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Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Mon Jun 28, 2021 5:31 pm

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Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Re: Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:40 pm
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It was early in the morning, and the sun was just beginning to rise above, casting a beautiful shroud over the village, and from Honey Bunches’ great view from atop the genin bunking area. He was not yet sure if his mission partner was an early riser like he was, but nevertheless he began his task of clearing garbage from all the different disposal bins littered around the area for everyone’s convenience. It was not exciting work, nor was it very stimulating, but it was important for the village to maintain a certain level of hygiene, lest they become overrun with rats and perhaps Kiri nin.

When all was said and done, it didn’t take much longer than half an hour to take care of all trash duties in this part of the residential area, and he started clearing through the streets plucking garbage as he went. He wouldn’t have to help with the demolition for another few hours, and as such he had all the time in the world to clear the streets and fronts of homes at his leisure. He would not stop to smell the roses, as most of the roses smelled like trash bags from his work. When he was somewhat finished, the clean state and fresh looking waste disposal bins were enough to bring a smile to his face. He was glad he was wearing some clothes he found in his room labeled “SUNA SIP SQUAD”, instead of his usual clothes, and he was dirty.

Heading back to the bunks as it became a more normal time to awaken, Honey Bunches headed straight for the showers and took care of his business promptly, before heading out from the hallway into his room and getting dressed, now free of the filth that trash duty provided, feeling refreshed at the feeling of warm water and steam, as well as the privacy that he was afforded. Taking less than a few moments to get dressed and geared up for his day, he left the bunk areas and started down his path, his way clear to him.

From here, he would seek out his ally, Arantima. Tilting his mighty sniffer in the air, he follows it in search of his mission partner. It was written clearly that they were to be near the building in about ten minutes and as such he should be able to find him somewhat easily within his range of tracking if he were to head straight in that direction.

Honey Bunches yawned, certain that his mission partner had to be around here somewhere. Shrugging it off, he would wait for his ally before repeating their goals again, now standing in front of the decayed building. “We gotta finish this up before the afternoon. Then, we can get some food, and we gotta get ready for the twilight. There are some strange characters about, so keep your eyes peeled. This is the easy part, so let’s go through the motions and we’ll get our hard earned ryo.”

The building that needed to be destroyed seemed to be some disgusting, decaying bathhouse that had been closed due to huge blooms of mold and other unspeakable substances. The name on the sign was unclear, but it was obvious that it had not been closed for more than a few weeks. Instantly, Honey was greeted by a man wearing a respirator, and he offered one to Tima and Honey as well.

“Here, this will let you get in there to see what’s going on. The mold is really bad, so I wouldn’t want you all to get any kind of lung damage.” The man nods. “Just make sure you return them soon so we can clean them and put them back in our supply bin. The man then continued on to explain what their roles would be in this demolition project.

Honey and his mission partner were both those of the weaponry specialty, and as such could both detect any duds or poorly placed bombs. This was on their list of missions for the day, and Honey sought to take care of this business properly and promptly.  

“Alright, go in there, mark every bomb on your list, and then tell us if there are any problems. Then, we get to go all the way back,” The man points 100 meters away to a huge building that seemed to be made mostly of wood and some strong blast-resistant clear material, “and watch her topple! So let’s make it quick!” He nods and allows the two to get to work.

Walking into the bathhouse, Honey Bunches shudders at the thought of coming in here without a pair of shoes on. Looking through, he decided that his companion was too young to see the horrors that lay in the taped off area that used to serve as a general low-cost bathing facility, which now served as the home to many colonies of mold and fungus.

“Alright pal, you check out the VIP and Staff areas, as well as the lobby, and I’ll check everywhere else. Make sure there are no duds, and make sure not to activate them by mistake…” Honey Bunches nods and smiles through his respirator, setting off to work on checking each loaded explosive. It seemed to him that most were fine, except a few seemed to be affected by the mold. Honey could tell it would still work, but still marked it to be reviewed, as it was at a crucial area in the back of the room.  Looking through, it seems some were haphazardly placed, and Honey fixed this by placing them at better spots and making sure they were solid.

Once all was said and done, he made his way back out to the entrance and tossed his respirator back to the pile labeled ‘SANITATION’, and sighed, breathing in the fresh air. He waited for his mission partner, and shared his notes, copying any that he made as well.

Turning in the paperwork to the person who gave them the masks, they were promptly thanked, and handed a token to exchange for their payment after they were finished with their missions.

WIth this out of the way, Honey Bunches sighed and started walking towards a restaurant, keeping his pace slow and leisurely as he walked by.

“That wasn’t too bad! We made it out in no time, and we are going to have plenty of time to grab something to eat.” Nodding towards his friend, he started traveling to somewhere he had been before, and wasted no time stepping inside and taking a seat at the table.

“No sake for you.” The man says with a grunt, before dropping some meat on the table.

Honey Bunches furrows his eyebrows. “I haven’t even paid you for this?”

“Oh, it’s not for you.” The merchant growls. “What’ll it be?”

1142 of 1142
NP: 1/6
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Re: Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:25 pm
Arantima was sprawled out in his bed when his alarm went off.. It was a simple enough alarm that simply timed a bucket of water to get dumped on his head and face after Seven hours of sleeping. He woke up with a start and threw his bucket gently across the room with a huff. He had set his alarm to go off earlier than usual because this morning he had agreed to go off on a few missions with Honey.. And he hadn't even made it out of bed yet and he was regretting his entire life up until now. His entire everything screamed at him to go back to bed but his sense of ethics and honor demanded him to stand and get ready.

It took a few minutes of him staring at his ceiling before his Honor and sense of duty won out. He was out of his small living space before the sun has risen and was already moving around the village, his body was protesting but he noted that the trash was already taken care of in most areas but he was Headed to the Landfill, To start work on coordinating the People who were bringing the larger Trash to the Landfill, his presence as a Ninja helped people stay calm and his analytical skills helped him speed up the process of getting everyone seen to.

When the sun was starting to come up he sighed and groaned at himself for agreeing to wake up this early, being awake before the sun was unnatural staying awake until it came up however was much more his style. He dropped his Vest off and gave the one who lent it to him a thank you and a wave good bye as he sped off towards the Building they were going to help demolish. This was a job he could certainly help with, placing explosive tags and ensuring that charges were going to blow up the building without blowing up everything else, these were things he understood.

Arantima came up on Honey already waiting at the area looking freshly washed and ready for the day whereas Arantima looked like he had been rolling around in dust and sand for the last few hours.. because he basically had. He ruffled his own hair softly and let out some loose sand and dust as he walked over towards Honey and nodded to him with a soft grunt filled with how awake he was not yet but he was still awake enough to work.  When the man with the respirator approached Tima looked between the building and then the respirator and made a face of disgust before putting on the respirator and shuddering in anticipation for the gross he was about to experience.

When he Listened to Honey and the Man who gave the respirator speak he nodded and signed his paper work before heading in to the building, He nodded when Honey sent him towards the VIP and staff areas being thankful as he looked passed honey towards the areas he was going and shuddering.  He was soon disappointed as the so-called "VIP" area was a horrifying mess of drug paraphernalia and other unmentionable things that spoke of how hard the "Elite" parties when they weren't supervised.. Several stains that Tima avoided like the black plague.

As he was reviewing the bombs and charges and tags he made notes on improvements and moved the ones that were able to be moved without setting them off, There were not many needing to be moved up here as they were clustered around the supports. The ones that did need moving were mostly just placed in a way that would have worked but would also have blown debris out and away from the building without reason. He made his notes and Full on ran out of the building and threw his respirator off and just wiped at himself while making a disturbed sound. He ended up placing his Respirator in the bin where Honey had done and compared his notes with his own.

He handed his paperwork to Honey to hand in for them both as he picked up errant bits of sand to scrub at his arms and chest and neck with, because when in doubt a sand bath is better than no bath. Arantima followed Honey and when the mentioning of something to eat was brought up his stomach growled so he simply nodded and gestured for Honey to lead the way.

When the arrived at the place honey had chosen he entered behind him and sat next to him when they were greeted by the Rather.. Rude Merchant whom Arantima already didnt like within a few moments of meeting the man. "Ill Have.. Green tea and some Anpan please.. Nothing else for me" He waved off the merchant gesturing his finished order a bit more sternly than he might have if the man was polite. He waited for Honey to order and when they were finished ordering Arantima turned to address Honey with a smile.

"So, Thats quite a list of Jobs to do. Is this how you normally work.. or is this just because you have some help today?" Arantima's smile was genuine and so was his question, it was obvious that he had not worked so hard a day in his life and was glad for the break and chance to eat before they went out to their next job.  Arantima was a Right mess, covered in sand and dirt but also didn't seem discouraged or even phased by the day but he was definitely going to feel all of this in the morning.

There was a hint, just the barest hint that his analytical and Logical side was taking a break while it was time to eat and his more excitable nature was starting to creep out in anticipation of a delicious combination of green tea and hot Red bean buns. When his food and drink were brought around he clapped his hands together and bowed his head gently ""Thank you for the Meal ser."

1018 /1018 words

Current Health Bar: 100/100

Vigor: 31 - 310 AP  |  Chakra: 20 | Speed: 40 | Strength: 40 | Throwing Speed: 80 | Throwing Distance: 40 Meters

Specialties: Bukijitsu | Element(s): Wind | Skills: Blacksmithing

Equipment: 5 Kunai (50 stat), 5 Shuriken (50 stat), 2 Weapon pouches, 1 Fuma Shuriken (100 stat)

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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Re: Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:17 pm
Honey Bunches relaxed a bit in this establishment, enjoying a delicious bowl of sauce and sides of some delicious bready substance. Taking a deep, deep breath of the food, he sighs and starts pulling the large loaf apart, watching the young man eat before him. It seemed he had a mighty growth spurt somewhat recently, and it was almost shocking for Honey Bunches to see someone growing into an adult before his very eyes.

Honey ripped the piece of bread up, watching the fluffy center get torn to bits as he started to consume it merrily. He would finish this bread, eating some delicious combination of red sauce and vegetables afterwards.

Resting his head on his hand as his elbow took up a decent amount of table, Honey let the good food and quiet atmosphere do him some good in this brief moment of respite.

Chewing slowly, he noticed the eating habits of his mission partner and mimicked them without much thought, his slow bites turning into him digging into his food hungrily, and this put a satisfied smile on the shopkeeper’s face as he cleaned dishes. The atmosphere of the dining establishment was quiet enough so that the sounds of life on the street outside and the sound of utensils hitting plates would be the only thing to cut through the peaceful quiet.

Honey Bunches leaned back in his chair, paying attention to Arantima but otherwise standing idly by, meditating and gathering the chakra within him so that he would be ready if he were to encounter any trouble in the graveyard. Now that he could sense things with more efficiency, he would be ready in the event of tracking down the perpetrators once, and possibly once again.

As far as Honey was aware, the damage was nothing more than petty vandalism, and had been cleaned up for the most part already. It likely wouldn’t be much of a danger with a well-trained ninja on the job, but Honey needed to have an edge if he hoped to neutralize any conflict without real damage to the property. He could not speed through the graves at night, and the reminder that the sun still hang halfway in the sky was enough to put him at ease. Honey thought more on his next mission, idly filling out more forms he needed for the day.  

He had been told by his instructions that under NO circumstance would there be any understanding if there was damage caused. The damage could come out of his own paycheck if he did not simply find out the information on who or what was responsible for causing damage in the first place. This was something Honey could not afford, as he was helping out to make money, not lose it.

Busy in his mind, Honey felt the world go a little blank around him as he mulled over his resources.This had Honey ending up staring directly at Tima for a long period of time, a blank expression on his face as nature chakra pulsed through his body, expressionless and barely breathing.

“Just to make sure we’re on the same page,” He says out of nowhere, “as soon as we step in the graveyard, we have to make sure we don’t cause any more damage than when we came in, otherwise we’ll have failed our mission.” Honey doesn’t repeat this, only making sure it is clear in the first place before relaxing again, finding another place to stare and staying at ease.

Smiling as his mind cleared, Honey Bunches asked “Would you like to go anywhere else, Tima?”

601 of 1743 [2500 goal]
Nature Points: 3/6
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
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Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Re: Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:12 pm
The air around the graveyard was strange, and Arantima could feel the air growing silent as they neared it's edge. Arantima looked up towards Honey and nodded as he spoke a reminder about the graveyard not being damaged any further. Tima made the Bird hand sign and closed his eyes to focus his chakra before a gust of wind blows gently across him and envelops his feet. "I just learned this, but it should let me move stealthily through the graveyard.. I have to move very slowly while concentrating on it but I can't be heard unless I want to be.. So I can scout out into the darker areas of the graveyard and try and find anyone doing anything creepy." He smiles to Honey and gives him a thumbs up before moving at a respectable sneaking pace of 16 speed.

As Arantima walked through the graveyard, even with the grasses and loose dirt around his feet Arantima's footfalls truly were silent and it was obvious that his pace was far quicker than it might normally be if one were trying to remain truly silent as he timed his footfalls cleverly to dance in between the grave sites and stones without being easily spotted especially in the growing darkness. He disappears behind a grave marker and stays completely still just letting himself go into an almost meditative state as he watches the sun set beneath the horizon.  He was fairly certain that honey would b be more than able to find him if he needed to but that he would be hidden from most people that would be trying to sneak through the graveyard tonight.

As soon as the sun went down Arantima began to move slowly maintaining his 16 speed pace as to not break his Silent step Jutsu. He would move from gravestone to gravestone and stop at each one taking in his surroundings as he did, just making sure that he wouldn't be caught off guard by anything or anyone showing up to the show unexpectedly. His entire body was on edge but that is because he had yet to be on a real mission like this yet so he was not used to the nerves that were common with trying to be stealthy when there was someone out there trying to hide from you as well.  

He reached into one of his pouches and pulled out a kunai to flip quietly, just rolling it back and forth bouncing it along in a circle catching it and flipping it in the opposite direction and back again in a randomized pattern just to keep his nerves in check, luckily he wore no metal gloves so this motion was silent. He scanned the air and the low light of the graveyard for anything that would be moving.  He grunts and forma the Ram sign and creates a clone of himself which he send out to walk in a small area around himself, as if searching. He will keep it up for as long as he can or until something makes a sound at seeing that clone.

It was good for him to get some practice at stealth, and using the Clone Jutsu to create a distraction to keep someone from seeing him hiding and his New Wind release Quiet footsteps technique to remain silent in the finding of a hiding spot were good practice but his antsy nature was getting ahead of him as he kept flipping that kunai over and over, not noticing he was starting to do it so fast that it started to make a whistling noise.

601 /1619 words (2500 Goal)

Used  10 AP this post  Quiet Footsteps and Clone
300/310 AP

Current Health Bar: 100/100

Vigor: 31 - 310 AP  |  Chakra: 20 | Speed: 40 | Strength: 40 | Throwing Speed: 80 | Throwing Distance: 40 Meters

Specialties: Bukijitsu | Element(s): Wind | Skills: Blacksmithing

Equipment: 5 Kunai (50 stat), 5 Shuriken (50 stat), 2 Weapon pouches, 1 Fuma Shuriken (100 stat)
Stat Page :
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Re: Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Sat Jul 03, 2021 1:59 am
Honey took a deep breath, getting up from the restaurant and following his eager companion, staying about 15 meters away from him as he walked. Taking each step in time with his student, he slowly began to creep up closer to 6 meters, before he heard a voice calling. Honey did not respond, looking at the sun burning in the sky and continuing on.

Returning to the voice, he is greeted by two huge trash cans that the man would instruct him to drag off, and Honey would comply. He held them carefully so as to not get filthy, but this slowed him down considerably. Slowly making his way to a large dumpster about a block away, Honey smelled the air and could tell that his companion was already on his way or at the graveyard, his excitement getting the best of him with the utmost certainty. Honey smiled at this, and was glad that he was with someone who was excited to get their grunt work out of the way. The expression on Honey’s face slowly fading back into a serious one, he tosses out the garbage and crouches down, taking a deep breath as the world slows its pace around him.

Even he was not quite aware of just how fast he was, but as he started dashing through the streets, he easily dodged through pedestrians and obstacles in his path, catching himself on his heels to a quickened walk as he finally reached the bricks that led to the graves.

As they finally rolled up to the entrance, Honey Bunches started smelling the air, tracking any scent within 25 meters and taking his time observing for any marks of entering. It seemed there were a few parts of the fence that were able to be crawled through, and one such was bent badly. He fixes it quickly, kicking some dirt in the hole that was dug to allow one entrance. As that was not enough, he pushed dirt in for a little while, stopping when he felt he had done a good enough job. Circling the perimeter, he noted that the scent of his companion was strong in the fields, and it was not quite dark enough for him to remain hidden to anyone really observing from inside.  

Watching from a respectable distance, Honey Bunches puts a hand on his chin as his student slowly creeps through the graves, making not a sound. That seemed like a pretty useful technique, and Honey watched it carefully. As the clone started walking through the graves, Honey considered making his own water clone, he could have the clone sneaking quietly to it’s max range and creeping by a gravestone. As the large form was not nearly as stealthy as the other ninja, he decided against it. He sniffed at the air wildly, searching for any perpetrators that he did not recognize. Luckily, there were only leftover smells of cloves and the smell of old sage. Digging through, he saw there was a pile of cigarette butts near one of the pits, and he sighed. He pushed through the piles into a paper bag he had for his tasks, making sure to wipe his hand in some grass if he could find any.

Honey looked once more to his companion, and nodded to himself. Suddenly, he smelled something off in the distance he thought he would never smell again: incense. He smiled to himself, creeping into the gates and whispering to Tima. “Take care of any more vandalism if you see it. The perimeter of the gates is almost finished, I just had to fix a few poles. I’ll head in to turn these missions in, and we’ll meet back up at a nice little rest stop, huh? How about…” Honey thinks before deciding a location on their convenient shinobi maps.

“Meet me here afterwards. We should be able to claim our rewards, and maybe you can tell me more about yourself.” Honey Bunches has a broad grin on his face as he says this, before standing and promptly heading back to the mission headquarters.

Quickening his pace, he quickly returned to his status as a streak moving at an invisible blur on and through the streets of Sunagakure as he sped past the entirety of life there, hell bent on turning these missions in and getting the rewards he was promised for each one. He could almost taste the coins, and at the thought of getting new items to use was enough to distract him.

He was not too bent out of shape, and memories of his previous, more demeaning tasks now seemed a trifling compared to what he would face. For all he knew, his next mission could be his deadliest yet, or one of his most underwhelming. Either way, as he rolled up to the spot, it was clear that he would require someone of a higher standing, or be there himself if he were to advance any further in the ranks of power. Thinking, he turns in their mission documentation and takes their payment, heading back to the restaurant to give Tima his cut and to do the most important part of their long day of missions: Kick back, and relax.

874 of 2617 {2500 required for missions met}
NP: 4/6
2600 words for training, 12,000 ryo, 70 AP
+8000 ryo from Arantima IOU
Claiming this and weekly pay on stat page, 20500 ryo gained total.



Honey Bunches sat back in his chair, being sure that his friend got his share of his profits and he politely requested his funds in return, pocketing the coins as soon as he receives them.

Biting into a delicious chunk of meat, Honey Bunches smiles and starts to drift into a wonderful daydream. The day had been successful and he was not covered in blood, a great new change for him. It looked like his path to chunin would not have to be stained in blood after all, and for this he was thankful. After his last run in with a strong ninja, he realized that attacks could be invisible, and he growled as he thought of this.

His growl turned into a yawn as he looked over at his friend, a smile on his face. "You want some?" He offers some of his food.

145 of 145
4/6 Nature Points

Last edited by Bubels on Sun Jul 18, 2021 3:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : edited to add training link)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Survived 2021
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Summoning Contract : Forgotten Owls
Living Clones : Valeiru
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Clan Specialty : Space/Time
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 54000

Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Re: Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:54 am
Arantima Waited Silently from his position near the grave sites and when he heard Honey Approaching he stirred only slightly as the Clone dissipated with a 'BAMF' and a poof of smoke.  His eyes were still scanning the rest of the graveyard and when he saw the glint of something in the distance he nodded to Honey once more before creeping along still maintaining his Quiet footsteps technique before picking up a Bracelet inscribed with a name on it. He waved the bracelet in the air to signal towards honey that they found some sort of evidence to who it was in the graveyard.  He pointed it out mostly because it was in the middle of some more cigarette butts, so even if they were not the vandal they were clearly part of the litter bug colony.

Arantima Kept his Quiet footsteps technique up until they were outside of the graveyard proper before letting the bubble of wind chakra around his feet subside. When they were finished Arantima nodded to Honey and Watched as the man sped off towards the distance. Arantima thought about that much speed and wondered how hard it was to keep track of everything and react to it.. The thought of trying to account for all of that motion and having so little time to react to it tickled his Gremlin side to a bubbling roil at the anticipation of finally being stimulated enough to not seem hyperactive. He shuddered and dismissed it as was a reflex that had been ground into him from a young age.

He actually returned to the graveyard for a short while, walking through the gravestones.. Wondering if his parents were here.. Wondering if his parents were Ever going to be here, if they were even still in Sunagakure. He came across a gravestone that was so weathered that the name had been worn off of it and he knelt in-front of the stone, touching its weather worn surface and wondering at how long it had been there for the sand to grind away the name of whoever was buried there.

He Felt a small gust of wind across his face as he stood and he looked around and then up to the night sky with a smile, he liked the night and the stars and the moon, it was cooler at night and he felt like he could see just as well under moonlight as he could under the blinding sun. He broke off in a sprint, heading towards the location that Honey had pointed him in on his map, stopping every now and again to make sure he was heading in the right direction.  He was feeling nostalgic for something he had never really experienced.. Family..  Honey was kind to him certainly, but it still felt strange.. Much more like a teacher than a brother or father figure.

He never knew what it felt like to be hugged by a loving mother.. Be calmed down from a scrape by a paitient father.. He slowed as he watched a family walking around the village, coming home from some Ramen shop carrying a paper lantern. Their child was young and obviously very tired and without even needing to ask his father scooped him up and carried him as they walked, their conversation was inaudible to Tima, but their faces were all smiling and filled with joy.

Arantima's eyes began to water and he ran.. In completely the opposite direction of where he had meant to be going, starting to take random turns in hopes of avoiding contact with anyone that might see him crying. He find a small pocket in an alley and makes himself as small as possible for a short while, just making himself let all of his emotions run wild.. it had been days since he let his Mask drop, and it was getting overwhelming so this was good for him, therapeutic in a way.

After a Good 10 or so minutes Arantima wipes his face with his cloak and stands up straightening himself and marches his way towards the meeting area. It takes him a good while to get there but he is not late just much slower than his lycanthropic Counterpart. He thinks on all of the things he has done to get where he is now and all the things he will have to do to become a respected ninja, someone.. people want to have around someone people would miss if he was gone..

He had become a Genin and He had learned a bit of new jutsu from his new friend, and that was a great experience and now here he was completing missions and helping out a village that.. cared honestly not one whit about him not but 8 years ago. It was strange and his Gremlin nature almost was disgusted by it but was also excited by the idea of changing its own perceptions. Maybe, just maybe with a little bit more hard work he could prove them all wrong.. Make his parents see how wrong they were to leave him all alone like they had.. Little did he know that his mother was not even a year older than he is now when she was forced to have him by a man who took her without her consent.

887 /2506 words (2500 Goal)

Used 3 ap to keep Quiet footsteps active for part of the post.

Current Health Bar: 100/100 | 297/310 AP

Vigor: 31 |  Chakra: 20 | Speed: 40 | Strength: 40 | Throwing Speed: 80 | Throwing Distance: 40 Meters

Specialties: Bukijitsu | Element(s): Wind | Skills: Blacksmithing

Equipment: 5 Kunai (50 stat), 5 Shuriken (50 stat), 2 Weapon pouches, 1 Fuma Shuriken (100 stat)

12,000 ryo, 70 AP
-8000 RYO paying back IOU from Honey bunches

Net Gain 4000 Ryo and 70 AP

2500 Words

1000 wc spent on Flying Swallow

1500 wc spent on Sakura first step

25 Stat points. Spent on 10 Speed and 10 Chakra and 5 vigor

Hunter Mission Word count Begins Below - Using same stat page from first post in thread.

Arantima Walked into the place that Honey had shown him on the map from before having let himself calm down enough to Reset his mask on reality. He was Settled and when he found Honey seated at the place he went over to sit with them and smiled to them before polity waving off the offering of food, e was hungry but it was not going to help to eat while his stomach was still in emotional knots. His usually dangerous looking eyes were much more wistful and longing than they usually were as he looked around at their surroundings.

"You said you wanted to hear more about me.. Yeah? What would you like to know? I don't think I am all that interesting to tell the truth.." His slow and controlled tone was even more noticeable as a conscious control over his own speaking to make it sound proper and to enunciate things clearly. Even his motions were noticeably more controlled and slow, deliberate would be an understatement as if everything he was doing was taking place in his head minutes before he actually did it, planning out ahead farther than you should especially for mundane things like talking.

Last edited by Arantima on Sun Jul 18, 2021 6:33 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : clarifying Claims After Discussions with Daiko)
Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
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Ryo : 0

Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Re: Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Sun Jul 18, 2021 2:10 pm
Bubels wrote:2600 words for training, 
Training what exactly? I can approve mid-topic claims but you have to specify what you're going to be using it for if you want me to. Or, you could just claim the Ryo for now and wait for the end. 


Approved Ryo and AP claims. 

@Bubels @Arantima

Could I ask you guys to post updated stat pages in posting order for current/after stats are claimed?
Stat Page :
Skill Link:

Remove Taijutsu Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 14000

Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Re: Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:06 pm
@Arantima @Daiko

Moving the hunter to a new thread to avoid any issues

Stat Page : [url=statpage]Stat Page[/url]
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Ryo : 0

Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O] Empty Re: Disturbed Graves and Dynamite [Hunter, I/O]

Tue Jul 20, 2021 4:21 pm
@Bubels @Arantima
Not counting this as a failed hunter, considering I hadn't posted yet. 

Approved exit.
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