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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty A Fresh Start In A New Job

Wed Jun 30, 2021 8:06 pm
Takeda stepped through the gates, practically trembling with excitement. He held his letter of acceptance into the Hoshigakure Ninja Academy tightly in his hands, too overjoyed to consider the fact that he was crumpling it to the point it was likely illegible. After a whole year of trying to apply, he had finally been accepted. He would finally have a stable livelihood to support himself. He only wished that his parents could be here with him. He knew how proud they were to see him go, yet sadly they had business to do back home.

To the average onlooker, Takeda was a rather strange individual. He stood roughly 6 feet tall, and was dressed head to toe in black clothing. He wore a long black leather jacket and black pants, with black shoes and gloves on his feet and hands respectively. Yet the strangest part of the man was arguably the mask that clung to his face. It was a black gas mask that wrapped around the lower part of his face, covering his nose and mouth. On either side of the mask were two filters, and there was a valve towards the bottom of the center to allow air to exit. What little wasn't covered by his clothing was mostly covered by his light black hair, which covered a good chunk of his head. The little skin that could be seen on his head was incredibly pale, almost to the point of seeming unhealthy, and his eyes had a sickly yellow color that appeared almost disturbing.

Some of the people on the street walked to either side to avoid the odd looking man, but this did little to dampen his mood. Takeda folded the crumpled letter and put it into one of his pockets and taking a look around. He stood amidst a crowd of several civilians near the gates, some entering, some leaving, most just trying to find their way around. An observant person would see the young man's eyebrows furrow in confusion as he looked around for something. With a voice, tinted with a metallic quality from the mask he wore, he spoke aloud to himself.

"Now where do they keep the city maps around here?"

Word Count - 369
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty Re: A Fresh Start In A New Job

Wed Jun 30, 2021 9:03 pm
It looks like yet another normal day in Hoshigakure; the sun was rising, hardly a cloud in the sky. That meant it would be warm today. Her schedule was clear, so it meant that the Akari Genin could enjoy the weather. With a small smile she would begin her daily routine of meditation, exercising, and practicing. Once that was done, she would get cleaned up, put on her normal attire and went out to the markets to run some errands. She didn’t bother bringing any weapons or armour with her, apart from her tiara which had her Hoshigakure Hitai-Ate built into it.

The market district was already bustling at 10am and she wasn’t surprised; the village woke up early and while she didn’t have to shoulder past anyone, the paths and roads were definitely busy and full of people in varying moods. Most of her errands consisted of collecting groceries for the next few days, which she was able to spend a little more on because of her recent influx of mission pay.

It was a little after Noon when she started to make her way back home. On her return trip she decided to pass by the village gates and came across a peculiar sight; a man, dressed all in black. A few inches taller than she was, with an average build, hair that matched his clothes, skin that was almost the opposite colour, and yellowish eyes. And that wasn’t even the most peculiar part about him; he had a rebreather-like mask on that covered the lower half of his face. She would have immediately went on alert if she hadn’t noticed the confused, almost concerned look to what little of his face she could see. It was also at that exact moment that she would hear a metallic-esque voice asking for a map of the village. Anastasia would smile slightly and make her way over to the man. “Looking to get somewhere?” She would ask him.

WC: 328
Haruto Kenzo
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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty Re: A Fresh Start In A New Job

Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:53 am
Takeda tried to stand on his tip toes to peer over the crowd, searching for an information center of some kind, but to no avail. The young man sighed deeply through the mask, disappointed but not surprised. It was around here somewhere most likely, but he had no idea where to find it.

Takeda was about to give up, consign himself to a dreadful afternoon of poking around the city for information when a voice spoke up from the crowd. The young man turned to find a woman, maybe a bit older than he was staring back at him. For a moment he had to wonder if it was him that she was talking to, and peered over his shoulder for a moment to check for another individual to whom she may have been addressing. The gears in his head turned for a moment before clicking violently back into place. Of course she was talking to him, she must've heard him asking after a map. He responded back in a cheerful, if strange tone.

"Oh, yes! Thank you! I was hoping to find a map, or information center."

A metal sheen caught the man's eye, and Takeda's head naturally drifted upwards, immediately noticing the Hitai-Ate that adorned her brow. Emotion flashed through his eyes quickly, quick to the point that if you weren't paying attention, it might not've been there at all. It went rapidly from surprise, to awe, to joy in the span of an instant.

"Hey, you're a kunoichi! That's actually what I came to this city about!"

Takeda quickly turned to his side, his fingers fumbling over his pocket for a moment as he fished out his letter of recommendation, unfurling it to show the kunoichi in front of him.

"I was actually looking for Hoshigakure's Ninja Academy. I was just accepted there for training."

Under the mask, Takeda was beaming. A real ninja was there, right in front of him. He had so many questions he wanted to ask, yet he held his tongue. He knew enough about social etiquette to know that asking so many questions at once tended to overwhelm people, and he doubted that would make a good impression on a potential colleague. He cocked his head slightly, waiting for an answer from the blonde haired woman before him.

Word Count - 386

Total Word Count - 755
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty Re: A Fresh Start In A New Job

Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:04 pm
It took him a moment to realise that someone was speaking to him. He had turned to look at her, almost confused that someone had actually answered his question, and looked around to see if there was someone else that she could quite possibly be speaking with. Anastasia could see his eyes light up as he came to the realization that she indeed was talking to him and had started talking enthusiastically. He was looking for a map or a visitor’s center where he could get directions. The Akari Genin was about to ask where it was he was looking to go when he seemed to notice her Hitai-Ate attached to her tiara. She smiled at the newcomer and nodded to him. “Indeed I am, I am a Genin of the village,” she said as he’d fumbled through his pockets for something. That thing happened to be a letter of recommendation for the Hoshigakure shinobi academy, which he then explained he was looking for the Ninja Academy in the village so he could register and start his training.

Anastasia nodded as he cocked his head slightly, politely waiting for her to respond. “I do happen to know where the Academy is,” she would say to him with a small smile. “I would be happy to escort you there if you like.” Should he decline her offer, she would simply direct him to the Academy. Should the newcomer accept her offer, she would lead him over to the Academy, taking a slightly more scenic route in order to give him more of a tour of the village at the same time. “I’m Anastasia by the way,” she would say by way of introduction, “it’s nice to meet you.

Anastasia would start by walking him through the City Square, pointing out some of the better eateries and shops that she’s discovered since moving to the village herself. The Akari Genin also made sure to point out some of the buildings just off the city square that were used for housing and that some of them would likely still be vacant, should he need somewhere to stay.

The next place they passed would be the Hospital, which was always an important place to be aware of when you’re a shinobi. You never knew when you would need medical assistance, and the hospital was the best place for that, unless you knew someone trained in medical techniques. She’d not needed to use the hospital yet herself, but that would likely change as she went on more and more missions. As they walked past, she would look over to the shinobi prospect and ask, “where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?” Regardless of whether or not he answered her question, she would continue the tour.

The next building they would pass was the Unseen University, which she would mention is the location of the Hogokage’s office and main administration. It was off-limits unless you had been summoned there. Anastasia hadn’t been inside yet, nor did she particularly care to at this time. She would get her missions and complete them. After the Unseen University was the main Library in the village, also known as the Kozai Yuki National Archives. She hadn’t spent a lot of time inside, but she definitely wanted to go there to learn more about the history of the village. Alas, that would need to be another time.

The next spot on the tour was the Water Gardens, definitely the most beautiful place in the village. She enjoyed walking through here any opportunity she could, and made mention of this to the newcomer, hoping that he may spend some time here when not studying. She also mentioned that connected to the Water Gardens was the primary training grounds, where he would most likely find assistance or partners for training/learning when not at the academy. Off in the distance was the Royal Palace, which was not really open to the public, so that was skipped.

Finally, they’d reached the Ninja Academy, a series of buildings that housed the primary training facilities for the village’s recruits, Genin to be. Anastasia had not been here in some time, and that was fine with her. The Academy was an okay experience in her childhood, but it had only been a stepping stone. “Here we are,” she said, “I believe registration is in the main building there.” She would point at the closest structure to the pair.

WC: 743
TWC: 1071
Haruto Kenzo
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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty Re: A Fresh Start In A New Job

Sat Jul 10, 2021 7:50 pm
Takeda nodded enthusiastically at her offer. An escort to the building would be perfect for him, especially since he didn't know where everything was in town yet.

"Yes, that would be wonderful! Only if you don't mind of course."

The young man followed after her, beginning to take a look around as the kunoichi introduced herself as Anastasia. Takeda nodded along once more, continuing to smile underneath the mask.

"Nice to meet you as well Anastasia. I'm Takeshi Takeda."

She seemed to be a friendly person, something that was rather refreshing to see as a member of the Canopic clan. Though he wondered exactly how friendly she would be if she found out exactly why he wore his mask. Takeda pushed the thought from his mind, letting it fade away into his subconcious. He wouldn't think about the disease, not today. Today was a day of celebration for him, and he was going to enjoy it.

They first went through the city district, motioning to the various shops that might be found. Takeda would be lying if he said that he didn't find at least something here that was appealing. He could smell the various foods through the air filters, and he could see the various clothing sets on display in the windows. They looked lovely, but Takeda knew he likely wouldn't be visiting them. Going out in public without his mask and outfit was a dangerous affair for everyone else. Still, it was fun to fantasize about eating out every once in a while. Though the empty residential buildings were definitely of interest. He'd have to swing by after registration at the Academy.

After that was a trip to the hospital. Takeda smiled sadly when he saw it. It was such a silly thing to be sad about, but Takeda used to be a doctor himself. Admittedly he wasn't the best doctor, he never learned any medical ninjutsu that could've helped his patients, but he was a doctor nonetheless.

"You know believe it or not I was actually a doctor where I was from before I got my acceptance letter. I think I'm going to miss it once I become a shinobi..."

It was at that point his guide asked him where he was from.

"Oh! I actually used to live pretty close to Mountain Country in a little place called Maahi. It was a lot smaller than Hoshigakure though, and a lot less interesting. Not a lot of work for me to do either. Honestly part of the reason I'm so excited is just a chance to escape small town life."

After the hospital Anastasia brought them past the Unseen University and the village's main library. Both were rather impressive buildings, though Takeda took particular interest in their National Archives. He wondered how long it would be before he would be allowed inside the archives. Maybe there was a public section? He really didn't know.

"I hate to interrupt, but what's inside the archives? Is that restricted too, or is everyone allowed inside?"

Regardless of the answer, Takeda would continue to follow along as Anastasia lead him through the tour.

Though the next part of the tour had to be Takeda's favorite. They reached a place called the water gardens, a beautiful place among the village, filled with plant life and the aromas of various flowers. He could see himself spending a lot of time here if he was being honest. Maybe this would be a good place to meet some friends as well. After all, his guide mentioned that she spent a lot of time here, so maybe others did too.

Off in the distance was the training ground, something Takeda would also likely have to spend a good chunk of time in. And even further off was the Royal Palace, a place mentioned only briefly by his guide. Takeda had to wonder what it looked like inside the palace, but he wasn't a fool, and gave up hope of being invited in anytime soon.

Finally, they ended up at the Academy. It might not have seemed like much to his guide, but to Takeda, it meant so much more. He reached into his pocket and withdrew the letter of acceptance, staring down at it. He began to swell with emotion inside, beginning to feel a strange concoction of pride and joy that he hadn't felt in quite some time. Tears of joy began to well in the man's eyes, which he quickly wiped away as he stared at the many facilities at which he would be training. He imagined he probably looked foolish, tearing up at the mere sight of the Academy, but this was something he had been looking forward to since the time he was a young kid.

"So this is it huh? Thanks for the tour, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to show me around the village."

Takeda took a deep breath.

"Any advice from someone who's been there and done that?"

Word Count - 835

Total Word Count - 1590
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty Re: A Fresh Start In A New Job

Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:33 am
The young shinobi to be, who introduced themselves as Takeda, graciously accepted her offer to be escorted to the Ninja Academy. She could see him looking at some of the shops as they walked through the City Square, his expression was curious, but with some hint of reservation. She couldn’t tell why, perhaps it was something to ask him about another time.

The conversation became a little more animated when they had gotten to the hospital; Takeda mentioned that he had been a doctor at some point prior to him coming here, and that he would miss being able to practice medicine upon getting accepted. Anastasia smiled and looked over at him as he said that. Luckily for him the two weren’t mutually exclusive. She would know; she has a cousin who is doing just that, practicing medicine while being a shinobi. “I wouldn’t be too worried about that Takeda,” The Akari Genin said to him, “I have a relative, my cousin, who is a fully licensed physician who also happens to be a Jounin in the village. At least he was a Jounin last I spoke with him, that may have changed as it’s been a little while. His name is Masashi Uzumaki-Akari, a prime example of pursuing your passion while upholding one’s obligations as a shinobi.

She also got the answer to her last question, which had been related to his origins. Takeda said he had lived close to Mountain Country, a settlement called Maahi. He described it as a small village that didn’t have much going on, sounded similar to her family’s home. She would smile at his comment regarding escaping small town life. “I understand completely,” she would say to him. “The village my family helps to maintain isn’t particularly large either, and it can get a little monotonous over time. From what I’ve seen so far, Hoshigakure never seems to run out of interesting things going on.

They had moved on from there, and Takeda asked her about the procedure for accessing the Archives. “The Kozai Yuki National Archives is the largest source of information in all of Haven Country. To my knowledge, any information that’s been collected by a Hoshigakure shinobi is stored here. Most of the National Archives are public access, at least to those who live in Hoshigakure,” she would explain. “Some areas are restricted, and whether or not you can access a certain area is dependant on your rank in the village.

The rest of the tour was fairly quiet. She could see on his face that Takeda also enjoyed the Water Gardens. He seemed like a nice person, and she wouldn’t mind spending time with him, simply enjoying what the Water Gardens had to offer. When they’d arrived at the Academy, Takeda expressed his gratitude for the tour and for Anastasia taking the time to show him around. “It was no trouble at all,” she said to him. “I imagine we will be comrades before long, and one should always seek to aid their comrades.” On the subject of advice, Anastasia had a couple “nuggets” to share; “Believe in yourself,” was the first words of advice out of her lips. “Being confident in your abilities goes a long way. Also don’t be afraid to ask for help. We do work in teams when you graduate so relying on others isn’t a bad thing and is encouraged, so it’s good to get into the habit.” She paused for a moment, contemplating. “The only other thing I can think of, which may seem like a no brainer, is to always work hard and try your best. No one will fault you if you’re giving it your all.” That would be about all she had to impart at the time. “I may not be a student anymore, but you’re welcome to ask me for assistance whenever you need it.” She would give him her address so that he could come by if ever he needed help with anything. “Did you have any other questions?” she would ask him before letting him head on inside.

WC: 681
TWC: 1752
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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty Re: A Fresh Start In A New Job

Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:04 am
Takeda listened carefully to the things Anastasia had to say, taking careful note of her advice and comments throughout their tour. So he could still be a doctor despite his position as a shinobi then. That was helpful to note, and maybe he could continue his clinic in this village. Maybe this time he could provide the kind of care that they would receive in a real hospital, with real medical ninjutsu. That would be quite the sight, wouldn't it? Though the name of Masashi rang a slight bell in the man's head, and he couldn't remember why. Maybe it would come to him in time.

It seemed that Anastasia had come from a small village as well. That did bring him some degree of happiness to hear that though, to know that someone had come from a similar position. It wasn't easy being the fish out of water, but it helped knowing that he wasn't alone in his endeavors.

The library though was roughly what Takeda expected however. Of course they kept their most important knowledge under lock and key. That much should've been obvious, though for some reason it eluded the man. No matter, he would likely gain access to at least the lower levels before long. That should keep him entertained for a while when the time comes. Though of course, it was all dependent on passing the Academy Course...

It was after that that they wound up at the Academy, with Takeda tearing up slightly and Anastasia telling him the advice he'd need to get by. The task ahead was daunting, but he had to take Anastasia's advice to heart. He had to believe in himself that he could make it through. It would probably be more difficult to take the lessons to heart, considering that he was far older than the typical student, but he had faith that he could get by. Takeda reached up with gloved hands and wiped away the tears with the backs of his hands, letting them fall away.

"Thank you for the advice. I don't think I have anymore question for right now, I'll keep your words close in mind while I'm going through the course. And thanks once again for taking me on that tour. It means a lot more to me than you know."

He'd offer a hand to shake, but he didn't want to risk spreading the virus. The virus didn't spread through tears as far as he knew, but he wasn't about to take the risk.

"I'll see you on the other side then! By the time with this course, we should be allies. It'll be a pleasure to work with you Anastasia!"

Takeda waved goodbye to his newfound friend, and soon to be colleague. With his letter in hand and the whole world ahead of him, the young Canopic Clan member couldn't help but wonder what lay in store for him next.

Word Count - 487

Total Word Count - 2077

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Last edited by Takeda Takeshi on Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:41 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding Exit Claims)
Anastasia Akari
Anastasia Akari
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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty Re: A Fresh Start In A New Job

Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:55 pm
Takeda thanked her for her help and told her that he didn’t have any further questions for her. There was nothing else for him to do but make his way inside to get his new education started. “It was no trouble at all. I’m glad I got to show you around,” she said to him. “Good luck with your studies.” Anastasia would wave back and watch as her new friend made his way into the academy’s main building to start his new life as a shinobi. Once he was inside, Anastasia would make her back home.

She took a more circuitous route home, going back through the Water Gardens. It was always so peaceful at this time of day and she enjoyed the serenity that came with the running water, the scent of the various flowers that were planted there. It was the best way for her to collect her thoughts of the day. That Takeda was a curious one, he was not someone that Anastasia had ever encountered before, but he seemed nice enough and should he remain that way the Akari Genin would have no problem spending more time with him.

The rest of her trip home was uneventful. She walked through the rest of the Water Gardens and back into the residential district behind the City Square. She made it back to her home safely and put her groceries away. She would spend the rest of the night resting up, tomorrow would likely be busy.


WC: 248
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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty Re: A Fresh Start In A New Job

Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:37 pm
Is approved for Anastasia

Takeda, please make a claim post ASAP as to avoid confusion in the topic later down the line.
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A Fresh Start In A New Job Empty Re: A Fresh Start In A New Job

Sun Jul 25, 2021 12:46 am
Looks good. Approved.
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