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Picking up the Pieces Empty Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:16 am
Daiko stretches out, standing up from his spot. Barely minutes had passed since he had originally finished the mission that he was assigned to do in this market. It hadn't exactly gone... As planned. While he did end up completing the mission and reaping the spoils that come with it, there were also a fair amount of people that were caught in the crossfire. This wasn't exactly the most desirable outcome, especially considering that... Though a handful was killed and an even smaller portion of people had been double desecrated, there were still some people that were in the hunk of earth that the swamp of the underworld had trapped them in that were still alive. Goddamn. Taking a moment to scan in the environment, Daiko double-checks to make sure that he knew what he was talking about. 

*He was standing in the northwest quadrant of the market that he had found Rokumo in, and around him was a... handful of bodies. Most of them were basically flipped on their stomach with their arm behind their back, in the classic just got their ass handed to them pose. Rokumo's body looked a bit... less 'accidentally killed. His carcass was ripped and torn up, as well as the skin from his face very violently ripped off. Damn, wonder who did that. Daiko scanned around and continued to note where the placement of each person was, and whatnot. There were groupings of people all around this northwest quadrant, as well as there is a handful of people that were uhh.. kicking and screaming... Over by where his swamp of the underworld was. Yeah, Daiko didn't really feel bad. The crowd screamed. And they screamed for him. Glory comes at such a heavy price...

Moving himself over towards where the swamp was, Daiko forms a few hand seals to make the earth being to shift, as well as making it so he could slide through the dirt and pebbles to start pulling people out from underground. There were... more than he had expected. There was a huge radius in which the swamp was able to trap people, and it had seemed to suck them only down to their necks, allowing them space and room to breathe. That was a relief, at least. The earth continued to shift and rumble, and as soon as he would let someone out they would immediately run away. Oh yeah, he hadn't considered that. They were facing him the entire time while he was brutalizing that old man over there. Not a good look. Daiko seriously doubted that him bringing up that he was just doing missions for the village would get him out of this, though realistically there were only one or two ways to find out. Luckily, there weren't any high-ranking ninja that had jumped at the opportunity to take him down, and Daiko was likely safe. For the moment. 

Daiko looks around and continues to see more and more people that had been buried down in the muddy prison that he had created. Damn, there had even been a few people that got knocked out by chains flying every which way. Scratching his head, Daiko continued on his search to try and find what the heck he was supposed to do in situations like this. Eventually, Daiko was able to free everyone from the swamp of the underworld and had the ones that hadn't run away just lying on their back, awaiting medical assistance. Besides them, there were groupings of people that had parts of their bodies ripped and torn at by the devouring sphere, as well as more than a small handful of people that had charred and blacked skin from the gigavolt Jutsu that was writhing on the ground, their burns scraping against the hard floor of the market. Yikes... It was a bit weird looking, but no matter. Daiko decided to try and take count of the people that were laying around, and get them all on their back in a somewhat central area so that whenever the medics arrived, they would have the best chance possible.

*Hmn... one... two... three... There was much more than that, Daiko just tried to be optimistic. There were around 20 people in various conditions laid out in the central part of the market, all in different ways twitching and looking like they were dying if they were even alive at all. Daiko genuinely wondered if he'd get killed for this one, or if he might actually be able to salvage this situation into something that could teach him a thing or two. It wouldn't be too bad, getting to learn medical ninjutsu from one of these medics, nor would he complain about getting the expertise to heal. Killing things was... Easy. Now, Healing things took patience. Daiko remembered that he had heard that from somewhere, though he didn't really remember where it was from. Good advice either way, and he was definitely feeling that as he stood in this garden of fucked-up villagers. While he was taking the time to make sure everyone was situated, Daiko also had the foresight to take Rokumo's mangled corpse and bury it, first taking his shinobi ID so that he could get a confirmation for the mission that he had undertaken. 

Sighing, Daiko looked around at where he was. He remembered when things were much simpler in Kirigakure. Usually, it had just so happened that enemy shinobi would make the first move on him or his teammate, so he wouldn't risk any consequences of killing people. This time, however, he was definitely lusting for blood, and nothing was more indicative of that than the burns and torn-up ground in the spot where he had dealt the finishing blow on Rokumo. In the very least, the old man would live on in Daiko's heart. Well, Rokumo's heart to be specific, but his heart would be living on inside Daiko's body. He had to figure out some way to use water, after all. 

Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Picking up the Pieces Empty Re: Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 11:34 am
Wow, what a wonderful day for a stroll!

Dana, dressed in a simple white jumper and cargo shorts, skipped through the village of Kirigakure with a wide smile on her face. She was humming a pleasant tune as she moved and many people, like always, were giving her strange looks and avoiding her. The Senju didn't even seem to notice and even ended up skipping right through a hugging couple when they failed to notice her and move out of the way in time. Dana laughed gleefully and increased her pace somewhat as they started to chase after her. It really was a nice day to be alive.

The reason for Dana's happy mood? Who knew. Not even Dana. It was just one of those days where she'd woken up on the right side of the bed in the morning. Dana usually just stole something from the kitchen underneath the room she rented out whenever she wanted something to eat, but since she was quite happy today Dana had decided to go to the market to get some actually good food. The plan? Some black pudding. Mmm, delicious.

When Dana arrived at the market, however, it seemed her plan wasn't going to come to fruition. It looked like some ninja had decided to deck it out and ended up blowing up the market in doing so. She sighed and stepped over a fallen market stall. It looked like she wouldn't be getting black pudding after all. Dana looked around and spotted that guy, Daiko, who'd she'd met before. He appeared to be surrounded by a bunch of corpses. Well, that was a bit odd, but Dana wasn't one to judge.

"Oi! Daiko!" She shouted from across the market, "How's the form?" She asked cheerfully; it was always nice to be polite after all.

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Picking up the Pieces Empty Re: Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 11:59 am
Daiko was somewhat focused on what he was doing, having all the corpses neatly laying around so that they might be able to be healed in a timely manner. That was what was on his mind, though he was a bit distracted. Apparently, too distracted to actually notice that a kunoichi of Kirigakure no Sato had actually shown up. Oh, nice. It was Dana. Daiko was somewhat worried that it would've been someone who would be trying to kill them or something like that. Turning his head slightly over to the side, Daiko sees them begin to pull up and stands up from his position. Strangely enough, it had seemed like Dana was feeling quite cheery, and didn't see the corpses surrounding Daiko as an issue. That's nice, at least. 

Daiko nodded his head, standing up and slowly walking over to the ninja. "Oh, man. What's up Dana." Daiko nodded his head, motioning to the dead bodies all around him. "So, I had a mission where I had to take out some dude, right. And like.." Daiko blinks. "I got a bit carried away with it, and there ended up being a bunch of people that got in the way, and whatnot..." Sighing, Daiko scratches his head. "So, yeah. And that's not even the worst part." Daiko pointed to the bodies laying around. "I... I don't know really how to do anything that would heal these people, you wouldn't happen to know any medics that run around the village?" Daiko was really curious about that, to be honest, considering he hadn't really had any super close encounters with people that were familiar with medical ninjutsu. "To be honest, it's a specialty that I really want to try and pick up. The issue is, I don't know if anyone is around that is able to teach me, much less able to teach me.

 Daiko motioned towards where the trees were sprouting in the middle of the market, the place where Rokumo had died. "So, basically, right. I had to hunt this guy. When he started attacking me, I noticed that he had wood jutsu. Now, I heard from somewhere that the power of wood comes from the blood of the people that are part of the... Senju clan? So, when I killed him, right. I tried to use some of his blood and his heart to kind of... I don't know. Learn the technique?" Daiko scratches his chin. "But I'm thinking that he was too weak. Is there anything you know about this? And... Sorry if this is a bit forward. But is there anyways I could pay you a sum of ryo so that I might be able to try some experiments..?" Daiko scratched his head, and he was probably coming off like a weirdo right now. It wasn't every day that a random shinobi that you've brushed shoulders with one or two times would ask you for one of your internal organs, but Daiko assumed this was the best shot that he had. There was no way in hell he was going to ask little Saya for one of her organs. He would not enjoy the look he'd get for that. 

Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Picking up the Pieces Empty Re: Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:24 pm
Dana approached the friendly-looking guy with a little spring in her step and looked around as she did so. The marketplace kind of looked like how the street of Dana's last mission had ended up, except all the gore in Dana's mission had come from that one guy. Daiko had really gone for overwhelming firepower over being discreet. Dana could respect that, as she was kind of similar in that regard.

"Oh, don't be worrying about it." She said with a small wave of her hand, "I've done similar stuff in my own missions. Destroying everything is soo efficient!" She let out a small snort and clapped her hands together, looking around the area with her metaphorical 'doctor glasses' on. "I'm a medic and I can definitely heal these people!" She said proudly, "Want me to show ye how it's done?"

She crouched down and did a few hand seals for Mystical Palm whilst she listened to Daiko's further explanations for how he had gotten into such an odd situation, nodding thoughtfully at the man's theory about his opponent being too weak to get anything from. Dana had had similar failures trying to get anything from the thief's body, though he could just not have anything to offer in the first place. When Daiko offered Ryo to Dana for some experiments, however, the Senju's eyes widened. This was time for business mogul Dana to shine! She'd already made a heap of money from her friend Ai; would Daiko be her second customer?

"Of course! What would ye need?" She crouched down to began healing one of the civilians on the floor. "I have a corpse of my own if ye'd like it."

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Picking up the Pieces Empty Re: Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 12:39 pm
Daiko was surprised as his friend had made their way over to the scene of the crime not seeming to mind at all. She was very right in that regard. Destroying everything was very efficient. It also left out the annoyance of having a target constantly dodging large projectiles and whatnot. The way that Daiko tried to go about his fight with Rokumo was to try to end it as fast as possible. He tried to have a lot of attacks going on at a lot of different fronts, just to maintain the advantage against his opponent. It had worked out pretty well, given the circumstances. Stretching out, Daiko would then crouch down to see what Dana was doing with her hand. 

Daiko nodded. "Yeah, I would really appreciate it if you could show me how it's done. I have really good chakra control, it's mainly just trying to make sense of how the techniques work, and how chakra that might heal would differ from..." Daiko motions to all the corpses around him, that were slowly starting to look like their old selves under Dana's hand. "The chakra that caused all this." Daiko let out a slight chuckle, though he wasn't really laughing at anything in particular. He studied somewhat close the different things that Dana was doing and how she had performed them, and he figured that with his precise chakra control and methods that he already uses for his SpaceTime release, he could figure out something like this. Maybe he could even think up a few techniques by the next time he gets to see her. 

Daiko scratched his head. "Well... Yes. I would definitely be interested in something like that.. But also.." Daiko didn't really know how to ask this without coming off strangely. "I would also like to see if I could try to harness some sort of power from.. Well, one of your organs. Just a kidney would do.. and I would need it in some way put inside of my body..." Daiko decided that right now wasn't the time to bring up the fact that.. You know. His insides were made of black threads, and for the most part, he was able to accomplish adding organs simply by putting the heart in his chest. For whatever reason, Daiko assumed that there would need to be a proper surgery of some kind in order for it to work. "Sorry if that sounds a bit weird. But I have.. Y'kno. An extra that I could use to fill the gap. I could pay you... 20 thousand ryo for the organ itself... 5 thousand ryo for the body... and 5 thousand for the process of putting the organ you take out inside of me. Does that sound fair?" Daiko was open for some more offers, though realistically he wasn't trying to spend more than 30-35 thousand ryo here today. If he was forced to, so be it, but he figured that if he wasn't outright attacked for asking such an out-of-pocket question, she'd at least be able to negotiate with him. 


Learned Medical Specialty from Dana, claiming 50% reduction at end of thread
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Picking up the Pieces Empty Re: Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 1:25 pm
Dana tilted her head, "My... Organs?" she asked, her tone neutral. Dana remembered Saya talking about something like this, and she had also read a book about it recently as well. Organs had power in them, especially Dana's since she was a Senju. She felt that maybe she should have some sort of apprehension about giving people her powers so willy nilly,  But she didn't. She'd given Niko the ability of Wood Release for 'free' - well, a favour was owed so not exactly - so she was perfectly fine giving it to Daiko for now.

So much money! Thirty-five thousand Ryo was like, more than what she had at the moment! Wow, Dana really was an expert businesswoman. Shame she hadn't decided to wear her business outfit today.

Dana stood up and each of her hands proceeded to do two different sets of handseals. Her right did the seals for Storage Displacement to summon her Corpse Scroll, and the second did the seals for Shadow Clone. A puff of smoke appeared behind her and out stepped two identical copies of Dana, both of which carried on tending to the wounded civilians whilst Dana-Prime got to work on preparing herself to get an organ for Daiko.

She threw the scroll over to Daiko and then, without warning, summoned a flow from her shoulder. Without applying any kind of anesthetic Dana then proceeded to summon a vine from the flower and perform an impromptu surgery on herself to remove one of her kidneys. It was actually kind of painful so maybe she should've used her anesthetic technique but it was probably too late to do so now. She quickly and efficiently removed the kidney and healed up the wound with Mystical Palm, which also managed to regrow her organ as well. Though it lacked the Senju quality that all of her other organs did.

"Those prices sound like an excellent deal! Please lie down so I may do the surgery." She said, holding her kidney in one of her hands.

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Picking up the Pieces Empty Re: Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 1:52 pm
Nodding his head, Daiko continued to listen to what she had to say. It seemed like she was alright with the prices, and didn't seem at all too bothered about doing the procedure herself. Damn. She was kinda crazy. Daiko would have to keep that in mind. Stretching out, he watched her create two shadow clones who would begin taking over on the whole healing people thing. Hopefully, they would all be okay. It seemed like most of them were making full recoveries, due to the injuries that most of them suffered not being too complex in their nature. 

Though this wasn't the most sterile place to do a surgery, Daiko wasn't really one to get too mad. Definitely beats his organs being on display in some gutter somewhere, that was for sure. Stretching out, Daiko lays down on his back, turning his head slightly upwards so that he could see. As he lied down, he pulled his shirt up to his chest, and... Yeah. "Oh, hey. Sorry about that..." Daiko's stomach area was a mess of patchwork skin stretched over itself, and as he lied down and pulled up his shirt, he had his black threads pull the skin apart so that she could see where the kidney needed to be taken out was located. Upon opening up, Daiko used his black threads to bring the bundle of cords that were attached to his kidney a little bit outside of his body, so that all it would take was one clean slice for the organ to be cut out, and a simple attachment of this new one where the old one had been in order to make it stick. 

This process likely wouldn't take longer than a couple of minutes, and once done, Daiko would have no issue sealing back up his stomach from the surgery. Along with whatever incision needed to be made in his body all cleaned up and worked out, he didn't really feel much too different, for the moment. Daiko had implanted two other hearts before, but for some reason, this time felt... Different. He didn't feel the sort of instant satisfaction that he had usually gotten with placing a heart in, it was more of a slightly numb sensation that began to grow and grow, slowly coursing its way through his bloodstream and body, giving him somewhat of a feeling of power. He felt like he couldn't really do anything currently, that he had to actually work to master any new abilities that might be granted, and he would sit up, looking at Dana. 

Daiko scratched his head and took the scroll that Dana had given him and quickly put it in storage displacement as well, along with the Kidney that she had removed from him. Man... His own organs looked a bit different than those of other people. Most organs he'd seen had reddish-purple hues to him, while his looked to be a sticky black kind of color, with sickly brownish-red ooze that came from the spots that were bleeding. Nasty. Shaking his head, Daiko figured he would think about that later. 


Requesting 50/50 coinflip for a successful implant of Senju DNA, Calling heads (1).
Ichigo Sato
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Picking up the Pieces Empty Re: Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 3:39 pm
Coin flip for Daiko
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Picking up the Pieces Empty Re: Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 3:39 pm
The member 'Ichigo Sato' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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Picking up the Pieces Empty Re: Picking up the Pieces

Wed Oct 13, 2021 7:13 pm
The guy didn't seem all too perturbed by Dana's impromptu surgery which was nice. The last time she'd done something similar she'd become dangerously close to losing one of her only friends. Which actually made Dana seem a bit silly for doing it again (in front of a potential customer as well!) but learning lessons weren't really Dana's thing. She raised a pale brow when the boy's messed up torso was revealed to her, but didn't make any further comments as she got ready to do the surgery.

Turns out, not a lot of preparation was needed since the man's skin just opened up to reveal a bunch of black spaghetti-like threads underneath. Her green eyes lit up, "Cool!" she gushed as she took a second to take it all in. "Have ye ever tried to eat them?" The question slipped from her mouth before her brain had a chance to even say 'Hey, maybe don't say that' but Dana had absolutely zero regrets.

Dana got to work quickly, using the vine to do the needed cuts as she worked on transplanting her own kidney into his body. It was a bit weird seeing Mystical palm somehow work on Daiko's weird biology when Dana herself had no idea how it worked, but she just shrugged and continued.

After the surgery was done, Dana sat back and wiped her hands off on her shorts. She'd done a pretty good job, she felt, even if she couldn't really tell how good of a job she'd done until Daiko began to summon trees and stuff.

"All good?" She asked once her hands had been sufficiently cleaned.

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