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Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Mon Apr 04, 2022 5:12 pm
Looking for the Perfect Beat:

Mission Details:

Since arriving in the distant land, Guren had taken some time to distance himself from Kaito and Seb to make time for himself. His aim was to explore this new location in an attempt to unearth more of its identity and why he was here. And from the looks of it, he was not going to make any significant progress. The town seemed filled with drunk and merry people, without a care in the world and not a shinobi in sight. A quick search of chakra signatures in his immediate vicinity proved to be futile, as there were no power levels near him even remotely compatible to that of a shinobi. Instead it seemed to be quite a relaxed atmosphere. Seeing as in his past endeavors in foreign lands seemed best met with embracing the culture there, Guren took to doing the same here.

In his typical yukata, and removed from his Kazekage hat and cape, Guren would blend in fairly well with the commoners around him. Clearly he was a shinobi, evident by the headband draped across his neck and the underlying fatigues he wore; but maybe that wasn't so uncommon in a festival of the sorts he was in. As he made his way into the town square, the population was more and more dense. It was almost impossible to maneuver the crowd without bumping into another. Yet the Chinoike kept his composure, and instead sort of pinballed around the drunken until his fortune landed him at an outdoor kiosk set up like a bar. It was adjacent to a makeshift stage, surrounded by a few unfortunate souls cursed with listening to the angsty songs of a belittled bard. After order and receiving his tall drink, Guren took a few sips them directed his gaze to the bard.

"That poor sap." Guren thought to himself before leaning over to the bartender and asking for a second drink. With both in hand, he carried himself towards the area surrounding the bard. Perhaps he could bolster the vibes of the audience with a bit of alcohol and enthusiasm. 

"You there, bard. Take a break from your suffering and drink with me." Guren would call out while motioning to the bard with both drinks in hand. This was his good deed of the day.

WC = 381
Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
Stat Page : Demon Ape
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Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Re: Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Tue Apr 05, 2022 9:45 pm
Yusuke had been wandering around the distant land in a haze. Something's off about this world....But it's lots of fun! There was merriment and joy wherever he looked. The young Sarutobi wasn't sure what this place was about, but he liked it. He didn't feel in danger so he decided he would explore the world around him. He wandered the town finding lousy drunks around every corner. It made the boy think a devious thought. I wonder if the bars here would bother to ask how old I was? He raised an eyebrow as he thought again. Is there even a legal drinking age? He shrugged his shoulders. It wasn't that he particularly wanted to drink. In fact it seemed like it was a bad idea. His father always got louder and looser with drink. His mother always made sure to use medical jutsu on him after he inevitably feel asleep. The effects of the poisonous liquid seemed disastrous really. What the boy really wanted was to test his limits and see all this place had to offer. 

He wandered around until he found a busty and crowded square with a makeshift stage. The guy playing wasn't very good to put it bluntly. Yusuke waited around and listened to him for a while his music was angsty and mad like many of Yusuke's favorite songs, but the instrument of choice, a tiny guitar like thing, didn't complement it very well at all. The worst part though was the wailing vocals. He didn't have the right voice for the kind of vibe he was going for nor did he know the right key. Yusuke was about to start booing and chucking things onto the stage when a large man stopped the bard and offered him a drink. Yusuke was glad that he ended the suffering of the audience, and returned himself to his original plan. That guy offered the shitty bard a drink I bet I could get one too! 

Yusuke ricocheted off members of the crowded square until he got over to the small kiosk serving drinks. He moved to the opposite side of the bar and held up his hand. He deepened his voice as much as he could. What a performance that was! I think I'll need a drink! I'll take whatever they're having. He pointed in the direction of the pair hoping the bartender would just giving him what he asked for. 

When Yusuke looked over, he saw the man and the bard more clearly. The same hour glass and the one branded into his face protector hung around the man's neck. Crap! hope he doesn't call me out Yusuke turned his head away and did his best to act natural. He had gotten himself into a possible sticky situation.

Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Re: Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:26 pm

Kaito strolled around the festival grounds, still feeling the effects of the alcohol he had consumed during the drinking contest he partook in with Guren and Sebastian. The boy had never touched alcohol before in his life, but this was a festival so he might as well, right? There would surely be no shortage of the stuff as there were countless others walking around who were already blitzed out of their minds.

The boy, who had been walking around in the endless sea of people for the past few hours after going off on his own from Guren and Sebastian, found the faint sound of music meeting his ears. Intrigued, he would walk towards the source and eventually found himself standing on the ground just in front of a stage. Upon this stage stood a rather deranged looking man with a guitar and disheveled expression. He was picking away at his guitar almost incoherently as he sang songs of angst and desperateness.

'Is this not meant to be a happy place?' Kaito asked himself as he covered his ears with all the strength he had. 'What the hell is this crap?'

After only a minute or two, the rest of the crowd must have begun to feel the same way that Kaito did. Echos of booing filled the air and the patrons began throwing all sorts of things at the musician; food, drinks, shoes. The musician would do his best, albeit to no avail, to shield himself from the projectiles as he began walking down from the stage via the stairs to his left. Kaito was starting to feel rather bad for the gentleman. This was spring, damnit! Everyone deserved to be happy, even if they were rather crummy musicians. Kaito began to sneak through the crowd again, this time looking out for the musician.

'Maybe the man just needs a friend...'

With the seemingly endless amount of people crowding around him, however, this was sure to be an impossible task. Sure enough, after about five minutes of being shuffled around, Kaito was ready to give up.

"Is liiike fi- hugh" The boy, still drunk, couldn't help but slur his words and hiccup. "finuding eh needddle hugh in a haystack..." After looking around for a few more minutes, Kaito would have no luck in finding the musician. Instead, he found himself at yet another bar. He walked up to the bar and placed a few ryo upon its wooden surface. "Oi! I havvee theee... YUUUUSSSKKKKKEEEE!" Looking to his left, the Inuzuka could see one of his friends and fellow Sunagakure shinobi sitting down further at the bar. He was sitting a few seats down from Guren and the musician as well!

'Lucky day!'

Kaito struggled his way down the length of the bar. On top of being drunk, the black floral kimono that he was given by the gentleman at the front gate was hard to walk in. He was still getting used to it as he tripped constantly in the geta sandals that were provided with the festival attire. As he reached Yusuke and Guren's location, he came up behind the both of them and wrapped his arms around them welcomingly.

"Yuussk- hugh ee! Lord hugh Lord Keeehhzuukaage! Yo-hugh you two ingooying thha feestiball?" Kaito , with loopy vision, looked over at the musician as well, who was sipping away at his drink. "Mr... Mussac Mannn- hugh Whhaaatt gat youuu sssoooo saad, maaann?"

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Pagebreak6

AP Utilized:
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[Word Count (Post) - 572]
[Word Count (Total) - 572]

Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Re: Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:21 pm
Water trickled down his rather plain home in Kiri as he looked out over his balcony, smoke pleasantly perched in the right corner of his lips. He had only become what was known as a "Vagabond" of Kiri maybe a week or so ago and so. It wasn't a bad choice as he could fully monopolize his business as a ringleader for his Troupe as well as learn a little extra money without any harmful repercussions. Of course his nest had been empty since the sudden disappearance of Pantomime and as a result his children. He knew they had existed and even then he tried to reach out to recreate them but maybe...playing God had its consequences as such. Every so often he would try to pulse his chakra outward to reconnect to the astral plane of Pantomime, but nothing would come from it. What he had lost in Space-Time shenanigans he regained in pure physical strength..something he had honestly forwent many years ago. As the ashes fell from the cigarette he took in a small drag and turned to where his back was to the balcony and his eyes looked ajaringly into the moist air," What am i going to do with all of . Can't focus on the what-if's but i'm bored as hell," the jester would exclaim as he closed his eyes and then felt a primal shifting in his surroundings.

Once he had opened his eyes the first thing he had heard had been a shrill crash followed by someone screaming about him going through the table. Standing up he would sigh and stand up dusting off some errant debris," Who the hell can't aim a simple teleportation e- ...Where the hell am I?," he'd say aloud and for the current three shinobi to hear. He knew space-time shenanigans when he felt them but this was a little more...deliberate. Oh well. He could see that he was in a bar of sorts, and what had been going on was still unknown to him. Taking a seat near Guren and his company he would reach into his black shirt pocket and pull out a fresh cigarette before chuckling," Come here often?"

364 WC
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Re: Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Tue Apr 12, 2022 4:52 pm
Guren continued sipping his drink alongside the bard whose foul singing had since been silenced. They sept their sake, as a group of some familiar faces had begun to gather around. The first of which was one Guren had only seen records on within the paper work on his desk. Yusuke. From what he remembered, he wasn't an older shinobi. Nor was Kaito, who also managed to find his...belligerently drunken self to the Kazekage's side. Lowering his brow slightly, Guren opened his mouth to begin reprimanding them but immediately closed it. Fuck it, when in Rome right? And so he exchanged pleasantries with Kaito who had interrupted the bard and Guren, asking all the right questions ironically. After all, alcohol does make the truth come out. Guren turned his head to Yusuke, and offered him a less than serious stare. This was shortly followed by an upwards nod of acknowledgement. In a way that said "I know what you're doing, but it will slide" without actually saying it.

Before Guren could answer Kaito's question, the bard interjected.

"Oh woe is me, woe is me. My lover left, and now I weep. Woe is me, woe is me. No maidens, no women, and no booty. Oh woe is me!" he cried on and on, gripping the glass of sake as if his life had depended on it. 

Rolling his eyes, Guren turned to his side and made eye contact with a newcomer, taking a smooth drag from the cigarette that rested in his lips. "First time for me. Judging by your...abrupt entrance, I'm guessing you were whisked here too, huh?" Thought Guren wanted to inquire more about the presence of those around him, the lamenting bard had drowned out any possibility of hearing anyone but himself.

"Oh man up, sulking won't get your girl back. Drink that sake and be merry. Maybe one of the girls here will catch your eye."

Upon hearing Guren's words, the bard straightened his back, threw his drink back, and panned his eyes across the crowd. Taking a deep breath in, it looked like he was about to belt out another song. Yet hopefully, a more cheerful one this time...

WC = 360. TWC = 741
Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
Stat Page : Demon Ape
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 21390

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Re: Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Tue Apr 12, 2022 7:21 pm
Yusuke was certain his cover was blown the moment that Kaito announced his name to the... KAZEKAGE!!!!! Whelp that's it my dreams ruined in my budding youth He was about dramatically put his hand to his head in a dramatic fashion consigned to his fate, as the bar tender placed the drink before him. He was about to start making excuses and running, but he received the almighty nod. Yusuke was a cool guy. He knew what it meant he was safe. He let out a sigh of relief and pulled his drink closer to the Kazekage, Kaito, and the new comer using tried and true pick up maneuvers.

Yusuke would have replied in a snarky way, but the bard truly ruined yet another moment. Yeah! Lord- I mean, uh,  he's right! He stopped himself from referring to the man as lord Kazekage since he seemed to be dressed casually. There are plenty of fish in the sea friend! It's a fun night go forth and prosper. Yusuke slicked back his hair and looked out to the wide field of people before taking a sip from his beverage. YUUCCKK The sound didn't come out of his mouth, but the face said it all. w-why do people drink this???? he was disgusted, but he didn't want to seem lame in front of his peer and the Kazekage himself. He continued to nurse the drink and eye the bard.

One could tell that the song slinger was starting to feel a bit better one more push would probably do it. Kaito you seem rather talkative today.. Yusuke said with a bit of venom, but he quickly cooled off. All's well that ends well. Care to offer our friend here some words? Yusuke was cool calm and collected for all the trouble he had just experienced. He relaxed into his seat and watched the people dance to the new music being played.


Last edited by Yusuke Sarutobi on Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:45 pm; edited 2 times in total
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Re: Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Tue Apr 12, 2022 10:41 pm
Kaito could instantly tell from the look that Guren gave both Jim and Yusuke that he needed to calm down and collect himself and that he better do it fast. He would do just that, removing the arms he had draped over his fellow Sunagakure shinobi and placing them delicately upon the bar.

"Ser- hugh sorry ferr acctingg sooo ruudel- hugh rudely..." He would raise his hand to draw the attention of the bar wench that was running around enessly to keep up with the endless demand for alcohol. "Maayyy Iiii get eh gllass of hugh water, pleeaassse? And annoootherrr draank ferr mehh fwweend herreee?"

The request was answered swiftly and the Inuzuka would place a graceful bit of coin into the lady's hand. As he did so, he could tell that the wench could barely keep her eyes off of the bard, who sat only two seats down to his left.

'Maybe she has a thing for this sad sack? He thought to himself, not paying too much attention to the small intricate detail as he sipped on his water to help sober himself up. He would listen on with Guren and Yusuke as the man laid on them the matter that was troubling him so; women. Kaito personally didn't care too much about women himself, but he did feel sorry for the man.

In response to the bard's sad crues of woe, Guren would tell the man to drink away his problems and wait for the perfect girl. Yusuke too would share roughly the same advice before inviting Kaito to share his thoughts on the matter. Kaito almost barely heard Yusuke tell him to do so as he had been keeping an eye on the bartender. Sure enough, she kept taking glances at the bard in the short bits of breaks she had between orders. She definitely was intrigued by the down and out musician, no doubt about it.

"Annd Eh jasst fouund thaattt one en ahh milllion..." Kaito would direct the bard to look at the bartender, and he could swear sparkes flew. The bard would call the woman over to him and begin some smalltalk. He heard the wench say that she was now going on lunch before leaving with the bard to go do their own thing. Feeling that Kaito had made up for his belligerent actions, he would loiter around with Guren and Yusuke for the next thirty minutes before the bard and wench returned hand in hand.  Their hair and clothes were a bit disheveled, surely from whatever fun they had on the Welch's break, but the bard seemed all the more cheerful.

"My good men!" He would say. His voice was now so full of life. "You have helped a man to see sense once again. My woes are no more!" He would dig through the bag thst rested around his side, pulling from it a large scroll. "To thank you all for your help in getting my muse back, I want you all to have this map I've been working on." He paused for a moment before shuddering. "Be careful, however... There is a man trying to... destroy this dimension and all who inhabit it. You will want to go see the forest spirit in the woods not too far from here. He will know more than I."

Kaito would wait for Guren yo take the map and swiftly follow the Kazekage's lead.

This peaceful festival wouldn't last long, of course... The four men now had to go save the world...


{WC = 590}
{Total WC = 1,162}

Exit Claims:
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Re: Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:22 am
Approved Exit
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Re: Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:25 pm
Niento would tap on the butt of the cigarette lightly causing some of the ash to fall upon the bar as he responded to Guren," Someone simply doesn't know how to aim when teleporting someone...i could do a better job half asleep on a hangover," grumpy man had indeed been grumpy but it was nothing to get bent out of shape over," Care to tell me where we are exactly? This doesn't seem like any land I have been to and i've traveled all over," it didn't make him any mind but this definitely did not feel like home. On the other hand he had noticed the rather dismayed bard and the group currently trying to console him on getting over whatever had been draining his muse. Niento could wager all of his Ryo it was over a woman...such a fickle feeling love was. He would let the group continue to talk to the male, his eyes skirting around the area as he tried to take in as much as he could. His hands would slowly reach into his right pocket as he was about to pull out a deck of cards, but turned his attention to the bard once he had left with the barmaid," Called it...," he was only here for a moment but knew well enough when one was pining for a special someone. Dimension. A word he had knew too well. Either way his eyes would peep over to the map as he blew out a thick plume of smoke," An adventure to save this why does this sound so familiar to me," he would inquire as he stood up and followed the three.

279 WC
643 TWC
Claiming 342 words toward Jinsung Contact (previous wc found Here)
Remaining 300 toward Wabisuke
of course all mission rewards
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open) Empty Re: Looking for the Perfect Beat (Open)

Fri Apr 15, 2022 11:17 am
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