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Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Beat the Beast Empty Beat the Beast

Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:03 pm

Enter mission:

It had been days since Mo-ri had did anything upon the village, his ability to show his face somewhat waning since his last little adventure. The male returned to shadow to do things only he would do in his spare time..Like sleep or read books. The male unlike other boring days began to break the monotony by going out and seeing what deeds needed to be done around the village and by that he went to the mission hub to check out what all had been there. His clothing had been hidden under his usual sandy and quite dusty cloak, his staff on his back and a peculiar weapon sitting on his hip just under his cloak as he jumped out of the window of his home and set off on adventure.

It took him no longer than a few minutes, ten or so at the most to get from the slums to the mission hub, the ins and outs of ninja going to and fro catching his eyes but he simply continued on his way and found the boards he was looking for," Too easy...too mundane...too...sewagy...ah here we go," picking the parcel for it, Mo-ri took it to the receptionist and smiled," I'd like this one and anyone wanting to take it can meet me at the gates."

A simple mission to stop a beast that had been reported in this area near the Tachibana Wildlife Preserve and it was just what he needed to stretch his arms out a bit. The lady took the parcel and began to make calls and whatever else they did to get ninja on board with a mission and as for him he made his way onward to the entrance or at least the closest area in which the "mystery" object had been seen...Upon leaving the gates he thought it would have been better to simply wait at the gates themselves and see who all would come to assist on the mission. It was time for him to have some fun.

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Beat the Beast Empty Re: Beat the Beast

Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:34 pm
She had eaten a lot the last days, she had trained a bit the last days and she had gotten accustomed to her being in the body of an eighteen year old. Now she was in a feud with her mother and uncle about the house she lived in and that she definitely wanted them out. Something else to do was kind of a welcome past time. So this time when she got her gear ready and adjusted the fabric to her skin so she would have clothes perfectly fitted to her body just by shaping it up with chakra she felt better. Because whatever task awaited her on this mission it would kind of be different from what she faced at home and therefore quite resting to her mind at least. So now she was walking into the office and looking at the several missions that took a need, lost cats, deliveries and a beast? Her eyes would stop at this since it had been registered as someone was already on it but only a few moments before she did so she turned to the receptionist: "Who took this one." Well that could not be told but she got told what had been said to tell others and so Sanae would set for the gates.

While approaching she would tie her headband around her left tight adjusting the knot in the dark shirt she was wearing up. Come to think of it what if the fabric broke? Well underwear and shoes would still be left but paranoid as she was she would have a change of clothes ready at hand to put on to safe any sorry team member the sight of this for far too long. Sad story because this could almost always happen with her abilities, although she did not poses any cloth shattering abilities yet. So as she approached the gates she would look around for anyone not looking like a gate guard and would eventually spot Mo-ri and step towards him: "Excuse me, are you the one hunting that beast? If so would you care to let me tag along?" A calm voice but firm, she wanted to go but if he wanted to work a lone she would respect it.

WC: 376
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Beat the Beast Empty Re: Beat the Beast

Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:28 pm
He had not been back from his misadventure long, a few days at most. It was an adjusting period for his family. His only saving grace was that his parents had Chakra sensory and had memorized the chakra signatures of their children on account of their living together. As such it was not as big of a shock when their oldest son returned after what they thought to be a day's training, to find that he had aged ten years. His father had made a joke. "Oh well, at least we won't have to worry about him going through puberty now." All joking aside, the transition was much faster than he had expected, but that was a good thing. It allowed Kotetsu to go right back into the swing of things.

The first thing that came his way, was a mission. It seemed that another member of Hoshi was forming a team to hunt down a beast near the Tachibana Wildlife preserve. Since it seemed that the mission was of a time-sensitive nature, Kotetsu got ready quickly. Most of his gear was already prepped, so all he really needed to do was get changed and head out. The main reason he needed to change, was an order of his had arrived while he was out. It was a cube of a currently unknown material. However you could attune it to your body's chakra, and allow it to form special clothing. The clothing he chose to have it look like today was a pair of blue robed pants with silver trim, as well as a black and silver vest of small leaf-shaped scales. The silver scales formed a snowflake design exactly like the necklace he wore on the chain around his neck. To better protect it, the pendant was tucked under the vest for now.  He wore his Chuunin flak vest over top, and his Hoshi hitai-ate would be hung around his neck, like a loose gorget. Instead of his backpack, his normal equipment went into his weapon pouches and the pouches on his flak jacket. Whatever didn't fit, went in his storage dimension. Finally ready, he made his way to the gates, which was where the mission orders stated he meet the rest of the team.

Upon arrival at the gate, he noticed a familiar face standing by the gate. Sanae was standing next

to someone that he did not know. The seventeen year-old Chuunin walked over to them and greeted them with a wave as he approached. "It's good to see you, Sanae." He said to the Kaguya Kunoichi. Turning to the stranger, he said "Greetings. I am Kotetsu Shinogami." Directing his next question at the pair of them, he asked "Are you two here for a mission regarding a beast near Tachibana?"

WC: 464
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Beat the Beast Empty Re: Beat the Beast

Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:19 pm
The male didn't know how long he had been waiting honestly, his mind skipping off into the distance as he looked outward from the village for some reason. With the guards currently there he didn't have any need or reason to assist them in their own day to day job since he had been on this mission and had been awaiting them for a bit now. In the meantime he had found himself looking into one of his books that he procured from the library and cracked it open. It wasn't anything significant nor was it noteworthy but it passed the time and that was exactly what he needed. After however long he heard the footsteps of someone coming closer toward him which prompted him to close the book and slide it back under his cloak before looking over to them.

His eyes, which at the moment retained their usual cross shape honed in on the female and only smiled briefly before shrugging," i am indeed the one taking on that mission. They told me they would send someone as soon as they found others to participate, so if you are that person or persons you are more than welcome to join," he slowly leaned his body from the post and gave her a better look over before turning back to what he had been staring at-absolutely nothing. After a short period of time the male heard yet again another set of footsteps before looking over his shoulder toward the male and turning back around. It would seem like the two knew each other to some capacity but that was none of his business. The male spoke to him giving his name which not as a gesture to be rude, but rather keeping this on a mission basis he skipped over the name giving and nodded," Yeah and I assume you are the last to join us? If so let's be on our way to see exactly what it is that the people are complaining about," and with that he began to walk out of the village and to near the area in which the disturbance appeared.

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Beat the Beast Empty Re: Beat the Beast

Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:57 pm
Sanae would nod at him as he would guess right that she was here to help him with that Mission. "Yes that would be me and I...", she would stop in her tracks as someone else approached. Slowly she would look at the young man who was coming closer. Did she know him somehow? She tilted her head a little and wrinkled her forehead as she would blink in confusion until he had spoken his name. Kotetsu he said? No the boy she knew as Kotetsu was way smaller and therefore she looked at him suspiciously. "When we were on your first mission together I lend you something, what was it?", she would eye him most cautiously, but given the fact that this was indeed Kotetsu in front of her he would be able to tell that it had been her earring. After that she would nod for the time being this was enough and then turn towards Mo-ri again: "Sure let's go, but while we do what should we call you? I don't really like to refer to you as hey you, all the time." She would follow him still and while passing the guards she would show her ID that enabled her to go out on the mission so no trouble would befall them.

After that she would turn towards Kotetsu once again looking at him worried: "What happened to you? Just some days ago you where small and cute and now you are almost grown up?" Well she was the one talking, she had skipped five years herself but still he must have been about ten years ahead of himself? Wasn't this dangerous? She remembered how sick she had felt when she took the pills and gained her age over moments and therefore grew too much for her body weight. Well maybe this had some reasons as well. She had it done to not fall under the parenting of her mother again. Then again, her eyes would focus Mo-ri, he was rather strange as well because he did not seem to like them too know too much. Well people and their preferences.

WC: 255
WC: 631
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Beat the Beast Empty Re: Beat the Beast

Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:00 pm
The other guy refrained from giving his name, which Kotetsu accepted with a shrug. 'I guess if I need to get his attention, I can just say "Hey you"...' Kotetsu thought to himself, since he already knew Sanae. "I'm not sure if there is anyone else coming along, but I doubt it. We can always Tell one of the guards here to send anyone else along." After which he turned to look at Sanae who was squinting at him suspiciously and answered her question with a chuckle. "It was your earring that helping me move faster." He then falls in beside Sanae as they head out. She asks him about what happened that caused him to be how he was now. "It's a long story, but it involves messing around with Space-Time. Perhaps when the mission's over we can sit down and I'll tell you." Sanae also looked different, like she had aged as well, but not necessarily to the same extent. Kotetsu had only really noticed now that he was closer. 'Am I really that unobservant?..' he thought to himself as they walked. "Wait a second..." he said to her. "What do mean used to be cute?" he said jokingly to her. He was teasing of course. He had never really considered himself to particularly attractive, so it wasn't really a blow to him. He would continue to joke with his friend as they made their way to Tachibana.

WC: 240
TWC: 704
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Beat the Beast Empty Re: Beat the Beast

Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:55 pm
He made no notion of answering her question before they had departing, his eyes facing north as each step led him closer to the mission objective. Mo-ri wasn't going to give them his full name after all he wasn't a "ninja" of the village like them hence his slight hesitance to giving people his name...well bar the two he had already told but those were two separate situations in the past. For now he kept walking onward keeping his eyes peeled for anything until they had reared somewhere between twenty and fifty meters from the reservation and he stopped. Leaning down he touched what appeared to be a solid foot print at least a full foot or two bigger than him and twice the size in which he sighed and scratched his head," Couldn't have been a simple bag and return...its bigger than any animal i've seen for sure so it must be a rouge summon. So either putting it down or subduing it to the point that it desummons itself might be the best call."

If the others had not seen it he would definitely point it out to them denoting what exactly what they were dealing with," Seems like this won't be a walk in the park...Big animal with animal being an understatement," his eyes scanning the environment before catching sight of another set of familiar footprints. As he began to move his head slowly moved to look over his shoulder before he placed the hood onto his head," You can call me Red for now...until I see how I feel about you after this mission. No hard feelings just that trust is such a hard thing to come by in this world. You'll understand that once you get out of your village a little more," and with that he picked up his pace following the tracks hoping whatever this was hadn't already picked up on their scents and began to hunt them.

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Beat the Beast Empty Re: Beat the Beast

Mon Jan 15, 2018 10:39 pm
Maybe he was maybe despite some centimetres of growth nothing had happened. Usually when she looked into a mirror she was not that surprised anymore even after these few days had passed by. Well there was no time for her to be surprised, or sad or angry, she had to be calm and collected. Sometimes it felt dull, but at moments like this she could not let it show. So as Kotetsu played pouting she would put on a chuckle and grab into his cheek. "Sure but you might have wanted to progress from cute to handsome, but I guess some just stay cute", gently pulling on it she would look at him with a smile but kind of emptied out eyes.

After that she would go on to follow the unknown one and so they would eventually get to the wildlife reserve. The paw prints on the ground where quite enormous looking at it Sanae who had seen some animals in the recent times would just go by crossing stuff of an imaginary list. Comparing it to Hakucho this was surly no bird and then remembering the horse Xuba had come towards the gates with, this was no horse either. The closest she could get with it was when thinking about stray cats that could be found in Hoshi once in a while.

But something else would strike her first: "Red? Sounds strange but well it will do for the period that we are together. But you really should just think of a nick or a fake name so you just don't have to tell people, that you distrust them, although t is reasonably to do so", then she would look around, "I guess from the looks of it we are dealing with something large, flesh eating, big clawed anyone any better guesses?", she would tilt her head looking down at the ground following the paw prints.

WC: 318
WC: 949
Anaphiel Hidemori
Anaphiel Hidemori
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 42750

Beat the Beast Empty Re: Beat the Beast

Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:06 am
Kotetsu smirked at the tug on his cheek. "I'll take either one at this point." He said with a chuckle. The conversation essentially came to an end there as the other member of their squad, who called himself Red, pointed out some massively large footprints. It was not something that one saw every day. Something absolutely massive, and not something that was supposed to be around here. 'What the hell makes something that big...' He thought to himself as he looked around. It didn't seem like there was any sign of whatever it was around, other than footprints leading away from their location. 'Shame I don't have much in the way of tracking jutsu...' He thought to himself as they followed the footprints that were in the ground. 'It's not my specialty. Besides, it's not like this thing will be hard to track when it makes prints that big...' That being said, for now he'd keep his opinions to himself and let the other two talk between themselves. He was content to follow along until they caught sight of what it was they were hunting.

WC: 185
TWC: 889
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Nuraihyon Shinkou
Stat Page : The Red Shadow
Mission Record : Cookbook
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 159

Beat the Beast Empty Re: Beat the Beast

Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:02 pm
"That was the name I came up with...just now actually," there was a small chuckle from him as he touched the foot print some more and looked to the others, his eyes scanning the environment for something moving before walking toward the south part of the reservation due to him following the tracks. He was tracking it by the footprints alone which caused him to look behind him to the others," Its not hard to track by prints depending on the animal at hand. For something like this its as easy and following the prints and predicting a pattern," with that he would continue to follow the prints while allowing for his feet to feel for any disturbances in the ground. That way he could at least know when the beast was coming toward them. Big things made loud ripples or echos through the ground with their steps and one if they had been used to something like this could easily pick them up, but a normal person if they knew what they were looking for could faintly.

He would stop about ten meters from the entrance where the footprints diverge and he turned to the left before sighing and pulling the staff from its holster on his back," It knows we are least I think. The prints go from here to there so it readying itself for an attack so be prep-," as soon as he said that the beast rammed into him, sending him ten meters to the right and into a tree with a nice, loud resound thunk before the tree had snapped and his body disappeared. Whatever the other two would do he'd stand up through the dust that he had made and crack his neck before sighing," Dirty little bastard...You only get that one," the disgruntled male stepping back into the fray looking at what the other two were doing. It'd appear as if he had not been fazed by the attack and yet his outer cloaked looked as if it had blood on it, oh well right?

TWC: 2,405

Last edited by Mo-ri Jin on Wed Jan 24, 2018 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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