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Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
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Some more reading Empty Some more reading

Mon Apr 11, 2022 3:44 pm
Onabi sat alone again in his home he sat across form his new chunin flask jacket and sword he pondered how he got here. Staring off as a young boy that missed his family and the only way he could express it was from playing piano tunes but now he was konoha's newest chunin he looked back at the piano his fingers longing to play another sad tune. clenching his fists he instead reached for his story book his mother gave him so he decided to read another story that his mother used to read to him when she was still alive.
"When the kids have been grand,
That is, well understand,
Good at the dinner table, Fair when they play,
Good all evening and good all day
They shall have the pretty things
The life of spring always brings.

Naughty, and dishonest little girls and boys
Who dirty their clothes and make too much noise,
Who spoil their dresses and their boot,
Only they deserve none of Spring's fruit.
Such as these kinder shall never look
At this pretty Picture-book."
The page of this story had beautiful art of the sun peaking through the pink petals that fell from the trees that were scattered around the book page. the scene of the goddess of spring running around the field that had passed away from the winter before where ever she stepped sprouted fruits and vegetables, wild grasses and stocks of corn. Her hair flowed meters behind her braided with pink, purple and yellow petaled flowers. Her smile was a warm and as kind as the springs sunsets. the small bits of snow that gathered in the corners of hills melted in her vicinity and feed the wild life and the vegetation around her. the sun was pulled by a chiseled man sitting behind a chariot with 5 steeds with fiery manes. Onabi lightly brushed the page he remembers his mother telling him the stories behind the illustrations. Stories about gods and goddesses. A women that went by two names Kore when she flaunted that he was the reason spring grew the vegetation of the world, Then persephone when she sat side by side her husband the god of the dead, wealth and the king of the underworld. Then the man that pulled the sun across the sky wore golden garments his body was chiseled he wore gold gauntlet that resisted the heat of the sun. His mother used to tell him that when he pulled the sun all the way across the sky he would take a break and bathe in the ocean so that he could cool down his body. The gods were an interesting thing to him but he decided not to go into to much thought on this story and he flipped the page to go to the next story.
"Here is the cold hearted and wicked Fritz, see! A horrible cruel young boy was he; He went out of his way and caught the flies that flew around,  those poor little things, And then that wicked boy tore off their tiny little wings, He threw rocks and stones that killed the birds,  and he threw and broke the chairs, And threw the poor small kitten down the stairs; And oh! far worse than all beside, He whipped his love Mary, till she wept and cried. The water trough was brimming full, and the faithful grey hound Tray Came out of his doggy home to quench his thirst one ordinary and sultry day; He wagged his tall and bushy tail, and wet his Tonge, pallet and his lips, When cruel Fritz snatched up a thick leather elephant whip, And whipped the poor grey hound Tray till his skin an bones was sore, And kicked and beat and whipped him more and more: At this, the good grey hound Tray ached and was black and blue and his hide grew very red, and finally our fine hound growled, and bit cruel Fitz till he screamed and bled; Then you really should only have been right by, To see how the deserving cruel Fritz did scream and cry! So the wounded Fritz had to go to bed: His leg was very sore, bleeding and red! The young Doctor came, and shook his narrow head, And made a very great to do, And gave him nasty physic too. But good dog Tray is happy now; He has no time to say "Bow wow!" He seats himself in Frederick's chair And laughs to see the nice things there: The soup he swallows, sup by sup. And eats the fruity pies and chocolate puddings up."
The cover of this page was in color too, It showed illustrations of Fitz hurting his love Mary and breaking chairs. this young boy was gross looking not prim and proper like Onabi was raised to be. His hair was long and knotted the previously blonde hair was greased and brown now. his finger nails were 1 foot long. his elephant whip was red and torn his teeth were crooked and brown some were rotten and black. his clothes were purple and green with brown polka dots. Fritz was a terrible young man and this was definitely the story that taught Onabi to be prime and proper like he was today. Onabi swore to never be like Fitz when he was young. But he did aspire to be like the faithful grey hound Tray. Tray was a kind character that only attacked when he was attacked. He fought for justice and was durable and brought the wicked Fitz to his knees and hospitalized him. Onabi smiled and closed the large leather bound book. that was enough for Onabi he no longer wanted to walk down memory lane. Onabi moved to his ouster window that shown light on his mothers grand piano and leaned against the window cell he looked up toward the sky and smiled "Thanks for the stories mom. Until next time mom, Until then..."
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