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Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Empty Getting Re-acclimated (IO)

Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:44 pm
The Mission: Holy Helpers

Hoshigakure was the jewel of Haven Country, and Anastasia Akari had not spent much time here in the last several years, preferring to spend her time with her people at the Akari ancestral home in the north of the country. That being said, she was at an age where she would need to go out and make a name for herself. There was only so far she could get by helping her clan at home, she would need to start making a name for herself. In order to do that, she would need to spend more time in Hoshi and build her reputation by completing missions and garnering the respect of her fellow shinobi. The end goal was to join the Nova Corps, the elite of the village. That being said, there was no way that she would be able to simply just become a member of the Nova Corps. She would need to work her way up the ranks, and in order to do that she would need to show that she’s capable.

To that effect, she’d requested some missions to start getting more into the swing of things. For some reason, all of her previous missions were nowhere to be found, likely due to interference from a certain Chuunin that used to be her team lead. Oh well, nothing that can be done about it, starting from scratch it is. The first mission on the docket now that she was in Hoshi was an interesting one indeed: She was aware of the different religious factions in the country, and how not all of them were a fan of the fact that there was a large shinobi population living here. There have been plenty of hostilities in the past but for now things appeared to be calming down. The two sides were not fans of the other, but there wasn’t fighting in the streets which was a relief. The mission itself was for the Akari Genin to go to a nearby depot and deliver a crate of supplies to one of the religious complexes. The crate contained a collection of civilian clothing of multiple different sizes, non-perishable food, and a selection of medical supplies so that the temple could provide support to some of the village’s less fortunate population. Naturally they wouldn’t accept assistance from the shinobi population, so Anastasia had to change out of her normal attire and wear casual clothing that did not reveal anything of her actual identity. Once “disguised” she would make her way over to the warehouse where the crate of supplies was kept, she put it on a trolly so as not to give anything away and pushed the crate through the streets of Hoshigakure to the temple where it was to be delivered. The local religious congregation didn’t stop to give her a second glance, they accepted the crate and its contents, and she left before they realised they’d forgotten to ask where it all came from. With one mission complete, it was time to move on to the next mission she’d been assigned.

WC: 512
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

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Thu Jun 24, 2021 12:23 am
The Mission: Simple Gardening

Having completed the first mission, anonymity was no longer required. Anastasia stopped at the apartment she’d rented while she was staying in Hoshi and changed back into her normal attire. Back to normal, the Akari Genin would leave the apartment to start work on the next mission.

The second mission of the day that Anastasia had to perform was assisting an elderly couple in the village. They needed assistance with their garden; sadly the pair have not been as spry as they used to be and as a result the garden that they’d once so carefully tended had become a veritable jungle of disorder. So much so that their neighbours complained to them about it. ‘Disgraceful that someone would make an issue of that.’ She thought to herself as she made her way to the couple’s home.

The garden really had gotten out of control, but nothing that couldn’t be fixed by the young woman. The elderly couple were waiting at the door for her and thanked her profusely in advance for her help. She smiled and shook her head. “I’m glad to be able to help,” she said to them before rolling up her sleeves and getting to work. The garden consisted of several plots of dirt, three squares of equal size and a pair of rectangular plots. All of these were chock with weeds that would need to be taken care of first. She quickly and methodically pulled the weeds with a combination of garden fork, trowel, and gloved hands. You could never be too careful when it came to plants you weren’t familiar with. This was the mode monotonous part of the mission, as there was so many weeds to pull and there wasn’t a faster way to do it, at least not to her at this point. Slowly but surely she was able to clear out all of the plots of the offending weeds and was able to move on to the next part.

Tilling the plots of dirt didn’t require as much concentrated effort. She had a access to a garden rake that would do the job nicely, and it definitely helped her make up time that was spent weeding the plots. The second phase definitely took less time as a result. The couple wanted to plant flowers in some of the plots, and use others for growing food, so the final step was to help them prepare the plots for whatever they wanted to use it for. They had provided some bags of soil, each with a different composition which was ideal for different types of plants. She helped clear out some of the old soil with a shovel and laid down new soil based on which plots were going to be used for which types of plants. The soil was then flattened out with the rake and re-tilled so that seeds could be sown.

With all the hardest work taken care of, the couple thanked Anastasia again while she gathered her things and made her way back to her apartment to get cleaned up and ready for her next mission of the day.

WC: 520
TWC: 1032
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Empty Re: Getting Re-acclimated (IO)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 12:33 pm
The Missions: Patrol Training + Shadow a Queensman

Upon reaching the apartment she tossed her dirty clothes in a hamper to be cleaned later, grabbed a quick shower and a new set of clothes. The last two missions she had been assigned were similar enough in scope that they could be completed together; she was to complete training exercises related to patrolling the village, and she was to shadow one of the Queensmen, essentially the original police force in the village. She was to complete some basic exercises first and then would do some practice patrols which would be overseen by the Queensman she’d been assigned to. Anastasia understood the importance of such training; she’d been a part of patrols at the Akari Clan Castle and surrounding area while she lived there, but they had their own way of doing things and it was important to ensure that the rules were being followed for the missions that she was assigned.

She made her way over to the training grounds attached to the academy, which was set up today for what appeared to be a large group training. There were a good number of Genin here, many of them much younger than she was. That didn’t bother the Akari Genin though as this was only a refresher for her. The instructors were going over the basics right now; the patrol routes that most Genin would be assigned to, typical patrol composition, what sorts of events they could expect to encounter during a patrol, and how to respond to those events whether they be friendly or hostile. Most Genin, being fairly inexperienced would simply be advised to attempt to cordon the area while a runner goes to request assistance in the event of most hostile encounters. Anastasia expected that, most fresh Genin were only used to sparring sessions and those were in controlled environments. Actual combat never really lent itself well to being controlled. Even the most experienced shinobi could be caught at a disadvantage by something that was entirely out of their control.

Once the basics were explained, the instructors grouped the Genin into teams of 4 and gave them examples to play out using an area of the training ground that had been set up to represent a couple blocks of Hoshi. Some of the exercises were simply following the patrol route, others involved mock combat using some of the other Genin as volunteer combatants. The younger, more recent graduates seemed to be enjoying themselves, almost forgetting that these exercises were incredibly important for safeguarding their village. Simply lost in the excitement of mock combat, the Akari Genin herself couldn’t help but smile a little. There was a joy that came from combat, especially up close with swords and the odd bit of taijutsu. That being said, one could never allow that feeling to overcome the fact that these drills needed to be taken seriously. The instructors though were aware of that and made sure to remind everyone of that fact.

It only took them a few hours to cover everything that the instructors wanted to go over, so with that done, they were split into groups again and all sent out to complete their own patrols. Some, like Anastasia were also assigned to shadow Queensmen. In fact, a pair of Genin had been assigned to shadow the same one that she was currently shadowing. The extra eyes would be good to have around just on the off chance that something did happen while they were out on patrol.

Anastasia knew a little bit about the Queensmen, primarily because her clan had been around when they were originally formed. They started out as a civilian peacekeeping force, in charge of upholding the laws of Haven Country and enforcing them when necessary. Because of their impartial nature in all things they have garnered respect from both of the main factions in the village, those factions being the Shinobi population and the religious fanatics that wish them gone. Over time, some of the Queensmen had developed a talent for using the shinobi arts, which only made them more efficient lawmen. ‘If only the religious leaders could see that.’ Anastasia thought to herself. She bore the religious congregations no ill will. They were an essential part of Haven Country’s history and deserved to be here as much as they did. The Akari Genin just wished they weren’t so ignorant in how much better the village could do if they worked together.

The Queensman that the trio has been assigned to was one of the more grizzled veterans, been doing the same patrol routes now for over 20 years. He knew everyone and everything that happened in his area, and made sure to stop and chat with everyone that wanted to. The Queensmen were more than just law enforcers to these people, they were a friend, an authority figure, someone to look up to. It was definitely something that Anastasia aspired to be, especially with her goal of joining the Nova Corps eventually. Of course because of how he paced out his patrol, that meant it took the rest of the day for them to complete that particular mission. That wasn’t an issue though, they were getting paid, and learning some valuable lessons in the meantime. It was highly unlikely that she would end up patrolling the same path, but it gave her another goal that she could work towards.

The patrol eventually did come to an end. They left the Queensman back at his station and eventually split off, with the two younger Genin heading home, as far as she could tell. She wasn’t quite ready to do that yet, so she simply decided to walk around the village some more, taking in sights and sounds that she had not heard in some time. It was nice to be back in the village, getting reacquainted with the hustle and bustle of the biggest hub in Haven Country. Eventually she did tire of the activity and made her way home for the night.

WC: 1001
TWC: 2033


4500 ryo (Mission Rewards)
400 ryo (Genin bonus x4)

20 stats
23 AP

2000 WC Towards Golden Eye
23 WC towards Chakra Infusion
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Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Empty Re: Getting Re-acclimated (IO)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:32 pm
Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Tumblr_pq43hh90en1tr8exm_400
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Empty Re: Getting Re-acclimated (IO)

Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:31 pm
OOC: Tom and I will be adding this bad boy to the list of missions on this topic. Minor Construction Help

Shirtless and alone, he stood in the training yard of the Water Gardens. It was the hour before the dawn when the world was dull and grey. Toneri had always despised every single moment of taijutsu training, if truth be told. More influenced by the Haven’s side of the Hoshi Hyuuga, he had been trained for the dance of steel ever since he was deemed old enough to hold a wooden sword. 

The Byakugan, granted to him from past heroes’ blood, was a crucial factor in this. But only fitting, he supposed, since the Hyuuga clan members had the innate ability to perceive the world around him like no one else. And fight like no one else.

Toneri had to add more to his arsenal of weapons.

Toneri, in his gentle fist stance, extended his left arm forward while the palm of his right remained closed to the waist as if he was storing power in it. With a sharp exhale, his right arm took flight while the left went to his waist. The palm hit thin air, and Toneri remained in this form for a couple of seconds and then threw a sharp left. The switching in the palm thrusts went on for a while. The Byakugan was practicing the shape of the Vacuum palm right now, so there would be no projectile coming from his palm yet.

When he felt he got the form’s hang, he channeled chakra into his left dominant hand. He felt the veins bulging as he placed them firmly near the waist.  “Hard.” The Kage’s younger sibling endured the dull pain and extended his arm forward in an explosive motion. Toneri unleashed the charka blast from his hand, and the sound of wood shattering filled the yard.  

“You still at it,” A voice interrupted him.

“When did I ever stop,” Toneri told Natsuki, and his green eyes turned to meet. Natsuki’s white ones gave away to the family she belonged. However, any other Hyuuga traits on his twin sister’s face were scarcely visible. Like Toneri, she did not have coal-black hair but blonde. Blonde her that their mother used to tell them she had stolen the fire from the sun.

“So what does our sweet brother have in store for us today,” Toneri asked as he grabbed a towel and cleaned the sweat from his brow. More than a few of Haven's lords believed that Ayato's time with Kyousuke Snow had left him half a peasant. "A big part of what makes someone a hero," if you heard the Ice Prince of Hoshi say it in response when the whispers were brought to him by Shina. "High lords have a lot to lose when fighting for justice. A lowborn commoner is more sympathetic to ordinary people." And Ayato figured it was a great idea to put his siblings through the same process.

“A patrol exercise, among others," Natsuki said, but all Toneri could manage back was a scoff. There was no need for the Hyuuga Princess to activate the Byakugan to notice Toneri's disappointment. Instead, she continued. "He did mention to one of his Nova, the geezer with the man-bun, that he has already accepted the fact you are not going to show up." 

Toneri walked towards the bench; putting the towel down, he reached for his sheathed sword. "I suppose this as good the time as any to disappoint Ayato and these assholes in the Nova Corps."


"Many high-ranked shinobi had bought their armor from here, those who knew to appreciate excellent steel even Toneri Hyuuga; the Kage's brother." Suppose Toneri had one Ryo for every time Mercurio Stamatis of the Lands of bird had mentioned that to a potential client, Ayato's younger brother would be the richest man in the shinobi world. Indeed Grey Lion was a phenomenal armor. 

Toneri had seen those queer samurai robes and flak shinobi jackets, and these would never stop a blow from a blade, while an armor would very well keep a man alive. But today, he would not need it; leaving that masterpiece at home, he wore a white tunic with a black cloak that bore Toneri's sigil. The Hyuuga clan colors in reverse, a golden fireball on a red field. 

Wearing this fine tunic made him hardly recognizable felt like a waste while helping those pretentious monks or overlooking the gardening of the young genin. But the worse part of all Patroling with the Queensmen. They had been doing the same patrol routes for over two decades to hear them say it. The Queensmen fancied themselves as more than just law enforcers to these people; they were a friend, an authority figure, a role model. However, Toneri saw Washed up drunkards who could not hold a stick, let alone a sword.

Once that shitshow was over, Toneri's eyes caught the sight of a beautiful lass, and suddenly the day became much more enjoyable. Despite his sister's advice, who had also joined him in this series of missions, Toneri decided to approach her regardless.

"I don't know about you, little one," Toneri said when he was no more than two meters away from her. "But listening to Ben the Queensman yap about the drunken brawls brought scarce development to my shinobi skills." He ran a rough, callused hand through a golden mane of hair. "How about we wrap up this final mission, and then you and I go somewhere more private for a shinobi masterclass."

WC: 911
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Empty Re: Getting Re-acclimated (IO)

Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:22 am
It would appear that the day wouldn’t be quite over, for as she was getting ready to separate from the group, a runner came up with another mission request. This new mission would be to assist a villager with a construction project of theirs. It didn’t state who it was or what it was that they would be doing, only that they required assistance. She was reading over the mission report as one of the two other Genin walked over to him. And the first thing out of his mouth was to insult a well-respected member of the village’s community and then to proposition her. Anastasia felt a twinge of annoyance at his advances. It wasn’t something that was uncommon for her; she was fully aware of her own beauty and the steps she took every day to look at good as she did, but she did that for herself, and woe befall anyone that thought they could use a few cheap words to win her over. Even the form of address he’d used for her, little one, did nothing to curry any favour with her.

The Akari Genin turned her head to look at Toneri, who was a few inches taller than she was, if that. ‘Little one indeed.’ She thought to herself, how obnoxious could one person be. “Then you weren’t paying attention to the meaning behind what he had to say,” she said to him, pausing for a brief moment as she looked him up and down. He wasn’t horrible to look at, for someone that looked to be at least a few years her junior; long blonde hair, pale skin, slim build, and white eyes, which immediately pegged him as a member of the Hyuuga clan. Either that or he’d killed a Hyuuga and took their eyes. “However I’m not surprised you missed it, since you seem to be a little pre-occupied with ogling someone who has better things to do with her time than waste her time on a kid.” The look she was giving him wasn’t appraising his looks, despite the fact that she took in those details. The look she gave him was calculating, as if to determine whether or not he was worth the effort of being put back in his place, before dismissively returning her gaze to the mission report as if he wasn’t worth bothering to engage any further. With nothing more to say on the subject, Anastasia would make her way to the location outlined in the report.

It was a large section of land in the market district. Well, large for the market district. Still, the area itself would be able to fit a few buildings of varying sizes. At this time though, the area was relatively empty, with the exception of a couple buildings that had yet to be torn down or renovated. Toneri would likely recognise the man in charge as it was Mercurio Stamatis from the Land of Bird. Anastasia would approach him, the other two would do as they pleased, and introduced herself to the man in charge. “I am Anastasia Akari, here to assist as requested.” Short and sweet, she wasn’t here to chit chat, she was here to work hard and make a name for herself. “We’re looking to renovate the forge that was built here a while ago and turn the rest of the area into a bigger complex for artisans to ply their crafts. Your job will be to assist with the construction of a pair of new forges. They will be built similar to the one currently build here, but there will be a foreman that will direct you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them.” With that, he turned back to the head foreman to discuss the grander scheme of things.

This had always been an interest of hers; her own weapons were being crafted as they spoke, and she was curious about the process and how to make weapons and armour of her own. Perhaps while they worked she would be able to learn about the craft itself.

WC: 684
TWC: 2717 (2023 WC Spent)
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Empty Re: Getting Re-acclimated (IO)

Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:54 am
Tanning Rack - Another one

Toneri, a nice, strapping, broad-shouldered, young blond bull, was a great favorite of the smallfolk in tourneys and was well-loved at court. However, it seemed that Anastasia Akari was immune to his charms.

“My lady breaks my heart. You cast a big shadow, but you are a tiny tree.”

The Iron district began, and the three shinobi followed its twisted path, past blacksmiths working at open forges and scavengers selling old blades and razors from their wagons. The more they climbed, the larger the buildings grew. They had an appointment with the man at the end of the hill, in a cobbled building whose upper stories shadowed over the tapered street.

A pair of warriors made of stone guarded the building's entrance, armored in suits of polished that transformed them into magical beasts instead of a knight. Toneri shouldered his way past builders and apprenticed boys to the inside.

The young serving girl took quick note of Toneri's blonde hair and the golden fire sigil on his white tunic, and the master blacksmith came hurrying out all smiles and pleasantries. "Wine for our Kage’s brother." He said to the slim girl, gesturing the Hyuuga to a lavish couch.  Before greeting Anastasia and Natsuki courteously.

"I’m here on a mission." Toneri reminded him gently. "I should make myself comfortable as not to offend your hospitality, Master Mercurio. "

"Pardons, I was never notified that you’d be partaking today. I would have added a higher reward, and please make yourself at ease.” He wore a blue velvet coat with a silver hammer badge pinned on the shoulder.

“I see you are not wearing your armor today. My work is costly, and I make no apologies for that. It is the reason for the expansion. But the blade is here. May I admire my work, sir?” Mercurio asked as he filled two ebony goblets with wine.

Toneri slid the sword from its sheath and placed it in front of the Land of Birds native. In the light of the lantern, the red ripples on the white of the blade almost seem to move. But the blacksmith in blue had eyes only for the pommel; a golden lion’s head, with ruby eyes that shone like two red stars.

“Brightroar indeed.” The blacksmith observed, captivated. “I know you can keep comparing your swords for the rest of the day, “ Natsuki interrupted them sharply. “But brother, we are here to complete a task, and that’s what we aim to do.”

“Nonsense, sweet sister, you see all the builders outside. You and Anastasia should join us. Right, Master Mercurio?” The armorer turned his attention to Natsuki and Anastasia. “Of course, the lovely ladies should join us.”

“No,” Natsuki said sharply and turned on her heels to leave. A door opened, the blast of hot air coming through as if they were walking inside a volcano. A forge blazed in each corner and the air stank of smoke and sulfur. Blacksmiths glanced up from their hammers and tongs just long enough to wipe the sweat from their brows while apprentice boys worked the bellows.

“Wretched troll.” She muttered under her breath, red with anger. “Apologies, Anastasia, it appears it’s you and me.” When they were outside, Natsuki pulled a kunai out with such force as if she intended to stab her brother with it. Instead, she pressed the tip gently on the thumb of her opposite hand. Blood trickled down the tapered street.

“And this guy.”

A red glint flew through the air and landed with a mighty roar shaking the ground. The heads of the workers turned towards the smoke cloud in its wake. From within, a red armadillo summons, eight meters tall, emerged. 

"Ho The Volatile at your service." The creature said with a fiery passion behind his small yellow cat-eyes.

WC: 637
TWC: 1548
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Empty Re: Getting Re-acclimated (IO)

Sun Jun 27, 2021 6:14 pm
It would appear that the male didn’t like being shot down, but he hid it well…behind some kind of random statement. An attempt at some kind of metaphor? She couldn’t really tell. She shrugged and decided not to answer. The rest of the trip was in silence, the male shinobi had an air about him; a sense of arrogant superiority that annoyed her slightly. Not enough to do anything about it, he was nice enough to not pursue her further, at least for now.

As they got to the area where the mission would be taking place, it seemed that the pair of Genin that were with him were being treated with more deference than she’d expected. The Man in charge nearly fawned over the boy, who was apparently the Hogokage’s brother. His arrogance annoyed her even more now. ‘Resting on the laurels of someone else...How distasteful.’ she thought to herself.

The blacksmith was talking to him about his work, which Anastasia would be interested in if it weren’t for him patting himself on the back. The only praise you should need is knowing that the work you crafted performs the way its supposed to. It was going to be one of those situations it seemed.

And again, the Hogokage’s brother decided that working was beneath him and suggested that Anastasia and the other girl, who was apparently his sister, should enjoy the comforts of the room and that the menial work should be left to the labourers.

It would seem that the Akari Genin finally had an ally, as the other female disagreed with him. They were there for a mission, and sitting on your ass was not completing a mission. “Thank you for the offer, Master Mercurio,” Anastasia said to him and him alone, “but I am here to perform a task and that task is not lazing about. I’m here to work, and work is what I shall do.” She would completely ignore the other Genin and would follow the sister outside, who would immediately apologise the elder woman for her brother’s behaviour. Anastasia would hold up a hand, forestalling the apology. “You don’t control his actions, you’re not his caretaker or parent. He is his own person and will succeed or fail all on his own.” After that, the girl drew a kunai and cut her finger. Beside her, a massive armadillo appeared, apparently called Ho the Volatile, to assist with their building project.

The job went much quicker as a result, with the summon’s massive strength being able to assist with moving the large wooden beams and metal supports. The two women assisted the labourers install the beams and help build the outer shell of the main building.

Upon completion, Anastasia wiped her brow and sat down for a small break. It was at that point where a messenger arrived for her with yet another mission to be completed. She sighed and took the mission scroll, unfurling it and reading it over. A local butcher had some hides left over from recent butchering that was being donated to be turned into leather. They were to take the hides from the butcher’s sop to the tannery and assist in the process of turning the hides into leather. She waved the female Hyuuga Genin over and showed her the mission scroll. “Seems like our work isn’t quite finished yet,” Anastasia said to her, “should we leave him here with the sycophant?

WC: 575
TWC: 3292
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Empty Re: Getting Re-acclimated (IO)

Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:10 pm
The last one - Find the Missing Puppy.

“You don’t control his actions, and you’re not his caretaker or parent. He is his person and will succeed or fail all on his own.” Anastasia Akari told her reassuringly. Natsuki appreciated that sentiment. 

“Somedays, I can’t help but wonder, where did it go wrong for my brother."

Ho from the Cholla springs immediately went to work using his strength and size to move the large wooden beams and metal supports.  The two women assisted the laborers in installing the beams and help build the outer shell of the main building. Desummoning the creatures, a few moments of rest followed after they finished. It was then that another messenger appeared, and their day would not be over as of yet. The silver-haired Hyuuga found herself seriously tempted by Anastasia’s suggestion.

“Should we leave him here with the sycophant?"

The girl couldn’t help but smile at that. “As much as I’d love to rid ourselves of his arrogant hide. I can’t trust Toneri alone when sober, much less drank.” The blonde Hyuuga princess entered the house, determined she would not leave so quickly this time. The two sword and armor fanatics were still at it. Mercurio’s voice, thick with the accents of Land of Birds, echoed through the air first.

“I heard Vaenar Hoshimura say that there are disadvantages to armor-like drowning, and chain mail was heavier than the plate itself. But heavier was better, and warriors wear armor because it protected them.”

Toneri drunk deep from his cup and then exhaled sharply as the beverage burned the inside of his throat. “That one-eyed bastard spoke true, for a change. Armor will save a man’s life. More shinobi should learn to wear it, but be it too heavy and will hinder your movement, making you an easy target.”

Toneri’s view on Vaenar was not the greatest. After all, the Hoshimura were a clan of traitors. The sword Toneri was so proudly holding was taken by one such traitor that had become a corpse during the battle of the valley—then brought to Mercurio to use his knowledge to reshape it.

“I think you’ve had enough today, sweet brother.”
“I’ll do as I please!” There was a fire in the voice of the golden-haired Hyuuga, but Natsuki’s face gave no reaction to it.

“Imagine the disappointment of our older brother, should he learn that you let two ladies carry you back home.” Her pale lilac eyes turned to meet the Master Armorer. “Imagine what the Kage would do to the man who got his brother drunk.”

Mercurio looked fretfully and suddenly remembered it was time to close down the shop. With an apology, he took Toneri’s goblet and sent him on his way.

Her brother did not speak a word for the rest of the trip as they made their way towards the butcher shop. Their movement came at a sudden halt near the City square, where the scent of meat and blood filled the air. 

Meat your mind was an establishment that was both a butcher shop and a restaurant at the same time. Its owner Lincon, the butcher, greeted them warmly. He was a former shinobi, so adept at his new proficiency that they said he could cut up a pig faster than any man in the world.

At some point during their work, Natsuki felt sick and went outside for a breath of air. It was then she heard someone call out a name in distress.“Ed? Ed, where are you.” A woman in her late forties dressed reasonably well, suggesting she was an upper-class citizen. Her eyes turned to meet Natsuki’s. 

“Have you seen my baby boy? Ed is a good dog, but when he smells meat, he loses it. Broke free from his leash and ran towards the direction of the butcher shop.”

WC: 634
TWC: 2184
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 17450

Getting Re-acclimated (IO) Empty Re: Getting Re-acclimated (IO)

Sun Jun 27, 2021 10:13 pm
Sadly the sister decided that they would likely need to bring her sibling with them. The Akari Genin sighed as they got up and went back inside to collect her wayward brother. He was already drunk and the pair were joking about something. Anastasia was not impressed with his behaviour and neither was the sister, who was admonishing him. Eventually Mercurio saw reason and sent them on their way.

They made their way over to the butcher shop where the hides were available for them. They went in to help the butcher with any other work he may have as a thank you. During the work, a woman outside was crying about her missing dog. Anastasia looked outside and saw her new friend talking to a woman. She walked outside as the woman was explaining that her dog was missing. Anastasia went back inside, grabbed the hides that were to go to the Tannery, and walked back outside. “I’m going to go take these over to the tannery and then I’ll come help you look for the dog.” She would then make her way over to the tannery where she helped the tanner get the hides into the tanning vats. They would take a few days to cure properly and the tanner assured her that the leather would be sent onwards to the village’s quartermaster when they were ready to go. With that, Anastasia would head back towards the butcher shop to help the Hyuuga Genin look for the lost dog.

It didn’t take as long as she’d thought; the dog was absolutely massive. Easily a meter and a half tall, not what Anastasia was expecting to be on the other end of the leash. He seemed good-natured enough and was easily led back to his owner, who appeared to be extremely grateful to be reunited with her pet. With that resolved, Anastasia would walk back over to the Hyuuga woman and let out a breath. “I think that’s just about everything,” she said, glad for the day to finally be over. The work was honest and was worth doing. She’d made a friend in the process, and was quite happy about that, since she didn’t have anyone in the village at the moment. ‘Perhaps the next mission we’re on her brother won’t be joining us.’ She thought to herself, not enjoying the company of the lazy brother of the Hogokage so far.

Tomorrow would be another day.


WC: 408
TWC: 3700 (2023 WC Claimed so far)


Mission rewards:

6000 ryo (D-Rank Mission x3)
300 Ryo (Genin Bonus x3)
30 AP
1x leather

17 stats
requesting a refund of the 23WC towards chakra infusion from earlier claims in order to put 1700 WC towards Clan Pureblood

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