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Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Clan Focus : N/A
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

A chance meeting [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:02 pm
Taijutsu was something which had never really come naturally to Akagi himself, but he was happy to know that at least other shinobis were able to employ the use of hand to hand combat in their fighting. Onabi had what Akagi was lacking, the ability to brute force through life. There have been times where Akagi had thought about trying to pursue using physical means of fighting, but he had never really been naturally strong enough to meet the bar. Onabi had already answered Akagi's question, so now he asked his own question. It was slightly embarrassing to Akagi that he had not trained into his arts, but instead focused on studying them; still, he answered the question without using deceit, "I've made starts into learning new jutsu, but haven't been able to get any down yet. Then again most of my time hasn't been spent in training them, but instead researching fuinjutsu in general and in specifics. I've obviously learned the basics of fuinjutsu such as that it uses seals, usually to put one thing inside of another, but also I have researched many varied jutsu in order to find the ones which I would want to learn first. As a Hyuuga it can be expected that the chakra network interests you, using the gentle fist and all, but what other than just Taijutsu do you plan to learn? Personally, I enjoy the idea of tampering with my surroundings to control what my opponent will be able to do, if they can do anything." Akagi continued to listen intently to the words which Onabi had spewed out during this conversation and they got to know each other a little better.

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A chance meeting [IO] - Page 2 Empty A chance meeting (IO)

Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:32 pm
Yuge loved mornings, the smell of dew on fresh green grass. The reddish orange color allowing the world a whole new color pallet. Yuge quickly leaped out of bed, with his messy long black hair cover his face as Yuge looked out his open window and took a long breath. Yuge loved this time of year. It was the time of year the flowers bloomed and cover every inch of the ground with vivid colors not seen in any other time of year. With the long pink and white petals of the cherry blossoms, the white daisies, all the way down to the rainbow of wildflowers scattered around the field. After a few minutes of tidying up his hair, changing his clothes and bandages and finally tying his headband to his forehead, the metal reflecting the suns morning rays. Yuge slides open his room's door with excitement. This is his first day as a genin. Yuge steps into the flower shop connected to his house to see his father speaking to a customer. Another good thing about this time of year was it was great for business. "I'm heading out dad!" Yuge yelled as he put on his shoes and bolting out of the shop before his father could say anything. There was a little wind coming northwest and the temperature was a cool 58 degrees. Yuge smiled at the beautiful day ahead of him. "Yuge wait!" Before Yuge could go very far, his mother rushed towards him with a basket filled with beautiful pinkish white Lenten roses. "I need you to bring this to the ninja academy, as a thank you to your teacher." Yuge knew he couldn't argue with his mom, but he wasn't ecstatic that on the first day of being a genin he had to go back to the place he already spent so much time at. Yuge took the basket and began running to the academy. If I hurry, he thought I could still get some training done. The main part of Konoha was fairly far from the outskirts of the Uchiha clan, so it took his about ten minutes to get to the academy. Yuge decided to take a shortcut through the training grounds which was connected to the academy. "Hey!" A familiar voice said behind Yuge. He turned around to see three kids, all of which where Uchiha's. They where the same age as Yuge, and proudly had the Uchiha fan all mark all over their clothes. Yuge remembered them since they where in the same class, but they failed the exam. "Where does a freak like you come off wearing a headband! It's for shinobi only" The kid in front said in a authoritative tone. His smug yet angry look in his face with his arms crossed showed Yuge that they were scared of him, as he passed early. "I did pass, I'm a-" before he could finish, the Uchiha on the right rushed towards Yuge and grabbed his headband. Yuge saw it coming and could have easily gotten out of the way, but chose not to as to not start a fight. All three laughed extatically as the front one began trying to put on the headband. Yuge just stood there, motionless. knowing what was coming next. All three now rushed Yuge. This time, Yuge began dodging their sloppy attacks with ease. Yuge didn't have the sharingan, but he didn't need it to see their attacks coming. One of them threw a kunai, but it missed and instead hit the basket holding the flowers. It tore the basket open which caused the flowers to begin falling to the ground. This made Yuge drop his guard for a moment, which caused The young Uchiha wearing Yuge's headband get a punch off on Yuge. It wasn't a strong punch, but it was across the face. The Uchiha beamed as the other kids stepped back. Yuge gave off a big sigh. This occurrence has happened many times from different Uchiha's, each time Yuge never fought back. It just wasn't worth it. Violence breeds violence.
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Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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A chance meeting [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Mon Apr 11, 2022 10:44 am
Onabi was captivated by the young mans interests in the sealing art and his dedication to learning the ropes before diving into the deep end. Akagi mentioned that he'd also like to tamper the surrounding of his opponent which would also be something that Onabi was quite interested in Akagi also ended up asking about if Onabi had any further interests in specializing in other jutsu forms. Onabi chuckled and he unsheathed his sword partially looking back at Akagi "Actually I've been trying to figure out how I can implement a blade into my fighting style and if weapons could enhance my ability to strike people down faster. Trapping people and changing their surroundings? To me that sounds like you're interested in Genjutsu, ill tell you a seceret personally I'm not very strong in the Chakra department. I tend to only use these bad boys. ha" Onabi slapped his small biceps. Onabi turned his head when he heard a loud call out. He saw the three kids that scampers run up to boy that seemed older then himself by a couple years wearing the headband of a shinobi. at first it looked like they were all getting together to continue their game of ninja but then the aggression started. The boy of genin rank had dark black hair that was messy and tied back  kinda like Onabi's hair. The kid wore a blueish shirt that came up to a collar that reminded Onabi of a turtle neck he wore white sorts with nice clean bandages around his calves and fore arms and lastly a black headband that was ripped off of his head. tricks of this caliber were hard for the young hyuuga to watch. Onabi grabbed Akagi by his shirt and dragged him to the group of kids. Standing behind the kids Onabi spoke up and cleared his throat. "Ahem... " The kids looked back at the Hyuuga their eyes widened reminding them of his display of strength earlier in the day "I know you guys see how strong I happen to be but now..." Onabi moved at his top speed trumping all three of the bullies snatching the headband back and standing next to the boy that was being picked on handing back his headband "you get to see how fast I am. Now this is your superior you have to treat them with respect." Onabi looked up at the young Uchiha not knowing his heritage Onabi stretched out his armtwoard the boy shaking his hand "Im onabi Hyuuga its very nice to meet you." Onabi smiled and then pushed the young hyuuga over to Akagi and tried to introduce them to each other "This is akagi your both genin."
Akagi Yoshiro
Akagi Yoshiro
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 16000

A chance meeting [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: A chance meeting [IO]

Mon Apr 11, 2022 10:04 pm
Onabi's ability to listen intently to a conversation was something that was shared by very few individuals it seemed as each year passed, people kept trying to go on with their lives, gain what they can, and generally descend into madness as they mature. Onabi's interest in swords was also found to be something shared between the two. Akagi had thought about wielding a sword as his last resort close combat option if he had run out of jutsu to use or if jutsu use was not necessary for his situation. Shortly after Onabi had revealed that he always had relied on his use of muscles and couldn't muster much for chakra, Akagi realized just how lucky his life must be to be granted the gift which was to wield great enough chakra to use high ranking jutsu. Akagi would be able to train his body over time, but for many they would not be able to train and be able to use even simple jutsu. Abruptly the three kids which had been playing shinobi rushed over to another young boy which seemed to be not far from Onabi's age, but a sizable few years ahead of him in life. Akagi was suddenly pulled to a meter outside of the group in what seemed to him like the blink of an eye. Onabi had already taken action as well before Akagi had started to move, and the headband had already been returned to the young Uchiha who stood just outside of the group now with Onabi standing between them. It was a clear display of power to bring fear, so Akagi believed that it might be imperative to follow suit. While Onabi was handing the headband over to the other genin, Akagi gently flowed down to the ground and grabbed a sizeable rock. Then he simply stated, "Observe." He began to create handseals, but only used one hand while holding the rock with the other. First, he made the seal for Ram, "Three." Next, the empty hand formed the seal for Horse, "Two." Third, he made the seal for Ox, "One." As the last seal was made and the last word was spoken he began to throw the rock just 6 meters above himself. Once it had reached the peak of its arch, Akagi again formed a handseal using only one hand; it was the seal for the Tiger, "Zero." The rock suddenly became a grand explosion that was barely above Akagi's own head reaching 5 meters in diameter. By this point, Akagi was sure that the children had been thoroughly scared, so he turned over to Yuge and began to speak, "Hello there, I am Akagi Yoshiro, a humble genin in search of knowledge. What jutsu do you plan to aquire?"
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