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Onabi Hyuuga
Onabi Hyuuga
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 74750

Anxiety reading Empty Anxiety reading

Thu Feb 10, 2022 12:19 am
Onabi was nervous, he had recently signed up for the up coming Chunin exams. he only saw a few others sign up for the event. One of them being Ichika Zukumiki a tall girl that almost seemed like an adult with a slim athletic build, It kinda reminded Onabi of the toothpicks he'd find in sandwiches she sported raven black hair that reaches to the middle of her back. Her eyes looked like the plant life in the ocean but seemed dull. Her dress wear was like the young hyuugas that it was very traditional and sported the insignia of the Uchiha the red and white fan. Onabi was unsure if she would stay in the exams. And the other student trying for this rank in the new leaf village was his elder from the main branch Zunair Hyuuga. His elder wore a dark, slightly turquoise-tinted uniform. His uniform has longer, looser sleeves that are more reminiscent of those of a kimono than of the standard cuffed uniform. Along with this, the lack of bands of cloth wrapped around his calves gives his uniform an overall loose and sizable appearance. Finally, he wears dark blue tabi socks and a pair of white zori with dark blue straps. This fact started his internal dilemma. "Do I let him win?.." Onabi opted out of this train of thought and went on to read a book. "coyote's tales under the moon" a book he recently purchased and was fond of. Onabi went on to read. Well the raven is a wicked bird  cruel and they are scavengers of dead flesh. One day looking past the bars of his concert entrapment he saw it, the raven and his wings are black as sin and he floats outside his prison window mocking those within. Watching the bird Colter went off to the corner of his cell to lay down and sleep trying to ignore the omen that fall with that bird. and when he was just about to sleep he heard the bird land softly on the cell window.And he began to sing to him real low
"It's hell to where you go. For you did murder Kate McCannon."
When Colter first met Tom McCannon a greying man that bore coal marks on his face he was working in the first job he ever had, the mines. Tom one day said he had himself a dark haired daughter with long, green eyes, he showed Colter a picture of her that he hid in his wallet, Tom went on to describe this girl as the devil a girl that didn't understand the true way of the world and that she believed that she could do anything with out any for of consequences but this warning never reached Colters ears as he was fascinated but the girl his senior showed him. Colter asked where he could find Toms daughter, Tom was genially surprised and Tom loved Colter as a son so he told him and when she and Colter did meet she was bathing in the creek. Prettiest girl in the whole damn holler and That ain't no lie. Colter took this women hand and so colter went a courtin' Kate McCannon, Colter went off to leave the mines and fond him self a better job  and he quit his ramblin' and Every day he'd save A quarter of his pay so he could buy a diamond ring. Lord and one day he come home to find his "darlin' angel's" not inside So he made for the creek Where she and colter did meet And found her with some other lover And he put three rounds into Kate McCannon. 
Onabi quickly flipped to the next page as he was not very interested in the tale is told and went off to find something more up lifting.
"The Cat Prince " by Bren Reinvaded 
It was once upon a time. A small cottage stood on the edge of a big thick forest where a little boy lived with his mother. The poor child was sick, and he spent much of his time lying in bed watching the sun rise and fall. His mother loved him very much, but as it were, she was helpless to help him. and he was grateful to her and loved her in return, but it was a lonely life, spending his days re-reading some of the same books or talking to the air in their little home on the wood's edge.
One day, while the boy sat in bed, gazing out the window at the fields between his house and the woods, he observed a cat emerging from the woods. It didn't take long for the child to see that the cat approaching his house was no ordinary cat, as he had a small top hat on his head. As if that wasn't bizarre enough, the cat stood up, doffed his cap, took a bow, and the feline proclaimed as the cat pattered up beneath the boys window. "Greetings, young master. You look as if you could use a bit of dancing."
The youngster, taken aback by the stylish little cat's comments, struggled to find his voice. "Oh, no, sir," the youngster said. "I have no idea how to dance. I'm not built for it, either."
The cat responded, "Nonsense." "Anyone can dance if they put their minds to it. Come out into the open and let me show you around." As he talked, the cat put on his hat and proceeded to dance around in circles. 
Although the child was intrigued, he stated, "I'm afraid, Sir Cat, I'm sick. My lungs and bones are both too fragile for me." 
The cat said, "Oh, maybe they are and maybe they aren't." "But, in any case, you don't want to waste another day lying in bed watching the world go by, do you? Come along with me on a trip across the fields, and I'll teach you how to dance."
Despite his reservations, the child was able to descend from his window and take a few steps closer. Though he was uncertain, his heart leapt a bit as he began to follow the wonderful little cat across the grass, gently at first but with increasing vigor as they traversed the fields. And gradually, for the first time in a long time, he found himself moving into the shadow of the trees. As they wove their way deeper into the woods, the cat frolicked and capered, and the youngster ultimately found himself stepping into a ring of trees. The cat, whirling around with his hat in hand, swirled around the youngster, laughing and calling, while the boy stood there, mouth gaping, watching. The cat then flashed his top hat down on top of the boy's head, completely engulfing him in darkness. 
But only for a minute, since all around him, hundreds of eyes, feline eyes gleaming in the dark, shone brightly.Suddenly, lamps flashed to life all around him, and the child realized he was no longer in the woods. He entered a big ballroom that was festively adorned and brimming with cats. Big cats, little cats, elderly cats, young cats, cats of every kind and color, and the boy's feline guide stood in the center of the big hall on a platform. He was clad in extremely exquisite garments now, and a delicate golden crown of woven golden leaves lay on his head.
As the enormous horde of cats bowed to their lord and then bowed to him, the kid gazed in awe and astonishment. The royal cat remarked, "The world of mankind is weighty and rough." "But here, over the curtain, we take a more leisurely pace. Come dance with us, kid, and forget about your problems for a while." 
Suddenly, a swarm of cats surrounded the child, purring and twisting around his thick-as-the-sea legs. And the boy's feet walked along with them. As a cork on the sea, he spun among them, and before he realized it, the youngster was dancing — dancing and dancing like he'd never believed he could. And, to to his amazement, his breath was thick and hale. He discovered that he was no longer sick in the least.
Hours passed, and he and all the cats danced nonstop, the prince of cats much more so than the others. After a long time, the youngster suddenly remembered his mother and thought that she would become concerned. He came to a halt in the center of the large hall and addressed the prince of cats, saying, "I'm sorry, Sir Cat, but I'm afraid I can't remain any longer. My mom will be concerned. I had to go back."
All the cats parted before him and the prince approached the boy. "Are you sure, youngster? You could stay and dance with us for as long as you wish, forever and ever and ever."
"I'm afraid I can't," the youngster said. "My self is the only one she has, and I would never abandon her. Please accept my apologies." 
The prince of cats regarded the youngster with pity. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no There's nothing to be afraid of. You are a credit to your mom." With that, the prince of cats took a step forward. "Don't be too downhearted. Take the grace of our feline agility with you. If you have the desire, you can always dance." He then took out his top hat from behind his back and put it over the boy's eyes, making everything black once more.
The youngster twitched and his eyelids flickered open after a while. He looked around and realized he'd been sleeping in the woods, and the sun was now shining through the trees, dappling his face. Then he observed a ragged patched top hat laying next him in the soft grass. He took it carefully in his hands and stood within the same circle of trees. He took a big breath and smelt the dirt and the trees as he did so, and he noticed that his breath was powerful and his legs were tough. 
As he glanced down at the hat in his hands, he exclaimed, "Thank you sir cat, Thank you so much." And he wore it on his head, he smiled, kicked up his heels, and quietly started to dance his way all the way back home.
Onabi smiled but the matter of winning or losing still troubled him. What was the answer to his dilemma. He scanned the story over and over again trying to take a hidden meaning from its words. The black ink that stained the pages of the book had to hold some sort of power that would help him decide what to do when the time finally came. scanning through the novel again his eyes went wide as he saw what the story was trying to convey. He knew the answer now.
The End.
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