free for all? This was completely unexpected...But even still, he needed to move forward. With unintelligible cursing that even had some rural vernacular put into it, the understudy would stride into the arena. As he entered the arena, he would flash a few handseals before putting his right hand on his neck, gathering air molecules to place a seal on his trachea that could possibly come in handy for the future. 

 It seemed that for the finals, the walls of the arena were taken down, revealing a 100 meter by 100-meter space with all of the open wedges acting as viable fighting spaces. Enishi was only familiar with the first wedge since that was the area Zeo and him fought, so he would walk towards the Wedge 1 area. The Wedge 1 area consisted of a series of dusty hills, two freestanding forested areas measuring 15 meters in radius, a grassy area, a river separating the grassy area and one of the freestanding forested areas, a rock path, a large boulder 10 by 12 meters, and a forest at the edges of the wedge. Enishi would head towards one of the freestanding forest areas next to the small river that measured 15 meters in radius, standing 10 meters in front of it so he could be 10 meters away from the river that was a meter in width, depth, and 15 meters in length. 15 meters directly south of Enishi would be a lake 20 meters in size but only a meter deep, being what the river flowed itself into. Though, about 30 meters in front of Enishi would be a large earth tower about 30 meters tall.

As Enishi made his way to his location, he would put his hands in his pockets while activating Chakra Sensory - being able to sense all forms of chakra within ten meters of him. He was the first person to arrive, so all he needed to do was wait for the remaining competitors to enter the arena. The understudy made sure to pay attention to his environment so he could see other people in his area. 

"Waiting is always the most nerve-racking part." 

WC: 948

AP Usage:
Gin Akimichi
Gin Akimichi
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi

Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:42 pm
Stats and Shit:

The final round of the Chuunin Exams was upon them. Despite being saved by the medical team in the previous round, the Akimichi was not deterred. He spent the entire night at the grounds recovering from his medical treatment. The following morning, it was time for the final round. He approached one of the proctors and was instructed to enter the arena. He handed the proctor his Fuma Shuriken as he got ever so tired of carrying them around with his injured yet healed left arm.

The Akimichi entered through a door that was situated in the 4th wedge, exactly 30 meters east of the western wall. It closed behind him. A second door was present 40 meters east of the western wall with a third door situated 20 meters east of the same wall. The proctor informed the Akimichi that the final round was to be a battle royale style event. He nodded, entering quite quickly. He made his way north at top speed upon entering, unslinging his crossbow in the process. As he moved, he used his back foot to brush back and forth and thus remove any previous trace of his steps, allowing the sand to fall back into place as it would have had no one disturbed it. Arriving at the 10 meter tall smaller boulder situated near the north of the wedge, he channelled chakra to his feet, allowing him to latch onto the boulder with his feet. He quickly cleared his final footsteps out of the sand, his eyes darting between the door that was situated 40 meters from the wall as well as the one that was located 20 meters from the same wall. Naturally, the view of the one located 20 meters from the wall was very much obstructed.

The instant, the Akimichi rested his feet against the boulder, he leaned back, his gear in such fashion that it did not create any noise or clash against the rock during movement. It was intended to keep his movement quite while also ensuring that he did not injure himself with his own gear during his high-speed movement. Armed with his crossbow, his left hand went into a series of hand seals, 5 to be precise. With that, chakra covered his body which in turn reflected light, making the Akimichis large body, breath, shadow, and weapons invisible to the naked eye.

Suddenly, as the Akimichi became completely invisible the door that was 10 meters east of his own door opened with a young man entering the Arena. This door was the one situated 40 meters from the western wall. And so the young man began walking through the sand towards the 1st wedge and in turn directly towards the Akimichi. The boy walked at a rather steady pace, the Akimichi had already silently raised his invisible cross bow, it was primed, loaded with a handful of poisoned arrows. There was an absence of wind in the arena, the air was completely still which mitigated the risk of the wind making a sound against any of his weapons.

The reason as to why the individuals were release one at a time tied back to the Battle Royale format of the event. If everyone were to be released from the doors at the same time, it would have created carnage somewhat of an unfair fighting ground.

The crossbow was aimed at the young mans centre mass with extreme precision. The young boy was heading directly towards the 1st wedge, his torso was directly facing the Akimichi, his sight fixed on the boulder. As the young man entered the 5.5 meter range of the Akimichi, the Akimichis left hand began to silently form hand seals at an absurd pace. Monkey -> Ox - > Snake, after the third hand seal, he pulled the trigger of the cross bow, releasing the green tip arrow at a staggering pace. The instant the trigger was pulled, his camouflage vanished in its entirety, exposing the large Akimichi and his cross bow. The very instant the camouflage faded the duo locked eyes as the Akimichi formed one final hand seal at 150 speed, Rat.

With that final hand seal both the Akimichi and the Hoshigakure genin would find themselves frozen with a sense of overwhelming fear making the Genin unable to move.  The arrow effortlessly flew through the air, striking the young boys chest, embedding itself deep into his chest before releasing the poison that had been loaded into the arrow.
Good luck, have fun.
AP: 690 – 30 [Hiding in Camouflage] – 30 [Genjutsu Binding] – 5 [Tree Climbing Surface Walking] = 625 AP
Used One Handed Seals.

Arrow Speed: 100 (Base) + 25 (Short Bow) = 125
Arrow Sharpness: 100 (Base) + ((37.5 + 62.5) /4) = 125

Arrow – Green Tip Arrow
Bow – Eagle Eye Crossbow
Poison – Paralysis Poison

Existing cooldowns:
Sacred Spear [2/3]
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi

Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:28 pm
As the silver-haired understudy entered the arena with his Chakra Sensory activated, the boy would instantly notice something: the wind was uncharacteristically still. What a shame. Enishi was well aware that the finals were arranged so that each competitor would be sent out at different intervals so as to prevent instantaneous carnage; however, this created an inherent disadvantage to the competitor that would be sent out last as they would have less time to set up their location in the environment while being more susceptible to enemy sneak attacks. This was a battle between shinobi after all, and shinobi were notorious for killing ingenious and without any sort of honor. These thoughts scurried like electric waves throughout the Medical Genius' mind. If the wind wasn't so unusually still, then the understudy would have used the moving dust particles in the air to outline the body of enemies, visible or not. But with the wind not working in his favor today, he had to think of another solution. It was risky, but he needed to rely solely on his Chakra Sensory against sneak attacks. He entered through Wedge 4 and he wanted to get to Wedge 1, so he needed to walk forward, directly towards the small boulder in Wedge 4 to take a turn to the left. Still keeping the ten-meter version of his sensory activated, Enishi continued walking at a steady speed directly forward towards the boulder, estimating that it would take about twenty meters to get there from his position at the entrance of the arena.

With a bated breath, the understudy advanced.

Keeping his hands in his pockets as to not be suspicious to opponents, Enishi walked towards the boulder at his steady speed. It was completely silent, spare for the occasional crunching of the boy's shoes against the sand. It almost made Enishi lower his guard, considering that his sensory couldn't detect any signatures. But instantly, his world turned upside down as he reached a little below five and a half meters towards the boulder.

Latched on the boulder, was Gin Akimichi.

No, it wasn't even Gin Akimichi that instantly made Enishi's eyes widen in fear, but it was the arrow beginning to move from the crossbow that his opponent was wielding with crafty hands that made the understudy want to get away as soon as possible. But, before a single thought could come from the Medical Genius' mind, the Akimichi would form the Rat handseal at blinding speeds just as the arrow was beginning to escape from the crossbow. At that moment, the only thought that was in the boy's thoughts was fear. It wasn't some sort of insidious fear that slowly made one succumb to despair, but it was a type of fear that was sudden, instant, spontaneous. The fear instantly violated Enishi's body, ripping through him like a knife cutting butter. The fear overloaded his body that immediately, his nerves ceased. Only fear existed in Enishi. For any normal person, they would immediately succumb to insanity and take the arrow to the chest. But, even though his mind was clouded in fear, another thought came to Enishi as the arrow escaped the crossbow. 

Get the hell away.

As Gin activated the Genjutsu to paralyze the understudy while launching the arrow towards him, the very earth three by three meters for a grand total of nine square meters centered on Enishi suddenly would rise, elevating the understudy as well as everything within three meters of him, excluding Gin and the arrow which would be about 2.5 meters from the earth and 5.5 meters from Enishi the moment the earth began to rise. Even though the arrow was nearly double the speed of the earth shifting upwards, the speed of the earth rising was enough for Enishi to successfully evade the arrow. For every two meters the arrow traveled, the earth would rise a little over a meter in height which would be enough elevation for the 1.5-meter tall boy to dodge the arrow aimed at the chest; by the time the arrow traveled four meters, the earth would have traveled a little over two meters in height as well. Even when the arrow would inevibetely collide with the rising earth upon traveling 2.5 meters, the small size of the arrow would have only pierced a small hole through the Moving Earth Core - not enough to impede the structural integrity of the rising earth. It was safe to say that Enishi would be safe from Gin's arrow for the time being.

The Moving Earth Core would rise to a maximum of five meters should it not be interrupted by his opponent, leaving the understudy to have the high ground for the moment. Unfortunately, he couldn't move to form any handseals because of the fear still resonating in the Jugo, so he had barely any chance to setup attacks. All he could do now was being reactive. So for the time being, Enishi would narrow his eyes to see whether Gin had any attacks up his sleeves, ready to react to anything while having the now five-meter version of chakra sensory active due to utilizing a jutsu.

A disgusting smirk would appear on Enishi during all of this. It seemed that his opponent didn't have a single shred of honor, attacking him in complete stealth without any form of introduction. Typical of Kumogakure shinobi. Nevertheless, Enishi wasn't angered by this...but instead, a new feeling overpowered the fear lingering in the Jugo's mind.


WC: 902
TWC: 1850

AP + Stats:
Gin Akimichi
Gin Akimichi
Stat Page : Link
Genjutsu Taijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi

Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:30 am
The way the series of events had transpired was quite unfortunate. It appeared that the understudy of the Hoshigakure village had forgotten one very important characteristic of the chakra sensory ability, having activated the ability thus in turn extending the range of the sensory ability to 10 meters, he was now in a position where he was unable to activate or upkeep any chakra utilising technique aside ones that acted in capacity of boosters, nor could the boy utilise any AP during this period.

This meant that despite his best efforts to utilise the Moving Earth Core technique, his endeavour would be a fruitless one and instead the arrow soared through the air before striking the young mans centre mass, ripping through skin, and the part of the young mans oesophagus that connected to the Stomach. Now that the Akimichi had gotten a taste of blood, he yearned for it. In addition to the pain the young man would experience, the instant the arrow entered his body it released a unique paralysis poison that the boy would sadly be unable to resist thus paralysing him for a longer period than the Genjutsu.

Should everything have turned out as aforementioned, the Akimichi would release his Genjutsu before directing one word at the paralysed Hoshigakure genin.

GG, I think? As you don’t have sensory…
Chakra Sensory -
“Owners of this skill can actively sense chakra around them, bypassing the passive route's limitations and extending their reach to 10 meters in all directions of their position. This, in turn, comes at the cost of being unable to activate/upkeep any techniques aside from boosters or utilize AP during the same post.”

So you can’t use AP in this post, thus no Earth Core, resulting in an arrow to your chest as you need to cancel the Sensory and wait one post by which time be finished off?

3 Post Paralysis from the poison because of your low Strength. - Paralysis Poison

625 AP – 5 [Tree Climbing Surface Walking] – 15 [Binding] = 605 AP

Cooldowns –
Sacred Spear 3/3
Hiding with Camo [1/3]
Stat Page : The Wraith
Legendary Equipment : Hiramekarei

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Clan Specialty : Fuuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 111850

Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi

Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:13 pm
Edgy Music:

The fight was over before it even started. 

In an instant, the fight already ended. Despite Enishi's best efforts, he couldn't correct the fatal mistake that he made. By being too cautious, he utilized the extended version of his Chakra Sensory, allowing his opponent to debilitate and lethally strike him in one fell swoop. Chakra Sensory was a useful tool, however, it prevented any shinobi from using any jutsu in that instance; Gin might have caught on to that, so he used Enishi's technique to force the Medical Genius' in a most unfavorable situation. Even when forcing his body to use Moving Earth Core while counteracting the fear rising in him, it was no use for Enishi. 

There are holes you can't climb yourself out of. 

That was the harsh lesson the young Jugo learned today. Realizing that his Moving Earth Core couldn't be used because of a mistake he made mere minutes ago, a hardened expression appeared on the boy's visage as he looked on towards the arrow barbed with poison, inches away from striking him. "Endure it." Enishi solemnly thought, resigning himself to both mental and physical anguish. With resolve, he grit his teeth and sunk his feet against the sand, not shying away from the pain that would ensue. At that moment, the arrow collided against the chest of the understudy, tearing away flesh and bone as if they were shrapnel. The vibrations of ripping metal and slushing poison echoed throughout Enishi's body, infiltrating his pale ears like a demented melody.  The projectile punctured organs and flesh alike, indiscriminately slicing through Enishi's center mass until it reached the spinal area where it would rest and inject the insidious poison inside of the understudy. The sheer power of the bolt pushed the Jugo back a few feet, nearly sending him flying to the ground from its impact force. sheer force of will, Enishi held on.

Blood dripped down the mouth of the expressionless Enishi. This sort of pain wasn't unusual to him, hell, the headaches from going berserk were at least ten times the pain of the arrow...yet the cold feeling of a foreign object puncturing through organs and liquid paralyzing the body was nigh unbearable. "So this is what death feels like..." The Medical Genius' mused for a moment, trying to ignore the blizzard-like frigidness from within. It wouldn't take long before another layer of paralysis binded the boy's body, further digging the insurmountable hole he was stuck in. Soon blood filled his entire mouth, forcing him to spit out an ounce of blood to the ground in ire. Even if he lost, he wouldn't let his opponent walk all over him - as he represented Hoshigakure; that was the pride that lingered in Enishi Kurosawa. 

“Surrender.” Was the sole word that escaped the Kumogakure Genin. The word struck Enishi like another arrow. It wasn't cruel nor kind, neither soft nor rigid. It simply was the truth. Enishi Kurosawa, Hoshigakure's final Genin in the Chuunin Exams had failed in the final match of the Chuunin Exams. So close to taste victory, yet so far away to grasp it. Everything that he had been training towards for the past months was all for nothing. His pride, his resolve, and the reason he wanted to be a shinobi in the first place shattered. He thought he could rival his peers, but no, he was so unbearably weak that he lost in the final round. Struggling to swallow the pill of truth, Enishi would chuckle darkly - well it was more comparable to a gargle due to the amount of blood in his ruptured esophagus. "I thought I could rival my peers and bring glory to Hoshigakure... But no, it was arrogant to assume that I'm even in the same league as them." Dejected, the silver-haired boy's emerald eyes would rise to meet the Akimichi, struggling to regain consciousness from the amount of blood he was losing as well as the paralysis poison wrangling out his nerves. However, two words came out of him with lingering fire left in his tone.

"I surrender."

Enishi's body fell to the ground, his legs unable to sustain his weight anymore. "Congratulations, you're the strongest Genin in the world." The Medical Genius said with finality, a sense of respect in his voice. The Jugo's vision soon blurred and darkened, unable to see anything else as the understudy drifted to a comatose state. Everyone was probably extremely disappointed in him, and rightfully so. He failed at the biggest stage and was unable to usher glory to his village. Such an underperformance was disgraceful. Even if he was a finalist in the exams, there was no solace in taking second place - absolutely none.

After all, second place is just the first loser.

Good game bro.

WC: 898 
TWC: 2748

From this topic [14949 TWC] along with this current topic [2748 TWC], I have accumulated a total of 17697 WC. Now that the Chuunin Exams are finished, I will use this word count appropriately to make claims.

Mega Claims:

Last edited by Enishi Kurosawa on Wed Jun 23, 2021 11:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi

Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:31 pm
Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi FNbQpoZ
Gin Akimichi
Gin Akimichi
Stat Page : Link
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi

Sat Jul 10, 2021 11:04 am
The arena fell silent, to an extent where you could hear a pin drop before the gut wrenching sound of the arrow ripping through a boys body permeated the atmosphere. Naturally, Gin had released his Genjutsu at this point, blood dripping from his foes mouth as he stood motionless appearing rather pathetic for someone who had reached the finals of this competition. The Akimichi approached, his massive figure casting a shadow over the puny genins petite stature.

Gin squinted as he eyes the Genin, his expression akin to that of a stone cold killer. Before long, his expression shifted to a blank stare as his foe spat blood that landed just shy of the Akimichis sandals. In that moment his hands twitched as the sudden urge to rip the boy limb from limb began overcoming the hunger struck Akimichi, after all this young prodigy of the Heaven Country was the only being standing in between the Akimichi and his food.

It wasn’t long before the boy uttered the words that would come to haunt him for the rest of his teenage years, “I surrender” he uttered. In that instant, the sound proof barriers erected around the arena and the seating areas descended exposing the vast home crowd of individuals observing the spectacle. It wasn’t long before the sound of boos filled the arena.

Harmless steam erupted from the Akimichis body as his urge to rip Enishi apart grew with every passing moment. The hunger began to overwhelm him placing him in a rather hangry mental state. The state, coupled with the booing was enough to send the Akimichi over the edge but just as he clenched his fist with the intent to strike, he heard the final proclamation of the Hoshigakure Genin,  "Congratulations, you're the strongest Genin in the world."

Those words effortlessly overpowered the booing, the Akimichi felt a chill along his spine as his foe dropped to the ground. His eyes widened as if an element of life had returned to them just it had faded from the eyes of the Hoshigakure Genin. Suddenly, a critical aid team descended on the arena, quickly delivering treatment to the wounded genin, meanwhile the stage was Gins.

“Er… I have to do a speech, right?” he thought to himself as he cleared his throat, now more composed, his mouth filled with saliva, his thoughts plagued with an assortment of dishes he planned to enjoy upon returning to his village.

And so with the stage set, he began to shout at the top of his voice quickly silencing his critics. “I want to thank my mom and dad who worked hard to give me the opportunity to fulfil my ambitions as a Shinobi of Kumogakure. I want to thank the Lord Raikage, Noboru Kaito, for giving me the extraordinary opportunity to represent and bring glory to our nation.” he inhaled before continuing on, “I additionally want to thank the Kumogakure Butchers Association, they always saved the best cuts of well marbled beef for me, ol’ granny Azumi that runs the Dango shop for her incredible caramel dango, old man Hidek from the Kumogakure Kuisine Restaurant, their squid is to die for.” he began drooling in the presence of the public, his hands flying into a series of hand seals for the purpose of storage displacement.

“I want to thank Masayukis high calorie chips.” He proclaimed before raising a large bag of chips out of the storage displacement portal and into the air. “I want to thank Yoshios burger joint for perfectly balancing the fat to beef ration to create an unrivalled meat dish that comes served between two pieces of toasted bread. I want to thank Katayamas Kebebs, the way he marinates his lamb is next to none… er—…” the booing resumed. “I wan’ to thank Tsuyanoshi Hatake… for givin’ me this cool lookin’ scar.” His eyes beamed with excitement as he ripped his jumped away from his chest, exposing a near surgical scar that stretched from the Akimichis chest to his left arm. To the Akimichis surprise, the crowd were once again silenced.

“An’ er’… I guess this guy…” he pointed down at the wounded Hoshigakure prodigy who remained motionless in the care of the critical aid team. “I want to thank him… he was a good sport.” He grinned as the booing resumed. “THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT.” He shouted at the top of his lungs before effortlessly bowing to every corner of the arena.

With the formalities out of the way, the Akimichi quickly left the arena.


WC – 760
Chuunin Rank
B Rank Power Rank
Will do rest of the claims later.

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Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi Empty Re: Chuunin Exam Finals: Gin vs Yuuma vs Enishi

Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:06 pm
Congrats - Approved for current claims
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