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Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yaijōrama Senju III Stat Sheet
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 38000

Just Some Light Reading Empty Just Some Light Reading

Tue Nov 09, 2021 4:01 pm
It had only been days after receiving his headband. The symbol of Hoshigakure imbedded into the metal, which also served as a symbol of his status and allegiance. The headband was centered on his forehead and his long black hair was wrapped up in a ponytail, letting it rest down to about the midsection of his back. A dark green gi was clung to Yaijōrama's body with a pair of black sandals, which had splatters of red paint on them in a messy fashion.

Yaijōrama stood in the Water Gardens with a roll of scrolls in his hands. There was only one thing on his mind and that was practicing his ninjutsu but more specifically learning about the Senju's Kekkai Genkai, Mokuton. The scrolls were covered in dust, with the inside having some cobwebs but that was a problem for later. Right now Yaijōrama scanned the area and eventually settled on a spot near a fountain, liking the scenic area he made his way over and took a seat beneath a tree.

He had three scrolls in total and went to place down one in front of him and the other two resting against the tree. Yaijōrama slowly untied the scroll and went to spread it out in front of him. The contents of the scroll being overall foreign to the boy but he wanted to become accustomed to it all. "Mokuton is the combination of Suiton and Doton... But how do you combine them? How do you just combine these elements..." This question was what confused him the most but there was the added issue of he didn't even know Doton, hell he barely knew Suiton. All he knew was that it was his natural affinity through some chakra papers he got at a festival one time.  Never the less he continued reading to himself, though a lot of the words might as well be another language as he barely understands what he's reading himself.

WC: 326 - 326 Total
Yaijōrama's Stats:

Made a mistake so I'm reposting here, deleted the original.
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Just Some Light Reading Empty Re: Just Some Light Reading

Wed Nov 10, 2021 2:34 pm
It was early in the morning and Zeref laid in bed thinking about all the ways he could get stronger and besides going about his normal training he couldnt think of too many different things to do. He planned on going about his training as normal but he was starting to feel as though he needed more. The everyday routine of going to the training grounds and practicing the same basic thing over and over was going to cut it anymore. If he wanted get stronger than the others in the village , then he would need to find someone who could help him. Even though it pained him to have to get help from someone else he had to realize that there were people out there that he could learn stuff from. Reading scrolls and working by himself was great but it was time to end it for now.

The only problem was who could he ask to help with his training , he had used his sensei alot lately and it seemed as though it wasent to much left his sensei could teach him. Even with all the power his sensei had , even Zeref knew it was time to find someone that could help teach him more senju jutsu. After a little while of deciding on what to do , he thought it would be best if he just go to the training grounds and get some workout in and maybe an idea might come to him later.

As he arrived at the grounds he noticed a young ninja reading some scroll and unfortunately his curiosity had gotten the better of him. He wasent sure if he was reading up on some new powerful jutsu or one that basic , either way he wouldn’t know unless he asked. “Yo , what’s on them scrolls your reading”, Zeref would ask in a calm tone, he hoped that he would atleast gain something good from this conversation.

Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yaijōrama Senju III Stat Sheet
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 38000

Just Some Light Reading Empty Re: Just Some Light Reading

Wed Nov 10, 2021 3:24 pm
The contents in the scroll weren't truly a secret to those who knew of them. They were Senju text after all and given how wide spread the clan is, it wouldn't be outrageous to say Zeref had some idea most likely. Either way, Yaijōrama was invested in his reading and once Zeref's voice broke through the sounds of nature, his head lifted up quickly. Some of his hair got in his face and he reached up to push it out of the way as he let a smile spread across his face. "This here? Super secret documents. You know Senju clan stuff." He laughed after that before letting out a small sigh. "My name is Yaijōrama, Yaijōrama Senju. I'm trying to read up on Earth Release and..." He lowered his voice some before looking around. Despite the fact this man was a stranger, Yaijōrama assumed he was a fellow Hoshigakure shinobi. "Wood Release." He whispered some.

"But I'm having trouble with it. I'm not the best learner when it comes to scroll reading." Yaijōrama rubbed the back of his neck, pushing up some of his hair before letting it drop. "Sorry I just went on a tangent huh? What's your name?"

WC: 201 - 527 Total
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Just Some Light Reading Empty Re: Just Some Light Reading

Sun Nov 14, 2021 1:49 pm
Right as the boy started to speak Zeref had thought about something that would completely distract him from what the boy was saying , he didn’t do it to be rude but sometimes things happen. He did however catch him wanting to learn wood release, so before he left he showed him everything he needed to know about gaining wood release and also a few wood and earth style jutsu.

Claims : later
Yaijōrama Senju
Yaijōrama Senju
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yaijōrama Senju III Stat Sheet
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Clan Focus : Medical
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 38000

Just Some Light Reading Empty Re: Just Some Light Reading

Mon Nov 15, 2021 1:15 pm
Yaijōrama could tell something was distracting the shinobi in front of him. While he was naïve and overall childish at times, he had a good way of understanding the hearts of those around him. "Wh-." Was all the boy could get out before the shinobi spoke about how he would show Yaijōrama the art of Earth Release and Wood Release.

"Wait really?!" Yaijōrama shouted out loudly and went to haphazardly toss the scrolls to the side. "Thank you! Thank you! You have no idea how much this means to me, Mister!" Yaijōrama jumped up from his spot almost instantly and went to start running around the tree about three times before coming to a stop in front of the shinobi. "Anything you say goes, Sensei!" Yaijōrama smiled towards his fellow shinobi who he now regarded as Sensei, with every last amount of joy and excitement he could muster. Yaijōrama had some ideas about how challenging this process would be but he was so excited to get started. He started to listen to the shinobi's instructions but during which he realized he wanted to write this all down. So the boy quickly went to grab ahold of a blank scroll and he started to write down what the shinobi was saying.

"I know water release!" Yaijōrama spoke up as the shinobi started to go over what water release was needed for. Yaijōrama had remembered learning his element, it was when he got one of those fancy chakra papers at a fair. The paper started to dampen with water once he infused it with some of his chakra. But Yaijōrama knew this element was required for using Wood Release. He had to combine the water with the earth, almost like watering a plant. This was just how he thought about the shinobi's words. Yaijōrama went to press his hands into the Dog handseal. ;; Dog, the handseal most commonly associated with Water Release. ;; Yaijōrama thought to himself as the shinobi continued to speak and instruct him.

Earth Release was next. This was the element his father supposedly knew. But that wasn't something Yaijōrama was shown. It was always something that he was interested in. What jutsus his father may know, if he knows any. All that Yaijōrama knew was that his father was once a shinobi for Konohagakure, but after suffering a terrible injury, he retired and eventually settled down in Hoshigakure. Neither the less, Yaijōrama was here with this shinobi and as he went through talking about Earth Release thoughts continued to spiral in Yaijōrama's mind. ;; The earth is like the root that holds it all together. You need to be grounded and in tune with the world to truly understand it all right? ;; Yaijōrama let these thoughts roam in his head. These were questions he asked, he was always taught to value nature and the Earth. To treat her like she was a truly leaving entity, like you would a person. With respect and care.

He listened to all of what he said letting each word be absorbed before nodding towards the end. As they started to get towards the end of it he noticed that the shinobi was trying to hurry up and get to the end of his lesson. "It's fine. I can use all of what you told me and try from there! If I need anymore help I'll search you out however. You did a really good job showing me!" Yaijōrama stuck his tongue out before waving the shinobi goodbye. This mysterious shinobi had told him a lot of what he needed to know and even discussed some jutsus with him as well, but it was up to Yaijōrama to put what he learned together using this kind shinobi's teachings and instructions.

Yaijōrama didn't go home when the overall mysterious shinobi had left. He was determined to go home and show some progress to his father and even maybe make his brother jealous. He had everything that the shinobi told him about Wood Release, Earth Release, and Water Release. The shinobi who had taught him even mentioned the handsigns and process for a few jutsus like Wood Release: Nativity of a Sea of Trees, Wood Release: Cutting, and a bit more.

Yaijōrama decided to make his way from the trees where he was to get closer to a pond that was nearby him. He knew that the shinobi could only tell him so much, at the end of the day it would be up to him to put it all together and pull forth these elements from him, if they were even there. Yaijōrama went to press his hands together as he slowly started to perform a set of handseals. Snake, Rat, Ox, and Tiger. Yaijōrama performed each of these slowly, making sure he understood the proper hand placements for each sign. While they didn't have to be as exact, he knew that he wanted to become a master of his clan's element one day and that would require him to know it inside and out. "Wood Release: Nativity of a Sea of Trees!" Yaijōrama shouted when he completed the handseals. His chakra started to bubble inside of him as he focused on the jutsu, forming the mental image in his mind of what he wanted to accomplish with it. But sadly nothing happened right now, Yaijōrama dropped his hands in dissatisfaction.

;; What did he say... What did that guy say about it. ;; Yaijōrama thought back on the instructions given to him by what he considered to be his first Sensei outside of his father. "He looks so young. Maybe he's fifteen? Wait I didn't even get his name!" Yaijōrama started to laugh to himself before letting out a deep sigh. "Here he's given me this awesome gift of knowledge and I can't even do anything with it. And I was clueless enough to not even get his name." Yaijōrama sat down by the pond and stared at the water. He thought about the water and earth, how you need those two things to grow a tree. It made sense in his head why you'd use those two nature releases but to combine that as only a genin? Clearly the shinobi he just met was much more skilled than him, since he couldn't figure it out.

These negative thoughts didn't stay for long however. Yaijōrama went to stand back up once again and he started to form handseals once again. This time he held the singular snake seal. This was the handseal most associated with wood release, most associated with mokuton. Yaijōrama's hands were clasp together and as they were he started to pull on his chakra reserves. He closed his eyes and imagined what he wanted to do in front of him. The main way ninjutsu is used is to impose ones will on the world, that is the overall basis for ninjutsu. So here he was attempting to impose his will on the world, attempting to make something grow, even if it was small.

Slowly a single sapling started to grow, budding in front of him with two small leaves. The plant was only about three inches tall but that was enough proof for Yaijōrama. When he looked towards it, he let out a shout of excitement. "I - I did it! I did that!" Yaijōrama pointed towards the plant and even if no one around anymore, he was still extremely proud of himself.

Yaijōrama went to bend down next to the plant he had created and smiled some. He got down on his hands and knees and started to inspect it really closely. "Look at you... I'm going to come back in a couple days to see how tall you are then." Yaijōrama spoke towards the plant and afterwards he went to stand.

Yaijōrama decided that was enough for the night. He made his way back over towards the tree he once was sat under and started to collect the scrolls he hastily discarded once the shinobi started his instructions. He hoped now he would understand the scrolls better when he started to read again in his spare time but right now, he knew he had to seek out someone else to teach him more. Hopefully even finding the shinobi who had gotten him his big start. Yaijōrama started on his way back home with the scrolls under his arm and a new sense of satisfaction inside of him.

Leaving thread.
WC: 1411 - 1938 Total
Claims -
19 stat points: +5 Chakra - 30 Total, +15 Speed - 40 Total
1000 WC for Earth Release (down from 4000 using 75% discount teacher + training grounds)
500 WC for Wood Release (down from 2000 using 75% discount teacher + training grounds)
375 WC for Wood Release: Nativity of a Sea of Trees (down from 1500 using 75% discount teacher + training grounds)
63 WC towards Cutting
Roy Goka
Roy Goka
Stat Page : Roy Goka
Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

Just Some Light Reading Empty Re: Just Some Light Reading

Mon Nov 15, 2021 5:11 pm
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