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Summoning the Dawn

Isemori Uchiha
Emilia Kaneko
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Summoning the Dawn - Page 2 Empty Re: Summoning the Dawn

Sat Nov 27, 2021 2:09 pm
Going around and listening to each of them offered Yuuma a strange sensation. For just a brief moment, he was back in his village in the single-room school building, listening to the sharing of those mostly younger than him. In this case, Takeda was the only exception as the two of them were near enough to be the same age. Still, it brought a nostalgic sort of feeling for something he hadn't thought about for a long time. School had never been Yuuma's strong point, and here he was about to shove a small lecture down four people's necks. Never would he have thought that, in good time, his life would have come so far that he could have counted himself among the teachers of those younger than him. When each of them had finished their introductions, Yuuma would nod to acknowledge their conclusion before looking back to Emilia. She had been the only one to ask a question, which made it even easier for Yuuma to move along to the next subject considering her question was directly aligned with what he was going to be speaking on next.

Moving over to the board once more, Yuuma picked up the piece of chalk and began writing down a couple more symbols as he spoke. "I'm glad you asked. You all will be expected to, from this point forth, accompany each other on the missions you are to undertake. My goal is not only to assist you in becoming a keen Hoshigakure ninja, but to make sure that you have the tools you need moving forward to advance to the rank of Chuunin, and perhaps even someday come to find yourselves leading your own team." On the board, Yuuma would mark down the symbol of teamwork. Beneath this symbol, he would mark down each of their names as he continued to speak. "From this day onward, you will each accompany each other on your missions. I'll be devising exercises and practices for you outside of missions in order to further compliment your teamwork skills. You'll be expected to become familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of your teammates, and how best to compliment those strengths while compensating for any weakness you might find. Together, this group will form a foundation going forward that promotes the uplifting of those around you, who in turn uplift you."

Finished with his markings on the board, each of them would see their name paired up with another, though they would all exist in a box Yuuma had put around the grouping of their names. "To that end, a lot of our practice going forward will be with the expectations that you are doing so with another member of the team. There will come a point where I scrutinize your techniques and methods to make sure that you are able to work along well with whomever you may be put with in the future. And indeed, there will come a time when each of you will grow beyond this team here and move on to bigger and better things. It is my hope that you will perhaps take some of these ideals with you that I give them to you now." Placing the chalk on the board, Yuuma would turn around and smile broadly at the group as a whole. "If there is nothing else, we will move along to the next part of today's lesson. There is some study material I need to retrieve- I hope you all ate a hearty breakfast because we will find ourselves occupied for the majority of the evening. In the meantime, why don't you make some small talk amongst yourselves? Get to know each other a little better. These will be important first steps you look back on later, after all."

Yuuma offered them one more nod, lingering long enough for any of them to say something or ask any questions that might have of him before Yuuma would depart from the room and begin making his way down the corridor to his next destination.

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Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Summoning the Dawn - Page 2 Empty Re: Summoning the Dawn

Fri Dec 10, 2021 4:34 pm
The young girl looked around the room, gleaming at her new teammates. It was safe to say that the young genin was excited for this opportunity she was getting. She no longer would have to worry about days being by herself or going off to train and having no one there to push her, this meant she would be pushed to become stronger by others. ”I really can’t wait for the first mission with my partner, gah, what an absolute time this is going to be.” Her head swiveled around as she let her eyes glance across the room as Yuuma spoke some more.
The team leader had made his way up to the board where he began to mark down the symbol for teamwork. Emilia let focused her eyes intently, also letting her ears remain open to hear every word that her new team leader was saying. Most of what he was talking about revolved around being a team and forming a foundation, uplifting each other and becoming stronger together. These were all words that Emilia loved to hear, it was her goal to become as strong as she could, so doing anything to achieve that is what she would do. The last bit that Yuuma mentioned was about studying, which Emilia wasn’t super thrilled about, but she would do it because Yuuma wanted them too.
Before the chuunin departed the room, he had taken one last look around to see if anyone had any questions for him, of course there wasn’t any and Emi would watch as he darted out of the room. She let her eyes wander around, until she noticed the silence would linger on for far too long. ”I’m really excited for this opportunity. I think this is going to be a great team!” Her eyes shut as she let out a rather large smile. It certainly broke some of the silence that had filled the room. If someone else had decided to speak with her, she would respond to them in an appropriate manner, until that time – she would await Yuuma’s return with her studying material.

Yuuma Fujiwara
Yuuma Fujiwara
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Summoning the Dawn - Page 2 Empty Re: Summoning the Dawn

Mon Dec 13, 2021 1:57 am
Making his way through the Archive, Yuuma would pick and pluck at each book title he passed with his eyesight, taking a small sample of what each isle had to offer as he made his way down the lane towards the front of the windowless room that was checkout. Behind the counter was seated a blonde-haired woman who wore an emerald broach upon her neck. She was dressed in a professional attire of cerulean blue on a tunic with some manner of black body cover that wound up her arms and most of the way up her neck, the top of her head crowned with meticulous golden braids that ran in a circuit around the top and back of her head, holding the rest of her hair in a shoulder-length cut. Brilliant blue eyes turned up to Yuuma as he approached, measuring him for a moment before the woman stood from her desk and made her way to the counter to meet him with a neutral gaze, saying nothing as Yuuma stopped before the station expecting him to speak his peace. And speak he would.

With a smile on his face. Yuuma would greet the woman. Normally he might stop for some small talk, but today was the day of meeting his team. He'd need to focus on them first and make his business here brief. "Hello. I'm looking for the collection of KKG information so my students and I might study them." He would request politely, bowing his head some. Without the need of asking, Yuuma would present his credentials to the clerk knowing the information was gated behind his rank. "How lucky my students are that I would make sure they will get to know what they need going forward," Yuuma mused to himself as he accepted back his credentials and tucked them back into his robes. Waiting patiently at the front, he would idle his time by allowing his eyes to wander to the desk where the woman had been working before disappearing into the back. A set of parchment lay over one another in thick layers with sets of dried ink sprawling a fine text across the page. From this distance, it was much too fine to read anything out even for his acute senses, but it looked incredibly fanciful, whatever it was. His eyes returned to the woman as the door at the far end of the room opened and an entire cart of books was wheeled into the room. The cart was laden heavily with thick tomes alongside thin novellas amongst others.

Moving to meet the woman, she would speak to him before he took hold of the cart. "Do be careful with these. Students are not exactly renowned for their delicate touch when it comes to literature- particularly in the realm of study." The woman would keep a solid grasp on the cart, making certain that Yuuma had heard her before allowing him to take it. Yuuma was quick to reassure her with a grin and another smile as he took the cart.

"You have nothing to worry about, I'll make sure the books are kept in top shape." Yuuma punctuated the promise with a smile. The woman didn't seem phased one way or another, releasing the cart and allowing Yuuna to return to his study.

Yuuma would return to the small study, interrupting any conversation that might be happening amongst the students as he wheeled the heavy tomes back into the class. Wordlessly, he would make his way to the table and pick up one of the books from the cart, making sure that eyes were on him before he began to speak. "And this will be the bulk of our work for the day. In these books, you will find information regarding the more well-studied bloodlines of the clans that are out there. You will get insight into what each of them is capable of, how they interact with jutsu, and how their abilities grow." He would pause to purposefully turn his gaze to Isemori, setting down the book in front of him that he had picked up first: "Uchiha Genetics and History". A rather basic title for what would be an expansive read. "I don't expect you all to get it done today, but study these books as best you can. We will be making frequent returns to the Archive in order to make sure you have ready access to the material you need. I cannot say when, but in the future, there will be a test of this knowledge. So study hard!" Yuuma smiled, picking up the book of Senju book for himself and beginning to read.

The hours would pass and Yuuma would not silence disruption or conversation so long as the students would return to their work in due time without him needing to intervene. Time would pass eventually, and the evening would begin to creep upon them well after their lunch break had concluded. As the day came to a close, Yuuma would stand, collecting the books, and addressing them once more. "It has been the first day of many that we will spend together. I realized today might not have been particularly exciting but it is an important first step. Not only did each of you get to meet each other, but you have an idea of what you will be doing going forward. Take care of yourselves. Take care of each other. The days ahead will be full of trials, and you'll need to learn to depend on your own strength as well as each other. Until the time I call upon you, your time is your own. Use it wise me, and seek me out at my medical shop. I will always be available to answer questions or teach you what I can."

Collecting the books, Yuuma would return them back to the person at the front, who was another attendant that he had never met before. Signing himself out, Yuuma would take his leave of the Archive and head back to his shop, the twilight offering him a stretching cover of crimson hues as a cap for his night. It had been a good day.

WC - 1,033
TWC - 4,001


3,750 on Peacock Spirit Blessing [3,750/3,750]
251 on changing Main spec to ST. [2,040/3000] Previous progress here.
KKG Knowledge currently in the Archive.
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Ryo : 176650

Summoning the Dawn - Page 2 Empty Re: Summoning the Dawn

Mon Dec 13, 2021 9:24 am
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
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Summoning the Dawn - Page 2 Empty Re: Summoning the Dawn

Thu Dec 16, 2021 11:14 am
Ise's eyes couldn't help but wander at the other members of the team as he had talked to them, including Yuuma, who for a time, was silently listening to Ise and the other Genin talk amongst one another. The young Uchiha, despite being overly-talkative from a natural standpoint, realized that this was the most talkative he had ever been with anyone. After a while, Yuuma had stated that he would be back with them to look over and study … which made the young Uchiha’s heart sink like a bowling ball. He was never good at studying … at least in general. Even himself admitted that it was a wonder he managed to graduate from the Academy. Nevertheless, he still managed to get where he was today, whether it was by actual retainment of what he had learned, or if it was just sheer dumb luck. However, a part of him was curious as to what exactly they were going to be studying. “Hopefully it’s something cool,” Isemori thought to himself before going back to talking with Emelia and the others.

After a while, Yuuma had returned, and with a bunch of books in-hand. Ise’s eyes widened and said, “You weren’t kidding when you said there was going to be a lot to cover,” Ise had said. He wasn’t sure but could have sworn that he was sweating nervously now while his eyes couldn’t help but continue to focus upon the small mountain of books that Yuuma had come back with. Ise’s expression however had changed from nervousness to surprise when Yuuma had mentioned a specific word. Bloodlines. When Ise’s head had finally turned to look up at his Sensei, their eyes were looking back at one another. It was clear that Yuuma had a reason as to why they were going to be studying bloodlines, but Ise also had a feeling that Yuuma had also done this for people like Ise to learn more about his own Kekkei Genkai, the Sharingan.

Ise didn’t know why, but his mind had once again drifted, thinking about his father and Itsuki. There were numerous occasions where Ise had been blown off by his older brother, never answering his questions about the sharingan when he would ask them. Why, though? What was so drastic that it was to be kept a secret? More importantly, why did Itsuki not want to answer him whenever he did ask him? Ise had a gut feeling that he was more than likely going to find out the answer. Ise would have replied to Sensei after he was done talking, but he had suddenly become so focused on the book that was planted in front of him, that he had blocked everything around him out. He didn’t mean to though, and something told him that if the others knew how he felt about it, that they’d understand why the young Uchiha had become so focused in his reading (For what seemed like the first time ever within his lifetime).

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Summoning the Dawn - Page 2 Empty Re: Summoning the Dawn

Fri Dec 17, 2021 12:26 pm
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Village : Hoshigakure
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Summoning the Dawn - Page 2 Empty Re: Summoning the Dawn

Wed May 25, 2022 7:33 pm
There wasn’t a whole lot of conversation going on between Emilia and Isemori. They each seemed to be in their own little world as it pertains to this meeting or training. Yuuma had been gone only a minute or two when things did get a little awkward with the silence. The young genin glanced up occasionally at the boy but never could generate any words to start a conversation. She was slightly disappointed because she wanted to talk and build that relationship with her teammate… but something just kept her from doing it. As the hands on the clock in the room ticked forward, she found herself wondering just when Yuuma would return with the books for them to study.


The door opened at a fairly moderate pace and in walked Yuuma with a ton of books for the team to study. It was about the clans on the shinobi world, at least the ones that had been documented and were kept in the Kozai Yuki National Archives. Emilia stood up to see if Yuuma needed any help with the books and took a couple out of his arms and set them on the table. There was a quite a few here and she quickly noticed that she would be spending much of her day here learning… quite a bit more than she had anticipated. Her original thought is they would be learning together and while it may take a while, it wouldn’t be all day.

”This could certainly be a long study session… Guess I should get to work so I’m not yelled at on day 1…”

The young girl grabbed a booked and watched as Ise would do the same. He seemed very intent on studying and learning, something she could probably do better with. She wasn’t really ever one to read or study much… Emilia was more of a hands on learning or doing learner.. so this was a little different. As she lifted her head up, Ise opened his mouth for the first time in a while and told Yuuma that he wasn’t kidding when he mentioned they had a lot to cover. Emilia giggled a little bit at that comment as she turned her head to see Yuuma’s response… though he didn’t offer much if anything at all. Emilia’s eyes turned back towards the books she had grabbed and noticed the names Hyuuga and Uchiha. She quickly began to skim and read through them. Moving on to the next page or books whenever she finished reading.

”Yuuma, I just want to say thank you for doing this for us. This knowledge will only help us grow and could be vital when we are on a mission somewhere. This was a great first day getting to know everyone and learning about the clans and KKGs.” Emilia passed the books back towards the middle and she watched as Yuuma collected them and took them out the room once and again and made his exit. The young genin presumed that this was the end of the training day as Ise had made his exit as well.

There was still one nagging question that was lingering inside of Emilia’s head. How many clans or KKGs or even just advanced elements were out there that aren’t stored in the Kozai Yuki Archives? Surely there had to be some and if so, how could she learn about them? This training really inspired a new concept and goal for Emilia and it was to try and learn as much about the shinobi world as she could. She would supplement her original goal of trying to learn more about her own family heritage with this new goal.
There was fulfilling feeling rising up inside of Emilia. She was happy that she had come here today and really taken this all in. She found another purpose for her life in the shinobi world beside learning of her family heritage and getting stronger. She wanted to learn and experience the world as it should be. She also wanted to help Hoshigakure in this way and for the village to gain knowledge along with her. Though admittedly, she wasn’t sure if she could learn anything new or that the village didn’t already know. Regardless, it had been decided… and with that she took off out the creaking door and back home. She needed to rest her brain as it had been fried from all the reading that was done.



Last edited by Emilia Kaneko on Wed May 25, 2022 8:02 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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Summoning the Dawn - Page 2 Empty Re: Summoning the Dawn

Wed May 25, 2022 8:01 pm
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