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Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
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Zunair's Medical Training (pt.II) Empty Zunair's Medical Training (pt.II)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 1:08 am
The light outside the window flashed only to be followed five seconds later by the slow-rolling rumble of thunder. The perfect lullaby to remain asleep to with the slow-rolling rumble starting, steadily growing louder then drowning out to nothing. There was nothing more soothing to the young Hyuuga.  It was a day that normally most people would remain inside for and negate training for the day. 

Slowly, his eyes opened and he looked through the glass of the window to see the dark sky that made it as if it was still partially night. He didn’t want to move from the bed. His head was still heavy with sleep while his eyelids slowly moved down over his mint-like hues as if trying to brush away the remainder of sleep dust. On the floor beside his bed would be a book that he had found while going through his mother's old stuff. A book that should have been kept much safer than it had been considering it held much medical ninjutsu. It was rather interesting to imagine what he was able to do once he learned many medical-type abilities. However, he shouldn’t have been too surprised when he has already learned an advanced jutsu like the Chakra Scalpel. 

Zunair had started to read it then thought better about it and went to bed. Well, he didn’t have much of a choice about it now. The morning had come and there was no real reason for him to go outside for the moment. Slowly, he turned over in his bed and held the book in his hand, his fingers moving over the rough pages if he was going to study, she was going to study on her terms. His hair was ruffled up against the pillow and a dried place of spit was on her opposite cheek as his eyes moved over the pages. He pulled the blanket up under his nose while he continued to read over the jutsus instructions. In almost a mimicking manner, he started reading the page out loud. 

“Medical Ninjutsu: Mystical Palm” He stated as he scanned the book. Another flash of lightning lit up the room and cast a shadow of his head upon the scroll as he pulled the blanket just under his nose and around his body a bit more. For some reason, it was a welcoming and soothing feeling to have something around him. Not as soothing and welcoming as having arms wrapped around him but it was good enough for the time being. Just after the flash, he began to count. “One one thousand. Two one thousand. Three one thousand. Fou…” Then the rumble began off in the distance coming to a loud booming crescendo that threatened to shake the very foundation of the house before tapering off to a soft growl before disappearing completely. “Storm’s close. Four miles away.” The mint-eyed Hyuuga looked over his shoulder and watched the rainfall over the glass in jagged lines as one drop connected with another while moving over its course. 

Zunair's attention once more returned to the book that he held before he put it on the floor. Propping his head up in the palm of his left hand, he scrunched his cheek a bit as he toyed with his lower lip while continuing to read. Now it was on with the description. This is the thing that she wanted to know about. The instructions were pretty much the same as Healing Hands. 

Once more he got situated on the bed then pulled the book up onto his lap. There wasn’t much more to it that he had to read but it was the mechanics of the jutsu itself now. Hand seals were pretty straightforward. You make them release the chakra needed to perform the jutsu of your choosing and certain jutsu required a certain set of seals to be made before moving on. That was something that he remembered being told when he first went into the academy. Shaking his head, he smirked. “Look at you go. Remembering things from the days of old. Your mother would be so proud of you.” He said chuckling to himself with the falling rain being her only other company at the moment. 

As he read the description as stated in the book, the user applies their hand to the afflicted or wounded part of the body and sends chakra into it, accelerating the body's natural healing abilities. Although its most obvious use is as a way of treating external wounds, it can also be used for internal illnesses. Users must be careful to only use as much chakra as is needed for the specific injury. If too much chakra is sent into the body, this can disrupt the body's circulation, putting it into a comatose state.

'Alright, so this technique is gonna be a hard one to learn, maybe I need to see Anima again,' Zunair thought to himself.

Zunair asked his father if Anima would be able to help him again. His father smiled and said that he would contact her and see when she can help him. Seemingly an eternity later, his father said that Anima has the day off and will be helping him, but he needs to go to the Hyuuga medical room.

Zunair smiled and waved his father off making his way down to the medical room where he knew that Anima was there already and would be waiting for him to come in. Smiling warmly even so early in the morning to his family members that passed by him

“Zunair," his name simply spoken firmly, the young Hyuuga looked up to see his medical sensei standing in the doorway. She was dressed in her Medical Nin coat and had her arms crossed over her chest. The genin looked to Anima and gave a silent nod. “Hai, Anima.” He said as he walked to where Anima was and into the room. The elder medic closed the door behind them silently and went to gather the materials that were being used in Zunair’s training for the day. 

"So, Mr. Hoshi said you would like to learn the mystical palm technique, am I correct," Anime questioned him as Zunair nodded his head yes.

"Well, you should already know the hand signs from the book, however, don't force too much chakra or too little cause too much can harm your target and too little won't heal your target." Anime said as she walked up to the fish and begin doing the hand signs for the technique.

"Now, watch me do it," she said as her hands start glowing green and put them over the fish. A few seconds later, the fist started hopping around the table.

"See, now you try." She said as she put the other fish out of its misery and brought a second fish to the table. Zunair nodded to his instructor. Bringing his hands up before him, he quickly made the seals Snake > Ox > Tiger > Ram > Rat while concentrating on his chakra. He’d feel it begin to move along the surface of his skin and coat over his fingers. A flowing and alive entity that so many take for granted. He pushed it and molded it around his hands and around his hands and then begin transferring the chakra into the fish. 

"Now, this is going to take a while to learn, I'm going to make some tea for us, so keep practicing," Anima said as she exited the door

It seemed like an hour had passed and Zunair had gone back and forth from the fish to the book. He looked for anything that he could have possibly missed. But with each look at the book, he’d see the same instructions that were upon the paper. Sighing in frustration, Zunair had placed the book back down and closed his eyes while he rubbed his face with his hands. 

“Not as easy as it looks, is it?” Anima had said as she came back into the room and held a cup of green tea with lemon and honey out to her student. Gratefully, Zunair took the tea and sipped it with closed eyes before he opened them once more and looked to his mentor. “I’ve tried so many times to try and get it. I’ve looked at the book over and over again. Nothing seems to be working. Am I missing something?” The Hyuuga said while he brought up the tea to his lips once more and sipped from it. Chuckling softly, Anima nodded and looked to her young pupil. “Yes, you are. It’s something small that not everyone has..” Interested in what his mentor had to say, Zuniar held his cup before his as he tilted his head a bit. “And what would that be, Anima?” Anima could only smile and give her student a wink as she spoke simply one word. “Experience.”

Zunair simply pressed his lips together as he knew his teacher was right, but he figured with knowing the Chakra Scalpel and Healing Hands, this would be a piece of cake for him; however, he guessed that wisdom was gained in earnest and hard work not by simply asking. “Nature does not hurry... Yet everything is accomplished…” he said simply to himself as she pushed off the counter and followed the elder medic back to the table where the fish was. “You are trying too hard to force the chakra from your fingers and from your hands. Just let it move over your hand and into the fish. I told you earlier that it was just like using your chakra flow technique.” Zunair placed his still steaming tea on the desk and took a deep breath. “Alright. Trying too hard..” He said with a slight shake of his arms. Closing his eyes, he’d quickly move through the five seals Snake > Ox > Tiger > Ram > Rat and allowed the chakra to form over his hands. 

“That’s it, Zuniar. Focus but let it flow. Don’t restrict it.” Zunair listened to his elder and focused on the shape of the chakra and the feel of it. The way it moved over his hands. “Now, think about how much you think you need to heal the fish… “ Zunair thought about it as the mint-like chakra moved and shaped itself over his hands. Thinning out in some areas and staying thick around his hands themselves. Zunair chakra had become almost entirely thick as he focus on healing the animal. Anima smiled and nodded softly while the mint-eyed Hyuuga wasn’t looking. “Now release it.” Hearing the words from his elder medic, he gave a nod and dispersed that chakra, and opened his eyes to look at her. 

“Well? How did I do?” Anima gave him smile and a nod. “Not bad. Wait a few moments and do it again.” Zunair gave a nod and took a few deep breaths before walking over and taking a sip from his tea once more. Zunair was excited about the small amount of progress that he had made. It was a small bit but it was still progressing. Taking a sip from his tea, he’d place it down once more and close his eyes. He’d make the seals needed for the jutsu and felt the chakra once more flow over his hands. 

Thicker. Stronger. He need to focus on seemingly reviving the fish but he had such a hard time too. Zunair thought he would have a much easier time, having studied medical Ninjutsu for a couple of weeks at this point. He knew most of the terminology and now had a basic knowledge of most types of medical Ninjutsu. Could he make some poisons, most certainly not? He knew how to stitch up wounds and properly bandage them. He had learned some healing techniques but he wanted to learn healing techniques for more serious wounds, however.

“What should I do, Anima?” He sounded bored, uninspired as he stopped focusing on the fish. He was tired of ‘playing’ medical-nin and wanted to begin helping real people. Anima stood on the other side of the room, looking over at the body fish. She had been standing there, watching Zunair the whole time. She was interested in what Zunair did, but not in such a way that he desired to learn it. He then started to prefer his easier medical techniques and the more combative gentle fist jutsus, but would it help him defend people better. No, and it would certainly not be able to heal anyone either.

“Perhaps you should try and join the medical corps in the village? I’m sure they would welcome you, you are fast and could learn the techniques you need quickly enough. I’m sure someone amongst them would help you with the techniques.”  Anima said as Zunair thought about her answer.

"Not right now, I feel like you are a great teacher for me, I just got to get my head on straight," he said as Anima smiled once more and nodded.

Alright. For the last time this day, he'd make the hand seals Snake > Ox > Tiger > Ram > Rat and hone the chakra that began to flow about her hands. His focus was on the chakra and the animal. This was going to be his test. 

As he neared the animal, he didn't focus on just the outer skin, but the entirety of the animal. With the mint-like chakra flowing around his hand, he positioned them on the fish and felt his hands almost pulsate as the chakra began swirling into the animal. It was a focus that he hadn't really had to worry about before as he wouldn't know until he had looked inside to see if it happened. Once he had felt like he had made the animal start, she dispursed the chakra from her hands and moved to look within the animal. To his amazement, the fish started flopping on the table.

Zunair looked up to his teacher and the smile that was on the genin's face was priceless. He was happy and proud at the same time. This was something that he did. Anima stood and looked to Zunair, "Good. Now, I'm going home and you will continue this training." Zunair's shoulders shot up a bit as he took a deep breath. "Hai, Anima." He said softly as Anima began walking towards him.

"Oh, and just one more thing, your mother would be so proud of you. You are becoming such an outstanding medical ninja, you should be proud." She spoke as she then left the room. Zunair stood there in shock. Those words hit him deep in his core and he felt a tear fall from his eye, that is all he wanted was to make his mother proud, and her saying that brought joy to him. Wiping the tear away, he then cleaned up the room and went to see if his father was still around.

[WC:2,502/2,500] Mystical Palm
Arathel Anbura
Arathel Anbura
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Arathel's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 216000

Zunair's Medical Training (pt.II) Empty Re: Zunair's Medical Training (pt.II)

Thu Nov 04, 2021 11:34 pm
It seemed Zunair had been trying to perfect his medical ninjutsu for almost a month, but he felt like he had reached an impasse. But he still was capable of excelling in the healing of minor wounds. He cursed in frustration. He kept flopping in making the antidote for a common poison. If he couldn't even do this, then how would he ever be able to save someone from a much more complex poison? At least his physical training was going as planned.

Zunair was getting more and more skilled in the use of his Byakugan, something he asked his father with, and also his speed was going up. Zunair slammed down the book. He wasn't getting it to form the information he had in front of him. He needed to do more research. He decided that he would visit the hospital's library, pick out a book that could help him, and get out of there as fast as he came. For some reason, he didn't want either Anima or his father to know how much he was struggling right now. Zunair grabbed a backpack from the hallway, shoved the book in it, leaving the compound in a hurry. Not that anyone was home anyways. He ran towards the hospital. When he arrived, he realized he didn't have a clue where he had to go.

"Um… Excuse me? Could you tell me where to find the library?" Zunair asked shyly.

The nurse at the desk threw him a questioning look. "Visitors aren't allowed in the library," she said, not unfriendly.

Zunair took out a piece of paper Anima gave him and showed it to the nurse, who studied it for a few moments. "Please forgive, I didn't know miss Anima had permitted you to use the library. It's at the end of the hallway on your right. You can't miss it." Zunair took back the paper and left for the library, slowly walking in the hallway, secretly hoping Anima wouldn't be in lurking around. He remembered Anima mentioning that the library was her preferred workplace.

The mint-eyes Hyuuga seemed to be in luck. When he arrived in the room, no one else was there. Zunair walked towards a computer and quickly looked up which books he would need. He activated his Byakugan and scanned the room, finding the books within seconds.

"Having trouble with poison?" Anima’s voice startled him and he almost dropped all of the books he was holding. Zunair quickly turned around to face the elder medic shinobi, desperately trying to hide his embarrassment.
"There's nothing to be ashamed of Zune… Quite the opposite even. You're a fast student, probably the best I've seen in years. I would even go as far as to say that you might be as talented as your mother." Anime smiled reassuringly. "Besides, I wasn't exactly a star student either when I just started my training."
Zunair quietly listened, not knowing how to react. He loved hearing Anima’s stories, as they encouraged him to continue his training, but he didn't want to scare the medical-nin away.

"You see, you learned the basics in merely a few days, but I struggled and struggled for weeks. Conveniently, the only thing I was good at from the very beginning, were poisons. It's not a weakness to ask for help from someone who had done this many times before, you know. Let me help you, Zune." Anima put a comforting hand on Zunai’s shoulder while he bowed his head in embarrassment. He knew it was foolish of him to try to hide his struggles from someone who had done nothing but help him and was a friend of his mother's. So Zunair sighed, put his pride aside, and asked Anima for help.

Anima went outside the library and when she came back she was holding a glass with a brown fluid in it. Anima put the glass on the table in front of Zunair and placed her hands on her hips.

"Euhm, what is this for?" Zunair asked, unsure of what to do.

"This is your first exercise. You see, this is coffee with milk. Similar to extracting poison from a body, you separate the milk from the coffee. Why don't you try it?"

Zunair placed his hand over the glass. A soft green, glowing light appeared from his hands as he applied the medical ninjutsu, trying to separate the coffee from the milk. The fluid wasn't budging much and Zunair tried harder and harder, making a little whirlpool appear in the glass. A drip of sweat rolled off his forehead and Zunair seemingly was growing impatient. Anima was watching him silently.

'Don't try to force it, Zune." She eventually said. "Medical ninjutsu is a delicate art. Forcing it will not help you one bit. It might even end up hurting your patient even more, so slow down."

Zunair, frustrated with himself because Anima was always telling him that and the fact that he couldn't do the exercise, took a couple of deep breaths. He felt his frustration leave his body and calmed down. He closed his eyes in concentration, trying to 'feel' the milk particles in the coffee, and with a gentle hand, he then separated the milk from the coffee. When he then opened his eyes again, the young Hyuuga saw that he was successful in his latest attempt, seeing the white color of the milk on top of the black color of the coffee. A big smile broke out on his face and he looked at Anima in excitement. The elder medic smiled proudly at him, happy that the young Hyuuga had finally understood the most integral part of medical ninjutsu: patients.

"Alright, Zunair, well done! On to the next phase, shall we?" Zunair watch closely as Anima took out a scroll from a drawer in her desk and opened it on the table, where she summoned a fish.

"This fish is filled with poison. The task is rather simple: extract the poison and bring the fish back to life. If there is any poison left inside the fish, you won't be able to revive it."
Zunair thought for a second about the best way to approach this situation. He thought back to what Anima had taught him and Zunair that day in the Hyuuga compound: that fluid that could be used for poison extraction. The young medic-nin fished out the recipe from the book in his backpack and sprinted towards the hospital garden and kitchen, quickly finding all of the ingredients. He asked the medical-nin at the desk for a couple of bowls, as well as some other utensils he would need. As he rushed back into the library, he noticed Anima was observing him with an approving look on his face and it gave Zunair the confidence to continue. His idea was going to work. Zunair made the fluid with great care, separating it evenly in a different bowl, so he wouldn't have to worry about getting all of the poison out at once. He made two small incisions with his Chakra Scalpel in the fish's body, before picking up the fluid and slowly letting it enter the body of the fish. Zunair focused on his chakra and felt how the fluid withdrew the poison. He repeated the process a couple more times until the healing fluid barely contained any poison anymore.

Satisfied with the results of the first stage, Zunair went on to stage two, where he would bring the fish back to life. He was so concentrated on his task that he didn't see how Anima’s approving smile grew wider and wider the closer Zunair got to complete the task. Bringing a dead fish to life was one of the first lessons Anima taught him in learning medical ninjutsu, so Zunair was confident he would be able to do it. He just needed to show some patience and make sure not to rush this process. Only a couple of minutes after starting the healing process, the fish started showing signs of life again, weakly flapping with its tail. Zunair persevered and moments later the fish was very much back alive again. He barely managed to catch the fish and released it into the fountain out in the courtyard. He looked up at Anima, who had a smile on her face just as wide as Zunair’s smile.

“Good Job Zunair, but there is a way without using the fluid, you have to do the hand signs Ram > Horse > Horse > Monkey > Ox > Rat in that order. You’ll have to use a technique that’s almost mimicking the chakra Scalpel and mystical Palm, so now begin.”

Zunair was caught off guard by how he didn’t know that. So, he empty the bowls as Anima brought another poison-filled fish to the table. Zunair nodded to his instructor and performed the hand signs as his hands started to glow a mint green. He starts pushing chakra into the fish's body, extracting the poison in small amounts to not damage the fish. Once he completed it, he looked towards Anima smiling. 

"You did it, Zunair! I'm so proud of you. You immediately knew how to do it and even honed an important skill! Good job! Only one task remains… I will tell you what it is when the time comes. Be patient, Zune… Your time will come. In the meantime, keep training and if you need me, you know where to find me, right."

Zunair smiled and nodded, turning around to leave the hospital. Before he had the chance, Anima stopped him: "Next time, we will teach you how to heal yourself from the inside out, that way, you won't have to stop a battle to heal yourself."

Zunair waved at Anima goodbye and left for home, feeling satisfied with the progress he had made that day.

[WC:1,654/1,500] Delicate Illness Extraction
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Delicate Illness Extraction
Mystical Palm
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Zunair's Medical Training (pt.II) Empty Re: Zunair's Medical Training (pt.II)

Fri Nov 05, 2021 12:18 am
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